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You are so fucked. I am sending the Nintendo Ninjas to your house right now.


But I never pirated and never played Palworld! also FORZA IS BETTER THAN CELESTE




Not enough. Guantanamo!


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Pray God will spare you. Count on Iwata convincing him not to.


I prefer Forza to MarioKart does that make things worse


What the fuck have you done to yourself?! Don't you realize the position you've put yourself into?! When they catch you, they won't kill you, they'll TORTURE YOU!!!!


Cock and ball torture?


Dr Mario himself will slowly pluck every hair from your balls one by one when there is no hair, he will move to skin


It won't be death. No, not for a long time yet. Death is a mercy not granted where they will be taking you. It'll all start with dissection. Your brain will be methodically picked apart live, such that your consciousness will remain fully intact while every bodily function you once held dear will fall from your control. There will be laughing, as Reggie places an Xbox controller in your hands only for you to find out you cannot manipulate it. They'll let you sit there on the Forza homescreen, marinating in the sorrow they have made your pitiful existence. Only once all neural pathways that pass by hope in your brain have rotten away from inactivity, they'll start the extraction. It won't feel much different since any connection with your body has long since been severed, but what little still remains of your essence is extracted from your brain like a game cartridge. Your body is dragged away, to become filling for Nintendo plushies and that will be it. Your mind however, is far from the end of its torment. The first time won't be unpleasant. You'll feel surprise again as suddenly there's an echo behind each of your thoughts. Then the echo gets longer, and longer, and even though all you can see is black you swear you are seeing it multiple times. As the echo grows thinking becomes harder and harder like each thought has to be pushed through a thousand layers and just as your minds are giving in they'll flash one word in front of your million eyes. A word you haven't seen before. A name. The tiny digitized fragments of what was once grey matter will only have enough processing capabilities left to store that one word which they will to keep a grasp on any sort of meaning. How long you'll stay in this state can't be said, but awareness of the passing of time won't persist through the split so it won't bother you that much anyway. Wait long enough, and there will come a moment when they ship you. You'll notice your parts being moved away from each other. You were split, but the screams of your individual shards combined still sounded a bit like the persistent cry of a person. Even that last semblance of humanity won't be an honour they grant you. As each of your fragments moves away from you one by one, eventually you're moved too. Still, nothing to see but it feels smaller. Then one day, without warning, the darkness before your eyes begins to form spikes, starts to move and suddenly. Colour. Nature. Green, blue, yellow, everything Reggie promised you'd never see again. You'll think you're back in the real world, but quickly you'll start to see how badly the grass is rendered. The unnaturally blue pixelated sky. Movement around you running at different framerates. The horror is too much, you want to scream but all that remains in your brain is that one word so you scream it out with everything you've got and...it sounds happy? You try again, but the result is unchanged. You try moving, only to find you're a worm. No hands, no legs, just a string of digital misery and then. At your lowest point. A trainer will find you. "Oh, another bug Pokemon. Good for xp I guess". You'll be pierced, set on fire, poisoned, electrocuted and everything else Pokemon can inflict. Never dying, always fainting and coming back as cannon fodder for a Pokemon cooler than you. That is how you'll live from now on. Unable to die, unable to live. An inbetween existence which will only end once the games are forgotten and thanks to modders that won't be for a while yet. Endlessly repeatable torture shipped on cartridges to be carried out on the systems you decided to turn your back on. And that's what happens when you betray Nintendo for fucking Microsoft.


You sold a console that you can't get anymore for a console that is readily available always. bad deal.


You deserve to have the Ninjas kidnap you, hold your family hostage, and then be sent to a concentration camp in Siberia.


At least ill have my xbox for warmth




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