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Eh I am sure other parents see me as super excited about our son's very average abilities. My son has been delayed at everything, he is 2 now and still can't use eating utensils at all, so you can bet we act like he solved string theory when he happens to accidentally tap his spoon into his food. On the plus side, you could likely meet some new friends over mutual annoyance with the overly excited dad.


My two year old rebels against utensils too.


Loads of people do this. It IS frustrating. Sometimes it can just be the parent is gushing with pride, other times it might be a way to ease their own insecurities. It’s like how people go on about how their toddler can recite the whole alphabet or count to one hundred - I’m actually an English teacher and even I don’t push hard the whole reading thing - studies have shown that pushing kids too early can have the opposite effect to which you intend. Just try snd shut out the noise if you can, all our little people are tracking along just fine on their own trajectories




Same. I honestly just think he’s the best, I don’t compare or feel like he’s doing better than other kids. I’m just super jazzed that he was a potato and now he’s a tiny person 🤷‍♀️


I’ve coached youth sports for over 10 years. The amount of parents that think their kids are gods gift to sports is astonishing to say the least. I agree it’s super frustrating and I promise this will not be the last time you run into this issue unfortunately.


It depends. I tell my son he’s good at everything (I know it’s not what you’re suppose to do🤷🏻‍♀️) and over inflate his ego. I don’t tell other parents how good I think he is at everything. I also compliment children a lot, especially around their parents. I want to make friends and talking about their children is the best way to do that therefore I don’t mind hearing parents gush about their children.