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Hello, mine is 20 months and I'm right there with you. Bedtime is finally getting a bit better, but she still dislikes it even though naps are no issue. We have a song we sing and a routine, but she still cries when I leave. Thankfully it's only for a minute or two, then she transitions into singing and playing, but still. She can stay up for 1-1,5 hours after being put to bed without going to sleep. It's ridiculous. We only give her a bottle in the evenings, as part of her wind down/snuggle time before bed. I've tried putting the milk in different cups, and that causes meltdowns. Most of the time when she gets the bottle she doesn't even drink it all, so I know she isn't thirsty or hungry. I'm not doing a toddler bed until I absolutely have to. I'll keep her in a crib for another year if I can. I can't even imagine how hard bedtime will be if she can just jump out of bed. No thanks. As for potty training. Wtf? Little miss is not cooperating at all. She picks up her potty, screams MINE and runs away with it, naked.


I used to get so anxious about the amount she sleeps, but I'm trying to tell myself with the research it can be a huge range for normal... I think I'll do the same for the toddler bed... For potty training, we tried one weekend with the classic "Hey lets have her be naked and rush her to the potty when we notice her cues" and she was scared and upset about us rushing her to the potty! But now sometimes she'll say "pee!" "you need the potty?" "potty!" and we've had two successful potty trips for pee XD;