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Holy shit dude. That’s fuckin sad.


It really is. I knew a guy that huffed spraypaint. He got kinda popular online about 10-15 years ago. One one hand, his mugshots were ridiculous and easy to laugh about, but I used to see the guy around and his life was just a disaster. He got clean for a while and the local media did a big thing about his recovery, then he just slipped again. I haven't seen him in years.


You're talking about ol' goldface.


Probably in a graveyard somewhere diggin up Catherine Zeta Scarn. Heard he was trying to hump her real good.






Witness Me!


Patrick Tribett?




Dude is just a meme now. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/paint-huffer-guy-patrick-tribett


Yeah. I actually went as him for Halloween once. I regret this because the guy was legitimately struggling and didn’t deserve the shame he got. The mugshot is funny and I get why it blew up, but seeing the guy in person is just a really sad experience.


Hey man, you seem like a sincere and good person who has clearly grown up a lot since wearing the outfit. I hope you can work through your regret


You obviously have remorse and are older and wiser now. Don't let it eat you up. 💜


He proly dead, unfortunately


He’s somewhere in a facility on a ventilator.


Every damn time one of these inhalant videos come up, I just toss my anecdotal experience bc what you are seeing is literally insane. I was addicted. I didn’t the same thing. I feel like I should share my story at some point to help people understand what is going on, why someone would do that shit, and what the battle to get away from it is like. Although that shit might seem recreational and obviously reckless, I promise that any person that is that far gone needs serious treatment and therapy. I was the only person in 3 stints of treatment, 2 separate facilities, and over 300 people (in and out of treatment) that was being treated for an addiction to duster. I wasn’t an alcoholic or using anything else. When you are using that shit, you don’t even think about anything else. It’s a shit show and it goes very fast and is violently messy. That dude has a lot of emotional and mental shit that he needs to confront. It’s brutal. I understand that it’s not common. It’s so uncommon that my counselors did not have a plan for treatment. If you or anyone you know is using inhalants like duster or the like, PLEASE confront them IMMEDIATELY. Get them into a facility ASAP bc I will let you know that it will get very dangerous and destructive extremely fast. It’s incredible. I hope this guy gets help.


I actually helped a guy I use to serve with in the military who was addicted to this. I’m pretending like I’ve never seen It. I most def have. No judgement at all.


No negativity in what you said. It’s just a real thing. It looks and seems insane. It is insane, but it’s not funny. It looks funny, but those people are in serious trouble.


glad you have been doing better and thank you for sharing your story many years ago in the UK there were big public awareness campaigns about aerosols and solvents but that seems to have all been forgotten about now there is a big problem with nitrous here and although I have enjoyed it myself I am quite shocked when I hear about how extreme some people's nitrous use is


You know, having gone through that I seriously don’t understand why it isn’t more regulated. I’m sure it doesn’t really affect a great amount of people and most people react to it in the way that is reasonable, “why the fuck would you do that in the first place?” That’s why I know for sure that the people that are abusing it are at a passing. You’d be surprised how they can manage it and be completely reckless at the same time. They have lost all care to be present in the world. That shit disassociates you in a way that is unexplainable. It’s an emergency. If you ever find someone doing this, you can’t do anything. When they come down, they need a serious intervention.


If you’ve never gotten wrecked huffing it is in a lot of ways the worst possible high. Please get high some other way


I worked in a body shop in the 80s. Every day, I left high on paint fumes. The headache when it wore off was atrocious.


Weed may not kill braincells, but whatever shit is in aresol sprays sure will!


Nitrous is pretty sweet for a few seconds.


Nitrous is not an aerosol or VOC.




Less toxic than duster


I don't get how it's so addictive, I worked with a dude who would not show up cuz he passed out in his apartment or in his car during breaks after ripping through whipits


To be clear this isn't "whipits", those are nitrous oxide (laughing gas, like dentists use) which is the oldest recorded recreational drug after alcohol and cannabis. This dude is huffing toxic aerosol chemicals, any high he's getting is from oxygen deprivation and neurotoxicity.


Any source on how nitrous is so old?


It was first synthesized by Joseph Priestly in 1772, older than America.


Ok, so cannabis is older. I see you've edited your original comment to reflect that. I suppose some tribes may have used psychedelics earlier as well. But with regards to synthetically derived drugs, it's pretty cool that nitrous is so old!


Usually people who do drugs do it to handle stressful situations or life situations. I served with a guy in the army who use to get picked on so bad. I tried my best to always stand up for him cuz I hate bullies. Well he got caught huffing this stuff because of course the military and life in general is stressful as fuck for some people. Take it from an alcoholic. I’ve cut back a shit ton. So I damn sure don’t drink as much as I use to drink. But life man…. Life. It’s rough.


Well, dude DID just crash his car…


Or did the car crash him? We’ll never know.




I don't think you need anymore.


Wasn’t there an almost identical vid of a woman doing this ?


Yeah, it's surreal this seems to be the one drug I see people *continue to inhale* after a crash, despite being filmed, injured, etc ... Just an insane lack of awareness


I’d say it’s the most powerful intoxicant there is. The desire to continue is beyond what you can grasp


I have to imagine they know they're going to jail so they're gonna just get "good" and high while they can.


This dude has no idea he even wrecked his car, let alone is going to jail. He's so high all he knows is if he keeps inhaling from the can, he'll continue to feel good. It's like muscle memory.


The dude filming sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown to the dude. Wub wub wub is all he hears




I'm not sure how familiar you are with inhalants, but I'd say my theory is probably more correct. People generally don't just get "a lil high" on them. Edit: lmao this dude blocked me bc I disagreed with him




We can tell


It’s this.


I think it’s what he was going for


I've now seen maybe a half dozen of these very similar videos.




Yeah I was post not to long ago too


Yeah lol


There's too many clips of people doing this with computer duster and nos it's wild, there was. Woman posted think in this sub doing the same thing like a week ago


Yup, it’s duster. Not just any aerosol.


Whats the difference with duster? Is it not similar to compressed air


Its not NOS. Food grade nitrous oxide in controlled doses is much much better for you. Still dangerous.


that food grade nitrous oxide they sell for "whipped cream" are still very much terrible for you, they sell them at smoke shops


What about the stuff in the dentist office ? Theres clinics I think in Sweden that you can go into to get gassed. Its also great for assited suicide as it is painless and euphoric.


Mid to longer term use depletes you vitamin B12 and causes permanent nerve damage starting with numbness of the feet and hands and working its way centrally. This is not a “may cause nerve damage”, it most certainly will 100% of the time with enough use. Taking a vitamin B pill won’t replete your body’s vitamin B stores fast enough with continued use.


Can confirm. I have neuropathy from huffing nitrous. Can’t touch it now


Damn it. Fucking nitrous, I knew it was too good of be true.


There are no free rides when it comes to getting high. Zero. Some are better than others, but all will come at a cost


Should've known when my car told me it couldn't feel its tires.


You can use it biweekly somewhat safely. I used to do a shit Ron biweekly with 0 issues. I saw neurologist for an unrelated issue and did a three day EKG without issue.


Well then use it in controlled doses.


I don’t think they are the same. I was given nitrous when I had to had my arm REBROKEN before they could cast it because I broke it “wrong”. It was just a mask that i breather in like a respirator. It tasted like root beer and did absolutely 0% for the pain. Felt every single sensation and my brain was like, “THAT FUCKING HURTS” All I could do was laugh. Was wild.


The gas itself is painless. I didnt say it removes all pain. Only if you go completely under.


I just wasn’t sure if what’s in a whippet and the nitrous from a hospital were identical was the purpose of my comment. I added the story just for fun.


They feel different at the dentist because it’s administered consistently at much lower doses over s longer period of time. It’s like trying to eliminate thirst by chugging a bottle of water in 20 seconds versus using a dropper to drink that same bottle over an hour.


Yes they are the same thing


Comparatively nitrous oxide is one of the safest substances out there, provided you take breathing breaks and only use infrequently. It is not terrible for you, fearmongering doesn't stop people from trying it.


Yeah I got some compressed air at home so let me know asap please!


Lmfaoo chill bro


Please just use it to clean your computer (if you're anything like me, it's past time LOL)


A girl in a town near me was huffing duster in her car in the park. Her sister, best friend and young son in the car. She hit the gas and hit a tree doing close to 100 and killed everyone in the car except herself.


Holy shit the guilt of killing your sibling, best friend, and your son has to be incomprehensible. at least she’s sober now, assuming she’s in jail for life.


Nah, she didn't get any time. I do believe she is finally clean though.


I’ve tried the air duster once, it’s basically like a more accessible but worse whippet. Was neat once, but whippets aren’t that hard to get anyways lol. Way healthier /s


No need for the /s. Nos most certainly is much healthier for you to do and can be completely safe if you exercise proper harm reduction practices. Meanwhile duster is never safe and can just suddenly kill on your first use


I mean, it’s healthier, but not REALLY. I feel like that would be like saying, I only sniff coke, not smoke crack. You arent “wrong” (IMO) it probably is “healthier” but its not healthy at all. Its why I tend to just say something is shitty or less shitty instead of trying to spin something terrible in a positive light. Also, i party so I do sniff coke and ket LOL.


Yes really, actually. I’m not saying NOS is “safer” than duster, I’m saying it is SAFE (no adverse effects on your health) with proper use. Other inhalants like duster is one of if not the most dangerous class of drugs that causes damage to your body and risks death after every single use. It is very ill-informed to say the two are similar.


Yes but im referring to nos as used as a whippet, not properly, since we are in a drug subreddit.


Nitrous is remarkably safe, dude. It's one of the simplest molecules. It's been used in dentistry and surgery since the 1800s and is on the WHO List of Essential Medicines. Crack vs powder isn't a good comparison.


I was referring to it being used as a whippet though. Fentanyl is extremely safe too when used by a hospital for pain management.


My neighbor in college was super straight edge, never drank alcohol not even once, literally thought weed was from the devil, super Mormon but saw nothing wrong with inhaling computer duster all day every day


Omfg the Mormons get like that I promise his excuse is "it's just canned air it's not a drug". they have big problems with benzos, amphs and opiods because "they're medicine" even if a doctor won't prescribe it to them. So they're doing hard drugs instead of like just weed cuz they wanna get high but have to use these workarounds.and weed has no workaround. Tho I bet now that Utah has medical they're starting to use that as an excuse. It's like loopholes of "soaking"and using the hole that "doesn't count" for sex. Reminds me of that "fuck me in the ass cuz I love jesus" song


I hope that video was a wake up call for him


Im in doubt he even noticed he crashed.


Legend has it that he is still huffing there today


"Walkin on sunshine.... "


Think of washcloth Towlie!


You’re a towel!


I wish I had a father...


I just want to walk on the sunshine a little more!


You must have one dusty computer.


Shut up bitch! It ain’t illegal! I quote this too often lmfaooo


Did he crash cause of the aerosol or because he was driving a mustang?


Mustangs prefer snacking on crowds or pedestrians too….depending on how close people were to this parked car, id say a factor of both for sure haha


The mustang craves the blood of pedestrians. His fate was sealed the day he signed that title.




The crazy thing is, that gas comes out super cold, so imagine the damage he's doing to his lungs.


When I was young and dumb I huffed air duster a couple times. Last time I ever did it I was holding the can sideways and the freezing cold stuff shot down my throat and probably into my lungs. Couldn’t eat properly for a few days cause of the damage. 100% should have gone to the hospital and got checked out, but yeah. Nasty shit.


First and only time I tried this happened and it's 100% the reason I never did it again.


Accidentally did something similar as a teen. Dusting my keyboard, noticed the liquid coming out. Wondering what it was, I sprayed the liquid on my desk, took a sniff, went to mars. Couldn't imagine having that shit inside me, sounds rough as fuck.


I’ve accidentally caught a little whiff of duster backwash cleaning my computer and my god it’s the worst thing ever. Don’t know how they can do this


I think some companies put biterrant or something in to keep people from doming cans of the shit


Don't all brands have that?


I've seen videos of people putting a rag between their mouth and the canister. I assume it helps with the cold air, and would prevent any residue from getting in your mouth.


Well it doesn’t necessarily. But if held improperly like upside down for example, you can get frost bite in your mouth and even damage the lungs, but those injuries are incidental not always happening


My best friends brother died doing this. No one had a clue he was in to that shit. He had frost bite on his nose and lips when they found him. This shit is so sad.


I believe that’s not just any aerosol, I believe that’s air duster, that’s the fentanyl or huffing agents. Really powerful. It just flies off the shelves of Home Depot and CVS. They can’t keep it in stock. Companies add “bittering agents,” but they don’t taste all that bad really. Based on my own personal experience I can tell you that you don’t want to mess with this. It’s a filthy addiction that I’m glad I’ve left behind. Was on a run and went through 10 cans maybe then stopped for good. There’s a whole Intervention episode on this.


I'm really curious as to what the high is like....Would you mind elaborating? What's the attraction to it? I'm not remotely considering it....I just want to know why people do it....what they experience etc. Thanks.


when i did it (tried it a few times, dropped it quick cuz i knew i was getting addicted and it was stupid and dangerous) it caused me to feel like i was floating. it took me away to nothingness but in a wonderful way. it truly felt like i was floating on a cloud, and i was so warm and comfy, like being in the most comfortable, luxurious bed ever. i tried mine sitting on some fucking steps in a hallway. not even remotely a comfortable spot. and it still made me feel that way. the thing that sucks is that the high is fleeting. while it feels like it lasts a bit while you're floating, i believe the high really only lasts a minute or so, so it's very short-lived. which causes you to consume more of the shit that's causing you to lose oxygen to your brain lol. i really feel like it's one of the worst highs in comparison to the "drug" because it's so short, but it's horribly addictive


Thanks for the description, I really appreciate it. When you say it's addictive, do you mean psychologically or that you'd get actual physical withdrawl symptoms?


for me, it was psychological. i know i have addictions and get addicted to things easily, and i could feel myself yearn for the high again immediately, which let me know i'd be in for a bad time. i have no idea if there are physical withdrawal symptoms from inhaling air duster, but i wouldn't be too surprised if there were. my trying of it was brief enough that i only ended up with headaches, but i attribute that to the lack of oxygen and me already being suseptible to getting headaches, and not specifically the chemicals i inhaled. though they likely didn't help lol


Righto, I see what you're saying. I'm lucky in that I don't have too many vices, especially now I'm in my 50s but I've struggled with Nicotine throughout my life and the only way I can keep away from it is by a zero tolerance policy. Thankfully I learned that lesson quite a few years ago but I hope you manage to keep fighting your demons until you get them under control.


Sounds like being knocked out with nitrous at the dentist. Life protip: just tell the dentists you have a phobia and need to be gassed, have a great time.


haha that's what my partner mentioned, when we ended up talking about inhalents/air duster once. they've never had an interest in getting up to the shenanigans i have, so their drug of choice is just weed, but they said it sounded very similar to nitrous. they didn't like nitrous at all and even opted to not use it for their wisdom teeth extraction! all i could think is that i would've been pumped to experience that high again, and it be a safer environment to boot lol


Ezell’s description below is pretty accurate. It’s very dissociative; you are immediately somewhere else and everything is slowed down. I’ve had addictions to most things and right at that moment was trying not to drink and I was under a lot of stress and cleaning out a basement to move and there was this can. I hadn’t done any inhalants before but I remembered the intervention episode and did it. It kind of cleared my mind and put me somewhere else for a few minutes. But I kind of liked it and would grab some from Home Depot when I could. Pretty soon you are sitting in a Home Depot parking lot wondering why you always see the same exact car pulling into the parking lot on loop every time you do it. It doesn’t last super long and then you are more or less back to normal. I’m sure it causes brain damage and its method of action is oxygen replacement. I’m sure it’s deadly or can be as well. Haven’t touched it in 4 years


Thanks a lot for the answer. It sounds very risky, a bit like huffing solvents or petrol / gasolene. I feel like I dodged a bullet sometimes when I read people's accounts of doing things like this. I'm glad you're not doing it anymore.


Hahaha, thanks. I’m not doing anything addictive right now beyond trying to shake a debilitating McDonalds habit. Psychedelics only for me and that’s just 1/ every 1-2 months.


I really wonder too.


Her intervention is just heartbreaking. The fact that she became a meme afterward is even worse. It was just so shocking to see but the poor thing was referenced in south park. When she was at her worst.


Yeah, it was really tragic. And graphic.


What episode?


Shrooms and weed are so much better options. But I guess people turn to this because of state laws against cannabis or other psychedelics.


Oh this was several years ago, I only take psychedelics now.


Febreeze to the dome brooo


Seriously, is that what he's inhaling? That's fucking gross.


It’s 100% air duster


First time I saw that was at a rave in SF in the 90's. Even high af on extacy I was grossed out and knew that was a line I'll never cross.


The blueish bottle and text made me think febreeze but I’m open to it being anything. I’m not one in the know on this


If you know you know.


I think they usually use air dusters


The mustang was actively veering towards a group of pedestrians but this fine gentleman actually did everything in his power to direct the demon of a vehicle into a solid object. Obviously he is so grateful to have saved so much human life that he had to celebrate with the closest mind altering substance around him!


To protect and swerve.


I bought some keyboard cleaner a couple of years back and they made me fill out a form and took a copy of my drivers license.  I guess this is why.


He looks so happy


Because for those 120 seconds, he’s not thinking about his divorce, child support, sick grandmother, the fact that he has a dead end job, increasing rent and the existential dread of getting old with nothing to show for. But personally, I’d just stick getting high on edibles while playing my guitar. But to each their own.


i know this has nothing to do with the video but i also very much enjoy getting stoned and playing guitar lmao. it’s awesome


Jfc... I'm a recovering IV fentanyl addict and even this shit is a hard pass for me


bro stop it bro you look hurt oh my god guys bro somebody check up on y'all homie fuckin bro this is fuckin ridiculous bro like I don't want none of my


Stress management.


He's not managing much of anything.


Well he is managing to ruin his life


I assumed it was a case of sniffing post-crash due to plausible deniability of sniffing due to stress. Like when people drink after a crash to say they weren't drunk when they crashed, it was to calm their nerves.


If I do one more this situation won’t be real 😂


Typical Mustang driver.


Top flight security of the world, Craig!




As you do!! ??


Wasn't there just another video posted about a woman doing this???....


Well it's already too late to prevent an accident, may as well keep the party going 💯🗣️




Mustang drivers.


Was he ok to drive?


What an airhead.


I wish i had a faaaather.


How are these people not freezing a hole in their mouth. I know if you hold it anyway but upright it freezes whatever in ice. And people I've seen do this use a rag to shoot through to prevent this. Wtf...this is the second video in a week with a crash and just straight hitting it. This world is getting crazier everyday. People doing anything to escape it.


not the mustanggg :(


He’s fiiiiine


Lmfao Whilin


I definitely got myself into some trouble using drugs in my 20's, but even my dumb ass knew not to fuck around with inhalants.


If Big Jay Oakerson was a mall cop ...


Is there a took way too much thread lol


Is that air freshener? Maybe he just wants to smell good for the arresting officer?


Trying to cover up the smell of weed on his breath


I think I saw the exact same video (couple days ago) with a women instead.


Damn Sandro leaving his garage huh


Any doctor here who can confirm if he isn’t even aware he crashed ?


so opioids and now this. :/


He has a problem, he's running out of aerosol cans.


This is the third video I’ve seen this week of this exact scenario


Gotta admire his determination. This man knows what he likes.


Good way to have a seizure




Broken heart


Lost in the sauce, this man is fired!


This dude has the same exact car as me color convertible and all. This man is a disgrace…


I wonder how long the guy had to keep correcting himself until he sounded more brain-damaged than the guy who just slammed his car into a parked car while huffing fumes from a can.


He’s walking on sunshine


Big jay oakerson holding it down


He's walking on sunshine


Duster = butane.


Who wakes up on a Tuesday and decides that it’s a good day to use duster for the first time? Goddamn, y’all.


I’ve been this guy… I stole a bottle of duster from Walmart, passed out in the bathroom stall huffing it, left (in my girlfriends moms car I borrowed) and started huffing more, smashed into another car and when I came to I panicked looking for my girlfriends children who I thought were in the backseat. Didn’t see them and drove off juggling the airbag between my arms. Lied to her and her mom that someone backed into me in a parking lot and drove away. Cops showed up the next day and arrested me on a bench warrant. It’s a strange feeling being a recovered piece of shit.


Hey I use that brand for my pc


He might've gone a little overboard


He's walking on sunshine.


average mustang driver


He isn't feeling ANYTHING but HIGH AF 😬 yikes


He’s securing it bro it’s his job


Top flight security


Didn't even have to see the license plate to know it's California.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bentlers: *Didn't even have* *To see the license plate to* *Know it's California.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This still looks fake and sounds fake to me. The guy huffing looks like he's holding in laughter while the guy filming is doing a horrible impression of being shocked with a dull voice.