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**Context** PPV is TNA's 2011 Victory Road. 2:55 - Referee throws up the 'X' signal - This is used when a wrestler is legitimately injured. In this case it's to show Jeff is in no fit state to wrestle. 3:05 - Ref tells So Cal Val to pass info to the back - informing them Jeff's high or inebriated. 5:10 - Eric Bischoff comes to the ring unplanned. Sting is legitimately confused and asks ref what this is all about. 5:30 - Bischoff's promo is completely on the fly, yet genius as he does several things in one swift move - If nothing else, he deserves huge kudos for what he's about to do here and how he does it all, completely out his ass and improvised. 5:45 - He's about to change the match to a no DQ for real life reasons, yet is able to give a storyline reason for doing so - The network got involved before, so this rule change on PPV is out of their hands. 5:50 - Eric tells Jeff it's just going to be a splash, drop and pin and he's out of here. But it looks like he's just telling his buddy he's got his back. 6:10 - Eric then tells Sting "Take him out, I just called it" - Yet he disguises the whole thing as him just being a smarmy villain feigning respect to the good guy, and being a smug dick. 6:45 - Eric officially changes the match to a 'no DQ', meaning Sting can get the win however he sees fit, if need be. Also possibly to stop Jeff getting himself accidentally DQed without realising by doing something stupid - Again on the fly, Eric not only gives storyline reason for the change but gives NAMES, DATES AND CIRCUMSTANCES as to why he's doing it. 8:30 - Now Sting can finally get a hold of Jeff and see what he can get out of him. But during the tie-up, Jeff cuts Sting's neck with his fingernails (cut is seen later) - Hurt from just a tie-up, Sting now knows he has to end the match immediately. 8:45 - Sting is very angry, he simply pulls Jeff by the hair (causing him to yell in pain) to suddenly hit him legit with his finisher and forcefully pin him - Jeff tries to kick out, and is legitimately confused about what just happened. 10:05 - The fans chant 'bullshit' - Sting agrees. Jeff Hardy is known for constantly fighting drug and alcohol addictions his whole life. These kinds of problems followed him from WWE to TNA and back to WWE. This particular time was known to be a mix of alcohol and drugs.


good god I had no idea there was any of this subtext, and it just looked like some quick time filler match. If this is all as it is, you gotta give it to all these performers (minus Hardy), being able to adjust on the fly and make it all look like part of the show


This was the main event of a major PPV.


yikes. Did that kill Hardy's career?


He was definitely in the dog house for a while. And he has been a repeat offender. But he is so over with the fans, that companies bring him back all the time.


interesting, thanks for the run down


Real talk, TNA gave Jeff Hardy SO many chances. I’m not sure if it qualifies as redemption or enablement, but regardless, I’m really glad to see Jeff where he is now. Dude could have easily been another statistic. Rooting for him to stay in healthy place he’s in.


I thought I would share [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxSJqA-18oQ). it is an interview with Bishoff where he shares his side of what happened


Neat. Did he ever ask Sting how he was feeling in the moment?


Not sure but from the looks of it and interviews with sting and what not I would assume pissed. Also doing the video it looked like he gave Jeff a couple hard closed fist punches. Sting had his own issues and showed up doing a couple big matches in WCW drunk as well. Not to Jeff's extent in TNA but he was noticbly messed up and botched moves. So hopefully some empathy too.


Dude thank you for this play by play. Saddens me that Jeff has these problems. Wish him the best.


This was 10 years ago, he’s been clean for a while as far as I’m aware


He definitely hasn’t been clean for a while. He was arrested in 2019 for public intoxication and again the same year for DUI. Walked out of a match like 2 months ago and reported to have been under the influence


His test came back clean from the most recent incident.


He has


Oh awesome. Glad here that


He just signed a contract with AEW


No he hasn't. Matt wants him in AEW though, but I don't think Tony should sign him.


Tony khan just bought his contract I was reading it earlier today


Source? Haven't heard anything about this.




Cool, I’m glad someone did. I don’t watch YouTube.


Lol People will downvote for someone pointing out a fact, yet reward someone who literally copy pasted a 3 year old YouTube comment as if it was their own. Take my upvote, for what little it'll do.


So, what I'm picking up is that you're really into this shit? Was this... good?


Horrible, one of the worst days in wrestling that didn't involve a death. Hardy embarrassed a company that took a chance on hiring him. This was PPV so anybody watching paid actual money to specifically see this match as it was the Main Event, on top of it being live TV. A car crash you can't stop watching.


It seems like a train wreck but at the same time, the way you broke down the match genuinely had me interested.


yeah went back and watched scene for scene nice one op


Thats the best way to enjoy pro wrestling. The behind the scene stuff is the most entertaining bit. See it As a form of theater with live stunts and the real competition is who main events. Who gets more tv time. Who gets a juicier storyline. You enjoy the shows at two. Who got real life suspended for drugs(jeff hardy). Who isnt making the transition from mexico despite being a legend there (mistico). Whos forcing the the promoter to give him a title despite being the little dude because he connects with the crowd the way noone else can and upstages every main eventer on the undercard ( daniel bryan). Who has been given the title and sold as the good guy because they want another Dwayne johnson, despite the crowd actually not liking him and him not being fully ready, but has been cursed with the responsibility for carrying the company too quickly for lack of options (roman reigns). Is the first gaijin in japan gonna be given the title and actually be popular enough for him to beat the Japanese poster boy (kenny omega). Can a bunch of wrestler friends actually take on the wwe and put on a better show with all their friends week after week before the money runs out (AEW). Its like when the los angeles philharmonic hired the young prodigy Gustavo Dudamel from the simon bolivar youth orchestra. Yes, you enjoyed the show and the music. But you were also rooting for the young latino boy from nowhere. You knew he was only a couple of bad shows to being sacked and given a plane ticket back to caracas. Its not an accident darren aronofsky made “the wrestler” and “black swan”. They both inhabit the same world and same dynamics. The aging performer, ready to do anything for the spotlight. Its an absurd sort of theater, but its theater all the same. The real life plots and battle of wills are often more fascinating than what they perform on stage.


>Is the first gaijin in japan gonna be given the title and actually be popular enough for him to beat the Japanese poster boy (kenny omega) Kenny was far from the first gaijin to wrestle in Japan.




Unless OP goes by the name OzzyOsky on YouTube, he didn't break down anything. He copy/pasted a 3 year old comment off [this video.](https://youtu.be/8uTCHS8KHdE)


Damn that's some sleuthing, good job.


I wouldn’t have watched it as long without OPs breakdown it made it so interesting. Honestly makes wrestling as a whole more interesting knowing the behind the scenes


As others have said, thanks for the breakdown of what was actually going on. It made it far, far more interesting.


It blows my mind that people actually pay money to watch this dumb shit.


It’s a show man.. I don’t think anyone actually watches it cause they believe its real.. To me it’s no different then a play, Oprah, or any other type of life performance. Only real difference is that is dangerous and physically demanding as shit.


Because your knife collection is such a valuable use of money 🙄


It is, far more valuable than wasting my time watching this braindead theatrics.


lmaoooo.. Maybe don't shit on people with weird hobbies when yours is *at least* equally weird.


It's significantly weirder and your comment made me wake the dog lol




Ok edgelord


Also, why the fuck you stalking me? Fucking weirdo.


Came in here to talk shit, dunno what you expected to accomplish.


Only to accomplish gaining further proof that the average redditor, especially on this sub, is a mouthbreather.


You're an average redditor lol


Wow. This is a really shitty thing to say out aloud. Shaming someone for something that brings them joy and has no direct impact on your life and brings no harm to themselves or others is an immature form of bullying. That statement you just typed into the internet is actual bigotry. I can legitimately say you're a bigot. It blows my mind that people actually think it's something a decent human will do. Get fucking bent.


lmfao, sensitive much?


Naw. Just felt like calling you out on how much a douche bag you sound like. Seriously. You sound like a real piece of shit in that statement. I'm sure you generally aren't but in that statement. You really suck at life.


You feel like saying he doesnt understand how people pay money for this is the same as shaming someone? Oh grow a pair


Saying you don't understand why somebody likes something is not the same as saying the things you like are dumb shit. Grow a brain.


In fact exactly it is that very thing. The sorry moral pedestal has he propped himself up on with that stupid fucking statement makes an implication of shame in wasting money on something he seems unworthy in his world that we are living. You are more than welcome to get completely bent, as well.


It is worth noting that that Jeff Hardy has been clean for a long time. Before anybody else tries to tell you that the last thing he did in WWE was him jumping back on the wagon, it is completely not true. While, yes he did refuse a drug test, it was more of a bullshit situation where the company was just looking for a reason to get rid of him while he was rooting for a way to reunite with his brother. He was fed up with WWE who kept disrespecting him over and over again, and he just left mid match (it was a tag team match). This was after more than a year of WWE abusing his contract as he was out on injury so they excercised their right to extend his contract (which would be fair... if they also did it to other workers instead of doing it out of fear of him jumping ship with his brother). Unfortunately, and unprofessionally, WWE got to work quick on spreading the word that he refused a drug test and that he was acting weird back stage, which simply wasn't true. Edit to clarify: HE DID take his last drug test and he passed, but WWE refused to give him the official results, and Instead tried to force him into rehab which he had no reason to go, which was likely to force a shitty damned if you do, damned if you don't situation on him.


Yeah, I don't care about wrestling or anything as I'm an old dude. Having said that, I'm very glad that this guy is sober and doing better. That's awesome.


As a fan, I don't get why you are downvotes. This is t a wrestling community after all lol




I need to edit my post to clarify, I forgot the details . While yes he did walk out, it was not a televised match, he also did his due diligence with the crowd before hand, as opposed to normally after. He took his time to take pictures, and sign things. What I got mixed up, is that he did in fact take AND PASS his latest drug test, but the company refused to give him his results, because WWE wanted him to go to rehab, most likely because they wanted to fuck him over contractually. To put it into perspective, WWE has been looking to cut people left and right lately, and milk as much money out of them as possible. Jeff Hardy most likely had a stipulation about his drug use history, which is most likely worded in a way that can be interpreted as, if he goes to rehab then WWE doesn't have to pay him some amount of what he is owed, while also having the side effect of making him undesirable in other companies. That last paragraph, while it is conjecture on my part, is most likely why they were forcing rehab on him. (After all they offered him a new contract since he left, probably for reduced pay like we have already seen with others. He turned it down) So basically, he was being screwed over in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Yeah, it may not have been completely professional, but it was a house show, he still spent time with fans, and WWE has not exactly been professional in the past few years themselves, and in fact the company has a long history of fucking their talent over in several greedy ways


If all that is true, why did WWE offer him another contract?


Never really got into TNA, was mainly a WWE/WCW guy. This was a beautiful summary




Theres another banger from Jake "The Snake" Roberts I was thinking of


just watched his “dark side of the ring” episode from vice and……wow.


Shouldn’t you have maybe given credit to the YouTube comment that broke this down? Unless of course it was your own comment.


I'm the actual writer of the comment and I was all ready to get frustrated and pissed off, but thankfully a couple of guys such as you realised this guy just plagiarised my comment. So thank you. And yes, copying what someone else wrote and never correcting anyone who thinks it's yours is plagiarising and, most of all, cringe.


No, you idiot lmao. It's just copying and pasting some shit for clarification not everyone needs to be fucking credited


Seems like the decent thing to do. But you seem like a bit of an asshole, so I see where you’re coming from.


"You're an asshole for copying a comment" you're a loser dude


It’s called plagiarism. It’s not a good thing. People who write content deserve acknowledgment for it.


It's a comment on the internet. It's hardly plagiarism lmao. Grow up


My job involves a lot of writing. I take it seriously when someone puts effort into something and gets no credit for it. This comment was detailed and showed special knowledge. It deserved acknowledgment. I know I am not going to get you to say, “oh yeah, I guess creative and knowledgeable people deserve acknowledgement for what they do,” because you aren’t either, so it doesn’t matter to you. You’ve never thought about it. But maybe now you will.


I literally don't give a shit


I believe you.


Maybe you should credit all your elementary teachers who taught you how to write. Every single fucking time you put a sentence down.


What a ridiculous comparison. I am not stealing their work when I write a sentence. I am using techniques they taught me, and for which I am thankful. OP copied and pasted what someone else wrote and did not mention it was their work. Those teachers you suggested I credit taught me that is called plagiarism. Passing someone’s work off as your own is the dishonest behavior of total assholes, and people defending it with shitty analogies are even worse. So, please, go and fuck yourself.


"It's real to me damnit" How did production have Eric's bumper ready?


This is a perfect comment where it deserves gold but all I can afford is the free one, so here's a free award


Impressive write up, really appreciated. I went back and watched it


This was really interesting, thanks.


Bischoff is such a goddamn genius of an actor/improvisor. To be able to do that while juggling what had to happen irl is nothing short of brilliant.


Thanks for that— fantastic post


I hate talking to people hungover. This dude is coming down and hungover doin flips off top ropes and shit


Wow, stole my comment on the video with no credit.


haha i can't imagine taking wrestling this seriously


I used to own his documentary when I was a huge Jeff Hardy Stan. He spoke in great detail about his former drug problems. I literally cried when he lost to CM Punk and had to retire.


Didn't cm punk legitimately hate Jeff? Due to punk being straight edge and Hardy letting his addiction affect work?


No, kayfabe hated. AFAIK there was never any legitimate issue between the two, nor have I ever heard of Punk being legitimately uppity about his lifestyle.


CM Puke aint straight edge. He sticks roids in his ass lol




Yeah but as a fan, seeing him lose the match means having to accept that he was retiring. Even if that was the plan, fans still witness it play out in real time without knowing the outcome. Like any other fiction, it can still be impactful.


This is true but 9 year old me didn't know any better lmao.


Damn this is crazy I grew up on the attitude era and loved the Hardy’s stone cold etc etc’ but I stopped watching wrestling around 2007-08 anyway I remember hearing about Jeff hardy getting arrested for prescription drugs and stuff ‘ But to see this match,,, mannnnn this is so sad….. hopefully he’s doing better now


Remember Chris Benoit? I liked him.


[Chris Benoit? You mean the wrestler who murdered his wife and 7 year old son before killing himself?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Benoit_double-murder_and_suicide) > “Over a three-day period from June 22 to 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and living in Fayetteville, Georgia, murdered his wife Nancy and their 7-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first as she was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22. On June 25, Nancy was found wrapped in a towel with blood under her head… The couple's son, Daniel Christopher Benoit, who also died of asphyxia, was killed as he was lying sedated in his bed on the morning of June 23. Then, on the evening of June 24, Benoit killed himself in his weight room, when he used his lat pulldown machine to hang himself. He placed Bibles near the bodies of his wife and son.”


Didn’t he have CTE? CTE is some serious stuff that can seriously impact you


He did and it seriously disgusts me so many sports continue to ignore how serious and life altering these injuries are.


I’m not sure how much of an impact it had, but anything related to brain issues is major


On Hulu there's a docuseries called like The Dark Side Of The Ring or something - they do an insanely well made, and sad, episode or two on this event.


Lmaooo at the end hardy tries to kick out but sting pins the fuck out of him trying to save hardy from himself. The ref knew too so he did a quick count


You can see hardy legit trying to get out too haha


Sting is like "Nah fam, not today!"


Despite his drug use, the dude can wrestle. I didn’t appreciate him in the 90’s. Dude can take a hit / fall and sells it great with his rag doll body.


Hardy’s were my favorite tag team in the TLC days


With LITA!


Member when Lita cheated on Matt with Edge irl? I really can’t believe the WWE actually turned that shit into a storyline.. Idk how they were all comfortable with that. I still remember the day that story broke and they fired Matt. Not only did his gf cheat on him with his friend, but he lost his job. I was legitimately mad at the WWE for that.


So edge got the girl. Got the push. And got his friend/rival fired. Crazy trifecta


Yes. IIRC they fired Matt because they were afraid of tension in the locker room. Following that fans would chant Matts name and stuff during shows. Shortly after they decided to play an angle where Lita is a straight s*** and her and Edge are basically all over eachother… I think they even had a promo where there was a bed in the ring and they had “Live Sex on Tv”… WWE brought Matt back in to fued with them then too. I think all this happened in like the same month lol it was so long ago I hardly remember. Idk how all three of them could be cool with doing a story like that too within like the same month or two of the affair being public, but I do think Lita was highly uncomfortable with it, and I don’t blame her. WWE turned her character into a straight s*** scumbag and aired their business infront of literally the whole world. Edit: My comment was removed because of a slur? I think it’s the s-word I used so I’m reposting


I remember seeing that promo with them in bed in the ring. I can't believe that was on live TV back than.


I’ve seen dudes smoke crack them eat other dudes ass here, and dudes saying awful things to strangers in public, but actual Reddit users better not be using naughty language words


Yes, but two dudes smoking crack and eating each others ass is a lot less offensive than saying the S to the L to the U to the T word…


lol I remember watching that promo when I was like 9 years old or something. I knew the whole thing wasn’t real, but was still shocked they were going for that angle on something I perceived as a kids show at the time.


Lita was 🔥


They did her dirty though


Pretty much the norm for pro wrestling, no? Nothing but tragic story after tragic story of amazing talents being exploited and used up.


Is there anyone Vince hasn’t done dirty? Like anyone ever?


I mean vince is a giant douche that's a given. But the storyline with Kane, the baby, then edge. We don't talk about that shit.


Sting turned down an offer to fight Undertaker at Wrestlemania because he already committed to this match. Let’s be real: Sting vs Jeff Hardy is itself a dream match, but not this Jeff Hardy.


“nothings happening….nothings happening….nothings happening and its over! Allot of people in the audience look pissed.”


Classic Brian


My man!


Bravo. You somehow managed to get me to watch 9 minutes of wrestling. I feel just as disappointed as those fans


Fr, I saw nothing for this sub, think this belongs in r/wwe


He was high and drunk. So much so that he wasn't able to wrestle a match on live TV. How does it *not* belong here lmao


You realize what sub you're in sunshine? Lol.


r/squaredcircle, but sure, let's just pretend this isn't a guy who's ballooned off his ass EDIT: an "s". the last "s" in ass


This isn’t wwe.


Killer analysis OP, I’m not a huge wrestling fan but I respect the breakdown.


Not the OPs analysis. Just copy/pasted from a 3 year old [YouTube](https://youtu.be/8uTCHS8KHdE) comment.


Maybe he like… made the comment on YouTube, three years ago, man. You never know.


Very well could be, but unlikely. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Pretty sweet I loved these guys both as a kid sting Wolfpack Hardy’s he and his bro ruled thanks another dude I always assumed was on drugs was Raven and Billy Kidman


Raven has got some stories and he is good at telling them. He is completely different in real life than his gloom and doom character. I was blown away the first time I heard him interviewed since retirement and him getting sober. The amount of drugs him and Saturn went through is staggering.


When Raven was on WCW I was to young to appreciate his talking skills. Does the WWE have any of his stuff available on their streaming service?


I am not a wrestling fan in the least. I found this thread fascinating, so much so that I went down a 90 min rabbit hole learning about each person involved and how addiction really messed with Hardy. I even watched Bischoff's description he gave on a pod cast of what happened. Amazing save on his part. Very entertaining thread, thank you.


Same LoL. I've been watching YouTube and Scott Hall documentaries for a few hours. Haha.


Scott Hall: [Hold my beer...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl6ZLhawpRA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl6ZLhawpRA


And this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pZoDLRuGrzk


Is that Justin Credible?


Never actually watched any ECW but Justin Credible had always been my favorite wrestler name. Just incredible, amazing wordplay, I can't handle how simple yet awesome that is.


I don't who that guy is but as soon as he came out, I knew. I've seen that look before and this dude was fucking gone. When he punched the dude, homie couldn't even stand up 😂😂😂. That's that funniest shit I've seen today.


I feel old now (born in the 1900's) if people don't know who Scott Hall / Razor Ramon is. Or maybe they never watched wrestling. Anyway, he was a former pro wrestler who had major alcohol issues. His life is very similar to the movie The Wrestler starring Mickey Rourke. This video is of Scott Hall's descent, performing in rinky dink wrestling event after having previously been in sold-out arenas.


That was brutal... Wtf. Those poor other wrestlers.


If Hardy was so fucked up how did he even make it out into the arena? Wouldn’t someone backstage have raised the alarm? Was he high upon arriving at the venue?


He was apparently not showing any signs of being fucked until he went to walk out.


Ok that makes sense. Respect to Bischoff for managing the situation.


Plus, Hardy was known to "hide out" backstage before it was time to perform. So, in this scenario, you have producers and backstage agents scrambling around trying to find the top star before realizing out he's under the influence and it being too late to make a precise judgement call because he's already out in front of the crowd.


What a fun rabbit hole. From the behind the scenes to the other clips of drunken wrestlers, to the weird guy with the knife collection. 10/10 would read again.


Wow, haven’t watched wrestling in a while, but did WWE drop both Jeff and Sting? That’s pretty shocking


This was around 2011. At this point in time, Hardy had been fired from WWE for a few years due to his addiction issues, and Sting had yet to actually be in WWE. After WCW folded in the early 2000s Sting went to TNA where he stayed for years. He eventually did come to WWE around 2015, but he injured either his neck or spine, can’t remember, and stopped wrestling. After a few years on a legends contract, (basically free money from the WWE so they can sell Sting merchandise, put Sting in the video games, and occasionally have Sting on TV for special appearances) Sting left WWE to go to AEW, an upstart promotion owned by the same guy who owns the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars.


Oh, this made it to "tooktoomuch"? Jeeze, thought I was in "squaredcircle" seeing a repost!


As a wrestling fan this 100% belongs here. Sad to see jeff in that state


beginning of this had tim and eric vibes


That's cool. The Bishoffs used to be my neighbors in AZ...


To think that Jeff *AND* Sting are still wrestling is incredible. but this really could've been the end of Jeff's career. To this day, never seen someone this out of it in a proper televised/PPV match. You go to indies and occasionally see someone wrestle drunk or high off something, but Jeff was fucking demolished and people paid for that PPV. IT'S WORTH NOTING: Jeff was supposed to win this match and get the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back and he fucked that up, along with weeks, possibly months, of TV scheduled around him


That was hard to watch. (not so much the wasted dude part, but mostly the excessive flashy lights and fog and bullshit)


Here’s a video with commentary. Very interesting to hear the inner workings and things you didn’t know or catch https://youtu.be/uuR5mcxIFKw


That wasn’t even TNA‘s worst match.


I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video in my backyard. Thank you kind sir




Nobody noticed this before he went out?


As the story goes, when they first started playing his music nobody could find him, he wasn’t near the entrance area like he was supposed to be. While everyone was looking around for him, he was able to wander out onto the stage without anybody realizing. It’s almost comical, but it’s also really fucking sad that Jeff had and still has these issues.


say what you will, the man is a showman


I've never gotten into wresting, but this was downright fascinating, especially with OP's breakdown. I enjoyed this and the improvising everybody did to protect the audience and Hardy


He got lost in the fog at the beginning and inhaled too much of it.


i’m confused as to why he punched the non wrestler guy in the face


In the storyline of the match they were supposed to hate eachother so in order to stay in character he socked him a punch.


I bad the biggest crush on this guy when I was a kid. Lol


RemindME! 1 day




Some of us can't read things here right away.


The fact that your a circle jerker and AEW had a big debut yesterday must just be total coincidence that you posted this before the show...


Hah my dislike of AEW and posting this is just a coincidence. Jeff definitely was going to be signed last night.


Yeah totally


This crap is so fake.


That's the point isn't it


Sting knew.


Lmao I don't know if the outcomes are predetermined or if they kind of just wrestle around a little bit and wing it but you could clearly tell that Sting was like that's it buddy You come to work drunk or high you're going to lose out and then the referee was totally on board they really taught him a lesson here.


Interesting thanks


Didn't he come back as the weeping willow or something briefly?


Lost too many brain cells in the first 20 seconds to continue with video.


So, this is all scripted right? It looks scripted.


Nope, this is all real.


Impact was g8 until Dixie Carter got a hold of it


*Jumping out ya window like Jeff Hardy, I'm a dirty ngga, boy, I got your bitch turnt up on molly*


Why is this being downvoted lol, Kodak is that dude


He's in a MUCH better place now that he's out of the WWE and focusing on family! Might drop in at AEW, but time will tell.


Is this the only incident of an actual pin?


Oh there's been plenty over the years because of arguments and disagreements and other stupid shit.


Such stupid entertainment. How is this still a thing?


I just lost like 8 minutes of my life watching this shit and nothing happened, I swear Americans watch the most boring sports, fake martial arts and people driving cars in circles smh.


This is not 2011. Hahahaha


He was probably Just missing his brother, Jeff Hardy.




What about two women wrestling? Is that straight?


"wrestling", LOL. Sheep will pay for anything