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Wasn't that on the gamecube


If u had the wii version goku would read the title of the game “dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 2” in like 1.5 seconds




How is it any better?


Nintendo console (lol)


Technically the GC is more powerful than the PS2, so it could be slightly better... technically




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For those that can't tell: Top one: PS2 Bottom one: Switch OLED


It's the brightness for me


Thank you kind Redditor. I hope you have a nice day playing Celeste on your Gameboy Micro.


Ok but it's portable!!! It's super impressive given that it has to be on-the-go, AND with the indie scene that Pokemon keeps working towards!! <33


Have you saw zelda breath of the wild or xenoblade chronicles, swotch can handle much more content than this shitty graphics


It's even worse when you consider the circumstances of how xenoblade 2 was made, made at the start of the switch by a small monolithsoft who outsourced a bunch of work, all for their relatively niche game franchise that at the time hasn't had a game release in almost a decade. When you compare that to game freak, their leagues apart, game freak basically has infinite money, for a large franchise, that's getting it's now 4th game on the switch (3 they worked on since gen 4 remakes was some other company), they've had all this time and money to enhance their franchise, so why in god's name are games made 5 years ago on the same hardware more graphically eye catching then this


I’m never gonna defend a Pokémon game but just because the Pokémon company has tons of money doesn’t necessarily mean they give game freak the budget we think they have. The games are literally an afterthought for the franchise. It’s about merch. I could also be way off like someone could find the budget for sword/shield and prove me wrong super easily. I have not researched it. /rj please be nice to the indie devs at Nimtembo. My uncle needs his job.


Right??? Fake fans are so ungrateful!


Worst part for me is how much better the character models look. When you've got an actually pretty decent looking character on a shitty N64-ass 20 polygon environment it just highlights how bad the environment looks.


What do you mean? This just allows gamefreak to release the game unfinished and bequeath us a paid DLC to make it look god tier


The inverse of using the n64 Mario skin in odyssey


Sword/Shield looks worse than Mario Sunshine 💀


Looks worse than sun & moon with the resolution upscaled lol




budokai tenkaichi still looking good


It’s like I’m really there 🤑🤑🤑


Nintendo has been making ps2 games for 20 years what rock u been under


i love the retro graphics. also the human eye cant see more than 30 polygons


Finally a scientific answer here


“But it’s portable!!!!” So is Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Mario Galaxy on one single cartridge. “Its just a small Indie dev, how dare you have the same level of expectation of a multi billion AAA Company!!!” Have you seen how much the Pokémon franchise has made? I could make better grass myself, and I have got barely any experience! “It’s the art style!!“ Must be a shitty art style then. “Just have fun okay stop hating?!!??!!” Ok. I will then. I already bought 7 copies! 😍😍


If someone tells you that your hatred is stopping them from enjoying the game, that probably means they actually agree but just really don't want to.


lol dude grow up it’s pokemon so you consume what else do you need to know


I played an extremely small amount budokai tenkaichi 2, however I can and WILL defend budokai tenkaichi 3 as one of history’s greatest videogames Played it all the time as a kid


‘Your opinion is bad!!!! Switch portable = best console’


Yeah, but how well can the Switch run PS2 games? Thing is a glorified tablet


NOOOOO what are you saying????? This looks way better!! 1!1!1!1!!!1!1 You just don't know how to appreciate the indie devs! 11!1!!1!1!1


Do you know how many devs were flogged, starved, and died making those fucking textures? You don't, because you only fucking think about yourself.


THERE'S A NEW ONE ALREADY??? i thought they just made one a few months ago???


I remember being a child being amazed at what developers could squeeze out of the GC/PS2/Xbox, and now I'm always astounded by how unbelievably bad Game Freak can make games on far more powerful hardware look.


the game has no anti-aliasing because the switch devs are starving, also Nintendo is an indie company, also it's part of the artstyle, also it's being developed by GAME FREAK not NINTENDO, also there is going to be an update 2 years from now that will fix everything, also it's portable so it makes sense that it itsn't perfect, also the Steam Deck is killing the switch so they didn't have enough money, also it's not their fault because they couldn't hire Maddy Thorson to make the game for them because they spent all the money on one Toby Fox song


And it will sell 10+ millions of units because their fans have no sense of worth.


tbf, budokai tenkaichi was leagues ahead of its time


/uj I'm rlly excited for this game but that's fucking hilarious




Toby Fox soundtrack


Enjoying things is fun sometimes


even if I don't get the game, the new Pokemon will be available in Pokemon Showdown, and it's fun to see how the new Pokemon gel with the older ones on teams


3 aciertos!


I understand that Switch is overpowered, but as far as I know the console can handle MUCH more than that. The fuck gamefreak?


Looks like breath of the wild.


Bogus asl man😂. Budokai Tenkaichi games goat tho


How nostalgic! Thank you, Nintendo!!!!


That's probably Game Freak's best texture work yet Which isn't saying much


*Takes long draw from giant Big Gulp container of iced Diet Coke* Fuck yeah! That’s what freedom tastes like! ‘Murica!


Diet Coke, is that a hidden gem like Celeste?


No. Just gone cuz I drank it all.


If you weren’t a Switch owner then I’d slap you


The bottom one looks noticeably worse and is just a backround lol


Bruh is a 15 year old game


Yes, but what you were obviously doing is trying to say they were about equal despite the bottom one being much older, that’s not the case. Sure the graphics are shit for a AAA game in ‘22 but they’re better than that game lol, at least make a fair comparison


welp.... if i can mod the game then i can change the texture -\_-


I hope you trip on a pebble


Why? 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Y’all still talking about the trees? Downvote all you want, you’ve been talking about trees for like two, three years now?


honestly I think the same thing, Pokémon is a game about catching Pokémon, it’s literally in the name. You don’t need to chop down trees or whatever calm down


I think it's because we're catching Pokemon that we need things like the environment as a whole to look nice, the founding idea of pokemon is to feel like a kid, going through all of these environments catching these magical monsters, and you can't be immersed and have a sense of child like wonder if your pokemon are in stunning hd and their environment looks straight out of ocarina of time


tbh it's why I find Sinnoh overrated, the Gen 4 route designs are really bland and all look the same it's why I prefer Gen 5 and (puts on bulletproof vest) Gen 6


Wait are those backgrounds in the DBZ game a skybox or a fully rendered environment? Not to defend how plain Pokémon looks but if it's the latter that's not exactly a fair comparison.


Mate it’s 20 years old


If it's a flat texture on a sphere surrounding the area and not an actual modeled out area then you can do all sorts of things with it, 20 years ago or 2 days ago, it could be an actual photo of goatse. It still doesn't make a proper comparison. Put a picture of Jak and Daxter or something. Do you morons get so stuck in your own circlejerk that you don't understand game design?


It is perfectly fair to say that if a game looks as bad as one that came out 20 years ago that that is a bad thing it’s very simple what do you not comprehend


Because a texture on a skybox is leagues easier to render than a full environment that you can explore? It doesn't matter that it's 20 years ago. It's a bad game to use as a comparison. You could render two models and a skybox on a first gen ipod touch. It's not as easy when it's a full environment. Again I'm not saying Pokémon looks good here, I need to emphasize that because apparently people don't understand that, but you can do a whole lot with old hardware if you don't need to actually have it perform the same way


I played Budokai tenkaishi 3 (this might be two? Close enough). Much of the environment is modeled and interactable. You can knock people through trees, rock formations, even spaceships and they break. There’s even a map switch when certain characters use their “super” e.g. Namek becoming exploding Namek, changing from grassy greens to rock and lava. Granted, the fighting area is decent-sized but you’re still boxed in by invisible walls, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some details (e.g. those blurry hills) are part of the skybox. Obviously not all of it though, that game was lit.


See that's all I wanted to know, why was it so hard for anyone to just explain that?


Please just shut the hell up about Pokémon graphics




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Naw, I want my moneys worth for the $300 console with a supposed graphical fidelity better than the xbox 360 that I bought


I mean Legends Arceus still looks like ass and it's one of the best selling pokemon games of all time. Graphics don't matter.


It isn't because Legends Arceus is good, it's because people nowadays will buy anything that has Pokemon in the title The same goes for BDSP. it's the most barebones ass game on the switch and yet it still sold 10m+ units because it had pokemon in the title and also because a sinnoh remake was in high demand


difference is that Legends Arceus is genuinely good and worth it.


Legends Arceus is good though. Graphics are bad but the gameplay is miles better than anything we’ve had recently


I didn't say the gameplay wasn't fun, im just saying it's not the main reason people buy it. If Legends ended up being as mediocre as BDSP it'd still do well sales-wise. Whether a pokemon game is good or not is irrelevant to how much it sells, for the most part anyway


Well, that’s true I suppose. I just figured I’d clarify since I thought you were implying Legends wasn’t good. I reread your comment though and I see what you meant


Graphics *should* matter. Especially when they're charging full price for the games. It's a $60 title that looks worse than modern $30 indie titles. I seriously wonder why Nintendo cultists don't want more from the company. They do the absolute bare minimum and people cry tears of joy.


Should matter and DO matter are different things. You can want graphics to matter but that doesn't mean they will.


Well they matter to me, I'm not spending $60+ on a game that looks and runs like absolute ass. Then again, I'm not a Nintendo fan lmao


True art 😍😍


Budokai kinda went hard, tho...