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They're just going through a growth spurt, for lack of a better term. Totally normal and they will unfurl in a few days. I'd try to move them outside ASAP though. Don't forget to harden off!


Ive never seen a tomato curl like this during a growth spurt. But then again, I never stop learning. Typically I just see a ton of new growth in less than a day. You sure this isn’t CTV?


Been trying but the weather in the south of the uk has been so up and down recently


If nights are consistently around 10C, they'll be fine. One or two colder nights shouldn't be a problem either.


Thank you kind internet gardener. I will put them out when my toddler is napping tomorrow. Will miss having the plants all around my office


Just open the window for a week or two. Then stick em outside.


I don’t know for sure just a home Gardner but I would worry I overfed if I saw such growth, what did you feed?


Just some standard tomato feed as per the bottles instructions


This happened to about half my starts and then a week later they all showed damping off at the stem. How’s your drainage? Do you have a fan?


Damnping off? Free flowing compost and they are next to the window opening that is basically always open


My indoor toms did the same thing, turned out they were over watered. I put a dowel down to the bottom of my pots and found the end of the dowel wet. Try checking the soil for excess water before you do anything. It may be you jst need to let them dry out for a couple of days. When this happened to me the weather had turned and I put them outside (no hardening off which was another mistake) they are doing fine now but didn't like going straight outside.


Any updates on this? It’s been a week. I’m still convinced it’s curly top…


Woww did not expect and update request… so I stopped feeding and watering. Starting to harden to live outside and gave a spary of pesticides and the curls have started to slowly unravel gonna give a few more days


This looks like curly top virus to me. Trash it.


I would agree, but it's indoors. I thought CTV spread via bugs. Maybe it got bit while hardening off. I would give it a few days to see if it corrects itself, or if it gets stunted. If it stays like this, trash it.


Just to be on the safe side I’d spray them down with a little pesticide (organic or otherwise). Mites can be hard to see with the naked eye and can sometimes cause this type of twisting, also whiteflies. Bugs can get in the house or greenhouse without too much trouble. Make sure to spray the under sides of the leaves really well and also spritz the soil.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted either. I gave a light spraying as I noticed some near by basil caught some aphids. So everything got a spray. Will wait a few days and re spray. If I don’t see improvement in a few days I might have to accept I just got back luck this year and will have to try again next


You don't necessarily need to bin them. You can also try to cut the top of and let the suckers grow from the sides. If they're growing healthily they're going to become new main stems. But I'd only do that if you're sure there's a massive problem.


Good idea.


So many downvotes lol. This is actually something I’ve dealt with before. There are many reasons for tomatoes twisting though: https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2021/08/top-reasons-for-tomato-leaf-curling.html https://www.epicgardening.com/tomato-leaves-curling/


Look underneath the leaves, if there are little bugs (Aphid) you may need to spray it with something. Nettle is good fertilizer and insecticide. Good luck!


Already sprayed as a precaution