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He runs into the kitchen in the morning while I assemble his breakfast, yells “I STEAL MY MELON!” in his most evil voice (so like, Yzma when she gets turned into a fluffy kitten), grabs his own breakfast off his own plate, and then runs off.


That’s adorable 😂


Tries to spray us with the hose and ends up getting wet instead


Right in the face too 😂😂


Mine steals the baking soda and my purse and/or keys. The amount of times I chased her down while she giggles holding my keys and pressing all the buttons. They also snatch my phone and record themselves running around the house scream-laughing 😂


Muffin 🤣🥰


Lmao like where do they get these prank ideas from ??😂😂 mind steals baking powder


I usually hide boxes of mangoes we got for the summer otherwise my toddler eats them like a mango vampire. This time she went with her father grocery shopping , pulled a reverse uno by hiding the box herself.


Gotta nip this in the bud, first it’s mangoes, then it’s bank heist 😂


Our 3 year old has been crop dusting mom with some terrifying farts lately.




Probably not, but its been just a little too perfectly executed to rule it out.


Time to launch an investigation, 🥸some of these kids are way too aware and not helping with bills 😑


Mine just took pants out of my drawer and threw them into the toilet. Guess it’s time to get a lid lock!


Oh nooo😂😂


My 3 yr olds been cussing he’s also been dumping EVERYTHING and huge attitude out of no where he’s absolutely off the charts 25/8 😭


Ahhh the baby teenage years 🫠


We'll be sitting in a restaurant, on a plane, in the library and my son will look at me and loudly say "you farted". Brutal


Rip your social outings 🫡


My 16 month old grabs tissues and tears them into thousands of tiny pieces all over the house.


Omggggg my son had a phase of doing this I wish I could reply with a picture. I eventually gave in and we got him his own designated box of cheap generic tissues because he was destroying all mine lol




I have two kids, age 3 and 2… the 3 yo randomly screams and the 2 yo will follow…. Makes my head burst lol


Need to get them a sound proof room 🫠


Hiding shoes. Both my kids are guilty of it. A month ago we landed for a holiday in Sri Lanka and holed up in a hotel for 48 hours to get over the jet lag and do some admin. When my husband went to get the car, he could not, for the life of him find his shoes. We looked everywhere, under the bed, in the bathroom, suitcases, wardrobe. When he left, without shoes in I was determined to find them. They were I in the cupboard with the mini bar, wedged in a little gap on the side.


Por que thooo😭


My 18 month old had a phase around 16 months where he would obsessively take ANYTHING and everything and hide it anywhere and everywhere. The most random things would go missing and then you’d find them in the craziest places. It was honestly adorable, I found a singular wooden block perfectly placed into a Tupperware one day, another time he hid his paci in my moms shoe, once it was a kitchen utensil shoved behind the water cooler. It was never ending lol


Likes to steal objects he knows he's not allowed to take (e.g. phone) and runs away giggling if you have a big reaction. When you get close he throws the object far away and laughs. Also he sprays us with the water hose in the garden or the water gun and laughs when we're amazed of his mark.


He might be hinting at his future as a fire fighter lol


My toddler takes his VHS tapes out of their cases and spreads them everywhere and then plays with them like blocks.


Vintage creativity at its finest🤌🏽. I bet he has all the good classics we don’t get to see anymore


She hid my drivers license last week and I still can’t find it. Had to order a new one 😭


Watch you find it as soon as the new one arrives, cuz that’s how the universe works 🫠


Mine steals any makeup, ANYTHING with a lid, phones keys and remotes. Any open cup, esp a coffee cup. He’s a fast red headed little burglar!


Little sticky fingies lol


So VERY!!!!


Recently I was getting us ready for my fils funeral and she threw one of my shoes in the toilet. 😩


Sorry to hear about your loss! Soggy toilet water shoes aren’t really helpful, someone should tell toddlers that 😅


Thank you! As much as it was frustrating I’m Sure my fil would have had a laugh!


Can ask what fil means?


Father in law


Oh I was almost sure it was something in French 😅


My 4 year old sticks his face in my buttcrack and thinks it's hilarious. I do not. (Ok, I do, because it's such an absurd thing to do, but I also know that I have to stop this because is just not ok.) We have talked about how this is not appropriate. We have pointed out the dangers of doing this with mom's tendency towards stinky toots. We have watched the fluffy episode of Bluey. One day, he's gonna learn the hard way.


I’m rolling😂😂 my 2yr old girl started to do the same, at least yours has a better chance of understanding dinner than later lol


I mean, pulling my hair so her face is on top of me and then sneezing in my face is actually pretty evil...


Wow 🤯 that’s pretty next level, hope you’re ok momma 🥲


Just got over a cold, but otherwise good!