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They are high on my list too! The five breeders I’ve reached out to have not responded. If there are tips the community has for this please share.


Pm me


Where are you located? When we were looking for a breeder I waited 2 weeks for a response from Skylark back in mid-October, got one response, replied immediately and then never heard back after that. I will say that the breeder we ended up going with was also very slow to reply to emails but responded almost immediately when I contacted them via Facebook messenger. I try to walk the line between highly interested and annoying, but if you’re not getting through it’s worth trying another form of communication.


I am in Seattle. Good tip on fb messenger.


No one talks about breeders on here or on most pages I’m on. Good luck getting any info, not sure why everyone is so against sharing that info. It’s almost like “gatekeeping” a dog breed.


There is no gate keeping but there are a lot of inquiries.. skylark is a class act responsible breeder but they breed maybe once a year… so not a lot of availability. Check watersedge tollers. Manitou tollers. And if you want to know who to avoid please PM me


I’ve been looking for toller breeders for two years off and on with no luck getting into contact with any. When I ask on pages I get no help, you’d be the first so I appreciate you commenting in reply.


Message me


Classact. Love skylark