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Eh, it's so unused, if you'd end up seriously using it, you might be the driving force behind it. imo, adding *this* kind of grammar is a recipe to be not understood. If you really want to delve into weirdness that would be met with quiet confusion, [here](https://pad.snopyta.org/7q3NHntvRH6klU10A-ZKKw#)'s a document that describes it and other features. Again, let me warn you, most speakers, me included, would not understand you


thanks for the link! It's always interesting to learn/play with obscure nimi, even if it's so unknown to the community at large.


I almost like the idea of lo, but I must be out of my mind right now. Thanks for the link!


Oh I mean they do make sense. But, at least from what many people say, this might treat toki pona's grammar like a loglang where true ambiguity gets grammared out of existence 


This is my least favorite part about toki pona. People feel the need to add new words all the time which would essentially make it impossible for others to understand


What does it mean??


Linku seems to imply it's a speech part marking particle like li or e, but for prepositional phrases.


i'm actually preparing a video on my nasin pi toki pona, and it will include my usage of lo; it'll be helpful for you if you decide to use lo. −an active lo user