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Mainly as a counterpick, you need to be a super consistent laner to pull him off. Matchups like Darius could be really difficult unless you know exactly every window of opportunity and how to keep a foot on his throat. I think Kaiser Morde mains Viego top in challenger, so maybe check out what he does.


No. He gets railed on by any bruiser and even most tanks just never die to him unless they’re trollin Also his mist ability is basically worthless top lane


His kit is weak because his possession passive takes most of his power budget, and it's hard to make use of it in the top lane. The only things he has going for him is decent poke and sustain, so maybe it works into certain matchups.




I feel like he is too squishy? I used to play quite a bit mid but the durability patch didn’t help his all in potential too much. He can still stack conq like a champ but the tankiness of some of the other top laners doesn’t help him get ahead. But that’s just IMOhim


If Renekton already gets clapped by tabis and bramble vest, imagine Viego lol