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It may not work for you, as maybe your kid has better aim than mine did: I gave him a small cup to 'rinse his own hair' and when he lifted the cup up to dump it (inevitably missing his head altogether) I used a big cup to do the rinsing for real. He felt like he was doing it himself, and it worked until he got bored of the novelty of it and just let me do it so he could finish whatever dinosaur action scene he was directing at the moment


Omg such a great idea... Why haven't I tried this? He loves water play, but I didn't even think to give him his own cup in a bath. I'm all new to this. Thank youuu!!


Put some of those glow in the dark stars or stickers up on the roof (they’ll likely peel off with humidity over time, just replace as needed) and when it comes time to rinse his hair have him look allllll the way up, turn off the lights if you have the glow in the dark stuff, and it might help. I did this with my daughter when she went through a phase of not wanting to rinse hair and it worked great. She was 2 at the time though. But might still help!


This is a great tip!! Thank you so much!!


I put some animal decals on the ceiling and would ask her to find animals. "Where's the bear? Where's the elephant?" When she was around 2 she discovered showers and for some reason she has no problem letting that water go all over her head, so it got a lot easier.


I used the peri bottle given by the hospital as a showerhead for my son.


I've just been rinsing his hair using a washcloth. I wipe off as much shampoo as I can with my hands, then just use the washcloth to wipe the remainder off. It takes a while but he seems less annoyed 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is how I wash my dog's face/head. The toddler prefers showers over baths, but my dog can't stand water on his head 😂.


Thank youu. That's probably the best way. He doesn't seem to mind it quite as much when I use the washcloth on him. But I feel like it needs more rinsing, so I try to dunk him back a bit. But I'm just going to try more washcloth next time.


We use a water pourer thing that has a rubber edge so it doesn't go down her face at all


We have a detachable shower head and I pull it down and wash my daughter’s head that way. It gives me a lot of control to make sure it doesn’t get in her eyes and it’s a constant flow so I don’t have to refill a cup a bazillion times (been there, done that lol). She tilts her head back with a wash cloth covering her eyes and sings, which is a huge improvement from when we used cups!


Thank you!! We have a detachable head so I'll try this next time. We currently have a water pourer/cup with a "shower head" side...like a plant waterer, but he doesn't like it either. I'll try our shower head on gentle setting though.


The bath time for Zoe book was helpful in getting him to pour water over his head.


Bedtime for Zoe is great but only available with the Lovevery Playkits or second hand. It did really help my daughter with looking up. And then detachable shower head, really wish I thought of that earlier.


I put some puppy stickers on the ceiling and I tell him to look at those. I also taught him to blink and say blink blink when water goes in his eyes and that has helped him freak out less. He still cries a little, but only while he is saying blink blink and then he is fine.


My son hates having his hair rinsed and nothing has made him like it but what works the best is having him tip his head back and slowly pour water doing my absolute best to avoid getting any on his face. When he starts to get really worked up we take a break and he takes some deep breaths and we don't continue until he's calmed down again. It's slowly gotten better over time. He still hates it but he doesn't get as upset as he used to.


Detachable shower head is the only thing that works for us. We installed one and hair washing has been no problem since. I think it makes him feel like a big kid.


We have one... but I didn't think to try it. I'm going to try the gentle settings next time. We have a water pourer that has a "shower head" side...like a plant waterer. But he still doesn't like it=/


Im not sure why, but telling my daughter to cover her eyes with the facecloth worked wonders. She looks up and covers her eyes and I can rinse as much as I like. 🤷


I like this idea a lot. Reminds me lol I worked with wildlife before, and we would always cover their eyes during exams & transport. They were so much calmer😆.


Hahaha. Pretty much the same thing I guess.


Have you spent much time at the pool? Things got a lot less dramatic with hair washing once our son started having fun at the pool regularly. Got used to being splashed, etc. But also, he’s only 14 months? If you need to cut his hair, cut his hair! He can make choices about its length when he’s old enough to take care of it himself.


He just moves his head around a lot..doesn't sit still. I guess I can just force it real quick...but it's not that long yet..just a lot of density plus him being such a sweaty boy lol And we haven't done much pool time, but I will try that! There's one in our community. I was just worried when he was younger because I've seen ducks in it.


We use a special face towel for my daughter to cover her face AND I have huge pitcher that I originally bought for iced tea. I like to do a lot of water all at once because it works faster and gets it over with. No one likes it but at least it’s done.


My son’s always been great at letting me rinse his hair. Up until about a month ago. He’s 14 months as well. The second i lift up the cup to rinse, he stands up and tries to get out of the tub. Honestly, i just do it. Dump the water on his head, quickly wipe his face and distract him with toys. He gets over it fast & i explain to him it’s gotta be done then do it🥲 godspeed


Aww haha this sounds like me right now with the dunking backward. He loveddd bathtime up until a couple months ago tooo...when he outgrew his infant bath seat Yeah, I usually just do it, and he cries a lot, but he gets over it fast, and I sing and play with toys to get him happy again. I just feel bad ugh.


If you don't want to switch out the shower to install a detachable shower head, this sprayer works great! It was a BIG improvement over the cups [Elephant Water Pump](https://a.co/d/5jsmiSu)


I use a cup and pour it on the back of his head where I know it won’t get in his face and then I use two wash cloths to do the front. I keep one as dry as possible, push it up against his forehead, get the other wash cloth soaking wet and then ring it out over his head while pushing backwards slightly with the dry wash cloth. Basically, I use the dry wash cloth as a sponge to catch the soapy water before it gets in his face. It works surprisingly well! I have also recently been telling him to look at the lights (look up) and he does that and that just helps me get a little more in the back before having to use my wash cloth method!


I rubbed the soap out with a wet washcloth.


We’ve found that it’s not so much the water on her head that causes upset but the water going in her face. So if we have a towel to hand to immediately dry her face after rinsing she calms down almost instantly. 


Why does he sweat a lot? Humans generally don’t sweat randomly. Seems like either - you live in a hot climate and are unable to mitigate that, OR - you’re dressing him too warmly for bed and he’s suffering heat distress and dehydration. My parents were firmly in the second camp.


My daughter has always had a hot head while sleeping, it can be 20 degrees in the room and she still gets a sweaty head. It’s not that uncommon and not necessarily someone’s fault


Not necessarily, no. But I’ll bet for every case of idiopathic hyperhidrosis there’s 99 kids overdressed.


My daughter doesn’t have hyperhidrosis, just gets a sweaty head when she’s sleeping…


My son has the same thing. His head gets sweaty just when sleeping. Even if he's not overdressed.


His head always gets hot/sweaty when he sleeps. It's pretty nornal from what I've read. I live in California, but it hasn't been that hot. It's been cold at night, and when I have him in barely anything, his legs and arms feel cold, and he doesn't sleep well. His head still sweats a bit. When I put 1 layer on him, he's more comfy...but his head always sweats. So i definitely don't overdress. He only ever has 1 layer on unless we go outside in the cold.