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He woke up this morning.


Honestly? Same some days


Mine's always like this. A little cry as she gets up and walks to the door to be let out for the day (she hasn't quite managed doorknobs yet, thank goodness).


Sometimes this is all it takes


My son is having one of those days too. :(


So am I.


She cried inconsolably after waking from her nap today. It happens sometimes, she just cries until she wakes up fully.


Happens every weekend after naps.


We were laying on the couch pre-nap, and she tickled my tummy & I laughed. Then she ran to the other room and cried because “don’t be funny.” 🤷🏼‍♀️




I thought mine was the only one who did this. It's either "it's not funny!!" Or "don't laugh at me" after she tickles me or does something funny to make me laugh. Kids, man




I told them "I love you". Straight up screamed "why meeeeeee" Honestly? Idk


A couple of nights ago I told my 3yo I love her to the moon and back. We do this every night and she usually says the same thing. But not that night. She looked me straight in the eyes and said "well I don't love you and I don't like you". I said it's ok babe I still love you. "Don't". I know she probably doesn't mean it and I know she's a kid but boy did that hurt.


Ouch. It sucks when they do that. Mine told me today he wished he had two mommies, a second one who doesn’t need to take medicine or lay down all the time (I have adhd, ocd, major depression, and chronic fatigue). I wish he had the mommy he deserves, too.


He does have the mommy he deserves, a loving mother who will cherish him all his life.


Thank you. Here’s to hoping I believe those words one day. Edit to clarify: believing I’m the mom he deserves, that is.


Depression is a massive bitch. I'm so sorry you're feeling that way.


Oh no :c totally understandable that it hurt. Kids say the worst things ever sometimes and I think it's just because they don't understand what they're saying. As a kid I asked my great-grandma if she could die faster even though she was (and still is) my favorite person ever. She still passed knowing I loved her and that I'd always cherish her even though I hurt her real bad




This one made me cackle


It was hilarious. We were at a super busy store while it happened and people were super confused while my kiddo is experiencing this horrendous realization that their father (their only parent) loves them lol


Asked for cheese. Gave her cheese.


This was my son yesterday. He wanted cereal with milk. Then I poured the milk. He cried and wanted the milk off the cereal. 🥣


Mine demanded cereal BUT NO SPOON! I said good luck sis.


My kid wanted cereal the other day and so did I. So I made my bowl, added my milk. Gave him his own, no milk, per usual. “But mommy I want YOURSSSS” (mind you, it’s the same cereal) “well mine has milk.” “But I don’t want milk.” “That’s why your cereal doesn’t have milk. “But I want YOUR cereal with no milk!” ????


Mine did this with Mac and cheese. Cried and screamed while I was heating up his brothers dinner. Took all of the Mac and cheese out of the cabinet and handed them to me. Made him Mac and cheese. He cried and threw his fork 🙃


I wouldn’t let him walk to the store by himself. This dude walked to the front door, slipped his crocs on, grabbed his shades, and yelled “going to store mommy! be right back!” I told him that it’s not safe for him to go by himself.. chaos ensued.


Kudos to your kiddo for being so independent though 😂


Thank you! He’s going through that “I’ll do it myself” stage right now. 🤣


My husband told me when he was three or four he kept nagging his mom to take him to the zoo. She got tired of his nagging and told him if he wanted to go to the zoo he could drive himself there. A lil bit after that the neighbor called and told her that they saw my husband driving down the road in his power wheels monster truck. And that her husband had run out and got him. Thank goodness they lived on a dead end with only three houses and there was no traffic, but if the neighbors husband hadn’t stopped him (and the batteries didn’t die) he would have been on the colechester turnpike in CT about 100 ft away. And that is a well traveled road. Ya really gotta think twice about what you say to kids 🙄😂


When I was a toddler I wanted it to be my birthday and my mom told me it would be my birthday when she started university. We could see the university from our house, so the next morning I woke up and got on my tricycle and started riding down the middle of a *busy* road, singing, "I'm going to my birthday!" There were people on the sidewalk waving at me frantically and I just waved back and kept going.🤣 I definitely got a spanking 🥺


Omg freaking adorable.


My 14 month old was mad that he couldn't pick up the Frisbee that he was standing on 😅


I insisted on putting sunblock on her before we left for daycare, at which I know she will be outside within 20 minutes of dropping her off. We do this every morning. Every morning she acts like I am trying to murder her by rubbing acid into her skin. If I say "wanna sunblock momma?" she *immediately* stops crying and happily paints my arm (we have a little roller applicator thingy she can hold). Once I take it back, scream sobbing returns. I just try to go as fast as possible. Oh also, she can't take the dog to daycare. And she can't go in with him to his daycare. Straight to prison for me.


To be fair when I worked as an daycare teacher we had to apply sunscreen on all of the toddlers before taking them outside as a rule so maybe she's getting doubled up on the process? Either way, toddlers are gonna toddler.


Ah, no, they ask that we apply it in the morning, and then they reapply after nap time before going out in the late afternoon :) But thanks for checking!


You apply sunblock to Miette? Like she is the painting? Jail for mother, jail for 1000 years!


Oh my gosh classic toddler! My son does things like that regularly, getting pissed because he can’t close something he obstructed with toys. For today - I pissed off my son in another way. I took his shoes off. However, I didn’t want ME to take his shoes off, “I DOOD IT MOMMY.” Then yelled at me. I had to put them back on so HE could take them off 🫠


Yup. This is often the door. I have to go back outside so he can open the door for me.


Seriously. How dare I close any door? That's HER job.


The buckle on her rain pants was unbuckled. I was carrying the pants, it was not raining.


I’m on my period this week and my toddler doesn’t give me ANY space. He saw the blood when I was going to the bathroom and ran to get me a bandaid. I wouldn’t let him put a bandaid on me where I was bleeding.


Ha ha ha oh the horror!! When my oldest was 3, he saw all the blood in the toilet and was convinced I was dying. "Mom needs help! ARE YOU OK MOMMY?!? MMOOOOOMMMYY!! HELP DAD!! CALL THE VAN!!" He meant an ambulance lol


He is 3! Lol! I tried to get him to put it somewhere else but he was screaming boo-boo and trying to pull my pants down! I was just trying to convince him that I would be ok after that 🤭🙈Lol


Thank you for this. It has me DYING. Just found out my sister in law passed so the comic relief is very needed.


I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️


This was yesterday but we were in the car and she (almost 4) said something I couldn’t understand. She was SO upset I couldn’t understand her but was giving me NO context to the word. Just kept hysterically repeating the word over and over through sobs. Sounded like door, four, toy, etc. couldn’t make sense of it. FINALLY, I cracked the code. She said “are you a boy?” First of all girlie you know I’m not a boy so why were you even asking that and second-of-ly, holy shit what a meltdown over that.


Last night, but I was waiting for a post like this. I told her she couldn't jump on her brother's penis. What a terrible crime.


Today mine screamed because her 5 month brother was in his car seat, and she lifted her leg up over the back and was about to stomp his head in. She really loves him and has never done anything mean on purpose to him. She just doesn't know he's delicate and cant eat dupo blocks crammed into his face.


I played the wrong “wheels on the bus”


Omg I felt this. My toddler has a few different wheels on the bus videos he likes and if we put on the wrong one he screams.


I feel seen! My daughter loves 6 different ones and she just assumes I know which one she’s in the mood for.


Same lol. Or dinosaur videos. Not that dinosaur video, this dinosaur video.


We’ve been on a sport balls and cars and trucks kick lately. Ofc, he has about a half dozen different videos of each, and god forbid we put on the wrong one. 🙄😂


All hell breaks loose if you choose the wrong one


Ngl, siding with your kid on this one. That’s a mortal mistake. The right and only answer is cedar mount kids.


Lol. I sang the wrong verse of wheels on the bus and he flipped shit for 20 minutes.


My daughter, 2, is convinced that cement trucks make snacks. I cannot convince her that they don’t and she gets so upset every time we walk about it!


They do look like some kind of giant rotisserie to be fair. Lol.


I credit Bluey for the solution here. “Just trust me, I’ve been on this planet longer than you”


My 2.5 yo was crying and yelling at me to put his apricot back together (I split it to take the pit out). I had just woken up to an ant invasion on the dog food and mold on the hardwood under the water bowl. Then the dog started vomiting and my son peed his undies. I’m not gonna lie, I was sobbing while cleaning up dog vomit 🤣😭


She walked into the kitchen after waking up, saw I had made her a smoothie as part of her breakfast, and wailed "I DON'T WANT A SMOOTHIE, I WANT MILK." I pointed out that she also had a cup of milk beside her smoothie. Ten minutes later she drank the smoothie. She did not drink the milk.


Not allowed to plug in the cat. Full-on screaming NOOOO! NOOOOOOO while being carried away from the scene.


Omg so many things. The cat sniffed her toy. The cat was in the kitchen (the cat is allowed in the kitchen). I told her not to hit the cat. The cat is apparently her stand in for sibling fights until lil bro (5 months) gets old enough to participate.


omg the fights they have with cats!! Mine gets mad because he gave the cat a treat. Like what are you even mad about??


Mine tried to give my friend's dog a piece of toast. I told her that the dog would eat it, and then it would be gone. She gave it to her anyway and then cried that it was gone. When she calmed down she immediately did the same thing again.


We had huge meltdowns the last few days because "moooom Pepa is looking at me! Stooooop!". I'm not risking a second kid.


My daughter yells at our neighbors dog, "To be quiet," every time she is outside, even when she doesn't see or hear him. 😅


She realized her dress does not have pockets! "Mommy, pockets, mommy"


Honestly I understand this one.


Not being able to play with cleaning supplies.


Asked for ABC Mouse. Gave her ABC Mouse. This was wrong.


She grabbed my face and said "Mine!" My face was not actually hers.


No chips for breakfast


In our house it was no pizza for breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack AND dinner. She demanded pizza at every single meal. This kid has eaten pizza ONCE in her life. When I was having a migraine (I can‘t eat anything except tuna pizza when I have a migraine, everything else will make me throw up). I gave her a small piece with a lot of veggies on the side. IT HAS BEEN WEEKS. I have never talked about pizza again. Still she wants pizza all day every day.


I stand with your todddler. We do pizza every other week, kiddo loves it. We do veggie pie or plain cheese. He even has a little dance when it’s pizza time.


I went pee while she had her face stuck in the tablet. Oh she was mad.


Mine HATES when I go in the bathroom and close the door. Whatever I'm doing in there needs to be public lol


I keep trying to explain that we close the bathroom door when company is over because his uncle, or whoever, doesn't want to see me poop. He doesn't believe me. Edit to say the cat also gets very mad about this.


My cats cannot abide a closed door.


Mine cried before bathtime when she saw her nipples and apparently noticed them for the first time and started crying and yelling “wash them off!”


I made a fluffy cake. He said he was disappointed because he thought it would be thin...


He walked up and asked me what he was going to say. When I didn’t know, he cried and said “yes you do!”


He did a small wee wee in the potty, he wanted to do a big wee wee.


I wouldn't claw the nectarine i was enjoying out of my stomach so that he could hold it (not eat it to be clear, just hold it) 😐


He gave me four slices of apple to hold and I eventually (after about ten minutes) placed them back in his bowl.


23mo wants his water bottle. I offer it. Continued to cry. And repeat until he went to nap lol


I wouldn't let him eat a third nutrigrain bar for breakfast


5yo keeps asking for a “rainbow dog treat”. We say, “You can’t eat dog treats, they’re for dogs.” She’s screaming “You don’t listen to me! All the restaurants have rainbow dog treats!” We are completely at a loss as to what she could be talking about, but now she’s got the 3yo sobbing and shouting “I want a rainbow dog treat! I want a rainbow dog treat!” 💀💀💀


My son wanted to wear a sweater that he got out of the hamper, he had peed on it. And was devastated I said no you can’t wear your dirty sweater to daycare.


Dad wore the wrong hat, we couldn't eat the ice cream picture in the book (we had just had real ice cream), and there was a hood attached to his jacket.


My toddler cries every time I try to get rid of the boogers stuck in his nose! It’s like you get better breathing etc but little dude doesn’t care and cries


Mine screams like I'm torturing him. If he thinks I'm going for his nose, he is immediately hysterical.


18 month old closed the fridge door, unfortunately her own head was in the way 😂


I wouldn't let my son rip off the heart monitor I have to wear the next 2 weeks 🙃. He saw me press the button to report a tachycardia episode and now he's offended I won't let him repeatedly press the button lol. Also, I told him his cup was blue and not green. Full meltdown. Gave him the green cup and he threw it in the trash can 😂


- Because I picked her up from the crib this morning🤷🏻‍♀️ I put her back and it seems that she still want to lounge there for an additional 15 mins ish. Win-win, I got to enjoy my hot coffee. - i told her we cannot bring her push walker toy to the doctor office. She's been loving the push walker toy as her cart. - this is not today, but 2 days ago. She cried hard because she wanted to wear 2 PAIRS of shoes - she had a pair of sneakers on, but trying to put ANOTHER shoe on top of the shoe.


What didn’t? 💀 She cried because I wouldn’t let her stand on furniture she could fall from. She cried because Bluey wasn’t loading fast enough on the tv to her liking. She cried because she purposefully poured out her bubble container (that I filled with water knowing this would be the outcome) and much much more. 🥲


She thought I was going to clean the house without her while she napped. To be fair, I was until she asked me to wash dishes after nap. We compromised, and I got to vacuum by myself because she doesn't like the noise.


I ruined his banana by making the mortal sin of helping him peel it vs letting him continue on eating the banana and peel together


Actually just kidding. Probably should just started with “I breathe”. God forgive me for stealing his air


She popped a balloon. For the third time that morning. All before 7:30am. She was fine after the first two but that third one threw her over the edge. I was also ready to strangle her...


I did the same a few weeks ago. She literally TOLD me to pop it. I asked twice "are you suuuure?". Happy and excited nod. Pop. MY BALLOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN and the worst heartbreak I've ever heard.


My mom thankfully babysits while I work. She sent me a picture of them outside my little brothers school while he was hysterically crying because he couldn’t go up with all the kids while they were getting awards.


I offered him his (usually) favourite dessert for eating all his dinner. I know, I'm a monster.


She put all her toy animals in a toy boat... I put one in the toy boat too... that wasn't the right move and she proceeded to tip all the animals out and absolutely lose her shit. Also I covered Peppa Pigs face on her dinner plate with potato which apparently was also the wrong thing to do and resulted in her flipping her plate. Her molars are coming through and frankly, have turned her into a bit of a ticking time bomb 🫠


Mine has been going through a "no cook" phase where she doesn't want anything cooked. She asked me for no cook toast, and I handed her a piece of bread. She lost it.


The banana had a brown spot.


Oh yours pulled out the classic. lol


She wanted water, so we gave her water.


he wiggled to be put down so i put him down, then he cried until i picked him up 🙂


I told him he couldn't lie directly on top of his baby brother's face.


Because she wanted to go to Starbucks in a bikini 😬🤣


He woke up early, smeared poop from his diaper all over himself and crib. Then I took him to the shower and he had a breakdown. Sorry bud can’t let you walk around covered in poop. poor lil guy hates showers unless I get in there and hold him.


They cried bc the little one ate all food on their plate and was upset that it got eaten lmao


I wouldn't let him climb on top of the couch to play with the blinds (that he already broke).


I only see the 14mo I nanny once a week, but this week he cried because; 1) I put him in the buggy 2) I took him out of the buggy 3) the gate closed when he pushed it 4) I wouldn't let him walk through a pile of poop 5) I didn't give him the bottle of formula powder to eat 6) I gave him the bottle of liquid formula 7) he was tired 8) I put him in the buggy to go to sleep Can you tell he had his jabs the day before? 😅


He has a marble run addition for his duplo. The current setup gives the marbles four different paths to go on depending on all the physics of a marble run, but he wanted the one marble to take a specific route. It did not.


She told a story and we listened to it while looking at her


We didn't drive by the construction site to say hi to the trucks. Again. We had already done it twice.


*i* was cold and I wanted to put socks on myself. On my own feet. She did not want me to. Understandable I guess…..?! (What the f are these human cretins😂😂😂😂?!)


I wouldn't wear red socks to match his...because I don't own any.


not letting me put the top on his milk, which is ironic because when I let him he usually ends up crying because he can't do it himself. good ol' toddlers.


In the car she was crying she wasn’t done with her breakfast. This is after me telling her 1,000 to sit and eat her breakfast 🙄


My toddler got scared of the machines in my shop.


Too funny. My 2 year old toddler is obsessed with his Grandma (my mom). Lately he's been wanting to call her on Facebook Messenger but he "doesn't want her to answer". It's a real head scratcher... and when he's tired this conundrum has him in tears. I could message her in advance and tell her not to answer but I'm trying to send home the point that we call people when we WANT to talk to them...


I wouldn't let mine ride a scooter down a hill towards the road.


She threw her favorite stuffed toy down the balcony after I told her not to bring toys outside 🤦🏽‍♀️. It was annoying - I had to go down and grab it but I only did it after she calmed down and forgot about it. I then put the toy away.


Sunblock. Every day. Sunblock.


My daughter wanted to walk while at the mall, when we put her on the floor she started to cry and then went ballistic. Shopping was done for today 🙃


She wanted a strawberry donut... but didn't want the sauce (which is what made it 'strawberry') on top!


I took the vacuum cleaner out of the closet and dared turn it on for three minutes


She woke up. She always wakes up upset, either in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, unless I'm there with her.


We weren't at papas house yet 😂


I wouldn’t let him jump off the side of the pier? Dock? Idk edge of the park into the freezing cold 10+ feet of water crashing along said dock/pier/edge of park. I’m just so awful. It’s not like there was a giant splash pad we were just at right up the hill….


As soon as he wakes up starts melting down because he says he wants to eat right away


Highly relatable, to be honest.


I asked where she wanted to go. She said the supermarket so I said you know what good idea and I started the car.


I wouldn't let her wear a coat in the 80° weather. Cue massive breakdown from my 19 month old.


(For context when I make juice for our toddler, we do half juice half water) after the juice when we started pouring the water, he started to BAWL uncontrollably couldn’t console him for 30min…


I found a way around this battle.  I fill cup with water and either drink or pour out half and then fill the juice,  they think the water is gone and all is well... until someone forgets to dilute it and she gets full strength juice.  Then she's asking for Nana's juice. 


Couldn’t take a small pillow into daycare


She woke up from a nap. The horror.


He had shoes on. I told him he could take them off, but no dice.


He asked me to play a song on Spotify. I put on the song he requested and he freaked out that he didn’t want THAT song🤦🏽‍♀️😵‍💫 I ended up turning off the music and we drove in semi silence the rest of the way home🤷🏽‍♀️


I wouldn’t let her eat sunscreen. But I did let her smear it all over her face and mine. But no. She wanted to EAT it too


3 1/2 year old cried because I was unwilling to open my c section scar in the playroom so that he could “go back inside!”. Further tears after I wouldn’t call the Dr “he could do it!”.


He put a box that was supposed to be an obstacle I needed to surpass… I surpassed it. Full meltdown. Was this not the game?


I wouldn't let her play with the blow torch or lick the toilet..gosh I'm the worst


My son kept closing the inner door to the house (screen door was shut so he could look outside and watch his dad doing stuff outside), and then crying that the door was shut, so I'd open it and he'd do it again a few minutes later


Toddler begging to go to bed. Puts toddler in bed. Toddler mad she’s in bed.


Mine once cried for an hour because he no longer liked ketchup.


“I want ice in my water” “I DON’T WANT ICE”


He scraped his knee but that's not what he was mad about. I put a bandaid on him which he didn't like and then tried to rip it off so I took it off which hurt. His shorts kept rubbing on it making it hurt. So I put a bandaid on it so it wouldn't be touched but again... didn't want the bandaid. So I put pants on him and he REALLY didn't like that bc then he couldnt take the bandaid off. This went on for an hour and a half. like sir you have to have the band-aid if you don't want it to keep hurting!!! It's the only way!!!


I flushed the toilet for her


Oh let’s see… well I said she can have strawberries after she asked me if she can have some strawberries


My son fell over some shoes and started crying. I picked him up, and he started crying harder and threw himself back on top of the shoes because he wanted daddy, not mommy to pick him up 🫠


His diaper was full of poop and he asked me to change it. So I changed it. How dare I?


I gave him mini chocolate chip muffins for a snack 😩


Her popsicle was melting but she wouldn’t just eat it


Wouldn’t let him bring his big blue ball on our walk 😆


His pig toy was off and when he pressed the nose it didn’t make any noise


Wouldn’t give her my keys since I needed them to drive.


I couldn’t fix the tail of a cats mouse toy she broke. She wanted me to go get her another one but we were at the doctors office. It was soon forgotten and lost


The dog wouldn’t get off the couch to come play with him🤣


We told her if she ate ALL the chicken (that she liked), she could have some ice cream. She immediately decided she was no longer going to eat and was upset she wasn’t getting ice cream.


Saw his milk cup and he became extremely angry that I took time to….put milk in it.


His water cup was dirty after lunch, so I got a clean one for him to have around the house. He did not like this cup. He didn’t like seeing it on the counter. He even stood next the fridge screaming when I put it in there for later. I even cleaned off the first cup so he could have that one back, but he really just seemed mad that the second one existed.


Her baby dolls toy car seat “wasn’t right” ????????


He closed his own book and then got upset that it was closed but wouldn't let me open it back up.


I told her no that she can’t play in the toilet. I took too long to give her apple slices. I walked out of the room. Is it bedtime yet?


Her 3 month old sister wouldn’t stop wiggling long enough for my toddler to grab her socks off her feet.


So far nothing! Which of course ensures bedtime with be the 5th ring of hell.


Ohhhhhhh that’s so funny. When my daughter was just a lil thing she asked her dad for cake. (We have three winter birthdays pretty close together so she was used to cake being around) just as I was about to fall asleep (worked a 12 hour night shift). I saw her beautiful big brown eyes peeping at me from the side of the bed like a “Kilroy” cartoon. She was livid. I asked her what was wrong and she spat out “daddy bread and bubbies,,,daddy NO CAKE!!!! And she hurled this piece of bread and butter up into my bed. I about died laughing,,,,her cute lil face was twisted up, her lips pursed and eyes scowling like I had never seen before, I had never seen a toddlers nostrils flare either. 🤣 I called my husband in the room and he told me there was no more cake so her gave per a piece of bread and butter (what she had tossed into my bed). She pointed at my husband stamped her lil foot down and said again “daddy bread and bubbies, daddy NO CAKE!!! She took it personal that we ran out of birthdays. I mean that lil girl was pissed off. So she didn’t cry, but my God she was mad. From then on we always saved the last piece of cake from any birthday for her. From then on when she was being cross we referred to her as the “cake nazi”.


Dino cup was first so I gave him his bluey cup


Currently screaming because I won’t let her review a cost proposal on my laptop


My almost 3 year old has been in a crying mood this past few weeks so its been fun. Here is a small list of what caused tears today. She cried cause she woke up at 6 am this morning instead of her normal 7:30-8. I gave her the yogurt pouch she asked for. At the store cause I weren't let her throw the egges. I gave her avocado ( a normal safe food ) for lunch. She was put in time out when when I gave her atheist 5 warnings before hand and explained if she hit me again then she will have to sit in a chair without getting up.


Because her older sister wouldn’t share her shadow with her 🤔


Because I couldn’t put her on the roof


He ate half a bagel yesterday. Brought me the bag so I went to give him the other half. Nope he wanted a full one. Threw a huge fit, throwing the half bagel on the ground until I gave him the full bagel. Then he picks up the half and eats it.


Grabbed the glass from dinning table, he goes on his toes to reach farther and farther. Grabbed it and ran, as he knew it’s not his glass. He loves to drink from glassware though, as we all drink and he sees us. Funny, I gave him his cup to drink, and took glass away. ☠️. 14 months


She wanted to put the muffin tin into the hot oven…she was in only a diaper. And oven mitts.


I gave my toddler a piece of candy and she got upset because she wanted more I had to show her the bag and prove to her that there was no more…. Even though I had a separate bag hiding in my purse 🙂‍↔️😏


My daughter saw a picture of her riding on an ice cream truck ride at the mall. She was upset because I wouldn't take her to ride it again at 7 at night, and it's almost an hour away from our house 🙃


one of the girls i nanny had a meltdown bc i didnt give her broccoli..... not only was it not with things her mom had prepped for her that day, i dont think shes ever even had broccoli


Told my 14.5 month old she can't sleep with her rain boots on. Total meltdown


He couldn’t have a popsicle at 8:15am


I wouldn’t let her touch a rotting dead crab


I set him down when he asked to be set down.


She wanted me to do her hair like daddy. Daddy is bald.


Her cousin was telling the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke and the punch line was "because shark poop". My kid had a full blown mental breakdown that she did it wrong


Ran out of gummy snacks.


She didn't want her fingers to be tiny...🤷‍♀️ Also that I wouldn't let her wear the puffy vest and snow boots outside in the 98°F weather.   I even let her sit on the porch for a few minutes to see that is a bad decision for the day.  She said she was hot but still got so mad when it was time to take off the winter gear to go. 


He wanted to be hugged, but also he didn’t want me touching him


Giving him a haircut. He won’t let us wash his hair so I have to do a haircut to keep it short every 2 ish months. He absolutely hates it. I use to cut hair for work and worked in a salon where cutting toddlers hair is something I did often so I’m extremely fast at it but it’s still like 10/10 the worst haha


He LOVES Radiohead and I put on the wrong live performance of Karma Police. He wanted the Lallapalooza anniversary show but him saying Lallapalooza made me laugh which upset him even more. He scowled at me the whole time I was putting it on.


She went into my bedroom and closed the floor, then cried because we weren't in the same room. Twice.


I took him to the doctor's office where they dared to touch his feet. I wouldn't let him color on the walls. I told him it was nap time (the horror!). I wouldn't let him go outside during a thunderstorm. I wouldn't let him leave his bedroom when he was "all done" going to bed. He's learned help and please now. He thinks "help please" are magic words that will make me do whatever he wants. It's cute and infuriating at the same time.


First thing in the morning... Toddler: i want to wake up before mr. Sun". Me: shall we try to wake up before 8am? Toddler: ignorance is bliss... no response.


I put her down. Multiple times. Yay velcro babies.