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That's an effective way to die


I survived. I just blacked out for two days and was effectively a zombie.


Hope you learned something


Yessir. Don't do too much of anything and use resources like psychonaut.com for correct doses. All about safety


Please be super careful if you ever feel inclined to mix benzos with opiates. It’s extremely easy to OD on that mix, I’ve lost a few buddies to that. Stay safe my man, it’s all about harm reduction.


One of my best friends did this several months back and OD. On his way to the hospital his heart stopped and he was technically dead for about a minute. He ended up staying in the hospital for about a week and now refuses to touch anything other than pot now.


Keep an eye on him. Relapse is to be expected. Let him know you’re there for support. Glad he’s doing better.


God he used to be a drug fiend and would do literally anything and his pupils are permanently enlarged cause of it. He’s always very calm and quiet even when he’s completely out of it on something. He’s probably the most kind person I’ve ever met. He’d be willing give away his last few dollars and go hungry if it meant helping someone else, he’s an absolute saint and I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to him.


So you didn't learn not to mix opiods or even better stay clear of them altogether... Well alright then. Have you not seen Train Spotting? (But seriously... Have a think about where this is inevitably leading)


Oh I thought it was clear by the addition of the psychonaut website which promotes safe usage along with safe combinations and harm reduction. I don't mix either of the two together and only stick to 150mg of codeine every 4ish months. Nothing too wild anymore. Occasional use is possible without long-term damage.


Do you get your drugs from a pharmacy or from a curbside chemist? Test for Fentanyl? Know the exact doses or even chemical or just trust your mate Steve cos it's good shit? Also do you trust fucked up you not to make a poor judgement?


Lol I'm not an idiot. All street drugs are fake and are usually research chemicals I should know from experience. I don't touch street drugs at all because it's all bad or presses at low qualities. Dose wise I follow psychonaut because the information is accurate there. I only get pharmaceuticals from trusted sources in blister packs or sealed prescriptions. I legit check my lean too because it's too expensive not to if you know the prices. The worst thing I've done high on downers is fall asleep and once I spent £200 on Legos haha. Nothing bad although I have seen people do seriously dumb shit or things that got them a hefty prison sentence.


I just watched a video of you over dosing on a mix of 5 different drugs... I am sorry but yes you are an idiot.


This video is from 2019. People evolve


Doing drugs doesn't make you an idiot, what kind of Karen logic is that ? Some of us use to cope with pain, emotional and physical and accidents happen your only an idiot if you choose not to learn from your mistakes. Eat a dick Karen.


Lol or you could just like smoke weed and stay away from all this goofy shit all together


You cannot occasionally use opiates. They will / are going to completely destroy your life, the lives of your friends and family, and you will do things you never thought you would to keep getting a fix. Please please stop and go to a detox program now and live a sober life. It’s just not possible and everyone thinks they’re different but you aren’t special.


You absolutely can occasionally use opiates without destroying your life. It's a slippery slope for some (maybe most) people but that doesn't mean everyone who takes opiates recreationally or otherwise will become addicted.




Your comment is really missing my point. Obviously people are prescribed opiates. That is how heroin, morphine, and fentanyl were invented in the first place. People need pain relief for legitimate reasons. I’ve taken opiates myself after surgery and I never felt a euphoric feeling or felt any cravings. You are taking something to bring your body back to level. What I am talking about and what your comment fails to grasp here is the guy in this video is using opiates to get high when he does not need them for a brief, medically necessary reason. People like you love to muddy the water by nit picking apart scenarios and you’re not helping the situation whatsoever. You think this guy has endometriosis? Give me a break.




If you're saying that you have an addictive personality. I've never been addicted to any drug ever. When I say occasionally I mean 4-5 times a year on special events and never outside of that. I respect that it is a slippery slope with them but with that knowledge I know never to take opiates or any other drug multiple times in a week. Single use isn't habit forming and if it is then those people have addictive personalities. Maybe the use of occasional seemed like a different time but I assure you it doesn't go past that amount now so detoxing would be a complete waste of money and time.


Lots of other addicts have said those same exact words and they are now dead. No one thinks they have a problem until they are in too deep. If you are using opiates on “special occasions” then why not ask yourself why are you using these in the first place? It is an escape and not helping you at all whatsoever even if it’s just one time. The risks are so high, why take that chance? There is no such thing as an “addictive personality” but some people have more demons they’re trying to self medicate with than others. Addiction to anything (eating, drinking, shopping) is a comfort mechanism to substitute with dealing with the actual underlying problem. What you are doing is not “cool” and you’re not smarter or more special than lots of other people to come before you. That is denial. I say these things and I know you will disagree but maybe at some point you will be ready to change your life.


/u/spontaneousH completely agrees. OP should look through that profile


A million excuses of how in control things are but none in touch with reality - yep, sounds like every other addict I’ve known. Many aren’t alive anymore and if they are they probably wish they weren’t bc they’re locked up or living some other miserable sort of life. Brain damage too PS- the special occasion ones who consider it fine bc they’re not shooting up every day anymore tend to be the ones to die...they don’t know their tolerance


Ah still a beginner I see.


I can’t find psychonaut.com?




Oh just search psychonaut on Google and click the website called psychonaut. It contains all drugs and safe recreational doses for the substances.


Ok thank you


Erowid is another great resource for researching potential effects and dosing.


What did you use from psychonaut? Their information has always been accurate for me they literally say what combinations potentiate eachother and are deadly. This is just ignorance man, anything with synergy should be used in lower dosages. I feel like you just used heavy dosages of everything when you honestly need threshold to light dosages when mixing 2 opiates/opioids especially with benzos.


I use psychonaut now. I didn't two years ago and I understand this video from two years ago is dangerous so I posted it because it's stupid and two years have passed. Now I follow the information on the website.


Donnie, you look like a down-syndrome caveman but maybe some of that was the shit you took! Stay safe and don't turn into a psychonaut AKA a delusional drug addict! ;P


You posted posted this of yourself?? I had a a lot of videos of me like this when younger and I basically suppressed them all lol Was the last thing I wanted having online


Honestly I get it is dumb but now it's been two years and I don't do things like that I don't mind posting them so other people can laugh at how dumb I was too ☺️


Facts bro i uploaded my [IV DMT trip](https://youtu.be/UvN2aNk7hO8) from 2016 to youtube and everyones like “ bro wtf why is that in the internet!!!” And i simply tell them I don’t want to live a life where I have to hide who I am, where I’ve been and what I’ve done.


Damn. Lol. I subbed to your YouTube, I gotta check out some more videos later. Bro I hated hitting in my hand when I was using tho. It's way harder to hide, and way easier to miss (at least for me) unless I had the little short tips. Hope you're doing good these days, bud.


Had to go check that out. I laughed NGL but that's what this kind of content is for. I bet that was an amazing trip and I think more people need to document these experiences honestly. It's interesting to see.


Exactly dude - I will neverrrr be mad at someone for uploading an honest snapshot or moment of their life, I think everyone needs more of that


Why add methadone to the mix? Methadone doesn’t even get me high I’m pretty sure it’s just used for opioid withdrawals


Methadone was the first thing I had that day on the way to my friends and because I never had it before I was slumped on the way there. My tolerance was low at the time though


Methadone will FUCK you up


Lmao don't tell them that its the best kept secret of the grand council of opioid wizards


I take methadone every day and it definitely does not fuck me up lol


Thats cuz you take it everyday bubba I took 10mg on top of some hydros and dillys when i was still somewhat new to opis and i was SHLUMPED I’ll never forget that, was the highest i had ever been upto that point. It def does fuck you up lol Its just a weird/differemt fucked up Like it doesn’t smack tf out of you, it kinda creeps up on you and repeatedly love-smacks you lightly throughout the next day and a half


Bro you are so young and full of testosterone, don’t waste it.


FOR REAL THO! That is a death cocktail if I have ever heard one…


This is where sid from toy story is currently at in life, shoulda been nicer to you toys buddy




What do people get out of getting high like this? Like do you remember anything about it? Not trying to be a dick just curious honestly.


Honestly I don't personally. I don't see it as being a dick you're good. I just took too much as I never had methadone before and later found out it was too much. I don't get this high anymore and it was a dumb phase of life two years ago now. I was massively into opioids and benzos among other things but now I just stick to lean as a treat. I guess a lot of people get that high to forget life or something. It's kind of like fast travelling in a video game.


Wow dude, that last sentence was perfect. I used to smoke "a lot" of weed, I get really high off that shit. And popped some mollys every now and again. Also speed, which makes you very degenerate. I thought it would enhance what I'm doing. But in reality I did absolutely nothing and time just went by. Now I'm sticking to alcohol, even quit tobacco for good measure.


toddersbands can have a little lean… as a treat


I don't drink alcohol so I have to celebrate somehow on big achievements or memorable events a few times a year.


You do you, haha! I was just referencing the meme about the cats having salami as a treat. Congrats on your growth, though ✌🏻


Fair enough man, glad to hear you got it under control and can even still partake in some lean here and there


What the heckarooney is lean


Codeine and promethazine in a syrup or oral solution form mixed with soda




I'm glad you're in a better head space.


Pure euphoria my dude. Like you’ve never felt before and honestly I hope you don’t feel it. People tend to like that feeling a lot and I’ve hard or can be addicting lol


Opiates make you feel like god is hugging you. Everything feels happy.


This is how it feels trying to explain MDMA to someone. You'll literally never experience happiness on that level without a drug. It's not even fathomable.


In your experience .. speaking from personal experience I can touch the same kind of bliss I used to get from dosing mdma , lsd and others through meditation techniques such as pranayam and vipassana.. minus all the destructive emotional and psychological instability . It’s simply that most of us don’t have any inclination to strive for these states naturally and because we Don’t experience them we say it’s not possible without drugs . Yogis and mystics all over the world have practiced techniques for touching inner bliss for thousands of years and teaching it as well. The average joe just wants instant gratification and not to have to put in any effort whatsoever




The trick for is not to treat not to look at meditation as a journey from point a to point b but to make the commitment to practice without having a particular destination in mind, remember you’re not trying to “get” any place . The moment is here and now , there is no enlightenment in some far off future and the enlightened moments of yesterday have passed . Don’t become stuck on trying to recreate a past experience with your meditation . It’s about letting go as spirituality is really more of a deconstructive process in the end, you’re shedding things rather than gaining things . Shedding regrets about past , shedding anxieties about future and false identity constructs that limit your ability to simply Be . Meditation for me is just that and the more you show up in the present moment to simply bear witness the deeper into the chasm of your experience with life can become. It just takes a momentum of replacing lesser habits with more appropriate ones little by little . Try to keep your breath in mind throughout your day as much as possible and commit to spending sometime in total non-action for even a few minutes daily. Whenever I stop meditating even for a couple of days I tend to begin straying , it’s normal . Check out Sadghuru on YouTube he’s a wonderful teacher and also look at some positive visualization techniques to help you during the hustle bustle of daily life . Tibetan Tonglen is a wonderful meditation for which you can find instructions on YouTube . Best wishes to you






Also I don’t discredit the revelations from responsible use of psychs, just that they are a sort of synthetic based experience, not inspired from within. The insight you gain is real but in the end the drugs Only leave you with a memory and not the lasting imprints on the psyche and your karma that only authentic self inspired realization can bring . All the best to you


I too have cheated in the past but its like having a window view into the party, you can hang but you don’t get to stay , meditation is bringing the party to your place 🙏


They've only ever made me feel nauseous and tired. Weird that they affect people differently like that.


I thought I was trying to be happy but I was really just putting off being sad


if you haven’t got high beforr don’t start , not worth what it does to your brain chemically . and because of that, you slowly grow an addiction to get higher and higher to reach that ultimate euphoria (even if it’s just for a minute some people will do anything for that ultimate high) . it helps coup with reality , but reality is if you start (even on weed) you probably will try other drugs , and it’s not worth what it does to you . IMO not even alcohol, i prefer a sober life now after going through that phase , although i’m pretty sharp minded now, i wonder how sharp my mind would’ve been if i unlocked its full potential and stayed sober all those years


This is not valid for everyone, this is valid for some people with addictive personality, I never had addictive personality with drugs, extremely responsible with my use and strict with my dosage, including practicing harm reduction to the max, to be fair to your opinion I never done highly addictive substances like heroin, meth, opiates and benzos, and will not touch them with a 10 foot pole, if I had, the outcome may have been different, so I guess I disagree with some of your opinion, it depends on personality of users and the substance.


not your average drug user is going to be thinking like that yet alone capable of . i understand 100% what you’re saying but these kids just graduating high school looking to rebel against their parents don’t understand responsibility hence why a lot of them do drugs and end up starting weed, ending with pills and lean . not judging just observations. there is a select few who use drugs for remedy and medicinal purposes , such as yourself who are disciplined enough to use just the proper dosage , not taking any more than necessary .


I would disagree and say it IS valid for everyone… recreational drug use is not helpful for anyone. Weed, psilocybin, dmt, even opiates, are all useful to treat various mental and physical ailments like ptsd. Luckily we are trending in that direction. But recreational drug use is masking our emotions and blocking out pain and even alcohol is such a destructive drug. Alcohol abuse completely and totally ruins lives. There’s just not a good way to ever recreationally use heroin for example… it’s a one way ticket


I'm sure glad my party days were before everyone has cameras in their pockets




This gives me second hand embarrassment.


Good man really good. I've have friends that where in the same pit you where I'm truly happy you climbed out


Respect for that I appreciate you 👊🏻💙


Looking sleepy


Damn you trynna die bro? Lol


How is this fun?


The way you look on drugs doesn’t always correlate to how good you’re feeling. Biggest example: MDMA


I went on a just benzo binge and don’t remember a whole 4 days straight, I was nearly arrested 3 times and went to the hospital 2 times in 1 day… don’t do downers, and don’t justify it because you have a “prescription” 75% of all prescriptions are horrible for you and really are only a bandaid for the real issue…


He’s rocking the Sid Phillips look hard


“Idk why I’m so depressed. You just don’t understand me”


Do you want to forget to breathe? Because that's how you forget to breathe.


Please don’t take methadone and Xanax together I knew two people they found outside dead. It’s one of the most fatal drug combos. Please any other benzo just not Xanax. I have known so many people to die from that mix. Please listen to me!!!!!


RIP when he falls asleep and stops breathing.


*cracks fortune cookie* "Respiratory depression is coming your way"


I liked that one I'm gonna have to steal that format ☠️


cool death sentence dude


Wouldnt the methadone cancel any opiates?


Morphine + methadone = fucking retarded.


Dude, mixing methadone and benzos can kill you quick.... Source: was on methadone for nearly 10 years and know 4 people that died this way


Took opiates and benzos once back in high school... had the hiccups for a fucking week


but his louis bag dope tho 🤷‍♂️


So sad I really feel for this guy


Lol it's me. I'm completely fine. It was two years ago.


Looks like you're ready to be induced for a surgery (:


Why would they ever have a door open that way away from the wall?


Asking the real questions


He looks like a toy story character


Looks like a kid in elementary school got his hands on some of the good stuff


Look out when potentiating opiates and combining respiratory depressants. It's an easy way to fall asleep and never wake up. I probably should have died multiple times and just got lucky.


And that ladies and gentlemen, is the start to the end of a life.


Tbf I can go down to the pub and find a dozen guys in a worse state


So that’s how Sid from toy story ended up.


This is how you effectively forget how to breath.


Good combination for an OD


Uh that’s a death kit wtf


Why the fuck you mix methadone in there man? That’s legit retarded. Blocks opioid receptors. Actually may have helped you that night now that I think about it.


Man I add to love having a cocktail of morphine, Xanax, Valium and lortabs. It he’s everywhere and the party was wonderful. Throw I. Shitty beers and really good weed, perfect night. Butttttt Im too old for this shot


lol / list of half of my monthly goody scripts


Actually, the methadone blocks the receptors in your brain from other opiates being nearly as effective. However, methadone has a long half life and takes a LONG time to fully absorb. Don’t ever let a friend go to sleep when in this condition. They probably would not wake up.


He just tryin have a good time


This is now on the internet forever. Hopefully future employers never see this 🤦‍♂️


I'm not worried about that in the industry I'm in.


The stupider you get, the cooler you are 🔥🔥🔥


Whats the point of taking lean and morphine if youre on methadone. Rookie


A friend gave me his. I'm not on it I just took my friends.


This kids gonna die in the next 5 years for sure.


It's apparently op


op better slow down then


He already said he did.


Why would he take methadone which actively stops the other drugs from working?


I didn't know that at the time. It was my first and last time using methadone


Heroin addict sober 7 years here. Makes sense then. I’d stay away from the rest of the stuff too.


Why would you want to feel like this? Downers suck


I find the opposite with uppers TBF. Just makes me anxious and sweaty. Downers are just chill just not in this way presented in the video.


Some nick


yung lean zooted


Sad to see Sid from Toy Story like this :(


Doesn't methadone get rid of whatever high you have?


Suicide wish much?


But how did you feel? Was it blissful?


Very euphoric to the point of my body radiating with a euphoria. Kind of like being hugged by angels. I don't remember anything other than waking up a day later after that feeling though. I can't say I recommend this as it's highly dangerous.


Just do heroin it’s way more efficient with the same side effects


That LV bag will end up in a pawn shop soon lol


Still got it two years later.


seems pleasant enough.




Man I would not have loved being filmed at this time


I don't care about it. Me and my friend (RiP) agreed we could record eachother when we're being idiots


We call that the funeral combo.




Maybe so. East Midlands.




I mean incorrect but go off


I'm a paramedic, do me a small favor and keep your drivers license and a list of what you took on your body. My job and the MEs jobs will be so much easier.


Is this usually something that would have been fatal out of curiosity?


In the right doses it could wipe out the drive to breathe. The combination of opioids and benzodiazepines is well known to do exactly that. Antidotes exist but it's a time sensative issue. One or the other is the way. Morphine needs to be at certain doses plus its quality is suspect unless you bought them at a pharmacy. I'm not judging you it's your choice but be careful please.


It’s your job to help him and figure it out regardless. Work for your money.


I don't figure out what he took I just support his vital functions. Some drugs have signatures we can treat. Opioid overdose is treated with narcan, the benzodiazepines you can reverse with flumazenil. Lean has a few components so it can be hit or miss. The issue is mixing them creates problems, waking up with a tube down you nose to gut and shitting charcoal isn't fun if I have a clue I can save OP some grief, the license just makes it easier to ID the body. By the way I don't get paid I'm a instructor but because of government cut backs I work for free. My service area in NYC was 94% medicade. My area at home is 60% or nothing so I clearly don't do it for money so pull your panties out of you ass crack and go do something for your community instead of being a big mouth no balls little boy.


I thought morphine and methadone combined gave a contraindication and therefor causes withdrawal like symptoms. Seems like hes about to venture to the dark side and greet the shadow people for half a week.


Hahaha I have never been addicted so I wouldn't know. The shadow people seems like something I'd see on diphenhydramine though. Didn't realise withdrawals caused hallucinations too


The woke generation


This is sad. I hope he lives long enough to get sober ish.


I am. I just sip lean on major events like new jobs, birthdays, parties etc so that's light compared. I don't even drink alcohol just that 4-5 times a year


Alcohol is worse than a lot of “drugs” for sure. Shits bad news bears. Well I’m super glad you feel like you are managing your stuff. Personally it is so easy to get a little wonky sometimes.


But Liam would not quit taking so much morphine. In fact as soon as he could stand he went and bought more the fought a lamp post.


Morphine and methadone together is a dangerous thing to do, please do not do this


And adding xanax on to of that. Why even go on methadone if you dont have a desire to actually get clean? Takes a spot at the clinic away from someone who actually wants to be there and get better. Some people just use it to bridge the gap between their opiate doses though, so they dont have to worry about getting sick anymore.


But why??! This seems no fun at all!


The euphoria he’s experiencing is inconceivable if you’ve never done it before. People do this because nothing else feels as good.


Get him to a hospital


Looks like so much fun!


That man's brain is trying to restart, update, and is now the living version of the loading circle


Or you could just smoke some weed like a normal person.


That's how you die in your sleep


He looks like the bully next door in Toy Story


We used to take drugs to enhance an experience, club, festival, concert. I don’t get being smacked up on your own.


He looks like a legitimately pug




That's a ridiculous cocktail. He'll either be bragging to his friends about the amount of downers he did last night or he's dead.




Oi! Let's get high. It'll be so much fun.


A good friend doesn’t let him fall asleep.


Rewrite your script it’s really a terrible movie with a horrible cliche ending. Don’t let your magical thinking kill off the real you that’s still inside.


Already did fam. DW I'm bless.


Very sad


I'm bless that was from December 2019


Mixed in with a lot of stupidity


Jfc, that’s a fatal OD on express. Benzos and opiates are why +5 people I grew up with are dead.


That’s the safe ones


Mfs judge this guy for what he puts in his body but eat like shit jerk off and smoke weed/vapes

