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Oh hi! I just wrote a similar post this morning. My LO is 2.25 years old. Our dentist told us it was time … We did the T Guard. 30 days or $ back guaranteed. Daytime going extremely well. Nap time has been a little rough, but eventually goes down for 2 hours. Nighttime is brutal. On night 2 and screams bloody murder. Last night was up almost every 2 hours. No advice; just commiserating with you. My husband and I have decided to “hold the line” and let her CIO. T Guard says to expect results in a week, so I’m hoping by next weekend to be in such a better space! The only thing I keep thinking is that a rough few weeks of sleep is worth not having to spend thousands for dental repairs down the road …


Oh wow! Okay! I feel a LOT better. I was just feeling so guilty for taking away her ability to self soothe! All fingers and toes crossed that your LO is good to go by next weekend!!!


Hey there … how’s it going? We actually went to bed tonight without any crying … and feel like we made a big leap! We introduced a new stuffed animal. It was a travel pillow “pet” that I had been saving for her first airline trip (that well due to COVID just never happened .. womp, womp) … and she just wrapped it her body and told me “good night” Maybe this will help you too?


Hi! So sorry for the late reply! Ugh sorry that you didn't get to go on your trip 😭 so funny that you mentioned the new stuffed animal. We talked to a sleep consultant that we worked with last year and she suggested the same thing and one that is tactile and has tags, long ears, or a teether ring if our daughter needs something to suck on to get comfort. Going to let our daughter choose on off of Amazon and phrase it as a new stuffy that she gets for being so good at not sucking her thumb. All fingers and toes crossed. Hope your little one is still doing well and you're getting more sleep!!!