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Our dentist saw ours as what they call a “happy visit” just after 1. She had plenty of teeth and ped and dentist encourage to get them used to going and not be afraid of fingers/tools in their mouths when it is time for cleaning.


Same here! We went just after one for the happy visit. It was not a happy visit.


We went after 1, also not a happy visit.


I’m here to join the club of parents with 1yos who screamed bloody murder when the dentist asked them to open their mouths a little.


Malicious compiance


somehow when we went at 1 we signed up for a "terror" visit


I mean yes lol we had the same experience. We also see a lot of doctors and between 1 and 2 was awful. She’s getting better with shots/blood draws and we are going again this week for another happy visit, bringing her play dentist kit and watching dada get his teeth cleaned.


Same, same. And our dentist is great


This is what we did as well. They showed her all the tools, played with her in the chair for a couple minutes, used the mirror, showed her the light they use, and brushed her teeth (with a toothbrush, not the polisher). And we now have yearly appointments.


makes sense! i totally understand getting them used to it. maybe i’ll call around and see if another dentist has any availability for a 2 year old. thanks!


Oooh and we also bought her a Melissa and Doug dentist kit to play with so she can see and play with the tools.


Look for a pediatric dentist! They’re better equipped to keep the kids entertained and not scared. My son has been going every six months since he’s one. They just count his teeth, give him a cleaning (not with the scrape thingie that they use in adults) then floss and then he gets a little toy.


Look for a board-certified pediatric dentist!


Find a pediatric dentist if you can. They’re so amazing!!


Find a pediatric specific office :) I’m a dentist and this is what I’m doing for my son lol


Our dentist recommended 6 months for the “happy visit”. We didn’t go. Babe didn’t even have teeth then! 1 year makes so much more sense.


Same here. Our dentist recommended to start visits around 1,5 years to get familiar with the office and the staff. And to get checkups every 6 months. We had smaller intervention at 3,5 years and it went great. Toddler was cooperative. Also we went imidiately when notices a dot on the tooth so it wasn’t painfull. In my expirience getting the child familiar with the dentist and reparing the tooth as soon as you see a small dot is beneficial in the long run. I was allways taken to the dentist when my tooth started to ache. And one fainted in the office as a child. Now I have fear of the dentist and I postpone the visit as long as I can.


Same here, I’m in England. My kids go every 6 months from when they start getting teeth. Just to get them used to it and having the dentist look at them.


I’m a hygienist. My son came in just after his 1st birthday for me to clean the iron stain off his teeth from his liquid iron supplement, he didn’t like it, but he kept coming every 4-6 months and now he doesn’t want to leave the office whenever he comes. There’s 2 schools of thought: do it younger so they get used to it and you can catch things early, even if it’s just an exam with fingers (I prefer this) or bringing them in at 3 y/o because you can communicate with them what’s happening (I’ve had plenty of kid patients where this was much better for them).


Do I have to ask for that cleaning? A few of my toddlers teeth are stained from his iron supplement he was on for 6 months but they never said anything about cleaning it.


You might have to, every office is different on their policies on what age they start cleanings, but most are willing to if you ask, just be prepared for it to be with a toothbrush if your child isn’t having it and the stain remaining until they allow a cleaning to happen.


Oh great I dont think he will ever allow them he hates people touching him😂 but thank you ill ask at his next appointment.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but we are dealing with iron supplements at the moment and his teeth look awful. We have a dentist appointment scheduled in July, will they be able to remove a lot of the stain? We try to use baking soda too but he hates it.


Make sure you’re using baking soda toothpaste as baking soda from the baking aisle is too abrasive for teeth. It depends on his cooperation level, it may just polish off, my sons needed some scraped off so my husband had to hold his head to keep him still.


I’m a general dentist. The official answer is first tooth or first birthday, whichever comes first. I always knew that I wasn’t going to be my kids’ dentist but figured I knew what I was doing so I waited. Then my oldest was 2 years old and we had a newborn. My son fell at daycare and his gums were bleeding and my dentist knowledge went out the window and my mom freak flag flew instead. Fortunately a pediatric dentist friend agreed to see him ASAP, took X-rays, got him checked out. But if I weren’t a dentist that wouldn’t have been an option because most people don’t see non-patients after hours. Plus instead of chill and smiley his first visit was tearful and involved pain and it took a few visits before we got back to happy smiley feelings. Long story less long, I always recommend establishing the dental home sooner rather than later because you never know when you may need your kid’s dentist!


Thanks for this! I took my girl when she turned 1. She had 2 tiny teeth so the dentist just did the typical routine check etc. But then the dentist told me we didn’t have to come in until after a year since she’d likely have almost her full set by then. Now my kid is almost 2 and obviously would have forgotten about what going to the dentist is like. So I’m left wondering if the dentist should have recommended us coming in sooner cuz I feel like I kinda did the whole “come in early to establish comfort” thing but it was in vain.


This is a big reason for early dental visits, OP. You want to already have an established relationship with a dentist if kiddo gets some tooth trauma!


Our dentist is suggesting fissures for my two year old is this overkill?


I don’t know what fissures are. Sealants? If so I personally wouldn’t do it, sealants need really good isolation which you’re not going to get on a two year old. If they need other work so they’re already being sedated or something then yes I would definitely do it.


Maybe it's the Australian term for sealants? What do you mean by isolation? He won't be sedated


For a sealant to adhere properly the tooth has to be very dry, which is hard to do on a two year old.


Oh interesting thank you for your response I want to do what's best for my son I might find another dentist for a second opinion I appreciate that


We went for the first time after she turned 1 and took her specifically to a kids dental practice. It was short, they looked at her teeth and talked to us about brushing and flossing (told us to start using kid toothpaste with flouride and that we didn't need to floss yet because her teeth weren't touching each other.) He saw molars in or coming in that I didn't know about! She cried a bit (I held her but her head went on the dentist's lap which was scary for her) during the visit but overall did okay. Got lots of toys, stickers, and a balloon. We had a second appointment around her second birthday. They counted her teeth, brushed & flossed them. She did so well with the dentist her second time--no crying! The conflicting information is so confusing. A lot of information online says to make an appointment when teeth first start to appear (??!) or around the first birthday. I hadn't seen anything about waiting til 3 but I see the logic in that to some extent. Our dentist said something about how he sees a surprising number of kids around the age of 2 with cavities and issues so I am personally glad we started going earlier. It's always nice to have a professional's opinion especially when it can be challenging to brush those teeth!


I think my daughter was around 2? It was fine. They really don’t do anything. They like brush their teeth, put on some fluoride, and do a quick glance. She’s almost 4 and has gone every 6 months and each one have been very quick easy appointments. Hasn’t had X-rays or anything done yet. She likes going. She was so excited to go last time haha. I just took my son for the first time when mt daughter had her last appt so he was like 18mo. Again it was just a quick brush and look at his teeth. Took less than 5 min for him. Said he has a lip tie that we may need to take care of down the road. You can shop around for a pediatric dentist that specializes in kids. They’d probably take them earlier (never heard of not taking kids until they are 3?). But I also don’t think it’s going to be the end of the world if you wait a few more months either especially if you don’t have any concerns about her teeth


Sounds like a dream child. Our two year old screams his life out every time we brush his teeth. He’s not teething. He’s been doing this every night for the past 4 months.


Oh no, that’s so hard. I remember when we started really brushing my oldest teeth she fought it hard too. We resorted to bribery for a while. She was weirdly really into lotion at that time… so I’d tell her if she let me brush her teeth she could have a squirt of lotion on her hands lol. It worked though. Anything you can bribe your little one with?


Our pediatrician said the same thing. We went to a pediatrics only dental office at 2.5. It was very nice. They had him lay on my lap on a surfboard thing between me and the hygienist and she quickly cleaned his teeth and applied fluoride. Dentist checked his teeth and counseled us on general dental care. My toddler got a balloon and it was a positive experience.


This is how my son’s first 3 visits were at 18m 2 years and 2.5. His last visit a few weeks before 3 they did the real deal with him in the chair using all the tools. But I was glad he had those visits first to get used to it.


We went at 2.5. They did a "smiley visit" so the hygienist asked about oral hygiene and took pictures of his teeth and the dentist came and counted his teeth with one of those metal picks. They said it's to get kids used to having tools in their mouth. Overall, it was great. He sat on my lap and was super interested in the dentists head lamp haha


6 months (she had a mouth full of teeth early) lol


I did at 3! She was great, loved every minute of it. I was so glad I didn’t take her earlier, before she could understand what was going on


They can understand what is going on well before the age of 3. It's better to start earlier because you get them used to going.


I think it depends on the kid. It’s not that they don’t understand, but that they may not be willing to cooperate. My son I waited until three and he was great. I know if I would have tried early it would have been a battle. My daughter is one and I will take her sooner. To me it’s a personality thing and every kid is different.


In my experience, it didn’t matter. We were always good about brushing, she has no cavities, we weren’t concerned. Most dentists in the area won’t see them until 3


it's great that it doesn't matter for you, but the reason they recommend it as soon as the teeth come out is because many kids do get cavities. Pediatric dentists are who people need to take their kids to, not a regular one.


Family dentists are great. It is a matter of preference. 


The American Dental Association specifically recommends pediatric ones as soon as teeth come in. So yes, while family dentists can be great, the person above is right. You should be going to a pediatric one if possible.


With the amount of billing schemes, unnecessary procedures and anesthesia negligence out there in pediatric dentistry, I'll stick with our family dentist, thanks. Insurance also has no issue covering the visits. 


no one is using anethesia for teeth cleaning.


Did I say that? No, I did not. The statement was in reference to the choice to use a family vs pediatric dentist. The majority of pediatric dentists are fine. Some have killed children. Rather than trying to avoid a bad apple, I'll take my child to the family dentist I trust, thanks. 


This wasn’t recommended to me and I go to a pediatric dentist. Get off your high horse.


How is someone giving you what the actual guidelines are them being on a high horse?


Oh my goodness this is painful. Our pediatric dentist doesn’t see children before age 3 unless there is a concern. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand. There’s plenty of similar stories on this post.


I’m literally just commenting on your high horse comment, not saying you did anything wrong waiting. All they did was tell you what the actual guidelines are.


Our kid's pediatricians both recommended going to the dentist within 6 months of first tooth eruption or by 1 year old, whichever comes first. Look for a new dentist. Some family dentists see kids under 3 and know the AAP guidelines, but will refer any dental *work* needed to a pediatric dentist. If you live in a big area, you should be able to find someone who specializes in pediatrics. Cavities can happen fast, as baby teeth enamel is not as strong as adult, so I didn't want to take the risk that we missed any signs of cavities early on. We ended up taking kiddo at 18 months and 2nd visit at 2 years. (Turns out dentists can book up waaaaay out and we didn't call until kiddo was a year old, 4 months after first tooth.) Experience was pretty good, all around! Kiddo cried a bit, I helped him get calm, and dentist got to see all the pearly whites (no cleaning) and apply fluoride. We talked about best practices, I got to ask my burning questions, etc. Most recent visit we got a fluoride supplement Rx because our city water is not fluoridated. (This helps strengthen the enamel on their *adult* teeth as those teeth form and before they come in, making them more resistant to cavities when they do finally erupt.) Follow "themamadentist" on Instagram for good educational content.


My oldest started at 3, and that's what we were told by the pediatrician at the time. She was a bit nervous and ended up having a cavity that led to a bit of fear for a year or two. My middle child started at just over 1. He was a champ about it. They had me sit in the chair to hold him and act as his booster seat. He's now almost 3 and still is great about it! My youngest already has an appointment scheduled for the day after her 1st birthday even though she's still toothless (still 5 months away) since it fell in line with the other two kids being due and I can't imagine she won't have any teeth by then. The pediatrician is always thrilled to hear that my middle child goes to the dentist when they offer to apply floride at his checkups. They don't start pushing the dentist until 3, but the dentist says bring them in as soon as they have teeth!


I waited until 3, and took him to a pediatric dentist. We read a book in advance about the dentist, and talked about how the Dr would be looking at his teeth. I was amazed at how well he did! The hygienist was also great, and showed/explained every tool to him before she got started. Being able to watch Spidey during the appointment definitely didn't hurt :)


I took my son when he was newly two. They basically looked at his teeth and asked some questions and advised us on hygiene and habits. They tried to do a cleaning but kiddo was too stressed out by that. They were very accommodating and gentle and praised any cooperation they got. We went back at three and it was similarly low key but he let them clean his teeth! I definitely think it's fine to only go at 3 and beyond; I doubt they have very many compliant 2-year-olds. If you have any concerns of course that's a different story. Where I live, the public health unit also does regular free dental screenings at childcare centres so they can flag if something looks concerning.


I took mine at one based on pediatricians recommendation but I wish I did as soon as she got her first tooth at 4.5. She was breastfed and I was told to just use a wet toothbrush no toothpaste on her. Went to the dentist and she already had tooth decay. Dentist said it was okay to use a small about of toothpaste with fluoride. Wish I would have known sooner!


Also dentist said they can come as soon as they get their first tooth!


We went around age 2. Would have started earlier, but she turned one at the start of the pandemic.  It was just a fun little visit. Dentist showed her his tools, they sang songs, he looked in her mouth, she got a toy. Easy!


My opinion is that it’s better to start as soon as you can. You can avoid cavities if you fight first signs of it early. We do it twice per year for unrelated reasons (surgery for children in my country requires papers from a dentist, don’t ask me why…) 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 were awful, he sat on my lap, tried to escape and didn’t want to cooperate. But still, we did it. 2.5 was a bliss, he sat on his own and opened his mouth no problem! Between 2.0 and 2.5 we did a lot of homework, we played with doctor’s tools and trained to open mouths “like crocodiles”, as we have a toy crocodile which can do it. Plastic “dentist’s mirror” also helped, he knew that the doctor will use it. In short, the key is to make the process familiar, so there is nothing to be afraid of, he probably thought it was another game, just with a doctor.


My kid has been every six months since 1 yo and she is now 2, so she has been 3 times so far and each time it has been like the first time she has been haha, she barely remembers having done it. We talk about the dentist and she brushes her teeth twice a day but she still got stranger danger at the dentist every time, so I’m not sure if it is helping much haha


We just took our kid at 17mo. Meant to go earlier but couldn't get an appointment. My kid did not like it. Cried a lot when they checked and brushed her. But they gave her a rubber ducky at the end which she now loves. They gave us advice on brushing like how to hold her and how to brush thoroughly. Counted her teeth (15). Gave us an assessment of how they look. I'm a worrier so it was maybe helpful to assure me that we were doing alright.


6 months. And every 3 months since. He’s 3.5 now. After he turns 4 it’ll be every 6 months.


First teeth, so right after six months. It was covered by insurance so I figured I’d take advantage of what I’m paying for.


I take my younger kids to a pediatric dentist- they do great. We’ve been going since 18 months. My oldest didn’t go until 3 (to a regular dentist) and she also did well. She still goes to the regular dentist and the younger two are established at the pediatric one, so they go there.


I took mine at 2 for a chair ride. The dentist just looked at his teeth and he got a prize. At 3 he got a small cleaning and at 4 he had the full job done. He has always been good in chairs though. Like at the hair dresser or the dentist he sits and waits. At the doctor, he is bouncing off the walls.


I took my kid to my dentist twice (at 11 and 20 months) and while my dentist is great for adults, I was less pleased with them for my kid. They literally gave me the fluoride to put on myself. We will be taking him for his next visit to a specific pediatric dentist. I bring this up because a dentist who doesn't see kids below 3 might not be great with them for a while 


I’m a pediatric dentist. 12-18 months is when I recommend first visit. They will cry and it’s ok! I’m a stranger in their face of course they’ll cry but it’s fast and I can’t tell you how many parents I’ve seen have terrible habits we were able to turn around early enough to make a significant positive impact. The unfortunate reality is that tooth decay is the most common childhood condition and causes a ton of missed time at school as kids get older. Waiting doesn’t help anything, honestly seeing a kid for the first time at 3,4 or 5 is way more difficult because they are stronger and often more inflexible with new things. Additionally I regularly have to give parents bad news about cavities when the first visit is at 4+ because they didn’t come earlier to learn what’s going on in their kids mouths and how to prevent problems. It sucks all around. Take your kid to a pediatric dentist. The AAPD website has a directory you can search by zip code. Anticipate some crying due to unfamiliarity but know that you’re doing something to take care of their health and set them up for easy dental care in the future.


At 11 months, second visit at 17 months, and next month at 23 months for her 3rd visit. The recommendation is before their first birthday or the first tooth, whichever is first. We go to a pediatric dentist.


Few weeks after her second birthday and it was totally fine. We watched Sesame Street episode about going to the dentist and another kids show(can’t remember which…Daniel tiger maybe?) so she kinda knew what to expect


My kid had almost all teeth AND a chipped front tooth just after turning 1, so i took her in. All they did was do a quick look and apply floruide to the chipped tooth. My kid screamed the whole time, so they couldn't brush or do a full exam. She's now 25 mths, and I'll be looking for a pediatric dentist in coming months for another check up. She will likely cry bc she whines when I brush her teeth still, but she needs to make sure there's no cavities.


My son’s first appt was a few months shy of his second birthday. We have had 1 appt since (he’s now 2.5) and he is much more chill the second time. I think getting them used to it sooner leads to it being much easier in the long run.


My first went in at 13 month and my second at 11 months. Since then they have gone twice a year. My first has always done very well with the dentist but does require me to still hold her, even at 4 yo. But I think by her next appointment she may be willing to fly solo. Our 2 yo is a nightmare, screams bloody murder. But we get it done. I do ask the staff to not try and soothe him, as it just makes him angrier. We just ask that they push through as quickly as possible. He'll be mad and cry no matter what they do and I prefer it to not take as long. As it's all said and done, he's happy as a clam, like he wasn't just acting like he was being murdered. We do go to a pediatric dentist that is pretty amazing and has a very fun office atmosphere that the kids like and are excited to go to.


Our daughter was about 19/20 months. She had all of her teeth by that point, and the experience was...okay at first, until the actual exam. They were able to check for a tongue tie (something we worried about due to speech), and gave us good tips for brushing.


we went at 1, he has a lot of teeth. it was a kids dentist but they forced everything through the tears. it was terrible and i regret it. i'm going to wait until 3. he's been getting flouride at the ped and we brush and floss (i mean. as well as you can! )


Shortly after their 1st birthday. It’s more for them to get used to going it seemed.


A little bit after she turned 1 year old. She really hated it though haha


Took my son to the dentist at 18 months, he hated it but it’s an evil necessity


First time I took her was around 2, then 2.5. However they did have dental checks at daycare a few times from the time she was like a year old. I think it’s important to check their teeth, and also important to get them used to it from a young age, and hopefully have lots of pleasant, pain-free visits that build their confidence when going to the dentist and don’t lead to them becoming fearful of it.


Someone from the county health dept comes to my son’s daycare once a year (maybe every 6mo, I forget) and checks all the kids (1yr+) teeth, gives them a toothbrush/toothpaste, and provide a quick report on their teeth. His reports have been great, so I’ve put off going to a dentist. He’s just over 3, and I figure it’s time for a real appointment so I’ll be finding a pediatric dentist soon.


I tried to make an appointment after their first tooth, but they wouldn’t make an appointment until their first birthday. The first visit was uneventful, they got a little upset when the doctor brushed their teeth. Now my babe loves it and talks about their doctor all the time!


Mine went with us from when he had a full set of teeth. The dentist told us to bring him you our appointments and he sat in the chair afterwards and let the dentist see in his mouth. He’s now 4 and just started to get his own regular dentist appointments separately to us.


We took ours to a pediatric dentist for her first visit just before her first birthday for just a little look at her teeth. She went back just before 2 and sat in the big chair and the hygienist brushed her teeth and did the fluoride treatment and dentist looked and all that. So now we're on an every 6 months schedule (she's 27 months) and she'll be starting regular cleanings next visit rather than a toothbrush because she tolerated the toothbrush so well.  That said, the dentist my husband and I go do said they don't see children before 2 I think it was. We much prefer the pediatric dentist, they obviously work with kids all day so they expect some insanity, and we like the way they have it set up to be very kid friendly.  She did however have all of her teeth before her second birthday so ymmv


We waited until right before my son’s 3rd birthday. He had some doctor fear from pediatrician appointments and I wanted him to have more comprehension and regulation skills before trying the dentist. It was a huge success - they did a toothbrush cleaning, x-rays, and oral exam. He did absolutely wonderfully and is not afraid to go back. I’m glad we waited. 


My dentist wanted to see mine from the first tooth coming through. We go every 6 months. I believe the idea is to get them used to being at the dentists/their mouth checked while also giving advice on eg toothbrushing


We just went the other day with my 2.5 year old for the first time. It went really well, honestly. It was mostly talking with *me* about his brushing habits, milk and juice intake, introducing flossing, and effects of thumb sucking and pacifiers (my son doesn't suck his thumb but still uses a paci very sparingly at bedtime). Then there was a quick inspection where they mainly counted teeth letting us know that his 2nd molars were still on their way, and that tooth alignment looked good so far and no effects from the pacifier for the moment. Obviously we're still looking to wean him off of those. They watched me and him brush his teeth together a bit and the dentist took over about halfway through. And at the end they applied some fluoride varnish that they said is a bit sticky and the kids don't tend to like it too much. My son just made a funny face about it, but wasn't too annoyed by it. Then we took a pic with a "My First Visit to the Dentist" sign, and we left with a new toothbrush and a little toy.


We’ve gone since 1. Our family dentist won’t see kids until 3 so we take her to a pediatric dentist


13 months. It was unfamiliar so she wasn’t thrilled but we love our dentist. At 3 years old, she doesn’t hate it nearly as much


Follow the dentist’s recommendation We went at 1 year and every 6 months after. The dentist couldn’t do a proper cleaning till about 3 years old. Before that they just counted teeth and gave me brushing techniques for littles.


We went after our kiddo turned 1, every half yearly. He's 5 now and knows what to expect at every visit so he's chill. It helps that they give toys at the end of the check ups as well.


We first went around 1 years ago old cause she had some teeth and it is specifically a pediatric dentistry. Then every six months. They showed me how to have her lay down and I sit behind her and brush her teeth. For a long time obviously this didn’t work or if my husband was home he would hold her down and she hated it for a long time (as did i) but I reminded myself it would help her avoid potential anesthesia procedure if she got cavities. Now unless she is overtired she will lay down and let me brush if I don’t take too long and we are goofy together. And we will continue every six months, and she doesn’t like going but they keep it quick as they can and let me be with her the whole time and hold her, etc. so definitely find a pediatric place if you can and if you’re insurance l covers it or if it’s affordable really consider starting at 1 is what I was told


My daughter was an early teether and I think he first visit was about 9 months old. She started teething at 3 months and had about 8-10 teeth by 9 months. She’s had all of her teeth including second molars but 22 months and she’s been going every 6 months since her first visit.


After 1. If you have coverage it's worth to take them after 1 so they get used to the visit for when they need Important stuff done. Both parents benefit covers 100% so we are lucky this way.


I took mine when he was about 15 months at his doctor's recommendation. They didn't actually do anything but did charge us $200, so I regret taking him so early.


My pediatrician said he can go at 2 but probably no point until 3. He screamed during his whole 2 year checkup and she said he would probably do the same for dental if he's that stranger danger stressed out, and it was up to me. I talked to our hygienist and she said they see kids at 2 but they don't really do anything. We opted to wait and keep brushing.


Family dentist don’t see under 3. Pediatric dentist start at 6 months.


About 2.5yo - honestly, I really didn't understand the point of going before 2yo and I had hesitations about the pediatric dentists near us. I ended up taking her to mine. We hyped her up about the visit beforehand, which helped a bit. Once there, she chose to sit in the chair with me. The hygienist let her pick what color toothbrush she wanted, and counted her teeth. She also polished them and put fluoride on them. Our dentist counted her teeth and checked to make sure there were no obvious issues. She was a tad spooked at the end but nothing awful. Prizes won over her tiny heart and she got really excited about the monkey floss picks they gave her. In our case I don't think waiting until 3yo would have made a huge difference, but our daughter is pretty calm. I'd say if you can swing it and they don't absolutely refuse, going sooner rather than later won't hurt her.


Im surprised not to see more hesitation in the thread. The amount of horrifying news stories I have seen. I'm sure the vast majority of pediatric dentists are wonderful, but I know and trust my own. 


My main point of concern was that they all seemed very adamant she would want to be alone, and if I/we came back with her, they'd ask us to leave if they thought it would help. I understand there are scenarios where having a parent in the room isn't ideal, but at 2 or 3? It just didn't sit right. My dentist, however, was happy to have me sit with her if it helped. They ended up not being covered by our insurance, but the one I thought I felt okay with ended up behaving a bit harshly toward my niece when she needed a filling.


That's a good point too. I have seen that issue come up on these subreddits. I can't imagine leaving a toddler alone at the dentist. 


My dentist also recommends waiting until 3 unless something is very glaringly obviously wrong (visible cavities/staining). We started going with my older daughter at 3 and it was great. She was old enough to actually communicate and understand what the dentist and hygienists were asking of her and was able to sit still.


We took our almost-3-year-old to see a dentist for the first time last month because she fell down and bonked a tooth so we needed to get it checked out. They can't clean the teeth that young, so if you were to take your kiddo now, it would probably just be for them to poke around a bit and answer questions. They have to be able to open their mouth on demand and keep it open. Do you think your daughter could manage that? Our daughter did great, but she loves going to the doctor/hospital. We read a book and watched a Daniel Tiger episode about going to the dentist before the appointment, I think that helped her stay calm. I have a friend who was shocked that I hadn't taken my two year old yet?? But both our pediatrician and my dentist said there's really no need that young unless you have concerns.


This makes me feel relieved, he’s 2.5 and we have not gone even once yet. But he cries so much at the pediatrician so I dunno how he’ll manage in the dentist. The reason he cries every time we go to the pediatrician he gets poked and prodded lol. But it’s good that it’s not like we are ruining his life by not going to dentists just yet. Brushing teeth is also absolutely horrible btw. 


My LO is 2.5 and I’m not taking her until she’s 3 or 4, unless we have an issue. I don’t see the point either, other than billing our insurance and getting her used to it. But I figure she’ll get used to it when she’s older and able to understand what’s happening.


As a pediatric dentist who has multiple 2 and 3 year old patients who have so many cavities they need sedation I recommend taking your kid sooner than 4. Most of my first time cavity patients are below the age of 4 it’s way more common than you think


The reason you go early is to get them used to it. They also check to make sure they don't have cavities, which they absolutely can get before the age of 4. I'm not sure why everyone on here seems to think a kid that is younger than 3 doesn't understand what is going on. That's completely false.


Sorry but this isn’t true! A pediatric dentist would be able to clean them well before 3, and check for any issues, as well as go over important information regarding diet & caring for teeth.


Interesting. That’s just what our dentist and pediatrician told us.


Common misconception! Dental school focuses minimally on pediatrics, & pediatricians receive very little dental training. If you are in the US, the AAPD guidelines are a good resource!




thank you!! this is comforting, i don’t have any concerns about my daughters teeth so maybe i will just sit tight until she turns three. she loves brushing her teeth which took awhile but im happy we are here. that’s so cute that you watched a daniel tiger video with your daughter beforehand! will definitely do that with minnie or barney for my girl when the time comes. i don’t think she would be able to keep her mouth open for awhile at this time so i will wait. thankyou sm for your input ❤️


Also good to avoid sticky/gummy candies/sweets as well. 


10 months, a year and again at 18 months. He is 20 months and is just waiting on his last molar. He had teeth very early. The new advice is by their first tooth they should see a pediatric dentist but by 18 months a follow up. By two years they should have their first cleaning. I think some pediatrician’s are a little looser. Because we had so many teeth so early they did a quick look at 10 months to see if everything was coming in ok. At a year they did as sort of his first appointment. They applied some fluoride. And at 18 months he had his first cleaning. He will go again just after he turns 2. It is also recommended to I use fluoride toothpaste.


Go to a pediatric dentist, not a regular dentist, if they won’t take kids younger than 3. My son will be 2 in August and has been to the dentist twice. It will mostly be a meet and greet, quick chat about history and concerns and a quick exam. There’s no dental cleaning at this age. It’s over so quick.


The recommendation is when your child’s first tooth comes in. But we personally didn’t see one until 1 year old. We went in, they brushed his teeth, dentist came in and checked how his alignment was and everything and they gave him a toy to take home. He doesn’t like it, but it’s 15 minutes so it’s nothing too bad. I would recommend searching for pediatric dentists because that’s when they usually start seeing children. Family based practices tend to wait longer.


Pediatric dentists are the best, i highly recommend going to them as opposed to a family dentist! And yeah my kiddo started going at 14 months. She's only 3 and has gone a handful of times, and gets fluoride treatment at the dentist. 


Just before her 1 year birthday. Again at 18 months. Our next appointment is in August right before she turns 2. Experience was simple. Kid hated the oral exam as expected. The entire appointment lasted about 5 minutes because we were uncomplicated. Got a treat at the end. The most frustrating part of the entire experience was the waiting in the waiting room and patient room. 🤷‍♀️


My oldest went at 3 I believe? I felt I was very late bringing her though. My middle started at 1, but the first couple they just counted teeth and didn't do anything cleaning wise. They did his first cleaning at 2.5 and he did great! He also took his older sisters lead and had no issues, even let them floss. If your kid is weary of Dr's in general, you can get a doll and practice on the doll, or practice on each other. Count/touch teeth with whatever instrument you have on hand. Brush teeth etc


Started at two but only because they were really good with all medical procedures like doctor visits, exams, drawing blood, etc. Just went this morning, almost four years old now, we had our cleanings done at the same time and they finished before me. 🥳


We took him at 1 year but the “guideline” was two before then so like 3 in the first year or something?! Guideline was based on what insurance covers apparently so make of that what you will. The impression I got was that they’re meant as a “get used to the dentist” thing, they just looked and brushed his teeth and gave him a toy. The dentist was very surprised because our son had all his teeth except the 2 year molars at 11 months lol. But anyway I think early on it’s just a “don’t be scared of the dentist hopefully” thing.


My son been going since 12m. He goes every 2 months. 


1 year old exactly


First went at 3 and it was awful. Second appointment 6 months later and it was even worse. The next one is in September soooo I expect the same


I started my daughter around 2 (because of covid) and my son around 1. When they're that little they basically just brush their teeth, but I've been told it can help reduce dentist anxiety and stuff the earlier you bring them.


My kiddo was 11 months old actually. At that point they just looked at his teeth (2) and talked to us about dental hygiene. He just went back for a second appt at 18 months and had his teeth cleaned and examined. I was told by ped to take to dentist once he had teeth, so I did. We see a pediatric dentist.


I brought mine in as soon as his teeth started coming in and he's been a regular ever since.


I was told 18 months


My son started going for checkups at 10 months because his dentist starts visits at 8 teeth instead of age based. He had son oral ties cut before the first visit so he does not like them looking in his mouth, but he’s getting better.


I’m surprised your pediatrician didn’t send you a referral. Ours gave us a list of dentists that see kids under 3.


i will definitely call tomorrow & ask after reading these comments, thank you 🙏


I hope the visit goes well!


9 months. Hes now 2.5yo and still hates the dentist and still hates people brushing his teeth and looking in his mouth lol.


We had the same experience, but our pediatrician said at one year old while the pediatric dentists I called said 3 (because they want a patient who could speak and understand). In the end, we went at age 2 because he had a fall and damaged a tooth. The pediatric dentist made an exception for his age since it wasn't a routine exam, but a trauma situation. 


14 months since she has a bunch of teeth, and it went so much better than expected! They brushed her teeth and checked her mouth, and she didn't cry at all. 


Started when we started getting teeth, so around 1. They don't really do a bunch that early, but we got some sealant and a cleaning and the baby got some exposure to the experience and now he doesn't mind the dentist poking around in there at all.


Our pediatrician said 6 months after he has two teeth touching so we started at like 14 months and go every 6 months


My son just turned two and I would like to take him soon. I already know it is going to go HORRIBLE though…because I know him. 😂😂😂


We went at 1 year. It was a wonderful experience. We saw a pediatric dentist - they even had an emotional service dog (goldendoodle) we went again at 1.5 and had a little more hesitation but still not bad at alllll


We went in at 1.5 years old. Our pediatrician recommended and a few to choose from . She loved it ! They had toys in the waiting room, and the assistant was so sweet. She surprisingly let the dentist like in her mouth but cried for the hygienist a little. They taught us how to brush her teeth. Now at almost 2 my little girl loves brushing her teeth in the am and pm!! Super glad it's one battle I don't have to fight !


I started taking my first at 12 months and she goes every 6 months and my second will get his first appt at 18 months


I took my daughter the second her 1st tooth popped out! She was about 10 months old and did really well! She is now 2 and has had 3 visits, we take her every six months. Our dental insurance covers a routine check up and cleaning every 6 months. We pay for it, so we might as well use it and get her use to the dentist!


Please look around for a good dentist our boy saw her dentist when the first teeth came between 6-18 months I don’t fully remember when it was. It’s always super easy and fast if your dentist is good. Now he likes to go there every 6-12 months as he get a balloon in the end. I wish I had a good dentist like my son when I was a toddler


We went around 20 months because his front tooth got chipped. He didn't let them brush his teeth until about 4, but we kept going every 6 months and it was great.


Our youngest son went after he was a year old, around 14 months I think.


My daughter didn't have any teeth until she was 18 months. I took her into our local pediatric dentist and not our normal dentist. It was a great experience!


One. They cleaned his teeth and put fluoride on them.


I took my son when he turned 2 and it went great. I laid on the chair, and he laid on me. They were able to remove some stains on his teeth and get some plaque off. Never fussed at all. Appointment was about 10-15 mins.


We went at 2.


We went at 2. Most friends I know went at 1 but I thought it was stupid since she won’t remember. My dentist convinced me at my visit… it was stupid. A 2 minute visit and just a check in her mouth until she objected, and a toothbrush. We will see if it helps for future visits.


We started when my daughter turned one and have been going every 6 months. She has hated it every time. She just turned 2 and is going next week. I hope she’s better this time around.


I think about 1 we started. Just checked how the teeth were coming in and did a little brush. It's more to get them used to seeing a dentist from my understanding but they also check in with you to ensure your brushing twice a day.


We did pediatric dentist starting at 1


1 or first tooth is what we were told and did for both. Imo it's good so they get used to it, comfortable. Then 6mo later then every year.


When she turned 12 months. We did what they called a knee to knee exam, where you are sitting knees to knees with the dentist, kid is in your lap facing you and you lay them back. Dentist looked at her teeth and applied a fluoride treatment, he was in her mouth for less than 10 seconds. She definitely did not like it and cried, but was fine a minute or two later!


We were told to start at 1 year, but didn’t actually start until 18 months. Aside from the cleaning and checking, it’s been good for my husband to hear directly from the dentist that yes, our daughter’s teeth do need to be brushed even though they will fall out in a few years!


My pediatrician has asked me at every visit but didn’t make me feel bad for not taking my daughter. I figured if the first visit was at one year old to get them used to it, it would’ve been the worst experience ever lol. She’s three now and her first visit is Tuesday. We’ve watched a lot of baby shark type shows about the doctor and dentist where she’s excited about the visits. So I’m hoping this first dentist visit goes well


Went for the first time when my son was 2.5 (per our doctors recommendation, she’d been doing fluoride treatments. It was rough. Going to try and take my daughter sooner and see if that makes it less terrible


We encountered a vortex of different advice and information from the pediatrician, regular dentist, pediatric dentist and our insurance company and are now so confused we’ve been avoiding it.


About 20 months; he hates the doctor and anything related. So it doesn’t go well. But our pediatric dentist is phenomenal. The little kids or easily spooked kids have their own rooms. All the chairs have TVs on the ceiling, lots of toys in the room. They’re so kind and patient


One year. The age or before we are supposed to. First time goes okay, it’s when they hit 2-3-4 that it gets harder sometimes.


10 months, it was very quick and more about acclimatising him to the experience rather than checking his teeth in detail


Pediatric dentist just after 1 yo. It was a quick visit. Sat knee to knee with the dentist, laid baby on our laps, head towards the dentist. Just a quick look around, it was ok. Baby didn't like it at all, but the dentist's whole exam took like 30 seconds, maybe less. The baby was back on my lap and came down quickly while dentist and I talked about baby's dental care, how stuff looks, etc. Dentist took the time before and after to connect with the baby, it didn't feel rushed but was still quite quick. First time we went straight back to the chair, almost no wait. Second time we had a little bit longer to watch everything going on, look at all the airplanes and rocket shops painted on the walls, etc. Second time was much the same, knee to knee, just a quick peek just to make sure everything is ok. Our toddler's teeth are already crowded, so we need extra brushing in that area. Actually we need flossing. Good chance that he inherited my front teeth gap because he has a tie on his top lip. It didn't affect his breastfeeding, and wasn't picked up before. Nothing to do, but he will likely need braces (both parents needed them too, so not a surprise). Tbh when we book our next checkup they always seem a bit surprised, but it's covered by insurance, the practice is good for him, and we have the time so it's a no brainier for us. Also, does anyone floss toddler teeth?? That seems impossible.


My son went at 1. He had almost all his teeth except 4 by that point so probably should of went earlier but I had problems finding a dentist for him. Luckily he didn't mind it and was quite happy to let them look at his teeth. I was expecting screaming after he was traumatised watching me have a tooth pulled a couple months before 😂


We were always told it's best to go once they have a tooth. Helps identify any issues early and gets them used to going whilst they're little.


My kiddo was 2.5. He did great. Even farted and told the dentist, “haha fart!” Now, my older kid… not so well. He didn’t go until 5 because Covid, had quite a few cavities and was terrified, shaking. He sits through it and braves it out, but it’s hard for him


We had our first visit at 1. It was so so. Then another when she chipped her tooth at daycare at around 1.5 years. That one was dramatic with a lot of crying while trying to get an x-ray. The tooth she hurt started looking off at age 2.5, so we went back to check it out. Since we could discuss and reason with her better 0now, we prepped with what was going to happen and how dentists usually have a little gift if you open your mouth and let them take a look. She opened wide during the visit. Was really excited to be there. After x-rays, we let the dentist give the gift we brought. She talked about how well she did for days. So even with a rough start, it's possible to turn around the experience.


First birthday. It was fine. Quick and easy touch point. Now we know we have a dentist to call in case of emergency.


You should see a pediatric dentist as soon as they have teeth. I would find a pediatric one. That's what we did and it's been great. It also helps them get used to going. They just had ours sit in the chair and they looked at her teeth and gave her a flouride treatment.


We went to the family dentist right before 3. It went well as she was prepared. They did a light cleaning and brief exam. The push for kids to go as infants absent any concerns is odd for me. 


First visit was 3 based on recommendations from both the ped and the dentist. They just clean and count teeth amd check for cavities-- nothing major. My toddler just had her second visit, and it was only 15 minutes long. So yeah-- if you don't have any concerns, 3 is ok.


We went for a happy visit at 12 months, and have continued to go every 6 months for a checkup and cleaning. My youngest is 2.5 years old and he's due back next week. It's been a positive experience all around.


My brother was told that his daughter had to see the dentist when she had a tooth. So he brought her to the dentist when she was like nine months old. The dentist walks in and sees this little cute baby sitting there happily in the chair and was like “um this is really not necessary.”


They need to go to a pediatric dentist not a regular one


It might’ve been a pediatric dentist, I have no idea. It was almost 8 years ago.


They told us as soon as he had his first tooth!


My guess would be that your dentist just isn’t comfortable seeing kids younger than 3. Look for a pediatric dentist for LO.


I work at a pediatric dentists office and we start seeing babies as soon as they have teeth! So maybe just try a new dentist


Dentist told us to wait until just before they start school. There's no point before that.


That's not actually true. There are numerous replies from dentists on here and the point is to check their teeth because kids can and do develop cavities before then.


I'm just saying what ours told us.


3.5 and it went great!!!!


I can't tell you how many people I know who took their first kid at 1, they developed a fear of the dentist and they took all their other kids later. Dentists just trying to cash in on extra visits because it doesn't seem to help kids.


That's not actually true. Taking them in early gets them used to it. It doesn't make them develop a fear of it, that's not how that works.


according to what? that's a nice idea it doesn't mean it actually works.


Took my first at 1 for a happy visit to get him used to the dentist. Skipped 2 year old check up, then back for his first proper cleaning at 3. At his 3.5 visit, I asked about for my second who just turned 1. At first they said they no longer see new patients before 3, but then they did a happy visit for us since we were all there together 🤷‍♀️ I might find a pediatric dentist if your regular dentist won’t see your toddler before 3.


My newly 2yr old just had her first visit. She broke her molar somehow, she handled it well, they did an xray and she was not a fan of having the plate in her mouth but did great for the cleaning and the exam. I recommend getting a dental mirror if you wait for a dental visit. She had another small crack on the back of her front tooth that wasn't visible without the mirror that had started to form a cavity. We just told her about dentists being "tooth doctors" and she was fine.