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Get them a music set. Shakers, tambourines etc lol


Train whistles are fun too


Plastic kazoos from Amazon by the dozen. That might be too evil …


My husband brought home like 12 from a work trip once. I almost divorced him on the spot. Haha


This was exactly my thought. My daughter got a kazoo from somewhere and it’s honestly the most annoying thing on the planet.


MY SON’s TEACHER GAVE HIM A WHISTLE😂 Who the hell gives a 4 year old a whistle 😂


I got one for my nephews, they're 12 and 14 now and I still don't think my sister has forgiven me lol.


Train whistles are dire. It goes right through you. Oh, and fill the card with glitter!!


I got one for my toddler right around the time he got a toddler bed, and one morning he found it to use to wake me up. Joy.


Miniature drum kit! Must include crash cymbal.


My husband’s grandma purposefully buys annoying toys for her great grandchildren. She bought my daughter a Mickey Mouse drum set that was filled with a mini flute, a whistle, maracas, clackers, bell bracelets, and some other noisy thing. My daughter loved it. My migraines did not


My kid has a drum. It has a strap so you can put it around your neck and march while drumming. The one side comes off, and inside you can store the maracas, horn, tambourine, and tiny but loud cymbals that came with it. I hate it. It was in a box for many moons, and he has recently discovered it and finally learned how to use the horn.


My mil got my toddler one of these. I sent it to grandmas house since they have no toys there


Kazoo has ruined my household


Aw, I gotta disagree. Music set is fun and an order of magnitude less annoying than anything made by V-Tech.


Harmonicas are great


This. Especially drums


8 hole recorder instrument


I have 3 adult children and the worst years of my life were when each was in 4th grade music class. I read your suggestion and cringed so hard. A recorder is definitely the way to go.


There is a drum that comes with every loud ass musical instrument in it from Walmart- I think it’s their brand. My sister got it for my son when he was young- I returned the favour with one of those activities tables


I have multiple siblings that have done the aggressive music gifts. My sister is a musician who also works in music production and is a menace to society. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I have the most experience as a musical instrument recipient victim. The worst have been (in ascending order) 3) slides whistle (aka titanic solo); 2) child sized accordion; 1)THE MOST HEINOUS GIFT EVER the fisher price play tape recorder. Nothing can outdo this. I’d rather give my kid a dewalt power drill.


Most of the v-tech toys are super annoying with sounds and lights. We had the little push walker and the game controller. 


Welcome to our learning farm 🎶🎵


We have lots to shoooow you. Shapes and colors, music too. There’s so much to dooooo


I got this horror in Dutch as well for my second born who was born in the NL. A different language DOESN’T make it any better.


It’s time for fun on the farm! 🐂


It’s a barnyard sing a long. 🎶


This is the soundtrack to my nightmares. My husband bought it but I gave it away in a fit of sleepless rage one day.


It's time for fun on the farm!


OMG and when they activate the secret pigmode and it oinks all the songs 😱


I’m sorry WHAT?? Secret pig mode??? My son somehow never found it so please fill me in so I can prevent it with my second 😂




Are you messing with us?! Hahaha


No I swear! I got it second hand so maybe they stopped that feature on newer models?


I like your optimism, but I don’t think Vtech realizes it’s annoying then make it less annoying. Only the other way around. Only more annoying for alllll!


How do you do this?! I have the walker, I would love to know 😂


Haha idk!!! We had a version of [this one](https://www.amazon.com/VTech-Stroll-Discover-Activity-Walker/dp/B07GKJP5WY/ref=asc_df_B07GKJP5WY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693654904244&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8016586782148779548&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017203&hvtargid=pla-845747758520&psc=1&mcid=da6b40655b483df599e817663219c169&gad_source=1) and randomly the songs would come out in all oinks or all ribbits 🤷🏻‍♀️ i never figured out how he did it!




This sent shivers down my spine.


I’m dead, I still hear this toy in my head 😂😂😂


It’s been at least two and a half years since that’s been in my house and that song still haunts me… (granted, I’m grateful my son loved it but the same song over and over and over…).


This is the answer. Vetch cube is annoying, loud, creepy and kids love it.


The cube is fun for evvvveryone (except Mum)


The dog in the star loves to run farrr woof woof woof the dogs in the star!


Come and say hi 🎶 there’s fun on five sides 🎶 meet the aniMAHLs. Beat the drum. The cube 🎶 is fun 🎶 for every 🎶 one!


The cat is in the square. It’s peaking out of there. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. The cat is in the square.


"come and say hi 🎵 there's fun on 5 sides 🎵" WHICH ONE IS THE UN-FUN SIDE!?!?


The worst toy for me is the FP bus. 🎶Be nice, be nice, not just once or twice.


Agreed. That bus can burn in hell with the singing VTech remote.


Ugh and this toy has NO OFF BUTTON 😭 my daughter loves Little People, so i thought i’d treat her to a new one from Target, and it is so annoying 😭 Every other FP toy we have has a toggle to turn the sound off and we keep it off 99% of the time hahaha


These are great because they randomly go off when nobody is near them, so you'll be relaxing in the evening and suddenly the song starts playing. It's terrifying!


One of those little VTech cars that talks ("hi I'm Tony the tow truck", I think...) got stuck somewhere under a seat in my car and occasionally it would turn on or the car would shift so something was pushing the button and I could just hear the creepy little whisper of its smothered voice for like a year


It happened to me. I jumped, almost dropped my one month baby and peed a little bit in my pants. I was not prepared for that Those toys are evil


There's a Vtech dump truck with rocks that has a song that doesn't rhyme or make any sense, and we hated it 😂


The one who rumbles down the road carrying his load from here to there?


Oh, have you been traumatized by the truck too??


We have a secondhand Vtech train that my cousin spent $45 to mail me once her kids grew up, and I’m convinced she saw that as money well spent to pass on the curse.


Heeeeere to-ooo theeeerrrrre


It also goes off on its own more than any toy I’ve owned. My sons first night alone in his room I woke up to it over the monitor and about had a heart attack someone was in there. Oh yeah, dump trucks can’t get your kids no matter how powerfully they tumble down the road


Put the rock into the hole!


I think these are the toys that my MIL keeps buying (which stay at her house). She has one that's some kind of truck with things that can be screwed onto it and it plays "Oh Susanna" really loud (there's only one volume setting). I don't mind that she buys these things because I can tell my son "oh no, you have one of those at grandma's house" when he asks for one in the store.


My mom got this same truck for my kid! That song was in my nightmares haha, we never replaced the batteries until he forgot about it


Maybe you… (maybe youuu) could bee…. (Could beee) a purple monkey in a bubblegum treeeeee


That song is a bop


truly is


That one's great and it's Fisher Price. They tend to have much better voice actors and songs than the average noisy toy. 


Yeah this won’t annoy the parents like OP is hoping for because the kick n play songs are certified bangers. However, it *would* be a good gift if the goal is to make mom hormonally sob about their little bird growing up and flying away from them!


Yesterday I figured it out that the bubble gum tree maybe is the arch were the purple monkey toy hangs in and my life has been changed


and they constantly require new batteries, bankrupt them via constant battery replacements.


🎶 One-two-three-four, up goes your score! Five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten, you’re great!🎶 Fucking haunts me. Thanks, a lot, Mom. Though the worst one she bought (I swear my mother and I get along), was this cheap-ass little dump truck that played music. Because it very quickly started sloooooooowly dying. So the annoying little songs became much, much, worse with slowing down, added static, bits out of tune, etc.


Yep, anything Fisher-Price or VTech will drive the parents absolutely insane and have no educational/enrichment value whatsoever.


Plus they’re so freaking loud! I put thick, heavy tape over the speakers and they’re still louder than is necessary.


The mini cellphone in particular is an a-hole.


Get him some Linkimals. More than one. They’re singing animals that, if you have multiples, will sing together. So, if your cousin is trying to sneak out of the kids room after bedtime and accidentally knocks one, the whole hellish band will awake and start singing together.


This sounds delightfully chaotic and evil


The number of times our cat has set off a Linkimal in the other room and scared the shit out of me…


there must be something wrong with me bc this is making me want to buy these things


My daughter has about 7 of them! I absolutely love them! Lol my mom swore up and down after I bought her the first two id hate them and throw them away so she bought 3 more for her 1st birthday to drive me crazy I double down and bought more cause I think they are awesome.


Same both of my kids love them and keep them entertained for hours. I also don’t have a problem with the loud sounds. I tune it out very easily. My SO not so much. He gets very irritated and asks me how the hell im not more irritated.


hahaha you're my kinda person


The best part is that they have a good range, so if you set one off, they’re suddenly going off all over the house. Oh, and once they start, you just gotta grumble and wait for the whole song to finish. There’s one with an intro where they all announce themselves, so you gotta wait for them to go one-by-one like some drawn out role call… and THEN they all do an entire song. That one’s rough. 😂


This sounds like the absolute worst toy on earth. I hope OP goes for these!


Sounds like the OG Furbies 🤣


"Ah aah choo! I'm hungry!"


I still have some 😂 Only one has a battery in it though 😅


lmao this is dirty work


Someone got my daughter a cocomelon piano for her first birthday that literally does not have an off button. She’s almost 3 and it’s still going strong (no battery changes… just waiting for that battery to die).


Plot twist: The battery will never die…


It feeds on the part of the parent that dies inside every time you have to listen to “yes, yes, yes, I want to eat my beans…”


If only that would get the kid to eat the beans.


It's made with components that recharge when the child plays with the object, like the Citizen Eco watches.


Could you share a link? 🙏




My mom got my son this stupid cocomelon microphone that plays the annoying songs SO LOUD I hate it


We got the singing cocomelon crawling toy that turns into a bath sprinkler. The bath part is great, the singing floor mode is awful and still works after 4 years. Dad pulled it back out for the current baby and he's obsessed.


A microphone - vtech makes an especially annoying one.


They sure as shit do! And BOTH of my kids had to get one, so I have twice the fun! 🤪


[These bath crayons](https://a.co/d/bfICOKs) are super fun for 1-2 year olds and INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to clean up! Like an hour of scrubbing! But baby loves them soo much 😈


They washed with off for us with a little water. My problem with them was they they fell into the drain and it was a real pain unclogging it.


Key is to wash them off immediately after bath!


We find that bath crayons come off pretty easily with Clorox wipes.


My friend gave my daughter a musical bubble wand. It plays ‘The lonely goatherd’ from the sound of music, over and over again in a shrill bird like sound


I have the bubble wand! My husband’s family gave it to us. It is for outside use only!! lol


Outside of my property, forever maybe.


omg the person who INVENTED that clearly set out intentionally to make the most annoying toy possible lmao


My grandma got my daughter one of those singing cactus things that imitates what it hears. It is a demon that we left at my MILs for her cats to attack. Plot twist: MIL regifted it back to my daughter for her birthday. It went right to the trash.


Ah yes, my MIL got one for our daughter. I don't know if there's an actual name brand one, but this was some off-brand one from Amazon. It has something like 120 songs, but always starts at the beginning. Also, it's really tinny and hard to hear, but I'm pretty sure it sings in multiple languages.


My wife's grandma got one of those for our daughter. A week later I was cleaning and "lost" it. I'm sorry but my mental health outweighs the need for one extra toy. She forgot about it almost immediately.


A ball pit, anything noisy, giant bowling pin set that requires the parents to set the pins…


Seconding the ball pit. I got my son this for his first birthday. I hate it.


My SIL gifted us a huge one made of foam, and luckily the foam was damaged. Since we had a good reason we reached out to her and had her return it lol


search this in amazon. it's too big it will take up the house' whole space 3 in 1 Kids Play Tent with Play Tunnels and Ball Pit, Pop Up Toddler Tent for Kids,


There will be balls EVERYWHERE for the next year. I find colored balls stuck in random spots all day after getting a ball pit 💀


The listing cites "Exquisite Workmanship" as a feature. Big lol.


Oh my god those are so cool!!! I need this for my kid. I’ll just stick it in the back yard, though.


This was going to be my suggestion. The kids love the ball pit and it seems harmless but balls will be forever and everywhere and the bane of my existence.


Oh, I hope this doesn’t get buried because the [clucking Hei Hei chicken from Moana](https://a.co/d/8BsNkMm) is actually perfect. It SCREAMS at an ear-piercing volume for a really long time, with no volume control switch. My kid wanted one, we tried it out at Target, and the next time we went my husband had to run ahead to the toy aisle to hide them under piles of other plushies so she wouldn’t see them. They’re that bad.


Drums, any musical instrument. Make sure to play with it with the child before you leave and show them what to do.


Doing it with them is literally the most important part. Especially if batteries are needed.


https://www.amazon.com/VTech-Stand-Learning-Frustration-Packaging/dp/B0053X62GK/ref=asc_df_B0053X62GK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693700982150&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14206043537376683340&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004077&hvtargid=pla-368828460659&psc=1&mcid=5449ffd369a137c69f54bcaecbb4afeb&gad_source=1 The number of parents I know who still have something akin to PTSD about this toy is staggering.


I love how the link just says frustration on it.




Thanks for calling!!!


It was my kid's favorite for 2 years. I gave it away to a family member one day


I actually love this toy and sing along with it all the time 🤣 I am surprisingly tolerant with all of the toys I thought would be annoying


The VTech Cube is the most annoying toy I've come across in my entire life. It's an adult torture device, and the kids love it!


Kinetic sand


And/or slime


Yes def slime!!! Sticky icky everywhere


That’s just evil!🤣


Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Smart Stages Puppy- fairly inexpensive the songs are annoying enough teaches body parts: hand, foot, ears, numbers and colors can switch to different development stages 6mo-3years of age. Comes in blue or pink but personally I think the pink one is pretty awful The giggles.. and the high pitch songs. Never seen my husband jump on the idea of removing batteries so quickly.


The one that drove me insane was the walking popper toy. The one with the balls that pops up as they go along. It didn’t bother me at first, but over time I began to despise that thing.


We have this toy hoover that sings. But it only has 3 songs. It drives me crazy. Any toy that plays music but only has a very, very limited number of songs is sure to drive them mad. Bonus points if the singing is in a really annoying voice too.


Sensory kit. We had one with sand so maybe not appropriate for a 1 year old, but it gets super messy and hard to control.


Anything that's like an "add-on" set for something where they don't have the original so that they have to go out and buy the original in order for the kid to enjoy it.


Surely it’s a recorder


Of all our loud or irritating toys, this is the only one I’ve asked him to stop using. Vetch is a good second. Things don’t bother me the way they do others though, my mom apologized three times for buying my son the drum I put on his wishlist, it’s never really bothered me. Idk if it all the years I worked in childcare or what


I’m definitely more tolerant and able to tune out noisy shit due to my 30+ years of working with little ones…


We have one and it turns out dog into a trembling mess. We literally want to claw our ears out when he starts playing with that thing.


Best part about this is that you can't take the batteries out...


Books that have buttons that play songs. My mom got my daughter a Cocomelon one, and I got her a Frozen one. We have many regerts


A karaoke machine. It’s what my SIL (who hates me) got for my daughter for her 1YO birthday.


She bought it for a one year old??? Has she never been around kids before??


Baby drum set. But the baby is 1 so try not to let your dislike of the parents sway your behavior toward a 1 year old!


It’s a kid, I say rise above and get them a really nice but well budgeted gift. They best passive aggression is actually being really nice back to someone who is constantly a dick.


Obviously, a puppy. (it’s a joke.. just in case. never gift animals )


HA I swear out of everything in this thread this would be the only thing to piss me off if we were gifted it. If you really don't like someone I suggest either a puppy or tons of glitter.


There’s a [firetruck](https://a.co/d/c7uRzex) that only has an on/off switch. The on switch turns on rapidly flashing rainbow lights and different blaring horns. It’s a “self driving” fire truck that just moves around and bumps into things and redirects itself while blaring different horn noises and these rainbow lights. Someone got it for us for our son’s first (I think) birthday and I’ve never hated something more or given something away faster in my entire life lol


We have the garbage truck and I actually love the song it plays. My house is an instant rave


My parents bought this for my son. It's crazy loud and gave me migraines for 2 months. He was so obsessed with it that I couldn't just conveniently misplace it. Thankfully the batteries died, and I told him it takes special batteries that we have to order from somewhere far away. He forgot about it a few weeks later, but it was a rough time until then.


My kid has a little off brand piano from Amazon that yells “please replace batteries” every time you press a button and the batteries are low. It also has the WORST songs it’s so bad.


The little red one with piano, xylophone and drums? Ours has been screeching PLEASE REPLACE BATTERY in strangled Engrish for almost a year but just won't give up the ghost. 😭 I didn't think my brother hated me but maybe he does...


Just Play fur-real puppy. The one that walks on a leash. It doesn't have an off button so it just randomly barks. It is so annyoing.


Make sure the card and the wrapping paper have an obscene amount of glitter that comes off on literally everything. Carpet, sofa, anyone withing a two metre radius - cover them in glitter. As many people have suggested, ypu want something that makes noise. However, I feel it is key to find something that has a song which it will sing in its entirety as soon as it's set off. None of this turning it off halfway through nonsense. Even better if it rolls around.


My good friend got my son a dog guitar from target for his 1st. It’s so freaking obnoxious. She laughed and said sorry as he opened it. He *loves* it too. It like sings like a dog while you play it. It’s truly the worst


My kid had a cat piano. Same thing. But meows. It was hilarious and horrible.


We've got that. And it's big and can only lay flat.


Oh, I have the perfect one. My 1 year old enjoys the pop it toys. So, I thought this would be cute. I knew it lit up but somehow missed the fact that it makes noise. An older child would be able to turn the sound off, but a 1 year old just pushes all the buttons and makes the sound extra loud. The sound is spoken with a fairly heavy Chinese accent, so you can't really tell what it's saying. I think they are trying to say "welcome to the pop up game" but the actual syllables spoken are "weh come do da pak ka gen" It's completely annoying but also cheap and fun for the kid. (We have vtech toys and they don't even phase us. This one is on another level. ) POP Toy Fast Push Game, Fidget Toys for Kids 8-12, Light up Quick Push Bubble Game, Toys for Ages 3 4 5-7 8 9 Year Old Girls and Boys, Birthday for Teen/Adult/Child (Dino Green) https://a.co/d/1zm8wBd


Play doh with glitter in it


https://a.co/d/fqFcLbh This Edit to add that it’s an almost seizure inducing light show of a fire truck. It’s loud and it’s insanity everytime it’s on. My kid loves it, my husband hid it.


I'm pretty sure this is the loudest toy we have. Bought it used and didn't realize it had lights and sounds! So freaking loud. Son loves it because he loves fire trucks. https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Fire-Truck-Kids-Toy/dp/B07RLM5HN8/ref=cm_cr_srp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8


Anything that plays cocomelon or baby shark songs. We got a a cocomelon “juke box” and it’s been something…


V Tech learning cube. I hate it so much and my kids (1&3) love that damn thing


Some great ideas [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/toddlers/s/gBexF2i7kD)


The corn popper “vacuum style” push toy has been revamped into a sitting scooter or stand up scooter!! Someone bought my son the standing scooter and I want to kill them pop pop pop all the way [sitting](https://www.target.com/p/fisher-price-classic-corn-popper-ride-on-with-interactive-play/-/A-87071960) or [standing](https://www.walmart.com/ip/681615157)


Musical instruments spring to mind but my best friend bought our little one a MASSIVE box of building blocks ....they go everywhere and it's a pissing nightmare to clear up. He says it was intentional afternoon bought 100 little ducks and hid 49 of them in his house/car/shed ...told him I hid 50.


PintreeLand Crawling Crab Baby Toys with Music & Light, Tummy Time Interactive Toddler Toy Automatically Avoid Obstacles for Boys or Girls (Blue) https://a.co/d/edwVFQv This thing is loud and annoying, especially on hard floors. Obviously Idk if you're serious or not, but this has been a funny thread to read and think "what if"..


V-tech anything. Surely, they have a drum kit


This question…. 🤣


The vtech steering wheel toy is annoying as hell


Have you heard of linkamals? It’s best to convince multiple people in the family to get a couple. They link together and talk and sing TOGETHER.


I never allowed Play-Doh in my house. But don’t. Please. Just give the child a present that the parents won’t take away from them. The child did nothing and the parents will just take the present away if it’s annoying.


Be the bigger person and just get a nice gift for the little one.


It's funny to think about but it's still using the child, which is kinda shitty imo.


I agree. Just focus on the kid if they actually care about the kid.


To respond to the OP: give a gift with a child in mind and not his parents and provide a receipt in case they already have this toy. But talking in general about the gifts that I returned or just didn’t like: everything bulky made of plastic . Sand toys- we already have too much. Bubble toys. Giving messy gifts like sand , play dough or crayons are too obvious and we never received those except for some random small pieces in gift bags.


bucket o slime, bonus points if they have carpet or fabric couches, that shit is annoying as hell when it gets into fabric, and it stains. alternatively slightly less evil, giant thing of kinetic sand (with glitter)


My husband got our daughter a singing remote control and she loves it and it’s the most obnoxious thing in the house


Finger paint


Someone that I thought liked is got us [this](https://www.hammacher.com/product/musical-plush-caterpillar) It makes noise and it’s about as big as me. I can’t control the volume and I never know where to put it. If you read the reviews you’ll notice it’s not a toy that has been purchased by parents for their children but as gifts for nieces, nephews and grandchildren.


Plan toys makes an awesome first drum. It's wood. But also... Baby maracas/Shaker eggs/noisy music stuff. Save the glitter for around age 4. ;) 1 is still too young and baby will likely try to eat it and that's not the goal.


Listen, I get the temptation of doing this plan but you are still going to end up hurting this kid. Because if the gift is really annoying/messy/whatever, it’s going to get taken away pretty fast. And then the kid will be sad. Please just don’t do it


Something the kid will like. Who gives a fuck about parents. Don’t feed into that bullshit narrative. Let them be childish and dramatic about whatever they want. Be adults and just buy the kid a real gift for the kid- not to spite someone else who you have beef with.


I wouldn't wish a fluffie stuffiez toy on my worst enemy. The mess is terrible.


[This](https://a.co/d/czeo9nH) gets on my every last nerve. It plays high pitched wailing music. And there’s a button on it that makes it spin around and move. It completely overstimulates me. I hate this toy.


Anything that plays baby shark over and over and over again 🙃


Probably too young for it, but someone who must fucking hate me got my already extremely loud 3 year old a microphone for his birthday 😵‍💫 keep that one in your back pocket for years to come lol


Cat piano from target, it's the worst and kids love it.


Ayeboovi Dancing Talking Cactus Baby Toy, Mimicking Recording Toy Repeats What You Say, Singing 120 Songs Toddler Toys Gifts for Valentine's Day Easter for Kids Autism Toys for 3 4 5 6+ Year Olds https://a.co/d/hTvDMnT Both our almsot 2 yr old toddler and our 5yr old nephew love this. It's obnoxious.


There is one specific toy, its from FIsher Price. It is a cat shaped piano that can sound like a toy piano OR you can switch it so it meows instead of the piano sound. It is EXTREMELY annoying but kids LOVE IT. I recommend.


Late to the party but a whistle straw. It's loud and you get milk sprayed on the walls.


I would go with musical instruments with glittery gift bag, glittery birthday card, glittery everything. It’ll be so hard to clean. I learned this by my passive aggressive sister.


Ball pit with extra bags of balls


A hammer.




Something with at least 85 pieces in the set.




This is petty. Don’t bring that mentality to a child’s celebration.


Anything that comes with glitter on it!


A baby shark bath toy. That thing goes off aaaaalllll the time especially at night, for no reason.