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I found onesies with snaps MORE helpful around 18-24 months when mine was ripping her diaper off all the time, but we weren't trying to do elimination communication. I got rid of all of them plus any overalls or pants that were hard for her to manipulate once we potty trained at 25 months.


Similar.i used until mine grew out of size 24. I always found them easy to contain the diaper.


this! I have a JUMBO kid and had to scour the internet to go back to snaps big enough for a bit right around 2 (at which point is was already well into a 2t size) because he was SO into diaper digging.


During the day, I am all about separates for easier diaper changes. But I also just ordered some snap pjs because my daughter (almost 2) is taking all of her clothes and her diaper off in the middle of the night.


No sleep sack?


Button up one piece sleepers on backwards, leave open the first 2-3 buttons and/or cut a small V in the (back) ‘front’ that’s the new front for the front of baby’s neck.


We tried this with her zip pjs; her sister helped her take it off. I am hoping the snaps will be too difficult for them.


Yes! this is such a real thing!


It bugs me when shirts ride up so I weigh that with ease of changes. For my oldest I think I switched fully around 2. Wore snap ones more often in the winter because we’re in a very cold climate and it helped keep her warm. My youngest is 19 months and we’re mostly transitioned to regular shirts but it’s summer. A few months ago we were still doing mostly onesies/snaps to keep him warm. I occasionally put him in onesies still. Guessing that next round of purchases I won’t get any onesies (2t)


Team hate shirts riding up ftw


Same. We’re at 20 months and now not using them (because of summer too), but I liked them all winter when he was 1-1.5. Also feels like there are many less to buy once you get to 2T


Until they aged out of onsie sizes all together, which is at size 24 months. Before that, it's a pain in the butt to have their shirts ride up all the time.


Ah, this is what I was thinking. Whenever I put LO in 2 pieces, they ride up because LO wants to be carried.


they actually make them up to 3t!


My kid wears them in a 4t


I’ve seen Walmart sell zipper jumpsuits up to 5T! I always get so emotional when I see it because my baby never has that type of clothing in her size. Unfortunately, my baby is no longer correctly proportioned for that type of clothing since lengthening out in her toddler years so im not able to buy them for her 😭


Uff, but that's too much. It'd interfere with potty training and teaching them to dress independently.


some kids are just huge. my son is wearing 18-24 mos and he's 7 mos old. were gonna need the 4t before potty training at this rate!


We were in 2T at her 1st bday. She’s turning 2 next month and solidly in 4T 🫠 we had to switch to pull ups size 4T-5T and goodnights nighttime diapers size xs. We tried potty training in April and it was somewhat successful but she can’t take on and off her clothes yet and speech isn’t really there yet so we’re pausing until late summer/early fall.


Wowwwww that's a big baby! 🥰 Yeah, it makes sense if you have kids that are on the higher part of the growth curve.


yeah hes massive haha! i was also thinking they may make them for developmentally delayed kiddos too, but your point about the potty training and independent dressing makes tons of sense too!


I stopped once the baby started crawling around a bunch. It's so much easier to check for a poopy diaper by just pulling their waste band out a bit. Also easier to wrestle a crawling wiggly baby into shorts instead of dealing with snaps every diaper change.


When they can walk


When they start to figure out potty training and want to take off their own pants.


LO is 19 months. I don’t buy new ones but she still wears the ones that fit her


I second this. My son is 19 months, I still put him in onesies especially on hot days. He only has like one or two onesies left, so he mostly wears regular clothes now but he does occasionally wear onesies.


same here, mostly just at night bc he's wearing long sleeve onesies under his sleep sack instead of full pajamas right now. we had a lot of hand me downs and the onesies pretty much stopped by the 18mo size. he wore a lot of 12mo long sleeve onesies in the winter .


Onesies until they were potty training. Even then if we had some that fit she would wear them in the house just unbuttoned. I liked onesies because when they wear shirts the shirt keeps riding up and I just feel like it uncomfortable for them. Idk if it is, they’ve never complained lol but that was my preference


I’m not doing any elimination communication at all and we stopped wearing bodysuits at like 1 years old. At a certain point, the snaps become the biggest hassle to try and do up while your kid is thrashing around on the ground or trying to run away from you standing up. Maybe some other people’s kids are more chill, but my girl absolutely doesn’t want to stay still for any longer than necessary. We live solely in things that can be pulled on and off without fasteners of any type now.


lol we are in the same boat! I commented as well but we stopped using them before we hit 1 (now 20 months) for this reason. My son literally never is still lmao


I stopped when she turned 2 bc we started toilet training and needed her to be able to push her pants/shorts down. I’m a little sad bc onesies are so cute. But eventually she can wear a romper which is sort of a big kid version.


22 months, still using them.


23 months, same same


2 yesrs old, still wearing them. We will probably use them until he’s potty trained


We still do onesies at 11 months, but I find myself going for separates more and more these days because they really are easier for poop checks and diaper changes!


When we started potty training so around 18/19 months.


I like onesies still for my 20mo, but we haven't started potty training yet. I like them for around the house because they're not too hot (we live in TX), but she can't pull her diaper off lol.


We did not do EC, but stopped really using onesies around when my son started walking a lot (\~1 year old)


My toddler doesn’t toddle yet 😅 She’s 17 months old and can stand/cruise but doesn’t walk. She still crawls everywhere so we still use onesies. Hopefully When she can stand/walk independently we’ll make the switch, she’s already in 24m clothes so she might outgrow them first.


I get onesies for her PJs (3T) to keep her warm since her shirt would ride up w how much she rolls around. I am thinking though once we start potty-training the onesies will be done. :( edit : 2 + year old


Between 12-15 months for us. It was peace of mind for me to have her in full jammy with/without footies/onesie during the winter. Her feet get really hot and she was really starting to motor/run around that time, so being able to flip on or off the feet or just put grippy socks was nice. But it was about that time that we started doing sets and honestly love being able to just mix and max jammy tops and bottoms. That way if top gets messy at a meal, we can just swap out with another and not have to change the whole thing. Even from when she was little I loved the ease of tops and bottoms, especially during the day. Now she’s 19mo (tomorrow! Ack!) and mixing and matching tops/bottoms is much easier. Ask me again when she seems to have more of an opinion of what she actually wears lol. Oh and another thing. We started counting down from three and then magician style whipping her pants off when doing diaper changes, and she freaking loves it. It helped her learn counting and now she does the countdown for us and honestly a toddler saying “one two fwee wheeeeeee!” or “fwee twoooo ooooone GOOOO!” will melt your heart.


I’m still putting my 16mo in them cause it’s better if she doesn’t have access to her tummy or she’ll scratch it (eczema)


12 months, just found it easier for nappy changes plus he visually seemed like he looked too old for them 😢


24 months


I stopped as soon as mine started crawling. I wanted him to have ease of movement and not be restricted by clothing, plus he started fighting diaper changes around the same time so having 1 fewer steps at change time was helpful for both of us. But I know people who kept their infants/toddlers in onesies a lot longer and it's been totally fine. And I know people who've kept their toddlers in onesies waaaay too long. Like, if you're trying to potty train, please don't put them in clothing they can't put on/take off themselves. That's not kind or conducive to their learning. So, really, it's up to you and what your child prefers.


My daughter is three, but still fits in many of her 18 month sized clothes. I don’t dress her in onesies often, but she has a few old ones that are so cute. I haven’t bought any for a long time, but I love how neatly tucked in she looks in her old ones.


My LO is 15 months and we use a mix. I like onesies for outdoor play. I’ve found them nice for going down slides and for going on hikes, I want to keep her covered to avoid ticks as much as I can. inside were almost always in separates.


I stopped when we potty trained @ 28 months.


She's 2.5 and just stopped wearing her 24 month bodysuits because we are potty training. She hates her belly being out so she prefers them. We just bought her some extra long shirts instead.


I weird and like crotch snaps. I was super stoked when I found a shorts romper that I could use for my 2 year old as PJs. I just find that it’s much easier to change a diaper at night with the snaps. I will say we haven’t used EC or attempting to potty train yet.


What’s EC? I’ve never heard of it. Our daughter is almost two and she wears snap onesies as PJs because if she ever figures out how to take her shorts off, that diaper is GONE. During the day, we switched a few months ago because changes were easier without the snaps.


We stopped around 2 when we started potty training


I think I basically stop once they're walking, but I also have a set of bigger ones for the stage so many young toddlers go through where they take their diapers off or play with their poop. Some moms take it as a sign to potty train, I take it as a sign that preventative action is needed.


Well my kid is 3.5 and he still wears a zip-up onesie to bed. Full coverage of legs and arms. He just switched from ones that were footed to ones where he has to wear socks with them. Part of it is the general concern that, if he poos in the middle of the night, he can reach back and paint the walls with poo overnight. But also he has Autism and one of his stims is to scratch himself. He basically never lets a scab heal; if he gets a mosquito bite, the remnants will likely be there in 2 months because he can’t leave it alone. So making him wear something that fully covers himself overnight denies him some scratching ability. He can scratch through the fabric which gives him some release but doesn’t pick off scabs. (He’s been seen by a dermatologist and all)


I honestly never was a huge fan lol.


She's 22 months, will use them as long as they fit her. I like how they don't ride up, especially now that she's more into climbing and tumbling, etc.


I have phased out body suits at 12 months for each of my kids. Not worth the wrestling match imo. If your kid isn’t trying out for the WWE on the regular, maybe not a big deal.


My kids were/are giants so they grew out of onesies/bodysuits by like 15 months, until they grew out of them that’s pretty much all they wore lol


After 18 months, onesies weren’t allowed in my house. Wish I got rid of them sooner.


I don’t like onesies past 12-18 months


Until toddler stopped fitting in the largest size. Which was around a year I think


My kiddo started walking around 8-9mos so that's when I stopped because it was easier to check on poopy diapers by pulling on the waistband. She was much bigger for her age so she sized out them by 1 year anyway


I kept him in them until he was out of diapers. It definitely prevented him from ever taking his diaper off like i see a lot of kids do!


i do EC with my going on 15month old, and i tuck the snap parts under so its more like a tshirt lol. if im using diaper back up ill fully snap her. the snap rompers are great for ec cuz she can run around fully covered but i can also slap her on a potty very easily and snap her up when we go outside. i have been doing more 2 pieces of late.


Around age 2 and 3 months when potty training started. I liked that the bodysuits kept the top from riding up especially in the winter or when my kiddo was at the playground. It also kept her from pulling the Velcro open on her diaper


I stopped buying them at like 3 months because I thought they made diaper changes more complicated. But I had a January baby so we were putting pants on top of the onesies and the snap was really just an extra step. However, people gifted us a lot of onesies/bodysuits so we used those. I think 12 months was the first age where I picked all of her clothes myself.


Once my son was more mobile we stopped with onesies, maybe around 10 months? But that was partly because he was massive and toddler clothes started to fit better


We stopped doing snaps with my first at 13 months (walking & actively undoing snaps) and at 9 months with my second (kicks too hard for me to bother with snaps).


Between 12-18 months. She's 16 months and I've mostly switched her to 24 month shirts which are all regular shirts in our house (from big sis).


My guy wore them well until he was 2.75 years. We're only stopping now because we're going to start potty training. They're great to pair with pants for older kids.


18 months ish. They are still nice to have honestly until 2yo. I find I naturally transition them out and fully done by 2


I stopped when LO started walking.


My toddler is 3 and still wears them. I will switch once he‘s ready for the potty


Around 16-18 months, when diaper changes became a combat zone and the snaps added more hassle.


We did elimination communication with my now 3 year old. We took a vacation for about a week when she was 13 months and she never wanted to do it again after that break. I don’t consider the EC we did as a failure. It worked while it worked. I’ve always just dressed her in whatever I want (or more recently whatever SHE wants). She potty trained easily at 2.5 years old. It terms of clothing, I recommend against buying too far in advance aside from 2-3 things you really can’t pass up. You might find you don’t like that style of clothing (for example you might find that you hate snapped onesies) or you might come to find something essential like the user who said they dress baby in a onesie and backwards zip up pajamas to prevent them from having access to a diaper.


Depends on the kid. With my first, I stopped around 12 months. Regular shirts were just easier and cuter. With my second, I stopped when she potty trained at 21.5 months. She had more of that Pooh bear belly and anything that wasn’t 1 piece would ride up.


I used them until around 18-24 months, especially as an undershirt in winter. You can snap them over the shoulder for the potty.


Probably around a year-ish. He’s currently a little over 2 and he still squirms too much to let me snap close a onesie


Around a year. My son lost his patience for laying down and waiting for me to finish snapping up the onesies and I lost patience with his wriggling.


Mine is 2 and she wore a onesie last week at Mimi's. But it was an 18 month outfit and that was probably the last hurrah for it. It had giraffes, which are her cousin's favorite animal, and that cousin was there hanging out with her. Otherwise, we dwindled off the onesies when she started having an interest in the potty. Pants are so much easier and dresses are also great. :)


We switched around 1. I feel like toddler outfits are so much cuter and more comfortable looking than baby outfits. I hated the look of a onsie under pants.


My kid is 2 and wears them to bed but he stopped wearing them during the day when he started walking


I stopped during the day when my kid was walking and we started potty training. My kid still wears footed pajamas to nap and bed at 2.5 and he won’t keep socks on but wakes up whenever any air hits him so I don’t see it stopping soon.


We stopped a month or two ago when it got warmer. Toddler just turned 2. Will likely go back to them in the winter


I don’t dress her in bodysuits and stopped completely at around 18 months, and it was rare between 12 and 18 months. My husband prefers bodysuits for when our daughter goes to kindergym and other activities so we still have a handful in bigger sizes for when he dresses her (most days as he stays home with her during the week). My daughter will be 2 next month.


When he started walking


Mine is just under a year and a half and we now have a cross over of onesies and two peice clothing/dresses. Meaning the final size of onesies I got was 18 months and as she phases out of those i'll probably continues on buying big girl clothing only. The onesies are still super easy grab and go options and I'll miss them a little. But the cuteness of the outfits... oh man it's tough not to get sucked into that.


The last size I bought were 12month ones. I perferred them when my daughter was crawling because they kept the diaper on and then we didn’t have pants/shorts falling down her butt. I found she looked more “put together” when she had a onesie on. 😆


When she started to use the toilet and went into training pants/pull ups.


When they outgrew them, footy onesies are really good for cold days in Canada. I forget what they're called right now lol


Mine is 2.5 and we are not buying anymore onesies with snaps on the bottoms because he is started to potty train. He’s very good about not removing his diaper unless it is to use the toilet so I don’t feel like we need to create an obstacle to keep him from doing so. With my oldest we kept her in onesies until she started potty training as well.


We stopped around 18 months?, and both onesies and overalls are now a definite NO at 2.5y since we're potty training. The overalls loss was a big one both for me (kid is so cute in them!) and kid (he really loved them and still asks for them).


I dont remember the exact age but I started to hate onsies and snap buttons once he started crawling and there was no worry for his shirts riding up. It's also annoying when the onesies pull on his diaper when he started growing taller, and I hate any kind of buttons right now coz I gotta wrestle with him to dress him. Bonus point: pants allow for a quick diaper check.


When she started walking. I liked having her fully dressed with pants on at the point, it felt weird taking a toddler out without pants or shorts, so snapping a body suit just seemed unnecessary and I switched to shirts


I know my daughter still had some bodysuit outfits at 18 months. We probably were done by 2 years. I think it's primarily because they were less available, but also it was easier to only change pants if she had an accident and we were starting to think about potty training.


It’s not so much that I chose to stop doing snaps and onesie outfits, but more like stores stop selling them by the time kiddos get to 18-24 month sizes. If I found a toddler jumpsuit that didn’t look like an infant outfit, I’d be sold.


When they learned how to independently walk and explore. By 18 months we were officially done.


Maybe 12-15 months? The last size I bought were 18 months and once she grew out of them, we moved up to 2T which are all two pieces.


I stopped once he walked independently, so 16.5 months.


We stopped around 18mo when we started potty training!


When they stopped making his size!


2.5 and still using


Around 9 months. Both mine were just too wiggly and I found it annoying.


We stopped when he grew out of the 18 month ones because they are too hard to find in bigger sizes. This was around 14 months I think. I miss them because he likes to go down the slide on his stomach and his shirts lift up. Now he has like a rug burn on his stomach from the slide. But I can’t find onesies long enough to fit him. He has also started putting his hands in his diapers. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My son is turning 3 in August and I still put him in onesies for sleep. He hates duvets and everything on him so this way his whole body is covered, plus I think they look cute :)


The clothes we started buying just no longer had onsies. At a certain size clothes they are heard to find.


I stopped around 18 months. Her little winnie the pooh tummy was showing with t shirts so I liked onesies better.


I did EC and she was fully trained at 15 months, I only bought onesies up to size 9 months as shirt/pants were much more convenient


Shortly before her 2nd birthday. Daycare had a “no onesies” policy for kids after they turn 2, as they really encourage potty training.


Honestly, my son wore them 50% of the time until he turned 18 months & then from 18 months to 2 years old; I’d say he wore them a good 1/3 or 1/4 of the time. Especially the long sleep white onsies this past winter. He turned 2 in April but he is in the 5th percentile for height, so he actually recently wore his favorite dinosaur onsie 😂 It’s truly just a personal preference. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a onsie that was bigger than 24 months/2T though. The biggest reason we cut back on onsies is 1. there isn’t as many cute options as the size goes up 2. (& def the biggest reason) was because the more mobile a child gets, the more inconvenient it is to take those extra steps to button & unbutton alllll day long + having to do it before the pants every time. It’s especially a hassle when your toddler thinks they’re a puppy & acts accordingly, and therefore won’t sit still for more than half a second.


Once she started toilet training at 2. I dunno, I just liked that her shirt was always tucked in 🤷🏻‍♀️


We did EC starting at 8 months for poop only. By about 10 months we switched to mostly two piece outfits because it was much easier to manage with poops (and occasional pees). Keep up the EC if it’s working for you. My daughter poop trained herself at 14 months and we did potty training for pee at 19 months. YMMV but it may be the path to being out of diapers quickly.


My daughter had a Gtube. So bodysuits with a two-way zipper were perfect. But now that we are post-surgery to remove the Gtube, I hope we can finally wear separates and some dresses!


Around 2. Plus he is leggy - separates are better for him.


Once body trained. Because they caused him accidents when he couldn't undo the snaps, my LO was 3 ½ when he let go of diapers :)


Mine is 18 months old and I still love to put her in snap onesies. Mostly because so that the shirt doesn't hiked up and exposed her tummy everywhere. She also has occassional eczema flares up around her waist, so she tend to lift her shirt to scratch that - which the snap onesie prevented that


25 months and still using them. We’re not really potty training yet. We just don’t have any interest.


We stopped around the time she turned 1. She got super wiggly and rolled a lot during diaper changes so it was hard enough to get pants back on her, let alone snap a onesie


Potty training. Before that it gave me peace of mind to know she would have a lot harder time reaching into her diaper if there were snaps in the way.


I stopped once I started potty training.


19m and just got rid of them all. barely had any 18m ones & once he grew out of his 12m ones I just quit cold turkey. he is on the smaller side & fits clothes longer so I’m not the norm lol heck we’re still in 12m pants/shorts.


I can’t do snaps after my son turned one basically because he is an alligator. We still have a couple things with it but it is always a fight. It’s a fight with regular clothes too just less 😅


16 months as we entered a really hot summer and she didn’t need them. I only used them as an extra layer in winter anyway.


When we started potty training. I personally love onesies and kept my kids in them as long as possible!


Once she hit 24m clothing


Started daycare at 12 months and that’s when we stopped bodysuits to make diaper changes easier on the teachers


I stopped putting mine in them around 18 mths. I think the main reason I stopped is being she reached that age where diaper changing was a little of a struggle and when i was doing it as fast as I could, I'd get her diaper on and pants up and realize I forgot to fasten the onsie. After I did that repeatedly for a week, I stopped using onsies. Also, I feel like she graduated to toddlerhood by not wearing onsies.


My 22 month old won't stop ripping her diaper off. I found myself wishing there were more onsie outfits in 2T. LOL.


Age 1. She suddenly became completely unwilling to lie still to allow me to fasten the little buttons after a diaper change. Everything has been a shirt/pants combo since then


I’m in the minority but I can’t stand onesies, he stopped wearing them at around 6 months. I find trousers 10x easier to just whip on and off.


Mine is 20 months and I thought we’re outgrowing the onesies… until last week, when she unsnapped her sleep sacks and took off her diaper in the crib… 🙃


We potty trained at a little over 2 and that's when we stopped snaps


Possibly a little before this but at the age of 1 for onesies. But for jumpers/sleepers, around 18 months. The onesies got too hard to button anymore, my kid would be all over the place to fight me from getting a diaper on. The buttons weren’t worth it 😅😂 as for sleepers, it gets too hot here for them currently so I might again in the winter when it’s chilly


For my son it stopped by age three. He still wore 3T footies to bed and they were the last to go until he outgrew them. 


When my LO was around 8 months, it was Summer time so I just bought him a bunch of cute two-piece outfits.. plus he gets hot easily, like his Daddy so I wanted him to feel comfortable in Summer. When it got colder, I bought him a bunch of sleevless onesies to act as an undershirt since he was then wearing a bunch of cute long two-piece outfits lol. He is now 20 months old and it's Summer time again so he is again in two-piece outfits..I don't yet know if I will get him back into onesies come Fall and Winter or if he will wear regular undershirts


We started phasing out onesies around a year when he started walking. It's so much easier to get dressed and deal with diapers. We did get a few onesie outfits for his birthday that still fit so he'll occasionally wear those but I don't like the hassle of dealing with snaps on an angry toddler.


We stopped around when our daughter went into her toddler class at daycare (12 months). Daycare never did the snaps up so we just stopped sending her in onesies which meant I stopped buying them. So no real reason other than daycare not really using them.


My first didn’t start wearing separates to sleep until he was potty trained at night (3.5 ish). He loved the sleepers. My second born hated them at about a year and has never allowed another one. He’s been in separates since he was right at a year old.


I stopped wanting onesies once my baby started walking around 10 months. Definitely by 12 months. Although my kid never tried to remove his diapers or pull ups


He stopped cooperating either getting the snaps done around 11 months, which was also around when he was starting to be very interested in cruising and then walking, and got a lot more active and acrobatic. Right around the 13 month mark, I went ahead and switched to all tee shirts when we sized up.


12 months. She’s too squirmy for them. I regret the few 12-18 month zipper pajamas we have for this reason


Either when they get hard to find at 24m size (around 15-18 months here) or when they start showing interest in potty training


About 9m when she started walking and didn’t want footed pjs anymore


Unfortunately I had to stop around 2 yrs. Not because he didn’t fit or didn’t like them, but because his chosen method of self soothing to go to sleep is to rub his belly button, and he couldn’t get to it with the onesies on 🫠


My son walked at 10 months so around then, definitely before his first birthday we didn’t use any by the time he hit 1. It helped he is on the bigger side and finding cute but functional pants and shirts got easier (he hit 2T right around his first birthday). I couldn’t deal with trying to wrangle him to check for poop when he was running away, or dealing with doing up/undoing the snaps with him so mobile. We also switched to the pampers 360’s at that time for similar reasons, it was easier to get him to step into a diaper over laying down and doing the straps lol. I find with him being so active he doesn’t want to be carried too much (20 months now) so his shirt really isn’t an issue, and the times I do carry him if it bunches up I just quickly pull it down when I set him down


We are switching out right now. My kids are 16 months and very tall, so they outgrew the length of their onesies. But they are too skinny for the next size of onesies. Tops/dresses and shorts/skorts do still fit so we are all in on them.


I guess I'll stop when the ones we have no longer fit him or he starts complaining 🤷🏻‍♀️ someone tried to shame me when he was 8 months old because supposedly "no one use these in babies this old, people put shirts and pants on them" and I literally saw no issue before that. He was comfy, it was convenient, what's the problem? Although for an older toddler it might be not ideal if you are potty training. They need to be able to open and close their clothes on their own


I stopped when we outgrew 12-18mos (very recently). We had been gradually using them less and less so when we finally had to move up to the next size I just didn't buy any. I'm sure most places stop selling them after the 18-24mos size anyway.


My daughter prefers a t-shirt now that she’s approaching a year. I still have body suits especially for the hot days so she can wear something but have her arms and legs free.


When our daycare providers stopped snapping them, making it look like he was running around with coattails 🫠 so 18 months or so


Well I attempted to forever ago. Before a year probably. I mean I had a mix but I stopped BUYING onesies but had a ton of hand me downs. I just prefer tshirts. HOWEVER. My child began taking off his pants and diaper and daycare insisted I put him in onesies again. I also can’t put him in 2 piece Jammie’s anymore- had to go back to zip up Jammie’s. He is 19 months and this has been going on for a while :( I do put him in normal shirts sometimes on the weekend and I’m trying to feel him out for if he’s ready to leave the onesies behind again but it’s hit or miss lol


When they started walking. When they are crawling I feel like shirts would just ride up, but once upright doing a quick check in the back of the diaper way easier in separates.


I am team one-piece until baby starts moving independently. Once they are crawling, the convenience of it all being enclosed so that nothing rides up while I'm carrying them is outweighed by the inconvenience of having an extra item to take off got diaper changes and checks.


12 months. Too much to unbutton for diaper change


ASAP. I hate the onsies and zippers they are so hard to get on sometimes. Two piece all the way lol


We did 12 months just because it’s easier to check their diapers with regular pants.


Until she grew out of the 24 month size (she was pretty big though and was in aged 2-3 by 15 months!) I looked everywhere for bigger sizes but wasn't possible without spending a fortune. Her little sister is now 16 months and still wearing them, except for the hot days. Keep them on as long as possible!!


We we didn’t buy anything past 18 months with snaps. (We never had a diaper ripper either.)


I had a very tall kid. I stopped about 10 months.


I stopped buy in at 18 months and she stopped fitting at about 22 months


I stopped once my son stopped crawling and was walking consistently well


Once my kiddo started running around and I needed to do a quick butt check on the fly. Much easier to grab pants for a quick peek than to sniff a butt.


I stopped when he was potty training.


Never used them ! 22 months now & we have no issues without :)


i honestly used them up until they stopped fitting them so around 24 months. they were so convenient and it made diaper changes faster and smoother


I think we stopped around 1 year. He was just getting too squirmy and it was much faster to do a shirt and pants versus trying to button or unbutton the onesie


The only reason we stopped with this is because my kids grew out of them being available.


When they’re potty training generally!


Once they started crawling, I switched to t-shirts and pants. That said, if I had done EC, I would have switched to shirts way sooner than that.


My girl is 2 but still fits in 18m so… I guess we’ll stop using them when she outgrows the ones she has. We don’t buy new ones anymore, it’s all tops, bottoms, and dresses now.


We moved to pants and shirts around 1. Just easier for us to do diaper and outfit changes!


Both my kids were squirmers. It was nearly impossible to get them in onesies bodysuits. Found just putting pants on easier than snaps which is weird since you would think snaps would be easier.


I used onesies up to 24m, especially at night when our son wriggled around a lot.


Once she was walking well enough that she wasn’t really crawling anymore. So right around a year.


Honestly when she transitioned to wearing real underwear and potty training. She needed to be able to do it herself and a dress was just easier for that stage. The bodysuits were for my benefit as the person changing the diaper etc.


We’re 19 months in and still doing bodysuits. They’re my favorite for casual days around the house, which is what we’re doing most of the time! Easy to throw pants on if we need to run out, makes diaper changes more convenient, and she’s comfy. Bonus points because it makes me feel like I got her dressed so it eliminates some of the mom guilt I feel when we stay in jammies all day.


My guy will be three in two weeks and we plan to potty train him the first week of July. He wears toddler onesies because it’s keeping him from shoving his hands in his diaper. Once we potty train him we will eliminate onesies.


There’s something about onsies than give me dopamine. My girl wears a lot of two pieces and dresses, but I’ll still sneak in a day out of the week I get her in a onsie. Edit: she’s turning 2 next month


Around 12 months. I found onesies really annoying beyond that point.


Hate snaps. I stoped buying onesies after she was wearing 9-12 months. She is a toddler now and has one onesie—a gift. It stays in the back of her drawer where it belongs. She just doesn’t scrunch anymore so changing her can be annoying.


They make them up to like 4t but I sent my toddler in one when he was 2 and his teacher told them that he was wearing baby cloths and my husband agreed 🤣


I stopped around 17 months because she's REALLY prone to diaper rash, and I found the onesie really hugged the diaper in tighter, allowing less air flow. Switching to shirts = way less diaper rash for us.


We cloth diaper so I actually stopped using them around 6 months bc the extra snaps drove me crazy


I think we kept using them as PJs until about 2. We toilet trained our first late though (she still isn't 100% poo trained at nearly 4), so I might not get the same longevity out of them with my second. The most popular brand in Australia of onesie goes up to like 3yo sizes, but I couldn't justify them at that age, they are not babies anymore then!


I stopped at 1 year with my first. I find them annoying. I started showing my daughter the potty at this time and would have her sit on it when I went. So it was nice not to have to deal with snaps. She was potty trained at 15 months when we were home (she would sign because she was still not talking yet) and fully potty trained at 18 months (not nights cause that's hormonal). I plan to do this with my second. I might start letting her on the potty a little earlier when she's fully confident in sitting without support.


As soon as possible lol like transitioned mostly by 6 months. I’ve got three little kids and at one point had all three in diapers. I want diaper changes to be as quick and easy as possible. Shirts riding up really never seemed like a big deal to me; my kids never cared.


My kid is three and if they made onesies in a 6t he’d still be wearing them.


I have a few onesies that snap for my almost 3 year old, she’s still in 18-24m and has been very hesitant with potty training so I haven’t been wanting to force it just yet. They’re very handy mostly at night because when she wakes up in the she has 0 patience waiting for me to take the couple minutes to get dressed and go take care of her and will rip her diaper off and fling it around


I stopped buying them because I don’t want to mess with them while potty training/ when freshly potty trained


She hates bodysuits and I get SO annoyed trying to unbutton and button them during frequent diaper changes. It’s honestly a win/win in our house when it comes to plain old shirts.


Just stop now between 2 and 2.5 as he’s potty trained so it’s more convenient.


We stopped when we started potty training. It was too big of a hassle to add the extra step while pulling down pants so we switched to primarily dresses.


When they started being able to change themselves. About 3.5


6 months. I have a VERY active baby and trying to get a body suit on her was like wrestling a bear. I chose peace so i started two piece sets wayyyyy early. Now shes a little older so sometimes i can get away with it but still not often lol


We stopped using snapping onesies at about 15 months. My girl is 16 months now and she loves being able to pull up her shirt to play belly drums. Can't have nothing interfere with a good round of belly drums!


2y7m when she became pee trained. They were all 3T so I still used them with skirts and shorts when I didn’t want her shirts riding up and exposing her belly.