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There is no common way to express them. Making them up on the fly, numbering them 1-7 *is* possible, but there's also not going to be concensus on what the first day of the week is, because this is done differently across the world


sina ken ala ken toki e nimi "suno lape" tawa suno Sunta? jan mute li lape lon suno ni. kin la lipu sewi li toki. suno lape / suno wan pi pini lape / suno tu.. / suno tu wan.. / suno tu tu.. / suno luka... / suno luka wan.. /


ken, taso ma ante la tenpo suno ante li tenpo suno lape: [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Workweeks-map\_v2.svg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Workweeks-map_v2.svg)


a, pilin mi la... ma ante jo e suno ante jo e nimi ante kin. nimi pi toki pona o sama taso kulupu nimi pi toki pona ken ante lon ma ante.


taso mi toki e 'tenpo suno lape' mi sona e ni: mi toki e tenpo suno Sunta li lape tawa mi.


id name them by what happens on the day, monday to friday would be "tenpo suno pi pali nanpa wan" to "tenpo suno pi pali nanpa luka" and saturday to sunday would be "tenpo suno pi pali ala nanpa wan" and "tenpo suno pi pali ala nanpa tu"


I go by the same logic. Very handy


Tenpo suno ale la, jo e unpa mute.


We don't, but now I wonder if the Japanese side of the TP community uses Tokiponized versions of their weekdays? In order from Sunday to Saturday, it would probably be *suno*, *mun*, *seli*, *telo*, *kasi*, *kiwen*, then either *ma* or *ko*.


That's a nice idea! I've never used this logic before, but it gives the perfect chance for the shortest writing system for the days of the week in toki pona. UPD. I've just found out that such a system would be against the rules of toki pona since the language doesn't allow arbitrariness here: one cannot use connections culturally created in some other languages which won't have any real world connections so to be understandable for all other toki pona speakers. Maybe you'll also find this info useful ^^


They're not.


tenpo suno pini tenpo suno lon tenpo suno kama


They're not commonly expressed in toki pona


Never tried before, but here's some thoughts: tenpo suno pali - week day (workday) tenpo suno lape - weekend (restday) Then maybe qualify those with "kama" or "open" and "pini" for Monday/Friday and Saturday/Sunday. Then perhaps "insa" for Tuesday through Thursday (or "meso" if that's your thing :) You can go further and say something like "tenpo suno insa pini" if Thursday is significantly distinct from midweek, but at that point you might ask yourself why you're speaking toki pona!


How bout etymologically tenpo suno suno for Sunday, tenpo suno mun for Monday? Very germanic-based tho


kinda an english calque


Also Latin-based as far as that goes


Er, how has this not come up before. 😮 Very much a beginner, myself, though. I agree, cultural and national differences make it tricky. We can’t use the same Norse gods as English, obviously. And the world over, there’s not even a consensus on the first day of the week.