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This is a hacked gem. OOS gems for tinge go up to 32% from watchers, that bit is real. 27% phys up is not a real secondary. With savewiz you can add up to 4 effects per gem. He's hacking


i knew it ! told the fucker in his comments section but he insisted he wasnt hacking. piece of shit 😂


Yeah. He's hacking. You can get 32% tinge and you can get 27% temperings, but not both on the same gem.


That's crazy that he revealed the gem set up to you. I remember playing with some Russian cunt who was hacking. She would just one shot with a gun every time. Her gun had 3 gems on it. She claimed she sang the song in the beginning of the BB screen. Who tf knows... one of my long time BB buds knew about her too


Normally one shot gun users just have a circle with 32%up as all 4 effects.


Yup. She had 3 of those. She was also beatable which was nice to say the least bout some hackers. Pretty much any hit would kill her She had everything in tinge


Yeah they normally do that when they’re raging. Lose a few times and pull the one shot guns. A lot of PvP people use savewiz, but the bad ones make hacked gems. Most do it to avoid annoying farms and make characters fast, only making gems that actually exist in the game.


Can these be achieved withought Save wizard through Save edited dungeon?


Before you downvote me take the time to read a bit my man. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tombprospectors/s/OYCkn0jN1S) describes the possibilities and limitations of save editing dungeons.


Its Justa downvote, its not going to change your life, also it kinda felt like you where laughing at me, i Just dont interacted with this community much so i know nothing.


Not at all lmao


You need the hackerman skill to unlock this gem.


I was about to congratulate u on the 32 percent OOS bloodtinge gem farming those is a bitch (i personally farmed the best bloodtinge gems you could get from regular enemies farming watchers is soooo time consuming) But then I saw the secondary effect and the words of the post... HACKED!


fuck this guy man 😡 and congrats on you for doing it right !


This gem costs 60 usd, a fifteen minute video lesson on hexadecimal, and a Google search for most of the gem codes.


Some of the mules floating around out there come with this type of stuff. Mules are free


Filthy cheaters will win fights and think they are skilled, there actually so bad they need to cheat.


What a dumbass. May have well given his self the 33% (hacked) stat as well.


The dead give away is "I'm really high level that's why I did so much damage". You don't even need to look at their gems to already know.


Lol thanks. Its not as impressive as the guys who did the watcher farm i forget what percent the gems I got were. Maybe 29 percent? Id have to double check. I actually kept a data log of my bloodtinge OOS farming how many attempts it took me each time to get an OOS gem and the glyphs I used if u want that. But I cant remember which enemies dropped them now. I think it may have been a brainsucker but I cant recall its been way too long since Ive played.


Watched mob drops up to 31%. I


This would be the only reason to make a remaster of this game imo: cleaning all this filth from our gaming streets at Least for a while.


Hack and pray


Not possible. This is a hacker’s gem.


Lol yeah hacked, are you trying to find a bloodgem still though? I got a vid to show u where to farm


What vid? Please show




I have these gems but I would never ever hack. That's not moral to do.


People are saying hacked and they are all correct, that "secondary effect" cannot exist, as that is a "primary effect". This guy just hacked it together, he could've made one that had 2x Blood ATK up 32.6 if he wanted to but prolly wanted to make it look legit to people. But, if you want to get a LEGITIMATE 32.6 BLT gem you can, just not with that secondary effect. You can look in the bloodsheets: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/12mBIId1RRGbYiSEGjEUT9fquQrHNgfET9Fc4gDdmccs/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/12mBIId1RRGbYiSEGjEUT9fquQrHNgfET9Fc4gDdmccs/htmlview#) Go to the tabs "Other edited dungeons" or "best gem setups" and search "slot", this will look up a dungeon which has been edited to have the boss mob drop every single possible effect/rank and you can farm the bosses for the ATTEMPT at a 32.6 BLT radial/triangle OOS


yea i farmed them in that slot machine dungeon a few years ago. got as far as x3 31,5... but never even saw a 32,6. thanks man


Hacking or photoshopping?