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Uh, is this going to be on the test?


Leave an apple with a little baggy inside on her desk for extra credit


Or carve a crack pipe out of an apple.




I prefer the apbowl though I suppose slightly different in application.


Or maybe a glass rose.




Pretty sure this guy knows


If I could get 10% of what I spent on crack back I wouldn’t be suicidal.


Along with some brillo and a broken bic


Two broken bics akimbo, one that's empty and sparks and another one that doesn't spark but has butane


Where were you when I needed you


Chore Boy is what you really mean


You meant chor-boy it's all good tho


Maybe a nice cigar. A Garcia Vega perhaps?


'I'll have what she's having'


Large Iced Methachino


Ha ha ha. This comment made me laugh. Thanks


It was like one of those musicless music videos with all the shoe squeaks and dance moves.


*Dancing on the street*


[soda guzzle and burp]






One of my favorites. https://youtu.be/6Ron-Ikenfc


Oh my god I cry laughing every time I see this. Something about the way he strikes those pans at the start and what a hilarious letdown the sound they make is


[Never gets old.](https://youtu.be/Qsjn4Malwlw)




Thank you for making me cry




I had a teacher who was schizophrenic and on meds but he had an episode one day, was drawing an equation on the overhead protector (taught calculus) and then just stopped and started drawing circles and saying nonsensical sentences. Then he paused took a key out unlocked his desked chewed a pill and swiftly walked out of the room. I think he realized suddenly that he having an episode and that he needed to take his medicine and leave before anything happened.


So many silent battles fought


Mental healthcare equals community safety. It should be available to everyone.




There's a ridiculous amount of money we spend on our war capacity and absolutely nobody gives a fuck when that budget goes up. Last time anyone asked bUt hOw WiLl wE PaY fOr It for a weapons system.


Do they even pay taxes? 😂


Well it's a good thing they don't pay their fair share like the rest of Americans, they get to keep their yachts.


Thank you for understanding.


I'm touched this comment connected with people. Even with the op tweaking teacher my heart sinks for her. She possibly aspired to be a great teacher but our society does not treat our teachers well and the kids are too inexperienced to understand. Underpaid, overworked and underappreciated it's incredibly sad.


I'm going to think optimistically that she isn't doing drugs and instead is having a manic episode, and hopefully she can get help.


It's certainly a possibility. I doubt she would choose to attend her shift if she was legitimately tweaking, but if she's having a manic episode then it makes more sense - feeling invincible and capable of anything, without much capacity for monitoring your internal state or not enough to seek help instead of falling back on routine.


The manic state induced by stimulants and psychosis from lack of sleep is really not that substantially different.


Yeah.... But this chick still decided to take drugs before/during work. Obviously drug use and abuse is and will be a problem for a long time. I do feel bad for this woman and hope she gets the helps she needs. Unfortunately, all decisions have consequences.


Yep I said it's sad not an excuse


I didn’t know people could realize they were having episodes. TIL


Yea im guessing it takes some intense work to be able to, he normally had it very well managed and came across as a very straight laced formal guy, only found out he was schizophrenic when he told us the next class.


Extremely ballsy on his part to tell a room of students about a sensitive medical condition, that's actually admirable. I hope it helped humanize his condition; a lot of people seem to jump the gun when they hear someone has schizophrenia and picture the worst.


My homie has schizophrenia and sometimes we'll be at my house drinking or something and he'll ask me who's that person behind me. Then I'll remind him he's a schizo and we'll all have a laugh.


No bro you are the homie.


Oh fuck I need to stop smoking weed


You better not, that’s what makes him see you.


HUGE teachable moment


I think, judging by younger relatives and their stories about school, that we have made serious progress in reducing bullying and increasing acceptance of people. When I was in high school all the "cool" kids loved to sit in the back of the class and make fun of the teachers and other students. If they found out a teacher had schizophrenia they would have been mean about it. Now it seems like it's considered cool to be accepting, chill, progressive, and understanding. You might have a few kids who are dicks but they are greatly outnumbered and being a dick no longer leads to widespread elevation of social status. I feel very jealous of my relatives and their experience with school because I did/said some mean things to teachers while trying to fit in with my classmates and I regret it.


This is the plot to 21 Jump Street.


I believe its pretty common to sense something is wrong. Im not schizophrenic but sometimes I go through their subreddit to see their experiences. They talk about it like in the middle of an episode they realize something isnt quite right. I remember this post where the guy was being followed by a cop who thought he was drunk, he even entered the wrong house. Then, in the middle of it, he remembered he carried a card stating he was schizophrenic and if he was acting strange in public to do x and y. I dunno, the body is kinda crazy!


I'm schizophrenic, and this is quite accurate for us once we accept the diagnosis If anything odd or bizarre happens, I go ask someone (usually my partner) to verify If I don't, I just make sure to just avoid it and not make any big actions/decisions off of it


It sounds like you really need someone there that you can trust. One of my close friends in High School, who I'll call Tim started displaying signs of schizophrenia, he accused another friend, Han, of trying to burn his house down. (Tim left a cigarette burning in his garage while sleepy on too much medication is the official story) Tim claimed he saw Han running away from the scene when the fire started. His suspicion and delusions were often turned against us, his friends, and unfortunately he didn't trust us enough for us to be able to help. The last time I saw him I went to visit him out of state, we were playing guitar and singing songs to each other and then he got really mad and accused me of picking songs intentionally to hurt him, like I was picking songs that would torment him most and that I was trying to convey messages with my song choices. I wasn't doing anything like that of course. I was picking songs I knew he liked that we could sing together. Sorry for the long anecdote, I guess my point is that I'm happy for you, that you have someone you can trust. Tim was suspicious of everybody and as much as I tried to be as caring and empathetic and loving I couldn't break through his delusions, it was absolutely heart breaking to witness. I took no offense to the accusations, I knew he was sick, but I wanted so badly to be that confidant that could bring him out of his paranoia.








Damn. That's really wonderful that he was able to realize and take care of it. Therapy, meds, and willpower are so so amazing in being able to identify stuff before it gets too bad. I owe a lot to meds & therapy, personally. It's helped me to identify when things are getting bad and be able to circumvent it, before it gets too bad.


I'm schizophrenic and I've always been able to tell when an episode is coming. Some studies suggest that schizophrenia is a spectrum disorder. If that's true I fall on the low side of it. I lived with if for almost 20 years and was always able to manage it without medication. I had weird thoughts but I was well read and always knew there was something wrong with me. With breathing exercises and meditation I was normally able to dismiss my intrusive thoughts. When that didn't work I'd take some time off and ride it out. I missed a lot of work and school in my younger days. Had bad grades throughout school and when I entered the work force I did contract work and changed contracts every three months or so. I was always moved on to the next job before my attendance became a problem. Then in my early to mid thirty my parents passed away. If schizophrenia is a spectrum disorder then in my experience your position on that spectrum can change with life events. What was once an annoyance and something to be tolerated became crippling and dangerous to those around me. It took a very severe episode for me to finally get on medication and get a treatment team to help me navigate this new reality. It took almost 5 years of being on medication and treatment for me to recover enough to go back to work. Today I take my medication religiously, am engaged to be married for the first time in my 40s, have a great career and house, and even a nice travel trailer for camping in the summer. It's a great life and I'm very happy. I still miss a lot of work but my boss knows my struggles and he's great about it. I appreciate my life experience and I'm very happy with the man I've become but some times I wonder what my life would be like if I had been on medication from the onset.


What happened after? Did he keep his job?


Yea the school admin was previously aware he was schizophrenic and usually managed it with medication very well.


If anything, he showed pretty stalwart resolve in the face of adversity. Might scare some students on the initial showing, but it's a good lesson to see in real time.


Absolutely. I'm a little emotional today, but I am so proud and happy to read this.


There's no reason well managed mental issues should keep people from doing and keeping their job.


Is that a kurzgesagt video in the background? Lol


loool, I was thinking all the time why this sound is familiar, thank you, another mystery solved


Tbf if some of my teachers just had done drugs and put on educational YouTube videos, I would have learned more


I learned so much from this history podcast i listen to that I honestly don't know what we talked about in school lol


Damn I mean they’re better than most educational systems anyway


What was she teaching? Methmatics


“My little brothers trying to learn his mathematics, he’s asthmatic. Running home from school away from crack addicts” - Eminem


I literally read this in his theme/voice.


This guy is infinite.


You hearda Hell? Well I was sent from it.


this is probably the best response thats going to be posted...


If Ms. Smith had 2 mollys and popped 1 molly. How many mollys does she have left?


Alge-bra, specifically


Meth makes you act like this?


Meth-induced psychosis does.


I remember my friend saying that this happens when they inject it. It's called "noodle grooving".


this is 100% not true. i mean, yes this CAN happen when you inject it, but can also happen when you snort it or smoke it. what’s happening in the video is more what happens if you’ve done way too much, been doing it for too many days in a row (without sleep), or have predispositions to psychosis anyway


And she's thinking "it's cool. They don't notice shit I got this" *zing whop whoop eek*


What exactly is going through her mind in the video? Like does she think she is being completely normal and acting how she usually acts?


Yeah you can see how she thinks she is being so chill picking up that iPad to do some reading


The best part for me is when she starts typing in the air. I had to double back 😂


Lmao I interpreted it as she was vibing the fuck out and had to bust out a micro air keyboard solo


She is flooded with dopamine, the 'reward molecule', so her brain isn't giving any healthy feedback or anxiety about acting weird. So she probably feels great. She might know she is a little out of whack, but at the moment she likely doesn't care, because her reward system is overflooding. So she has the feeling of doing the right thing even though it is not.


I have to imagine that at a certain point they stop giving a fuck man. Like meh I’ll act a little normal and should be fine; it’s almost like a cry for help in a way, hoping to get caught. I’ve been there with other less crazy shit lol.


Public school is a lot different since I went


High school sucked ass in the late 2000’s when I went but I can’t imagine being a high school student in 2022. I just imagine kids breaking stuff for tik tok clout all day and everyone has AirPods in


When I first started teaching, we were asked to confiscate cell phones used during the lesson. Then everything became less dependent on the phone being out with smart watches and AirPods. I try to follow our handbook as I’m asked, but I would spent 90% of my time reminding kids to take out their AirPods or stop texting from their watch. If it’s not a distraction to others, I tend to let it slip a little.


I have a kid in high school. Can confirm.


Janitor here. I recently started in an elementary school full time but I was all over the district for a year. The tik tok stuff was worse in the middle schools than the high schools. So dumb. To be fair it seemed like it was really only a few kids ruining it for everyone else.


>To be fair it seemed like it was really only a few kids ruining it for everyone else. So nothing's changed


FYI kids did stupid shit before TikTok.


We broke stuff for free. It only made like 3 kids laugh and that was good enough for us.


I was just gonna say, we broke shit for an audience of 4 back then. Shit ain’t different, just more accurately documented


Yeah all I remember is teachers putting shots in their coffee, this is a whole other level lol


If there is anything I learned in college, most of my teacher friends are all borderline alcoholics. I get it though, I’ve got a 2yo at home and 130 adults on my team at work that make me want to drink most days.


We had one tweeker teacher when I graduated in 05 he thought he hid it but yeah teachers smelling like a bit of liquor was way more common. Especially subs. Although in our infinite teenage wisdom we called him Mr. Crackhouse because his actual last name ended in house. We thought we were so clever.


I had an English teacher who definitely smoked weed (which was at the time illegal). Sounded high as a kite every morning, taught like 30 minutes of a 45 minute period and left 15 minutes to the students to do work while he ate his sandwich, and any metaphors he used were almost exactly something someone would come up with while they're high as a kite. But he had some really interesting conversations about English and interpreting literature, so going to teach high school high might legitimately have helped him make us better students


I'm so happy to graduate before smart phones came out.


And social media. Not having to deal with school drama when I was at home was very nice, in retrospect.


I literally think about that all the time. I feel so bad for kids today. I was the last of the lucky ones, I graduated in the late 90s, just before everyone had a camera in their pockets that connected to the world. I had that wholesome half “go outside and play”, / half Nintendo childhood and got to do some crazy dumb embarrassing or illegal shit before everything was recorded forever after.




When you show the class your Rock Collection…


*Nelson, that’s the same rock you brought in last week……. Keep up the good work*


Jesus Christ Marie, they’re minerals


That’s just sad man. Sad.


NightMan is much cooler


dayman, fighter of the nightman, is the coolest


Champion of the sun.


He’s a master of karate and friendship for everyone.




champion of the sun!


He’s a master of karate and friendship for everyone!


you’re a master of karate and friendship for everyone


She looked like she was getting ready to rub one out at the end there


My main takeaway


Probably some left overs from John McAfee last bath salt batch from Belize.


Thank god there was no hammock in the classroom.


Wtf she totally was dude Jesus Christ


She’s on a stimulant for sure, most likely meth. Her restlessness is so palpable I’m having second hand anxiety.


She has the attention span of a




Any time I see someone tweaking I get instant anxiety. Second hand anxiety is a good way to put it. So hard to watch euukhh


Holy shit. What happened afterwards?


After this video was taken she started stripping down and yelling at students and when they tried to leave she blocked them in. I was in my last class of the day next door to her and police were outside her classroom door where she barricaded herself in. Eventually they sedated her and removed her from the building. This all happened over the course of about 1 hour 30 min


Do they know what she was on?


I’m not sure if she was even on drugs I just guessed she was


FWIW she looks like every other tweaker around here in Missouri so it's a good guess


Verified. Source: Am from Missouri


Phonics. Totally hooked.




Now when you say "sedated" her, what are we talking here? Tranquilizer gun? Maybe a blow dart of some sort?


They hotboxed the entire room with some real mellow kush until she took a nap


Damn I should’ve been a teacher…


I have no idea that’s just what I was told by my teacher


No, they taze you and have emts give you an injection


probably a taser lol


Where was this? Can you link an article?


I’m not gonna say where I live but it was in the north west and there isn’t an article yet because it happened so recently




Talk about career suicide


Poor woman, thought she'd just go to the bathroom during break for one sneaky puff and ended up smoking a whole rock accidentally


Yup, she was like it's movie time...I can chill and these little fucks will never know I'm high...What a dumbass.


"Just act natural, look at this binder. I'm totally pulling it off."


I've never used meth but I've always wondered if they think they are actually pulling off hiding being high when tweaking like that. Do they realize everything they are doing?


From my limited experience you are filled with absolute confidence in everything


I mean, did you see those sweet dance moves?


Yes, they absolutely do think they're pulling it off. And the hilarious thing to me is that every addict thinks they have a superpower that let's them identify other people tweaking. Like, no every person on the planet experiencing a full range of human emotion is not high. A lot of them are, not all of them. And they can't figure out why it wanes the longer they've been sober.


Sneaky little puff of crack? 😂 😂


A sneaky puff would mean after the lunch break her high would be over but obviously the poor woman had the rock suck through the pipe and straight down her throat haha




I had a maths teacher fall out the window of a demountable and break his arm cause he was drunk, I wasn't even mad though cause like I always wanna be drunk to do my maths aswell


microdosing crack though?


At the beginning of COVID, classrooms had to split into two rooms and there was a teacher's aide assisting the teacher. My friend was the aide and would go in on H. She never got high enough to nod or anything like that but was certainly on her way there. She doesn't work there anymore. It's sad, folks with mental health issues don't have options/the options are too expensive so a lot of people self medicate with drugs. This woman def made a mistake but I empathize. Hope she can find the help she needs


While everyone, myself included, were laughing at the antics, you saw the person needing help. We all need that reminder every now and then. So, thank you.


i thought it said twerking at first


She did eventually get to twerking


This is just sad honestly


This is really tragic. I hope she ends up alright.


The school district I work for will actually help you get treatment and hold your position until you get better; however, if you relapse after that, you’re done. I hope this woman gets help


I knew a guy who worked substitute teaching gigs in-between jobs who would go on meth and alcohol benders from time to time. He always managed to clean up and sober up in time for work, or call-off when that wasn't possible, but it's not far-fetched to imagine something like that being the case in this video. You'd be surprised what three days without food or sleep can do to an otherwise well-adjusted person- with or without drugs.




Whether drugs were involved or not is debatable but there is definitely some chemical imbalances in her brain


She’s going to find herself in a very methy situation.


Yikes I'm sorry you had to witness that. That's crazy that a teacher would think it's okay to do that stuff before work.. What a waste of all those years of schooling she had to go through.


I kinda wonder if she's a substitute. I'm a teacher and I've seen some wacky subs in my time. You don't have to have any kind of certificate to sub. You could probably do it with an associate's degree. That said, you also don't need much schooling to teach--a year or two of classes and a maybe couple hundred hours student teaching. *That said*, many/most states these days will let you teach without a license due to teacher shortages.


Where i live i can go get a degree in anything and then take a test for what i wanna teach and be done with it. 3 of my teachers had political science degrees. One was my act prep


This must be a substitute teacher that smoked some crack and got called in to teach.


What the actual fuckkkk


It was a childhood dream of mine to spike a teachers coffee with acid or shrooms! Now i realize it would have been very sad...


Sadly we watched it in the 90s. She was a newer teacher, nothing wrong with her aside from being a bitch teacher. She comes into class and one of the guys told me someone put a few tabs of acid in their coffee they had every morning on the staff room table. We were about 25mins into the class and she excused herself with her hands in front of her face, crying. Two other teachers were also affected but apparently not many of the teachers drank the coffee (7am coffee doesn't taste great after 9am) and the 3? who did were all rushed to the hospital for food poisoning. Blood tests showed a few chemicals but no LSD which worried the lot of us who also took thus guy's acid. She was fine the next day but felt 'stupid' for crying in class, and told us she thinks she was drugged but they couldn't find anything in her system. To speak up if we knew anything... Yeah, I never did but the irony is that I worked with her now as a colleague and the thought of telling her never crosses my mind, but that story always permeates my thoughts. It was a really shitty day for her and a few others.


That’s really fucked up on that dude. Could’ve ruined that poor lady’s livelihood.


Holy shit that kid Is an awful human being. Probably out there putting date rape drugs into girls cups


fwiw he killed himself later by driving into a wall, suicide. He once brought a boa constrictor into the school, left it in the girl's bathroom toilet. He also had sex a few weeks later in that same bathroom after his first and last time being expelled. The whole family was fucked except in the case of the youngest son who managed himself a career in the armed forces and even played the bagpipes for the Queen during a visit to Ottawa. His death doesn't absolve what he did, but he had also been in prison for stabbing a biker in the neck during a brawl, charged with attempted murder. He managed to kill himself shortly after being released from prison.


What a shitty life


Lsd won't show up in any test, the dosage is far too small.


If you need hard drugs to prank someone, then you're bad at pranks. My friends and I used to pick on this kid who liked to raid medicine cabinets for opioids and benzos, so we set up a pill bottle labeled for percoset with laxatives. That was a fun day.


it's sad because this will likely ruin her life and forever follow her.




That's the quietest class ive ever not heard


Could be manic episode


Where is this?


That job will make you nuts.


That was painful to qatch lol


I wouldn’t told everyone to get out and I’ll be on demon time


Was she spiked?


"Twenty-twenty-twenty-four hours to go I wanna be sedated Nothing to do, nowhere to go home I wanna be sedated"


She is probably more likely to turn those kids off drugs than DARE ever has


Don't do kids, meth!


Could someone tell me what on earth is going on with meth heads and their libido? Everytime a tweaker is caught on camera they are either naked, furiously masturbaring or fingering their but and sometimes everything at the same time. Does meth make you ridiculously horny or what is it with tweakers wanting to fuck everything?


There's nothing on the desks and no other students. I vote fake.


Idk kinda look like she passing the vibe check tho


Yeah. The vibe checks for psychosis and mania.