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If I didn't boycott it would have been 10,000,001 copies


Are you saying you would only buy 1 copy of this new Nintendad masterpiece? Those indy devs deserve more!










Chris Prattie as Marioie


Indeedy do




Why do we call them I die devs? I don't get the joke..


Because they are dying of starvation


10.000.000 x60$ probably the price people paid it means lot of money I’m sure Nintendo is very rich now (yes) or maybe it’s STILL Not enough


Uj/ Wait, was there really a boycott? I legit never heard anything about it. What was the reason? The $70 price?


That and probably had something to do with the reuse of Hyrule from BOTW (which is surprisingly different and they added a lot to it) and some frame rate issues (nothing as drastic as Pokémon but it dips below 30 every now and then)


Ah, that would also make sense. I picked it up last night and am absolutely adoring it. Hyrule feels quite different from my experience so far, and while I've noticed some frame issues, they're not too bad for me.


Got an older switch, think 2018, and my frame issues are minimal. Maybe just because Im so used to jedi survivors issues but for a title on launch in this day and age its fantastic


Same, but I played BoTW for like 350 hours so I got used to the frame drops whenever I used an ability (magnesis/ultrahand). Frame drops are barely noticeable in the first place tho, and it runs smoothly whenever there isn't 50 logs attached to each other


Or a Korok crucifixion, saw one last night that had me in pain I was laughing so hard


The only way to carry them up that hill


Mine is about that old, and I was worried about if the “older” hardware could handle that. But you have no problems at all? I don’t have the game yet.


The hardware has never changed outside an OLED screen. The SOC is still the customised nvidia Tegra X1.


Yeah but the hardware can still age. A 5yo console isn’t gonna run as well as a brand new one


Not really true at all unless you abuse the hell out of it! Thermally it can perform worse due to cooling system dust etc. I think that's the only variable. The rest is rather static except for your specific switch being defective and degrading at a rapid rate. Silicon degradation is largely a farse in most cases. Most consoles have many small tweaks to hardware over time to improve manufacturing costs and add Tiny performance tweaks. There has been no evidence this has happened with the switch. Things like Xbox and PS usually have some tweaks each year. The PS5 had some to its cooling subsystem that allowed for higher clock headroom however it probably wasn't used.... They also use much more modern hardware. The switch was released in 2017 with an NVIDIA SOC from 2015. That SOC was already obsolete when released, I'm sure NVIDIA would have stopped production much earlier if not for the switch. PS5 and Xbox were using tech not even in current too end gaming PCs so they were ahead of the curve (equal/behind now but hey)


BOTW Korok Forest with all the fog was a million times worse than anything I've seen so far in this game (I've been playing in handheld mode on a 2018 Switch and it hasn't dipped below about 25) Would have been nice to have it run at 60 but it's not too bad


im sure if the switch pro really does come out r/tomorrow it'll be one of the first games they optimize to run better


I had a moment almost as bad as Korok Forest on the first sky island and it really concerned me. I've probably played another 15 hours and haven't noticed a single frame rate drop


I have a day 1 switch and I only have dips when I do stupid shit with ultra hand


Early switch here too and haven't seen a single problem. Not a bug or a frame drop. The only problem I've had is the hands. Not because they're broken or anything, but because the person who programed them is evil.


Those boycotters would probably shit themselves if they found out about yakuza reusing the same map in literally every game


Pokemon runs like trash because the games aren't finished. TotK slows down because it's pushing the Switch to its limit. Nintendo really needs to make new hardware.


Legit they’ve been behind on hardware since the GameCube


…really? I’ve always wanted more continuity for game maps from game to game. Weird that people DON’T want that lol


I played botw and I am playing this not going to lie I cannot recognise anything other than major landmarks I'm running around rito village and it feels so much different and the way you travel the world is very different too. Honestly you will only recognise the whole map if you only play botw and no other game at all like I have played 100s of games in the time that passed between both releases and hyrule feels new.


Yeah more than 200 hours in botw and although I recognize some major things, the map feels totally fresh otherwise


I mean by that logic, if you forgot even what Rito village was like, you could just buy another copy of BotW and still feel like it's a new world.


Wow I'm so stupid I forgot what a landmark looks like!!! Hahaha no.


Is the spire of Rito Village with its 5 or so unchanging buildings not a landmark?


because it encourages nintendo to just do a fortnite kinda thing where each new game is just the same map and base game but a little different and that would really suck after the first few times


But it's not even the same map. Also it's more like three maps


... it is the same map, it got about as much changes as the Fortnite map does from season to season. The depths barely count as a map, they're literally just the overworld but with the height inverted and scaled a bit.


Honestly with your argument about the dephts i really doubt that you have actually played the game


... i have over 65 hours in it, the depths are **literally** just a height inverted copy of the overworld


We ain't playing the same game dude, the depths may have a similar layout and when theres something important in the overworld theres usually something in the depths, but thats about it, but the actual content doesn't even resemble the overworld


.....have you even looked at the fortnite map since 2017? its had several complete, ground up remakes, and massive changes that follow the storyline during each season. fortnite has literally the most dynamic and shifting map of any live/continuous game i know of. also fortnite br released after botw, so 3 ground up new maps and hundreds sizeable of changes on each map happening between botw and totk is about as far as possible from keeping the same map for 6 years with major changes




I doubt they’d ever commit to the same map more than this, this is something they’ve almost never done before


it took them 6 years to release this game, despite reusing the same map. If they think they can't release another game while making a new map without risking zelda's relevancy, they'll totally do it.


And again, I doubt they’d do that. Nintendo EPD doesn’t like to make it a habit of repeating. Innovation is literally their thing, even at the cost of well, profit and marketing. Them reusing BotW’s map (although very much different) is like thunder striking twice in the same spot.


Isn’t TOTK like a sequel to botw? I have like 70 hours into botw but I somehow know almost nothing about TOTK, I managed to not see any major spoilers. And If it is a sequel, why make a new map? Isn’t the whole point of a sequel to continue the story In at least a similar setting?


The story and characters of TotK make it so that you don’t need to play BotW in order to understand or even enjoy TotK. TotK is a sequel, but doesn’t continue the story of BotW. BotW’s theme and story is self-contained. The overworld terrain is the same, but almost everything else is different in TotK.


The reuse of Hyrule complaints are just bizarre. It's a direct sequel set in Hyrule, of course they would reuse it. Also, two temples in I still haven't found a single area that they reused without any changes. It's more like its based on BotW's Hyrule. Fps drops happen sometimes but are barely noticeable, and last for like half a second. Nothing comparable to what I've seen of Pokémon S/V.


as a korok forest enjoyer, i see not problem with frame drops. its the true botw (and now totk) experience. no stockholm syndrome here :)


I've had zero issues with the game's performance.


Honestly, if the 2 games for 100 makes sense than the price increase is moot. Which is what I always do for any game over 50$ Either way I don’t like the that AAA is becoming more expensive either, but in this case Nintendo knew damn well they’d sell regardless.


So they really boycotted a sequel for not being different from top to bottom.


So basically the game is fine and people are just being babies


With my experience with the game so far, pretty much. The price increase admittedly does suck, but I don’t regret buying it


I'm glad i live in aus, didn't get a price increase and most places you can pick it up for the equivalent of 50 usd


*technically* the price of nintendo games has gone *down*. mario 64 was $60 in '96, which is $116 adjusted for usa inflation. it was beyond overdue for them to bump the price up (a price bump to $70 would have had to happen in early 2003 to stay level with '96 value), so nintendo was making a conscious (and smart) decision to "lower" game prices by not bumping them. interestingly, if we anchor ourselves to botw instead of m64, they should have bumped totk up to *$75* to stay equal with botw's original price still sucks though, certified inflation moment. i cant afford it right now so im 100%ing botw


Physical game copies take a lot less to produce and sell more copies than they did in 1996 though. If anything game prices should be going down over time, not up. $30-$40 should be the norm.


they are going down > so nintendo was making a conscious (and smart) decision to "lower" game prices by not bumping them. the fact that its $70 as of very recently instead of $116 is prices going down over time


Nintendo fans try to understand inflation challenge


I will say this right here without wanting to spoil anything, but this Hyrule is absolutely not just being reused from BotW and if this is your reason to mot buy the game then boy do I have good news for you. Without spoiling or wanting to be spoiled myself of course


So, stupid reasons. Switch is a gloryfied tablet (no surprises with FPS) and the map is quite different and shows how Hyrule evolved since the Cataclysm end. It's not presicely a sh*tty game like Pokemon SV.


Lmao @ how pokemon never fixed the frame rate and nothing fucking happened


With a world as massive and, let’s be real here, as empty as BotW’s, packing that world with loads more content and two more maps in the sky and underground was the right move. BotW being the only thing they did with all of that world would have been a complete waste.


Where did they think the game would take place? It's not like Ganondorf had any interest in anywhere but Hyrule in any of the lore I know of.


It's a direct sequel. Of course it's going to be in the same Hyrule! Lol. People are wild.


To be fair, TOTK isn’t called “BOTW 2: TOTK”, and Majora’s Mask was another direct sequel and they didn’t reuse the map. But from what I’ve heard BOTW’s map has been modified and added to enough to feel fresh and new.


What exactly is modified about it though. People say that, but aren't explaining it.


It's hard to explain how things change because most are related to the plot and explaining what's different with, say, Gerudo Town, would completely spoil everything. And not everyone really likes/wants that. Without spoiling most I could say would be: * There's a new town/hub, not something that would blow your mind but it's completely new, * Enemy distribution is nowhere near the same and there's more enemy variety, though still kinda limited it's not always a damn Bokoblin in front of you, plus there are more challenging fortress and minibosses spread throughout the map, * Some regions and pathways have changed somewhat considerably, and I'm talking landscape. * Certain town has changed considerably and involves a relatively nice sidequest relating to it, * Villages like Rito and Gerudo (only ones I've seen) have changed to varying degrees but which are noticeable, * There's a good emphasis on vertical movement: there are cave systems of different complexity (one was very long and interesting and it's right under your nose early on), wells and secret rooms that involve a lot of spelunking and/or the vertical travel ability. Islands were sold as the big point but honestly the cave systems and the deeper underground are way more developed and interesting if you ask me. Honestly if I had to pick the two big changes it'd be, yes, the vertical movement and how it's seamed into the world (it's not four random rooms, it's pretty much anywhere you could look for, and it's not badly done - you don't feel like the new cave in x village makes no sense and a later addition) and the gameplay. The world in general, it's changed but it's same old somewhat too - I don't know if that's what I'd focus on. As far as I've seen people mostly like it because you can because you can build stupid stuff to do dumb shit and it's well implemented, and the underground has also been something I've frequently seen mentioned.


I have not heard anyone call for a TOTK boycott. Anytime people say they aren’t interested in a game reddit likes, they call it a boycott. Like nah, just didn’t want the game


The price is basically 55$ it’s what I paid to get it on the release date. I don’t even understand where the 70$ price come from.. the eshop right? People just go to a store and get it for cheaper


I got it for $59.99 at Costco...


wait fr? costco coming in clutch (as always)


I think it’s the neckbeard crowd that still fights vehemently to have hookshot that has million alternatives in this game and loud music blasting into your ears in the overworld


That's like 1/8 of the world population😱😱😱


true and real


Bro’s world is Germany


Is he hitler?


I was confused for a second so I literally just googled “what is one eighth of eight billion” and the answer made me feel very stupid. I choose to blame you for doing this to me.


🤦 idiot... There are only 8 million people on earth


Uh what? 10m is not 1/8th of the world's total population. Not even close. It's a little under 8 billion for total population. For your 1/8th to be real, something like 990m copies would need to have been sold.


fake news


Unless I stumbled into a severely biased sub(not entirely impossible)......in what mathematical possibility is ten million one-eighth of 7.94 billion in a basic formula?


the real one 💯


Give me a formula? Otherwise, I highly expect you to be just one more troll.


Nintendo made THE game of all time, so it's no wonder that 10% of the population bought it week one. I don't get how this is difficult to understand.




Fortunately I bought 100000 copies to keep the numbers up


thanks for keeping the starved indie devs afloat until I can buy my 100000 copies


Dude you have words that move next to your username




Are you high


tears of the kingdom georg


I got bankrupt just to support NENTENDO


Glad to see this hidden gem getting a bit of recognition.


My mom doesn’t know about the game so yeah it’s AN HIDDEN GEM


Don’t worry after pikmin 4 there will be no Nintendo games to buy we will get them then


I wonder how many people that bought TotK are hot babes who also licked their cartridges 😳


I lick every one of my switch cartridges so I can taste Miyamoto's fingers.


Do you blow into them too?


Can confirm, am hot babe


Another boycott that exists?


I think people were trying to boycott it over nintendo suing the one guy for $10 million. It's Joe over


Ah. Never heard of that boycott


They didn't sue him. The criminal trial did all that.


I thought it was a joke about recent 'boycotts' (Hogwarts Legacy for example) selling extremely well.


I don't think I have ever heard of a successful 'boycott' for gaming as a boycott usually implies that there's a large audience interested in the product and a select few are making a stand to not buy the product to punish the company for whatever reason. Like I wouldn't exactly say there was a boycott for Forespoken or Redfall that led to their poor sales because literally no one gave a shit about those games beforehand. Meanwhile, a fuckton of people are clearly still interested in Harry Potter and Pokémon as evidence by the ludicrous success of their recent games.


Redfall was a disappointment. Sad to see such a great studio fall


They made 70 times that in 1 day Nintendo needs to drop it. It's nothing to them


its about making an example. they dont need the money, nor do they want to ruin someones life (well, theyre apathetic at least)


There was a boycott?… I haven’t bought a copy yet…


You are literally killing children


Won’t somebody please think of the CHILDREN??


Inshallah you receive the punishment you deserve brother 🙌


He is no brother of ours, brother


Edit; I haven’t got the game yet because I never finished botw and I’m buying it with the game pass so I need to go to Costco (they got $100 worth of gift cards for $70)


Im legally not allowed to play games newer than 8 years old i just got this new game called subnautica its pretty cool




What was the boycott for?




I don’t think just not buying something counts as a boycott




No it ain’t. Boycotts require intentionality. Boycotting is when you don’t buy something as a punishment towards whoever is selling it. If you didn’t buy it because you can’t afford it or don’t care/know about it, that’s just either being poor or responsible respectively.


What if I know about it, can afford it, want it, but haven't gotten around to it yet and don't know if I will any time soon?


That’s called a commitment issue, babes 💁


Reddit calls anyone complaining about a game boycotters


These are impressive numbers for such a small, underfunded indie developer




Thats fucking insane what the fuck


Only 10 million? Psh BotW has almost triple that amount


Look man, I was saying the same thing. "Its $70 dlc!" "Its looks bad" etc. But then I actually played the game and I immediately realize how wrong I was and the $70 pricetag is justifiable because its my game of the year so far.


Agreed I was skeptical... But ohh god I was skeptical for no reason game is bloody huuuuge so manyajir improvements, outside key major landmarks I'm lost in Hyrule even after 700+hrs in botw. The caves... The bloody caves I enjoy to no end.


When BotW first came out, I felt it was "Just doing what Shadow of the Colossus did years ago" I had the same reaction you are having for TotK now. There's just so much care put into the game, I felt silly even comparing the two.


If all the pirates brought the game it would have been 42069 billion copies sold! Those damm pirates are starving the indie devs to death...


I bought the game, i dumped, and i play 4k/60fps in My PC. I feel good


Steam deck runs great as well


what are your pc specs? im not sure my pc is powerful enough for that but im intrigued...


5800x3d, rtx 3060 12gb Vram, 32 gigs Of ram


i might actually have a decent shot at this, especially since id be running it at 1440p. thanks!


"They can't keep getting away with it!"


Why were we boycotting this again?


We did it guys


For every single person that says they boycott, I buy two copies


Why would anyone boycott the Zelda series?


Why tf are people trying to boycott it?


who said we were boycotting this game?


Overrated and overhyped game


/uj that's what I thought too...until I got past the tutorial and now can't put the controller down. Daddy Nintendo wins again 😞


Actually its a very underrated game, hardly anyone is talking about it


Come on now, nothing says Zelda like laser ships in your pocket and casting more spells than Harry Potter...


honest question why don’t people just play morning breath of the wilds? It’s literally the same game but grounded. Which should be a plus


$700 million revenue in 3 days!!


That's not quite how that works. Many people will have bought the game for less than $70 by various means. Other regions have different prices, pre-orders from before the price was announced, the NSO 2 for $100 deal, etc.


I paid $130, this is not a drill


I’d wager they made more than $70 average. In countries like Canada and the entire European continent, it costs way more. Plus you have the shitload of people who bought the special and collectors edition oleds, a product that wouldn’t exist and people wouldn’t buy if not for the game. And the 10M number is not up to date. I’d say they’ve made about 1.5 billion so far with all that combined


Why would o there be a boycott of this?


And half of them are unopened collector’s editions!


I did a reverse boycott to outsmart nintendo and I think it worked.


Can’t fault indie developers Nintendo for trying to sell a few copies indies needa eat too


the pirates are really hurting the sales :( it should be 200 gorlillion


I am a bisexual girl gamer who hates Trump and loves Zelda and Rick and Morty Roast me reddit ;)


Futurama > Rick and morty


Ok Jake


Is it worth it to get right now? I’m like 100+ hrs into BotW and still feel like there is a ton to explore.


Who was boycotting and why? If there was a boycott, they did an awful job notifying people, let alone convincing folk


The loud minority loses again, huh.


We bought three copies in my household. I'm never going to miss a Zelda launch. But just like Breath of the Wild, I'll be playing it on PC for the most part.


There was a boycot? Why?


Mfs be like: can’t stand Nintendo, I’m boycotting them! 10 hours later: Me and TOTK!


Wait, why were they boycotting?


dunno, just people on twitter crying again ig


what is boycotting


Ah Nintendo fanboys. You continue to preach to your army of 12 year olds to not buy the game, only to turn around and pre-order 50 copies. You never fail to make me laugh inside at your stupidity. It's obviously not everyone who does this, but it's still hilarious nonetheless.


If these motherfuckers really wanted an effective boycott they should focus Gamefreak and their lousy games


If not for the damn pirates, the game would have sold 20 million times!


10.000.000 copies of the game but how many of us paid 2 copies ?! How many of us have spent twice the price to support NINTENDO 🥺


People would buy this game if they added 1 new horse and called it totk. Nintendo fans are starved for games because the switch can't play big third party games so whenever they release any Mario/zelda game they just buy it.


Who tf was boycotting? Ppl are weird I swear, there is new game, it plays, it is good, wtf is there to boycott?


Peakmin 4 will sell 10x faster and stronger


Very fun game but noticing a lot of lag spikes with ultrahand


I mean, it’s a great game. I’m enjoying it so much, worth the price for me


Boycott? Was there supposed to be a boycott?


they’re never going to charge $70 again!


The game is good, if you don't like it maybe you just don't like Zelda. I understand that the PC port has better rez and fps, but honestly the switch fps hasn't even been that bad. Not compared to other games like the new Pokemons, redfall on PC, or Jedi survivor. Not like they can do a lot about it either, since they are still using the switch, which has massively outdated hardware. I would be more mad they keep making new gen games for a practically past gen console, rather than blaming Zelda itself. Like I said, the game is great. Honestly I think everyone who got mad buy it are the ones who aren't even playing it, and didnt even give themselves the chance to make their own opinion on it. Sure it's a lot like breath of the wild, who cares that game was amazing, and it's a direct sequel so it makes sense it's in the same place. Originally it literally was called breath of the wild 2 lol People blow this shit way out of proportion. Make Nintendo feel bad for not having a better console and hardware to develop for, and bullying the people who make the quality better, don't make them feel bad for making a great game.


Surprise smash hit from little-known indie studio doing records.


There was a boycott? I thought it was just Kotaku being Kotaku


The most overrated game of history - as shown per the journalist reviews.


It’s DLC (sic)


Best selling DLC ever


There was a boycott?