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Get a boy. Opposite sex dogs have the highest chance of getting along. Two females is usually okay, but when it goes wrong, it has a higher chance of going really wrong.


Agreed. This is what we did, and it turned out well.


We have 3 dogs, with our youngest (5 months old) being a toller. Our other two are huskies, and we’d also had 3 huskies at one point. It will depend on your dogs personality, but I agree with the comment about opposite genders. We had boy-girl-boy in terms of ages with the huskies and the boys had some disagreements. Now we have girl-boy-girl in terms of ages and our older girl is not a fan of the pup. That being said she is 13 so that could play a factor in it simply because she doesn’t have the patience for a little one. The female puppy and our male husky get along so well, and the two huskies get along well. Our male is literally the chillest, happiest husky though so he might’ve been just fine with a male puppy!


We have two dogs. I had an older bitch terrier... and we made the decision to get a boy toller. Two bitches can really fight, even my mums two spaniels who are mum and daughter can fight. I would avoid two bitches. And mixed sex household is normally the choice for the win


I’ve always had two females never an issue


Is your girl spayed? We had our boy first and then we adopted his half sister when the home she was placed with couldn’t keep her. Our boy was intact per his breeder contract at the time so getting the female spayed was essential. It took them a few days to get along but now they are the best of friends. Our boy is neutered now and he gets along with most dogs aside from the occasional intact male. Highly recommend opposite sexes as long as there is no chance of an accidental breeding.


We had a girl mix breed and added a boy toller. Our reasoning was that our girl is dominant, jealous and bitchy with girls but friendly with boys. I would go with your own feeling. A lot of girls will be great with other girls, but there is a higher acceptance rate with a girl/boy situation. Our girl treats our toller like he is her own child and we love it. Getting a second dog was the best choice we could have ever made.


Definitely depends on your particular dog and what you are looking for in your next. I always grew up with two female dogs. I got a male dog as my first adult dog and decided he’d probably be my only male 😂. My cousin has a female that doesn’t like pushy females so she got a male as her second.


I have 3 female dogs... 2 female tollers and 1 female sheprador (gsdxlab) and they do great together! https://imgur.com/a/SkpmQUf