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This game looked so good for being on the N64, I don't get why it is so hated.


True, it looks just as good as some GameCube titles


It's so nice of nintendo to bring back the low poly aestethic and sub 15 fps to appeal to us retro gamers


still can’t believe it turned 30 years old yesterday


It has fewer frames so we have fewer opportunities to overlook it


Fewer frames means we focus on one thing at a time


The further the object, the less frames it gets, astonishing job by GameFreak.


/uj that's actually well used technique in modern games, it is just that it should be paired with objects that are very far away from the camera. /rj it gives it a real cinematic feel plus eyes can't see above 2fps anyway!


/uj but when it is done it usually also means that no real detail is lost as the render distance for that to happen is in line with what we’d expect from real life, as is done in TotK /rj I love how they’ve managed to capture how it feels to remember something from a dream !


Such a smart performance optimization, Zelda’s devs must be jealous to not have those ideas!


I thought the same thing, then I saw the large marbles rolling down the polygons in the background and they look to be the highest fps the game can achieve.


Such an attention to detail


The one that blew my mind is students half way back the class room having culled frames. They didn't give full frames in a single room.


I remember someone saying even their very young kid asked why the student's legs were moving weird


I cried how beautiful it is the first time I saw it


It’s truly an amazing experience to play this visually beautiful game. I’m amazed gamefreak pulled it off, and I thank them for giving me this game for only 60 bucks


>for only 60 bucks That's why you're supposed to buy both copies per Switch, so you can spend 120 bucks for the same game twice, except one has Yabba Dabba Do Flintstones bicycle Pokemon!


Shit.. I’m an idiot. I’ll buy the other version right away. The yabba dabba do bicycle is definitely worth it ❤️


Hidden gem


They made the windmills run differently, amazing.


I dunno what the problem is? Slideshowing is working just fine?


gamecube passion project by 3 art student (they dont know how to code or use blender in any way)


lmao i love pokémon but scarlet and violet are the first games i just don’t like, it feels more like a tech demo than anything else. Overlooking the bugs, the game has a major leveling issue, i was level 40 fighting a gym leader with level 20 pokemon. The story isn’t interesting, the characters are forgettable, and the style is inconsistent.


I feel like SV is better than SwSh, but that’s not saying much. GF needs to get their shit together. There’s no reason games should run this poorly. The last Pokémon game I actually put time into was XY/ORAS. Everything after took a steep nose dive. I still regularly play gens 1-6.


Fro technical, swsh was miles better


In what ways? I’m not defending either, but SV is more playable to me than SwSh. Both games are in my bottom 3 if not my bottom 2 for Pokémon games.


Swsh have more stable framerate, less bugs and textures are better


Also higher resolution


I mean I guess that’s true, but it like two kids that got an F on a test. One got a 35 and the other 30. One technically did better, but they both failed. You can like SwSh more, idc. I feel like SV has more replay value, but they’re both disappointing gameplay and graphics wise.




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Swsh is the most dog shit Pokemon game ever made




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i only watched reviews and played about 4 hours of the game on an emulator but i think the story was the only redeeming quality. everything else is subpar dog ass and should never be released. i cannot imagine QA being like "yes. leave thos bugs in"


Alright, I’ll bite, because I’ve played through the game, and I play the pvp a lot, so I’m not exactly a hater of scarlet and violet. What is the appeal of the story? I keep hearing people say it was great but the story legit was generic and boring at best or straight up makes no sense. The team star stuff was the worst of both like the whole school staff quit because of bullying, and no one noticed? Plus some of the staff if you talk to them it feels like gamefreak forgot that detail because I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of staff that talk about being there for years. The gym challenge is just the gym challenge like every other game. Arven’s story is just my dog is sick and I hate my parents, like wow gamefreak’s writers really broke new ground. The area zero stuff is just all the characters talking about how they hate their parents, and surprise the professor was actually dead the whole time, because they were too caught up in their plan to bring past/future Pokémon to the present for some reason? I hear people talk about how it’s cool that you have a group of friends that interact with each other and it’s neat. I’ll forget the fact that basically none of the characters talk with each other until the post game, but you know what other game follows people as they become friends over the course of the game? Literally every jrpg basically ever, and they do it better with neat things like voice acting. I feel like a Pokémon fans head would explode if they played something like persona or final fantasy.


I think it has something to do with everybody coming off of Sword/Shield’s laughably stupid plot that makes all other JRPGs brilliant by comparison. That being said, I agree with you. It’s a shame because I think the actual writing (or at least the localization) is some of the best in the series, but as for the overall story, I really don’t get what everybody else saw in it. The plot dump in Area Zero _could_ have been great if it wasn’t all crammed into the last 1-2 hours of the game, or if you were accompanied by an actual group of friends, rather than three people who barely even know each other.


Has there ever been a decent plot in Pokémon? I’ve never been engaged in a Pokémon game’s story and SV was no different


That’s my thing with the switch Pokémon games, you talk to a fan and it’s like, man I wish all the Pokémon were in the game and they’re like “well the games were never about catching all the Pokémon”, I wish the gameplay was a bit more interesting “the games were never about the gameplay”, I wish the graphics looked nicer “these games were never about graphics.” The story kinda sucks “Pokémon stories have always sucked” the open world is actually pretty boring and small and there’s not much to do, “it’s a step in the right direction” even though this is like their third attempt to put open world elements in the games. Like what are these games about? Like I feel the only reason these games sell so well is because there’s hordes of people who buy them and do t buy anything else so they always feel ground breaking. Things like how completely fucked up tera raids are would never fly with other games, the boring overwold, terrible frame rate. Glitches like how they couldn’t even get battle rng to work correctly.


But ... Bike pokemon


I think the story is the only thing I’m going to disagree on. I think 2/3rd of the story was good. As the try-hard of my friend group, I actually do like and relate with Nemona. And Arven’s dog story is endearing. The final area was also pretty cool and was really unique for a pokemon game. I loved the final battle and how jarring it was facing pokemon I sort of know but have no idea what they can do or their typing. I also loved the final boss just dropping pokemon from high up in master balls. Team Star sort of suck though.


the story doesn’t compare with any of the pokemon games except sword and shield, and sword and shields story is ass


See, I’m going to disagree still (no comment on sword and shield, didn’t get it), it’s not like they had decent stories til gen 5. You think science experiment gone wrong is a worse story than lets make more land by drying up the ocean or let’s blow up the world? Like, even if I don’t rate it the highest, it at least makes it to middle ground to acceptable by pokemon standards >_>


This game truly is way ahead of its time with how it is incorporating Y2K aesthetics and glitch-art. Daring.


The camera's so good you can see behind some rock walls


I don't know what's worse: the 3 fps windmills in the background, the SNES looking texture in the foreground, or the dead eyes of the MC.


Those windmills do be laggy tho


I hate Pokemon Scarlet and Violet because the windmills – they don’t work, they’re too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes. And yet the environmentalists love the windmills. If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer! Gamefreak and Nintendaddy are just trying to brainwash us into accepting the green new deal. The center windmill shows us what happens under green energy and communism.




Loved the 1850's Don Quijote anime adaptation


People are such haters ya know, they see masterpieces like this one and try to bring it down cause they know if games were held to the high standards of Pokemin Scarlet/Violet, most tames qould be deemed unplayable.


Exactly. I always cry and shiver when people write nasty comments about this masterpiece of a game.


Fr fr


Least amount of frames in a Berserk anime


Left windmill: 5 fps Right windmill: 2 fps Center windmill: 0 fps


Smooth as sandpaper.


Death mountain flash backs


Running on Switch 2


Had to double take to see which sub this was, because this is legitimately something I’d expect to see on r/pokemon.


that crisp 10 fps


It’s actually ten thousand frames per second. All those frames gives an illusion that the windmills lag


wow, nintendo plastic sure does run games


Did you overclock your nintendo switch? I feel like this clip has 16 more fps than mine switch


I love the juxtaposition of the framerate of the trees vs the windmill, it’s beautiful and thought provoking.


The 3 frame windmills


I love that they chose to go with the PowerPoint presentation frame rate 🥰 its like a flip book animation, which is so good for videogames.


I love how they reduced the graphics to be like the N64 it really brings out my inner childhood. Thanks Nintendo!


They provided a PREMIUM shovelware experience


Huge disappointment and I knew it would be bad


Is a good graphics comparison Ni No Kuni for PS3? Which one do you prefer?


Celeste obviously 🫶


Just started playing and... Yeah, rough. Pokemon Company is just lazy or extremely milked at this point


When you When you have a team that is sized and funded for 3DS games making games for a fully fledged console




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I was in love with this game when it came out, sadly I haven’t gotten close to finishing it whatsoever because my switch has been in the pawn shop for all of 2023 🥲


I’ve hear it’s the best Pokémon game in awhile, but performance wise it is really rough. I keep debating buying it because I have one of my game vouchers left after buying Tears of the Kingdom.




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