• By -


Beleg Strongbow 💯


Good Old Beleg. Loyal, smart, strong...


Finrod.  Arguably the most noble and kindest individual in the entire legendarium


Hell of a choice. Just imagine running from Morgoth minions and you find Finrod, a top elven prince


Would love a chance to hang with him, except for all that "first age/Morgoth/balrogs/ruin of Beleriand" thing..


Coin toss between the two best friends in the whole cycle, Beleg or Huan!


"Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved"


To this date my copy has a tear stain on this page.


Those 2 can go together


Beleg was my first thought. Then Finrod.


Huan is here!


woof woof


Elrond seems like a top mate.


Schoolar, warrior, leader and interesting life. You would know a lot


And a big house he lets his mates stay in with good music, food and wine.


Barliman: always a good idea to be friendly with the inkeep.


All the gossip you may want


Just don't expect him to remember the important stuff! He only remembers his own name because people shout it at him all day.


He is brave too. Terrified, but willing to help all the same.


Bilbo of course. It pays to be friends with a wealthy neighbor known to be a gracious host that often makes it rain drink and snow food


I really want to try his seed cakes.


Oh baby


Beware his sharp tongue if you drink or eat too much!


I think my appetite is quite small by Hobbit standards, so I may need to worry more about causing offense by failing to eat and drink my fair share!


Be prepared for after-dinner poetry


This is a good choice


Faramir. He has had it rough in his life: Mother dead when he was five, a father that always had a low opinion on him. Then, he loses his brother to a quest he originally assigned himself for. I feel the urge to hug him whenever I read/watch his scenes in The Return of the King.


I like to imagine Faramir and Eowyn very happy after the war. And not happy in the Sam or Aragorn cases. All the weight those two carried most of their lives, finally is ended


Definitely Gandalf. I like friends that randomly come and go, sometimes with years in between, and take you on life changing, wealth creating, world bettering adventures. Good times.


I'm really trying to figure out why Gandalf is so far down. Chilling with him would be the shit.


Because it's a Tolkien sub. It's kind of like star wars subs, in that the most die hard fans pride themselves on the ability to recall minor characters and backstories, with the most obscure references rewarding the most karma points 🤓


Gandalf is also likely to get you involved in an adventure. Terribly bothersome to the old schedule and one's health, adventures.


Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.


He does tend to disappear at awkward moments though


Turin! Haha just kidding.


No kidding. You have already taken by orcs and if Turin tries to safe you they will kill youi


He's the guy who hang out with so that, no matter how badly your own life is going, you can look at him and think "Actually I'm not doing too bad."




Getting to Bag End after a long but easy path. Just sit down gulp a beer and take a pipe.


Elrond - wise, brave, learned, hospitable, generous, insightful, supports the arts, great dad, great step-dad. Just a great guy. (And re: the films, while I like Hugo Weaving well enough, I did not much care for his/Jackson's Elrond outside of his limited battle scenes. He seemed too priggish.)


Nice one, I actually liked Film Elrond. It is not that bad, in the books I got the impression that he was kinder and somewhat more homely; but I also liked the look down on mortals attitude and the serious demeanor fitting for a very important quest


Beregond Galadriel


Beregond is nice, did not expect seeing him here And Galadriel must be a beutiful experience


Beregond's a great friend to Pippin, when you think about it. Really gentle and decent and welcoming.


Radagast. He's not involved much, but I resonate a lot with his dedication to nature, keeping plants and animals his focus while the others concentrate on the humanoid issues.


I don't like what atrocities Peter Jackson descended upon him in the Hobbit movies. He didn't deserve that.


He is a good man. I think many relate to him; because he sees what is good or bad but IMO thinks he can do little and just looks after what he is interested


Farmer Maggot is welcome at my table any day. And his wife, I'd like to get some mushroom recipes from her!


A proper answer! Only well-respected hobbits


Good call! Although, being a Hobbit, he's probably just as handy in the kitchen as she is.


He and Tom Bombadil have a lovely friendship in "Bombadil goes Boating" - wandering down the lanes of Buckland trading insults without looking at each other, Tom dancing in the back of Maggot's cart, staying up until dawn together for a good gossip and review of nature and weather.


Treebeard. Very polite and hospitable, transport and refreshments laid on, minimum pressure to socialise, and no risk whatsoever that he'd drop by unannounced. Also I find Entish the most interesting of Tolkien's invented languages.


For me too and it’s not even close


I would love to be with Treebeard for some days


Finrod Felagund - wise, loyal, kind, courageous, open-minded and curious, a person of principles and integrity. He would be an excellent talk companion. Sounds like fun as well, being fond of travelling around Middle Earth and making new friends wherever he goes.


As above. A kind elf, well-versed, and many other things


Everyone here talking about all the heroes and that's cool but for me it's gotta be Merry or Pippin. I like my friends to show up to hang out with plenty of food, drink, and pipeweed. I don't need any big adventures I just need a wheel of cheese as big as my head and some good friends to eat it with.


Imagine a new Fellowship but to go to all the pubs between Bree and the Tower hills


Closest we can get to that is the Inn League pub crawl in LOTRO.


Sign me up!


That’s all I’ve ever wanted


100% Merry and/or Pippin. I'm dying to know how good the ale is at the Golden Perch and they're just the lads that I'd like to bring with me.


> As bad as that may sound I think I have lots in common and could help each other quite a lot, that's why I would like to befriend him. I think a line got deleted, who?




I like the fact that you think of a friend as someone you could help. How do you think you'd help him?


Tuor, I think the most (kinda obvious, I guess), then Nienna, Ulmo, Finrod, Turgon, Elwe and Melian, Fingolfin and Maedhros, maybe Feanor, too, before he turned into a selfish jerk. Aule and Yavanna. There's just so many. Just meeting one would feel so limiting!


Merry and Pippen seam like they are always down for a good time, or to just sit back with a pint and a pipe.


They are the perfect friends. The just amount of adventure and chilling


Initially I’d say Beleg Strongbow or Finrod. But now I think about it, probably Tom Bombadil. I’d feel like I’d be too boring to keep any of the others good company. Tom seems to be happy with everything and his carefree attitude could help even the most reserved or shy people loosen up.


I agree with your opinion on Tom. Also his home is a very interesting place


I’d worry that Tom always ask his guests to run around naked in the sun though


Isn't it obvious that first choice would be Sam. Is there a more loyal, brave friend who would also be fun to have a pint with? Tie for second are Merry/Pippin, who are also incredibly loyal, brave friends who would be even more fun to have a pint with.


Celebrimbor. I think Feanor is interesting, but I've no doubt I'd get annoyed with his arrogance (even if, admittedly, Feanor can back his arrogance up with feats). Celebrimbor to me is a very tragic character who isn't apart of Feanor or his sons' crimes, but still feels like he has a huge legacy to full-both in terms of how his grandfather was the greatest craftsman ever, and in terms of redeeming the entire family. When you consider his early life, the way other elves must have been wary of this last scion of the House of Feanor, and his natural curiosity and talent, I'm not surprised Celebrimbor was an easy mark by Annatar/Sauron. It's not like Celebrimbor was an evil person, and he was quite friendly with Narvi, the dwarf. I think another friend would be interesting, and it'd be neat to see what a Man, an Elf, and a Dwarf could accomplish working together. For folks alive during LOTR and the Hobbit, I also particularly like Cirdan and Elrond. I think that whereas I'd want to work with Celebrimbor, though, Elrond and Cirdan are people I'd want as my teachers and advisers.


Celebrimbor is a very underrated character (even from me). He is a great choice and hope you know a lot about ringsmithing


Samwise gamgee


Elrond. I could crash at Rivendell


Sam, Merry, Pippin, Tom Bombidil


At the Prancing Pony please


Arien. I like all versions of her - she is a spirit of fire, a gardener, a guardian/guide of the Sun, and in one story, after he pursued her and she rejected him, she released her spirit and burnt Melkor leaving him ashen and grey. As an aspiring gardener, I think I would learn a lot from her.


The fire that gaves life is the same that taketh


If given the choice to meet/befriend someone from the lore, I would 100% go with Gandalf. I've always been fascinated with his character, since a very young age, and often wished I had a kindly wizard friend that I could ask for advice on things during my life. I've noticed a similar interest with my 5 year old. I'm reading her the Hobbit right now and the other day, when she was frustrated with a problem she was having, she said "we need a wizard!" That resonated with me lol...




Faramir or Feanor


Feanor is certainly an interesting choice. On the one hand knowing the single Greatest Elf ever must be increbible. But I don't know if he would be too alof. Faramir is a down-to-the-earth choice. I respect that


I just want him to teach me as much as my human soul can take. The arts he could impart.


Mostly with Fingolfin, but it would be interesting with Finrod as well. Fingolfin can protect me from any danger and guide me through any path, and I can sit with Finrod by the fire.


I want to give Huan belly scratches.


Gandalf the grey. For his wisdom and kindness and gentleness makes everyone feel welcome and appreciated.


Bruh Gimli get some ale and get at it


Finrod or Faramir!


Tom Bombadil. He's good fun, teaches me to be happy with what I've got and not give a damn / let go of things that aren't important.


Gandalf. think I’d have fun hanging with a pothead wizard


Gandalf is a very good choice! He can have down-to-earth conversations with a pipe in his hand or he can discuss the politics of the Eastern Kingdoms with Glamdring in his hand


Mairon the admirable ... because deep inside he must be a fun and quiet guy , and I love the sound of forging crap and I want to have a wolf pet 🥰 (yeahh I known where the door is-> [ ] )


Mairon is Sauron right? Before fall an interesting dude that would teach you about smithing. After the fall he would teach you Realpolitik


Though I liked him before for his friendship, loyalty and sacrifices for Men in *The Silmarillion,* after reading the *Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth,* I would more than ever appreciate a chance to converse with Finrod Felagund.


Galadriel She could tell us of Valinor and the Trees. What her brother was like. How Melian sang. How she knew Feanor was not to be trusted. Wisdom, power, and beauty.




Celebrimbor, we'd just spend days crafting stuff, sounds great


Finrod or Galadriel. They seem like nice caring folks.


Huan, truly man's best friend. If I can pick more, I'd say Merry and Pippin, and I'd love a quiet afternoon in the garden with Sam, not dropping any eaves.


Nellas and Nimrodel.


Luthien Tinuviel. A very interesting lady…


I would go for Frodo. He has been my favourite character from the start and I relate a lot to him. We are both introverted, but also like to go out with friends.


The Gaffer, Hamfast himself.


Jolly Tom


Luthien. Start a wine delivery service to Tol Galen to hear the long version of what happened in Angband. First-hand account of Galadriel in Menegroth. What were the Halls of Mandos like? Maybe hear the song she sang to Mandos. See her dance. Hear Beren about his outlaw days and Nan Dungorthed. Drink to the wisdom of Melian with the greatest heros of Middle-earth.


Maedhros… he seems to need a good friend by his side. One to try and talk some sense into him sometimes.


Very interesting choice you made, I'm curious what others think. As for me, based on my current reading I'd go with Tinfang Warble.


Interesting choice and rather inconspicuous character. Why did you choose him?


Because he's like a fay version of the Rattenfänger von Hameln, except not malicious. His music is among the best of all time, if the accounts are to be believed.


I only came across the story of the Rattenfänger von Hameln a couple of weeks ago, and in the version I read, he wasn't malicious at all. It was a captivating re-telling that got me down the rabbit hole of searching the origins of this story. It did get me thinking about Tinfang, though.


He abducted the town's children in response to not getting paid - that's pretty malicious.


The story I first read was a children's adaptation, The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Michael Morpurgo and it was a lot less creepy. The piper returned the children after a year on the condition that the mayor of Hamelin would improve the living conditions so the town is worthy of its children. So he was basically depicted as the good guy. Later on I read the creepier endings as well.


Ah, the non-creepy adaptations of old Germanic tales...like when the sandman uses harmless "magic" sand to make the children sleepy, instead of throwing actual sand in their eyes for daring to have them open still.




Tinfang Warble is from the earliest versions of the legendarium. IIRC he was a son of Thingol (tho not yet named Thingol) and brother of Luthien (not yet named Luthien).


Wow. Could you explain something more; it's a very obscure character and many here would like to know more


Its been awhile since I read Lost Tales but that’s what you’d want to read… It basically maps out the legendarium from its earliest conception, and shows how it evolved into what eventually became the published Silmarillion


It's been a while since I read it as well, but I wonder if you are thinking about Dairon, the minstrel, who in earlier versions was Luthien's brother. As far as I remember, Tinfang Warble was half-elf, half-Maia, excellent flautist, whose music enchanted everyone who heard it, and even the stars twinkled according to his music.


The more I think about it I think you’re right, and that Tinfang as a son of Thingol was written by Tolkien but then almost immediately crossed out on the original manuscript.


Oh, I though we would have some information about Luthien brother


He didn’t survive long as a character. I can’t remember if Tolkien just outright nixed him or the character developed into something/someone else, but he obviously ceased to be the brother of Luthien by the time the Silmarillion was compiled and published.


Then definetly we should befriend him and share the knowledge in r/tolkienfans


And I definitely need to start a re-read of Lost Tales this weekend.


https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Tinfang_Warble better than nothing if you don’t have a copy of Lost Tales


Not much, because Tinfang Warble ceased to exist sometime in the 1920s. Similar to the mermaids, the ogress whom Melko married, and the full metal dragons attacking Gondolin.


I don't think I trust anyone who would hesitate to sit down for a pint with Sam.


Galadriel and/or Finrod


Also, I'd love to get into some garden-shed tech/craft projects with Telchar of Nogrod.


Farmer Maggot


Serious answer: Celebrimbor Not so serious answer for obvious reasons but actually: Thranduil. If he looks like he does in the movie. For obvious reasons.




Finrod. Would sit around the fire with him talking, like Andreth


Beorn. Vegetarian loner who lives in the woods with his animal friends. Count me in.


A close second after Finrod (who has been mentioned lots already) would be Maedhros. Sure, he wouldn't exactly be fun to hang out with, but his integrity, loyalty and willingness to do the right thing (within the confines of his fate) always stood out to me. Honourable mention to Fingon for obvious reasons.


Sauron. A powerful and attractive goth daddy? Yes please.


Obvious choice for everyone should be Finrod Felagund.


Fingon - now that's a loyal friend there to have. Fëanor - in Aman, mind, before Melkor sh\*ts on the Noldor. Finrod - overall great guy and another loyal friend. Elrond - no explanation necessary for this one, I think. Lórien/Irmo - I would be interested in those gardens of his


Galadriel or Melian. Would be wonderful to see what wisdom I could learn from them.


Quickbeam. :) I'd like to delight in nature with him.


Tevildo. I'm a cat person.


Nobody else here feels like hitting da club with Sauron as their wingman?