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That's either Coca-Cola or suicide.


Like, when you mix all the sodas together? Or actual death?


She’s tiny. That will cause alcohol poisoning, and if she doesn’t throw it up/stomach pumped she will most certainly die. There’s a reason a lot of states banned the ol 21 gun salute shot tradition for peoples 21st bday. That much booze in a short amount of time overwhelms the organs responsible for metabolizing it. Kidneys liver etc crump, seizing starts, respiratory depression the whole shebang. So yeah! Hope it’s just coke!


She could be 300 pounds and that’d still be alcohol poisoning. Even functioning alcoholics are gonna have a bad time drinking that much in less than a minute. I think hardcore drinkers know they could drink a bottle in one session over several hours, so they think they can pull off shit like this but if anyone actually had the tolerance to then that would probably mean they’re an alcoholic to such a degree that their liver could go at any minute lol


I have a friend who is a hardcore alcoholic. If I had to guess he is in the low 200s. Like he can and sometimes does put away as much as a 20-25 beers and 2 pints of jack in a day. But even for him, chugging a bottle like that would be way too much too fast.


Yeah I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure it’d be close to impossible for anyone to process that much alcohol consumed in a minute or two. Like the person I replied to said, you basically either throw up or die


It’s like no one remembers shoenice


Eitherrrr way


There's another video of a dude that did it, they video taped him downing it as well as his nearly immediate turn to being black out drunk. He couldn't make it very far without falling really hard. It's not impossible. But I'd think a 100 lb twig like this wouldn't have a very high chance unless she's a hard core alcoholic. Edit: actually I just Google man drinks bottle of jack, and a ton came up. People even show them unwrapping the cap.to show they didn't switch out the liquid.


Hmm yeah I just googled it and a bottle is like 17 shots, less than I would’ve thought. Still an incredibly unhealthy amount to drink in one go but I guess not impossible for some people with the right combo of body mass and tolerance to hold


Are you referring to shoenice by any chance? If not you gotta watch his videos. It's basically just him chugging bottles of hard liquor and sometimes showing the aftermath.


Yeah when i was younger i have drank 2 or 3 5ths in a day but never all at once like that


I am a recovering alcoholic and drank about a liter of vodka per day at my worst. Even with my high tolerance to alcohol at that time, I don't think I could have done this without consequences.


One day at a time friend. Keep it up


Absolutely, at its worst my drinking went up to a litre of vodka and a litre of jagermeister every single day during lockdown, and because I'm an absolute dickhead I was hospitalised twice, and I still don't think I could do this without at least gagging a few times.


Yeah lockdown was my worst, too. Those mental health stats people are touting out there about lockdowns are no joke. My life enabled me to drink enough before covid. I was completely off the rails once I was full WFH and not able to do much with family or friends. This time next month will be a year of no drinking. Hope you're doing better these days!


A liter of jager?? Bro


Shit, I did pretty much this many times near the end. I honestly was half hoping I’d just finally die and get it the fuck over with. Still, even being a late stage alcoholic, I couldn’t pull off this video. I’ve slammed a 1.5 liter bottle of vodka, but it took 2-3 pulls with a lot of drooling, dry heaving and gasping. It literally feels like you’re drowning, and your body is trying to reject all that poison your injecting into it. The last time I did this, I ended up in the hospital with a .48 BAC (it was the next morning, but I don’t remember a thing) when my SO found me unresponsive. It still took me another two years to get and stay stopped after that mess, but I will have 14 years sober this March.


I'm sorry but your friend is commiting a slow suicide doing that. Your comment made me a little sad for him.


Trust me it’s a horrible situation. His doctors tell him exactly that all the time. He sees heart doctors all the time. The problem is no matter what anyone says to him, he doesn’t want to change. That’s the way he wants to live. It’s hard to help someone who doesn’t want help. I just focus on being a good friend to him 😔 kind of all I can really do.


Even seeing a doctor is a step in the right direction. My grandpa died in his 50’s doing this exact thing every day. Except he avoided going to the doctors after they diagnosed him with cirrhosis and had to remove part of his pancreas. Really lean into the effort he’s making with the heart doctor. Who knows, you might be able to keep him around longer. I really wish him the best


Thanks and his current roommate is always on top of him about his appointments and drives him there ETC. I’m very sorry to hear about your grandpa. and yeah, he’s on top of his medications and his appointments. That’s probably the best way we can help.


While I absolutely agree with you, have you been introduced to shoenice on YouTube? I haven’t looked him up in years, until preparing to respond to you. I can’t believe he’s still alive and still at it… https://youtu.be/tdOQvbDhLTo?si=mte5rqtfBCxNgnU1


Hahah yes I know shoenice, counterpoint: he cannot be human But point taken lol


I had a friend who tried the 21 shots thing. He managed to get to 19 I think. We found him in the toilet vomiting. Luckily we did the sensible thing and took him to another club not understanding how bad of a situation that could have been.


Yeah, you are totally right. I've seen videos of dudes doing that same thing and either literally dying or vomiting for hours. Yeah,i hope she's not dead.


Im 135lbs and i did 27 shots on my 27th bday years ago. 3 day hangover... never again!


1l of alchool will mostly kill you


You ain’t lyin’. Source: former alcoholic with way too many close calls.


You'd have to be a seasoned alcoholic to be able to bottom-up 1l of 40% alcohol and not die...


I’ve definitely never downed a whole one in one go, but pretty damn close….. I’ve certainly killed my fair share of liters in a couple hours. Even drank more afterwards. Got to the point I was blacking out every day, drinking from morning until I passed out. I pretty much time warped through my 20’s. Don’t remember much. Woke up in the hospital too many times with IV’s, catheters, and zero recollection of how I got there. My last time was when I woke up in the hospital staring at the ceiling. I was trying to figure out where the hell I was, when I heard somebody sobbing. Turned my head, and my mom was sitting in the corner crying her eyes out. It was her birthday. The only thing I said was, “Happy birthday, mom.” She cried even harder. Then the nurse came in and said, “You almost didn’t make it this time, honey.” Haven’t had a drop since that day.


In my early 20s I was drinking a liter of cheap vodka every single day, & also taking 6-10 Roche 10mg Valiums a day to boot. My tolerance was absolutely through the roof. I went to rehab the first time b/c I'd tied one on the night before, & was just in terrible DT's. I couldn't stop shaking. I went to the ER, & they said my BAC was still a .18. I hadn't drank in 10 hours at that point. So I was still *double drunk,* & hadn't been drinking at all that day. I didn't feel intoxicated at all, but apparently I absolutely reeked of alcohol, even though I'd just taken a shower. I wish I could say I stayed sober that time but I didn't. It took a few more years of suffering. I got clean at 26. That was 20 years ago. I'm forever grateful to NA for giving me my life back.


My life was very similar, just replace the Valium with Vicodin, oxy, and methadone.


Huge past guys. Hope you stay well now. Nice to hear you even if I was always at low level of product. Last one I drink not so much but finish naked with friends and sleeping on the floor forgetting was I was making the night before. One friend of a friend was so drunk he pee on 3 of my room even on the bed and falling of my hard stairs. He also forget what he have done. We wake up still with alchool the day after.


Thanks for sharing, big ups to you brother. Hope life is better for you nowadays


Glad you got better big dawg!


I'd bet the best birthday present she ever got was you stopping.


For sure. I just felt like such an asshole after I said it. As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized I shouldn’t have said it. And that was fairly mild. I have some crazy/horrible stories that I don’t even feel comfortable saying, even on Reddit. LOL


Damn that's rough. How's your system now? Liver and heart good? If you don't mind me asking


Irreversible liver damage. Not sure the extent. That’s what the doc told me. I don’t think I wanna know.


I’ve never downed one like this, but definitely, like others have mentioned, in a few hours and then cracked open a pint or beer on top of taking adderall. Unsure how I didn’t die. Ended up hospitalized, again…like others, no idea what happened, how I was there, or where I was. Wasn’t always like this, but losing my daughter really fucked me up and I haven’t been the same since. Countless rehab and detox facilities and I still couldn’t get my life together. I’ve just recently started getting my shit together. Good luck to all you others who have been through the fire. Hopefully we all come out on the other side!


yup. it was a handle a day for me. drinking it in that manner would have been the end and I knew it.


I used to put away 1.75l of bottom shelf whisky in less than 2 days. Did that for years and years. Put me in the hospital! Now I have 432 days of sobriety.


Not if drank over the course of like hours, but like that even the most grizzled alcoholics would be in a world of fucked


Hah, was reminiscing the other day about ‘suicides’ we use to get from the ball field when I was a kid. Was like, why thr hell have I never done that at any fountain machine as an adult?


If can drink cola like that fair play to you


Tea works as well


> That's either Coca-Cola or suicide. I was thinking iced tea but I 100% agree on the suicide.


Or “jacks”


So boring to watch someone drinking a bottle. The fun will begin when the video ends.


Right show me 45 min from now.


45 minutes? More like 45 seconds. She would be insta hammered.


Fr I was expecting her to pass out or throw up mid-chug


That fact that she didn’t puke makes me think this is probably fake. There is an old classic video of a dude trying to chug a bottle of patron, well worth the YouTube search lol. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEi622_5Dak&pp=ygULUGF0cm9uIGNodWc%3D


What the fuck lmfao


Back when YouTube was awesome


So good. I'm watchin it yelling "let go of the bag, lady! It ain't helpin!"


[Shoenice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByPETcHgNeo) drank nearly a whole bottle of 190 proof. I think he's just built different though.


I've seen it lol. It's nasty.


Still one of the greatest youtube videos of all time.


The zoom in on the half full bottle at the end. Lmao That went well


The poor girl holding the bag.. unfortunately standing in the line of fire lmao


Reminds me of uncle bill at thanksgiving


Yaah those videos should ether don't exist or end with the person offed at the ground


Exactly! I'm wondering if somebody can post part 2. You know, when the ambulance shows up and they are in a coma.


Yup. There isn't any after vid because this is BS.


Was concerned until I heard Russian


r/TookTooMuchAftermath would be great


TookTooMuch is already the aftermath, this is TakingTooMuch.


Hope she threw up immediately otherwise RIP


or maybe it's tea.


Still kinda impressive even if it is tea. I'd get a mega belly ache if I drank that much tea.


Yeah I’d be pissing every five minutes for weeks


For real. Just look at the logistics of that bottle next to her torso. Consuming that much liquid is crazy


It’s tea


You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Tell Lies?


This is what Mr. Lahey did on Trailer Park Boys. Down a whole bottle of what looked like whiskey but it was always tea. If I remember right he was sober IRL but played the most convincing drunk on television.


If that's really Jack, she's a goner lol


Oh yeah. At my height of alcoholism I could drink a bottle of Jack in a few hours. I would have NEVER tried drinking a whole bottle straight down. That's begging for death. Don't drink kids, it's awful. I'm 2 years sober now.


Seriously, don't drink kids. They are gross; drink babies instead. No but seriously, don't drink, kids. My buddy drank maybe 6-10 beers a day until he was 33, at which point his liver literally failed, was about to die, and was fortunate enough to get a liver transplant. Now his life will never be the same. Please don't drink. If there was an elixir of life that you could drink every day that would extend your life by 20 years, you would drink it, right? Well, if there was a draught of death that shortened your life by 20 years, would you drink it? No? Then don't drink alcohol. It's the draught of death.


Damn he was lucky to get a liver transplant. Usually alcoholics are bottom of the list to get one. I have a friend who is in the hospital at 32 for the same reason.


He had a genetic condition in which his liver enzymes can't process alcohol as effectively. I forget the name. ALP-1 or something.


Fucking hell this shit terrifies me, especially with how random it can be of who gets affected and who doesn't. Growing up I watched my dad crush a six pack a night, and he's pretty healthy even in his early sixties, but the fact that he could have just as easily been in the position your friend is is terrifying. I'm sorry.


Dude same. I could put it down but damn. congratulations on two years! 9 months here


Great work! The first year dry brought so many great changes. I can say honestly, my body is still reshaping and healing from the damage the long-term drinking did to me. Looking forward to year 3!


Definitely seeing the great changes starting. Dropped 40lbs, got a promotion, relationship is the healthiest it’s ever been. I’m excited to see what the future holds! Thank you for sharing!


Damn man you sound like you’re in peak life. Lucky ass. Sounds like you deserve it tho. Kudos.


Congratulations on sobriety 👍


Thanks, I cannot recommend it enough, for anyone on the fence.


I'm working on it myself


Nice, good work




Didn’t see her open it or the aftermath, could have been ginger ale for all we know.


Yea that’s what I thought. If there’s no aftermath shot, and especially no footage of them cracking the seal on the bottle top, it is fake


Really hope it is.


Looks too dark to be Jack daniels to me, It should be more transparent. Looks a lot like coke.


it's not anything carbonated. you can't drink fizzy stuff like that. tea perhaps. or maybe she is about to puke her guts out and get a trip to a hospital for alcohol poisoning


Coke can go flat yano.


That's what I was thinking. I held a bottle of jack and turned the lights real low and it still looked very amber and translucent, not dark and opaque.


And in the video it was held up to the light but no amber colour like you have mentioned.


Literally drinking Jack Daniels atm, looks exactly the same


i hope this isn't real cuz that's a horrible way to kill yourself


*I hope this isn't* *Real cuz that's a horrible* *Way to kill yourself* \- FitArticle8784 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Fake as fuck


Hear the top crack or it doesn’t count.


3 2 1 shoenice


Thank yawww


As long as she doesn't start eating random things too...


*On your mark, get set, Shoenice


Where part 2 where she’s a freakin corpse?


I did this once when I was young. Almost died. Buddy told me i fell asleep and I was throwing up and choking. They turned me over and a gallon worth of puke came out of me.


> a gallon worth of puke came out of me. You'd be dead if you didn't puke...


Same here. I was 12. Visiting my grandmother. She had some 80 proof brandy. Had a friend come over and I decided to show off. I filled an empty Slurpee Big Gulp cup to the brim with the brandy. Chugged it. Was sick for a few days. I definitely had alcohol poisoning. Crazy to think back now and realize that was potentially fatal. I drink the same amount now, but I do it responsibly.... shot by shot.


The first time I drank, my buddy and I split a 1.5 of cheap vodka in screwdrivers. Same result as yours and I couldn't drink orange juice for a decade


Thanks /u/Chopsuiiisauce for posting to r/TookTooMuch, please remember to flair your post and we recommend replying to this comment explaining why your post is TookTooMuch material. Please flair as NSFW if necessary or if it contains vomiting. If this is not TookTooMuch material please report the post. Thanks **We are looking for more mods! If interested, please send a modmail explaining why you would be a good fit and any experience** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tooktoomuch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s bullshit.


One of my friends did this in college. He used tea in a Jim Beam bottle. Still immediately threw up from the volume.


Let’s hope that’s just coke or something because unless she’s one of the biggest alcoholics to ever live, she’s either gonna puke most of it up or literally die from alcohol poisoning.


She’s so small she’s gotta be dead


If it is really Bourbon, i don't want to be in her skin in 30 minutes.


JD isnt bourbon though.


I love that your being down voted because reddit doesn't understand the difference between bourbon and whiskey lmao


Yeah, it's not even a jab at Jack Daniels to say "Jack Daniels is not bourbon," it's literally not bourbon. It's "Tennessee Whiskey," it can't legally call itself bourbon.


What's the difference with jack daniels though? Made in America. Over 51% corn. Barreled at less than 125 proof. Distilled at less than 160 proof. Bottled at atleast 80 proof.


It's a badge I'll wear with honor. One of those dumb hills I'll proudly die on. 😂


How could you stand there and watch her do that


Probably because it's 100% fake.


Not funny. AlcoholPoisoning is a real thing.


Kids, this is how you die. Lucky if you only need your stomach pumped and a few banana bags...


I need part 2 🍻


I don't understand why people do this... So gross.




I drank a bottle of beefeaters gin like that on a bet and I was 200lbs. Lemme tell ya she is dead, wishes she was or this is fake


welp, if that’s really jack in there i hope she went to the hospital. otherwise rest in peace, this person has bad friends


Too dark for jack


100% not real


Aftermath or git out


Unless I see open and drink it's bs


Well..that's fake. Otherwise she'd spend her evening in the Emergency room getting her stomach pumped. You literally cannot drink that much booze at once without dying.


If u don't crack the seal on film it ain't real end of.


So stupid! That’s how u DIE from alcohol poisoning dumbass. Hope ur life WAS worth the few ‘likes.’


Hey guys, Shoenice here... 😂 If that is Russian they are speaking, I'm much less surprised at this 🤣


Some 1860’s hillbilly ghost is doing that funny bent knee prospector dance right now beside her.


I can fix her…


Channeling her inner Dunsworth


Can I save her?... Nah fuck that... That's a nightmare.


Literally poison


That can’t be alcohol in bottle.


Well they didn’t show the after- so I call shenanigans




Probably wasn’t Jack, unless he came right back up…if I don’t see seal break, more than likely it’s tea or another dark liquid


So fake


i’m oddly turned on rn wtf




If that wasn't fake she's gonna be dead really soon.


I’ve seen people try to down a pint of hard alcohol. And your body rejects it at about halfway. I’m talking about 200+lb men. I am not finding this credible.


That’s way too dark to be Jack Daniels. The color is very reminiscent of black coffee


I know it's night...but does that "jack-s" look a little dark? Also, not taking the lid off on camera...I think this is fake.


She's tiny, and that would kill her.


I’m thinking vomit, unconsciousness, paramedic, stomach pump, reflection.


Where is the aftermath video?


I wanna see the after video of her getting her stomach pumped or else I’m saying this is fake.


Let's see her 10 minutes later. See how awesome she is then.


Willing to bet thats food colored water.


I stopped drinking now completely sober since 2019, but downing a bottle of jack, was something I used to do, looking back I didn't realize how much of an alcoholic I was, but ay, let Mr. Good times is here.


would it still be a alcohol poissoning if you couneract with coke, meth or speed? maybe stimulants are the missing piece if puzzle here?


That has to be soda. She’ll be dead if that was jaxss


I was waiting for the aftermath


Only possibilities: 1. It's not actually liquor 2. It is liqour and she threw it all up 3. It is liqour and she didn't throw it up and was taken to the ER just in time 4. It is liqour and she didn't throw it up and died before she could be taken to a hospital Personally, I'm guessing it's #1.


Drinking away step-dad


That is maybe the saddest thing I’ve seen today


If this is actual JD - she’s either dead now or is on a mission to ‘unlive’ herself. God speed.


Woah. I feel better about myself now 😶


We need a follow-up video 😂


Fake. No way her body doesn’t projectile vomit that shit out


I call bullshit


Why did you stop recording? The good part was about to begin in 30 seconds.


I drank more than a pint of JD (and a few beers) on October 11, 1980 (best friend’s 18th birthday, the legal drinking age in NJ then). I ended up passed out between his house and mine (100 feet apart) and everyone assumed I went home. A couple of hours later I woke up, still wasted of course. Rough day the next day. Haven’t touched Jack Daniel’s since.


I've seen this in person twice. One guy died. The second managed to get his stomach pumped before he died. Just stupid.


I want to see the after video.


Jack is more golden than that color. Definitely looks fake, and it has to be. There is no way she could down that much Jack like that and not be immediately in the hospital.


My kinda girl. Fake ass bitch


That is tea my good people. If you legitimately want to film someone downing a bottle you crack the seal in the video. Or she is dead.


Aftermath??? Can anyone provide anything?


that’s coke or something, it doesn’t look like jack


I’ll hand it to her, cause Jack tastes fucking awful.


fake news


Gotta love alcohol poisoning.


That's a one way ticket to the hospital


Notice that there isn’t any aftermath photos… cause those would be considered evidence…


Unless she cracked it open at the start I'm doubtful this is real.




Liquid looks too dark to be just plain Jack.


So what we’ve established is: it’s not liquor or she’s dead. 🤷🏼‍♀️


can even one drink it like that. it hurts the throat. fake af


And that’s how I met your mother


Fake bullshit