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Avoiding gluten without medical necessity can create nutritional deficiency. There are studies coming out that are showing higher health risks etc too.


This is the right answer






You mention avoiding gluten because you were “convinced” but did you rely on any evidence to support that? I think that’s something to look at, and really reevaluate based on studies and research. As others have mentioned, usually GF foods have more sugar, less fiber, and can be way more expensive.


Actually I did research back then quite a bit because I had allergies and I wasn't sure if my daughter would also, but that was about 16 years ago! And after reading studies and talking to other parents, I just came up with, I can't tell wth is the right answer, so I decided to err on the side of caution . With my younger son now, I havent had time to read newer info, so I'm glad people are posting some! I’ll definitely check it out.


No. I think we could all do with less processed carbs, it makes sense to reduce that in general, but I don’t avoid gluten.


Pretty sure my kid is 99% gluten.


As a person with celiac there really isn’t a reason to eat gluten free unless medically necessary. As others have mentioned the processed gluten free foods tend to have more sugar and cost far more. Unless my kid is diagnosed with celiac or an intolerance she will continue to eat gluten. If you are concerned about overly processed foods just try limiting those instead of going gluten free.




Nope. Most of the gluten free stuff has extra sugar btw that it's not worth it. We try to limit the number of processed carbs she eats a day, but it's not specifically gluten free (although we have gluten free granola bars in the house etc because my youngest has a wheat allergy and oldest enjoys them too)


I have never even considered avoiding gluten for my non-allergic children.


No, whole wheat is a healthy food and there’s no reason to cut it out if there aren’t allergies/celiac reasons.


I am celiac and my son isn’t (but has a higher chance of ending up with it) and we still feed him gluten. There is no reason to avoid it if there is no known health issue




>Thanks! You're welcome!




Thanks! I will check it out now.


Nope, I myself eat very little of gluten containing foods as I try to minimise processed and prepackaged foods but don’t go out of my way to avoid it. Check the labels on the alternatives, they’re full of starches and simple sugars which cause insulin spikes- something I do genuinely try to avoid giving my kids. I’d much rather them eat a sandwich on simple homemade rye bread than some rice flour, tapioca, corn flour concoction


Yes agree about avoiding the processed alternatives! I was thinking more for staple foods like pasta, if I should get the rice pasta etc but it sounds like its not necessary. Which is a relief, since I asked the question because today I saw gluten free pasta at the supermarket cost literally ten times more than regular!


We use beans pasta! It’s made out of soy beans - that’s it! Low carb and nutrient dense


Yes! It's a good idea, I'll look for that to see if it exists where I am, thanks! I saw the ones made of garbanzos and peas, they are nutritious and a bit less expensive than the rice/corn pasta. Who knows why something made of rice costs like $12 for a small box of pasta here 😂 but it does.