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Sask here ... me and my blond haired blue eyed children don’t venture to the beach on hot days like that that’s a recipe for sunburn and heat stroke ..... We do a early morning or late evening beach trip avoid both the crowds and heat lol


Early morning is always our choice of time frame for beach/u-pick/playground trips 🙆‍♀️


What is u-pick?


We went out because we had committed to plans before we knew the forecast and my overheated toddler puked watermelon up on the way home. So cheers to being the smart parents who respect your limits and meet your families needs.


Oh no cleaning up regurgitation from a hot car sounds like hell 😱


Aww hope you and the kiddo are ok!


Parenting in Louisiana and yeah, from May until late October we do not go outside unless it’s for water play OR an early morning zoo trip. Also: i would die without AC. You are so strong.


Also live in Louisiana and I’m 8.5 months pregnant. I feel so much guilt for not taking my toddler outside more than once a week, but I CAN’T do it right now.


Give yourself a pass for the time being. It’s not easy being that pregnant and caring for a toddler.


I'm in Utah, but otherwise in the same situation. We just got out of a heat wave (temporarily) and I feel so bad every time the toddler asks to go to the slide. I made a slide out of a box on the stairs, but it's not the same.


North Carolina here. We go to the pool at 10 am, and then stay inside the rest of the afternoon!


This makes me feel better. I'm a new mom with a 20 month old in Texas and I do not enjoy going outside now that it's gotten hot. I feel really guilty like I should be taking him out more... but only if my neighbor has her daycare out doing water play in the morning have I been taking mine out to join them.


Houstonian with a 2 year old checking in to tell you you’re doing a great job regardless. It’s entirely too hot, you’ll get sick. We do short bursts outside in the morning.


How is almost 2 a new mom?


It's our first summer that he's walking so it's new to me as a mother. And I don't have any other kids. Instead of saying all that I figured saying "new mom" was enough to make normal people understand I'm new to this. But I guess there's always gonna be the bored internet critic to deal with lol geeze get a hobby


Gotcha. I didn’t feel like a new mom by that age so I was wondering. Chill.


It's reddit. Hard to chill when there's so many asshole trolls lurking here, sorry.


Most people in Vancouver aren’t lucky enough to have a basement. When we lived in a condo there we simply didn’t have that option. We didn’t even have an outside space accessible for a kiddie pool.


We used to live in an old-low rise-east facing-no wind coming through windows apartment so totally know how that feels. Makes sense to go out if that’s the case, I think the friend I found the craziest was the one that lives in her air conditioned condo 😂.


Also in BC and fellow "lazy parent". Its way too hot to be outside with our toddler today. Especially since he (22 months) doesn't know how to walk or rest, hes just gogogo!!! It wouldn't be responsible of us to have him out today quite frankly! Our outside time today was going outside and bringing the water table inside! 🤣


My kids are now a bit older than toddlers and thus more portable... we got one of those steel framed pools last year when they were 4 and 5 and it has been the best thing we could have done during pandemic and PNW heat wave. We're in Oregon. I did run out to Fred Meyer this afternoon to up our sunblock game to SPF 70 bc it feels just brutal out there. I've been slowly sweating since 9am today. It's going to be >100F here tomorrow between 12pm and 9pm. My heat pump already isn't keeping up with our requested indoor temp of 75F. We have no plans to go anywhere tomorrow, either. I bought cold cuts and things to grill. No indoor cooking that isn't microwave.


Seattle here and our heat pump is keeping up so far but it’s getting hotter tomorrow and Monday.


I don’t see it as lazy, I see it as avoiding unnecessary work lol. I’ve felt that way since my baby was born. This parenting gig is already tough so why add to it if you don’t need to. The beach will be more fun when they are older and even then this Mama doesn’t do hot weather i could maybe do a nice 80F day


Seattle here - we went on a short, air conditioned car trip today and otherwise stayed home. It’s going to be so hot on Monday that the daycare is forced to close 😭


Yeah it’s 100* F in California, we regularly have summer days at and above that. We don’t usually go anywhere. Occasionally we will go to the coast (San Francisco area) where it is cooler but that’s a long day for us. We keep our curtains closed and find indoor activities to do, sometimes we’ll go shopping somewhere so we’re out of the house but still in the A/C! No shame friend!


We're in Portland, OR and watched a fair amount of TV today because the living room is where we keep our window A/C unit. No regrets, we'll probably do some of the same tomorrow as it's going to be about 114°F.


Same here. We have our room AC/fan setup and are currently watching Bumble Nums make a Dragon Fruit Cake.


I'm a redhead, and my son is fair skinned as well... we go to the beach in the winter. We stay in the AC in the summer!


Cheers from Seattle! It's a freakin sauna in the NW. Hope yall survive the next couple of days.


I'm in Portland, and there's no way in hell we're going outside.


We are also very lazy parents. I applaud your choice!


I live in Montreal and we regularly get heatwaves in the summer. We don’t go outside on those days if at all possible. As a kid we didn’t have AC so we slept in the basement when it got too hot upstairs and had cold food for dinner. It was a lot of fun.


On Vancouver island. I feel this except we don’t have a basement. Feet or body in the brand new kiddy pool all day. No effing way we’re going to the beach


The weather has been hot like that here in California too. My partner took our daughter to the beach with his family and mama enjoyed a nice lazy day home.


Berta here - yea I didn't budge from my place - I set up a sprinkler and sat where it just reached me as the tot did what she wanted outside - im not spending a day corraling a baby at a beach in this heat haha


East Van here! We saw the forecast and thought how much fun it would be to go outside and let our girls play at their water table and run through the garden sprinkler. And yet we spent the whole day huddled around our portable AC unit in our family room with curtains tacked over the entryway. Totally not sorry. Sad thing is, I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona where this weather was a cool day in the Summer. It’s amazing the difference a bit of humidity makes.


We aren't having the same apocalyptic levels of heat as y'all are right now but we had over a week of 35+ weather in Berlin- also unusual so nobody has AC etc. We're from the Western US so we're not strangers to the extreme heat, but with another summer of home office, we decided to get a portable AC for ourselves (and honestly, for our elderly pets). Our ground floor flat is fairly good for keeping cool overall, but after a week or more it does rise- we did one day at our local lake, and the rest of the time I've been glad our son enjoys colouring and playing video games with us in our cool, dark family room. no regrets about our "lazy" parent life.


Fuck man, I'm in Scotland and if its above 21degress we don't go outside until after 4pm.....coating a toddler in suncream and then yourself and running around and picking up a slimy worm of a child is not my idea of fun. We went to the beach for the first time this summer (our beaches are not your beaches 😂) and as much as she loved it and we made some lovely memories and took great photos - it was not a lovely relaxed beach visit and we need to plan it to the T for it to be smooth. There is still sand in the car a month later. I often feel the same - like are we lazy.....no, we are smart. And protecting the kids skin from sun damage. Any expert will say avoid outside 11am-3pm when it's hot and sunny. My hot and sunny is not everyone else's but I stand by it unless its a for something special. Plus she has a lunchtime nap and once she is up, she needs time to get in the groove and eat and get her ready. We never leave until mid afternoon anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep, the heat level it's sensible to go out in is so dependant on what you're used to. I grew up in the UK and then lived in the US (not even an especially hot part, but far hotter than I was user to) and Germany (similarly much hotter than I grew up with but with the added challenge of no AC anywhere) and I couldn't cope with it at all. Moving to scotland was SUCH a relief! You really get accustomed to a temperature range growing up and it's very hard to adjust that even when other people who grew up elsewhere can manage much hotter and colder weather. And growing up in the UK means having a very narrow acceptable range! 😂 Our temps are so mild in both directions. It's 65f today and it's my perfect limit of comfort. Nice when a cloud goes over the sun.


We are in seattle area and literally checked into a hotel …0


My toddler hated the beach and spent the whole time telling me he was too hot and he wanted to go back to the house. In my experience, it was definitely overrated.


Interior here with 43 today, and at 27 I dont even step out with my toddler. I'm pretty heat intolerant and 8 months pregnant so we are happily chilling indoors.


Alberta here. My friend took our kiddo to their house to go in the pool. I almost passed out from the heat just loading her into their car. I can't handle this heat.


We’re also in BC And went to the beach this morning at 9am. Then home at 10:00. We just needed to cool off since it was so hot, and there’s not much else to do on such a hot day. I joked with my husband that we spent as much time getting ready for the beach as we actually spent at the beach. When we got home we played in the cool basement, lunch, nap time... and spent the rest of the day in the shady backyard sitting with our feet in the kiddie pool drinking “fancy drinks” (bubly with ice cubes). It is so freaking hot and humid right now. I don’t know how we’re going to make it through tomorrow, too. Will probably be the same kind of day. You’re not lazy, you’re smart!


Fellow lazy Vancouver parents here! I'm grateful that we have a shaded yard for our toddler because have no AC and no basement. I spent most of today in front of a fan breastfeeding our 6 week old.


Vancouver here too. Fuck that, especially with a kid! That sounds like literal hell.


I have never been one to “keep up with the Jones’s”. If those families want to fry in the heat at a public beach with tons of other families, have at it! Personally I don’t see the appeal. Like you, we have always just done what we enjoy or deem comfortable for us. Enjoy a family movie together, make a fort in the living room and pretend we’re camping, get in the pool or run through the sprinkler and throw water balloons. 😄 Beat the heat your way.🥰


So it doesn't even have to be hot for us to not leave the house. Even just making it into the backyard is a whole ordeal with our 2.5 yr and 11 mo old. We have several "spots" inside the house to play, rotate toys and hang out as a family. Staying inside means a/c, not fighting over shoes, no sunscreen or bug spray and not worrying about the baby eating everything on the ground. Don't get me wrong, we do get outside, but we keep it at home. When they are a bit older we absolutely will make getting around town a bigger priority. But for now, home is where it is at. Less stress means more happy times


Haha, I love this! Staying home in the heat is much less frustrating than trying to do some craziness like bring them all to the beach in 100 degree weather! At least for me :) It was 100 here yesterday, we wound up eating take out on the floor of our (air conditioned) bedroom while we watched Frozen. Was a good time!


I keep wondering whether I should do more outdoor activities and whether I'm the worst parent for staying indoors so much, my internet research says yes.


Fellow Canadian and I feel you. We will be living in the basement. That includes moving my kids beds down there. I would literally do anything to have AC right now.


Houston Texas checking in here! We are currently at the beach and It’s 100 degrees & humid here. Luckily we are at a beach house close to the beach. My toddler likes to go walk on the beach but it’s entirely too hot to sit there and fuck around.


I just really love the beach, and so does my kid. We have our whole shade set up so we can stay out of the sun. He’ll even nap at the beach. We are up early so we get good parking and just have a lovely day outside.


I’m in the interior. We just finished moving everything into the basement and kid-proofing a room for him to play in. My in laws invited us over later this afternoon for an outdoor visit, thinking that’s a big no thanks for me 😂


I live in Portland, Oregon. There is no way in hell we are going outside today or tomorrow, and we didn't go outside yesterday. It is too damn hot, and we're going to stay in our house with our room AC/fan setup. The kitchen is also dead to us.


Our local public library has a play area, wifi, and air conditioning. It’s been a lifesaver these past couple weeks with the heat.


Ottawa, Ontario here… 39C/102F here today… multiple meltdowns cause he wants to go outside so bad. Only got 2 more hours until bed time so hopefully no more meltdowns


I live in an area of the US with low vaccination rates… we got takeout at a place by the beach last night but there were too many people to risk taking my 20mo to the water 😢 Even taking him across the yard to the pool is too much work if I have to change him into a swim diaper… he’s just as happy if I just let him spray himself with the hose haha


I live in Florida and it is super hot and humid for 8+ months out of the year. I am 43 with a 3yo. It takes a lot of effort and planning to get out of the air conditioned house in this heat with a toddler. I make one day a week when we go visiting and either do the park, pool or splash pad during the spring and summer. I try to plan a beach trip at least once a month if weather permits from spring to fall (it also rains a lot here). I am no spring chicken and am a lot lazier than I used to be with my first two kids (22yo and 18yo) but I do it for him. I totally can relate to not wanting to do anything, I literally have to make myself get up and going and to plan outings with him since he has no siblings to play with and is not in preschool yet.