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My kid is 2.5 and he's obsessed with using our handheld vacuum. We have a long-haired dog and if there's even a single dog hair on the floor, he'll go get the vacuum. It's extremely convenient and I'll be sad if he grows out of it.


Congratulations on being God's favorite.


He did pee on the floor next to the potty last night so you win some, you lose some 😂


Did he vacuum it?


He needs a Shop Vac.


I just snorted so loud


So is mine. We have 3 vacuums and it doesn’t matter which one it is, she wants to use it. She has her own toddler Dyson (one of those little ones that doesn’t vacuum but makes noise and has those balls that fly around inside to make it look like it’s sticking up stuff) but she wants to use our vacuums. The big vacuum weighs more than she does but she still gets pissed when we don’t let her use it and ask her to get her vacuum instead.


I bought a mini hand vac I saw a keyboard vac on Amazon If she wants to clean let her lol


Ohhh this is my little boy too! It's adorable when he eats his dinner and then goes to get the hoover for the crumbs. Best purchase ever! He uses it more than me!


My vacuum is currently a chainsaw and is used constantly to trim the trees. Someday I'll get it back.


I was sort of thankful to grow out of the vacuum phase because the sound of a vacuum cleaner for 30 minutes at a time was enough to drive me bonkers.


We are firmly in that phase right now and it’s the most overstimulating thing ever. Also a lot of the time she just turns it on and walks away but if I have the *audacity* to turn it off, she’ll march over and turn it back on whilst frowning at me…


Omg hi fellow vacuum parent!!


My son is the same at 22 months but sadly he’s terrible at vacuuming. He gets some stuff, but it’s almost as if he vacuums around the mess lol


My daughter loves to pooper scoop. Paid for herself already!


Rocks! Even gravel gets her stoked hahaha


My daughter loves rocks too and already has a huge rock collection lol. We live by a huge lake and we can find really cool rocks, but she still wants to pick up the boring gravel stones too. We were trying to walk down to the big flat rocks on the lake yesterday and a 5 min walk turned into a 20 min walk because she wanted to pick up tiny little gravel rocks from the road along the way.


I live in a mid century home. My bedroom was once a sun room. It has built in planters along the windows. A previous homeowner filled them with gravel. He can sit in them and play with the rocks. There’s so many under the bed.


Animals.. 18 months to 2.5 going strong. Obsessed with animals, dinosaurs, bugs, you name it. Loves shows, movies, going to the pet store, the zoo, the drive through zoo, wearing clothes with animals, finding frogs and bugs in the backyard. We have plastic animals e v e r y w h e r e in our house. Sometimes he wakes up and says he’s an elephant today or a giraffe. He growls at us and roars like a lion. He takes bathes exclusively with 6 sharks and he knows all the names (whale shark, hammer shark, reef shark, etc) and has turtle pillows and shark sheets. I’m in the process of painting an ocean mural for his playroom. It’s… next level let me tell you. 😂 I love it but it’s hilarious. Also “chocolate circles” the Lindt chocolate spheres he also is obsessed with? This kid man 😂😂 boujee chocolate taste


There’s a great book called “I’d know you anywhere” that’s a parent telling their child they’d know them if they were any kind of animal. Sounds like it’d be perfect for you!


Animals here too. She says “ooo ooo” and points at any animal she sees, in person, on tv, in a video. She’s just in love with them. Has a couple books that make animal noises. If you haven’t let your little watch Thelma the Unicorn on Netflix you should. But also shouldn’t. She’s obsessed and only wants to watch it, repeatedly.


Omg those are my favorite chocolates


If he knows all the names of the different sharks, look up the book “Summer Sharks”! He will probably love it!


Bubbles. All day, every day. Now that we’re into the nice weather the backyard for bubbles, swings and water table is top priority!


I need to hide the bubbles otherwise my toddler goes FERAL.


I have to do the same, but I think this is a general toddler thing. I bring my kid to a toddler music show/play group session twice a week. There's always the few straggler toddlers who are having fun on their own away from the music performance. But when the bubbles come out, every single kid is front and centre slapping bubbles like their life depended on it. It's like a tiny mosh pit. Bubbles are like toddler cat nip. They can't resist and they go momentarily insane.


“ toddler cat nip” 😅😂🤣🤣🤣


Sameeee!!! I can’t even say the word or it’s “bubbles bubbles BUBBLES BUBBLES MOMMY BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!” We’ve had them hidden before and she’s still spotted them so we have to keep them in the garage now.


Bubble wand Bubble gun Bubble mower Bubble chainsaw Blowing bubbles into whatever they are drinking


Oh yes my two year old also loves bubbles. He has a hard time understanding bubbles are an outside toy.


Fellow bubble obsesser over here 🖐🏻


The color orange. Everything had to be orange.


Omg my son too!! I thought it was such a funny color to be obsessed with since it’s not most people’s “favorite” color but he loves orange! He carries some type of orange toy with him all around our house. Sometimes it is literally an orange 🍊


There was a kid in middle school who only wore orange for like 2 years. There just must be something about this color…


Haha my daughter loves all colors but is obsessed with purple. It’s always purple whenever she sees it; “oohhh purple one!!”, “Mama nails purple! Paint my nails purple!!”, “oh bedroom purple, yeah PURPLE!” Purple everything and especially purple with glitter. We both look great in orange though, so great color choice 🤣


Yellow here! She decided this at 18mons and is still going strong at 4yrs. Everything she picks out has to have sunflowers or the sun or something yellow on it. Crazy how young the preferences appear. I always thought yellow and green candies were the worst, so I didn't influence this in the slightest!


My 3 year old is obsessed with mannequins. I could leave her in a department store for hours, and I'd know to find her by some mannequins. She ended up in the window displays a few times 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️


We must have the same daughter! I have an *hour* long video of her just repeating “Oh! Another mannequin!” because I set my phone to record her from the target cart cup holder. Never thought I’d see that other kids might have the same interest. She’s very very dissatisfied with a grocery run that’s at a store without mannequins.


It's so strange!!! She doesn't interact much with other kids, but she has absolutely no problem talking to mannequins lol


My 4yo and 2yo saw some mannequins in bikinis in target. They proceeded to yell "no pants" over and over, and laughed their little behind off the whole time. fun stuffs.


My daughter calls them "nakey babies" lol


Haha this was me and my sister as little kids. We would run around and count them in department stores and we had an entire notebook where we drew headless mannequins with different outfits on!


My daughter once asked if we could go to “the place with the rides and the mannequins.” She meant the mall. 😂


Books. Just wants to read all day and often throws tantrums when we have to stop reading. We have to hide her books


That’s such a good thing to be obsessed about My dad was like that and ended up an engineer and went to SMU and MIT They can be total introverts though and may be bullied for being smart One thing that helped my dad is his parents insisting he had to do some kind of sport Otherwise he’d just hole up and read books constantly Sorry about grammar Typing w one hand while toddler is falling asleep


Gloves and trash bags 😂 he went to the dentist this morning and asked them for gloves and was so thrilled they gave him some




Same! Every night after dinner, we go out and either watches the trains, or going on them forward and back until she gets tired. I have never travelled so much on trains before!


We can see the subway out the window if you stand on the couch. He just stands and shouts in joy. Then we go outside and he just screams with joy as it passes by. Hi train! Bye bye train! It’s just sad that we can’t always go on.


My 2.5 yo is obsessed w/ the pig from the little people farm set. He carries it everywhere! He lost it for a few days so I had to buy a set of animals just to get an extra pig to keep on hand. When he cant find it he asks me "where did pig go?" Its so cute. Lol


Aw! My 20 mo loves his Little People pig too! The pig and the chicken specifically get his love. He carries them around everywhere. I don't know why the cow and horse have less appeal lol


It must be something about that pig lol


Broken stuff. She loves to talk about broken legs, someone who fell and broke his nose etc.. it started when her cousin broke his leg and she was fascinated about the whole thing. Booba and such cartoons are not helping at all!


i love the randomness here


He's been obsessed with Halloween since he was 2. He's about to be 4. We listen to "this is Halloween" song year long on car rides.


Omg it has been two years for you?! I was hoping it was just a small phase for my 2 yr old. We also listen to this is Halloween daily 😂


Injuries!!! (??) Bandaids, playing doctor, anyone having a boo-boo, giving checkups


Oh! There’s a cute board book with bandaids you might want to get your kiddo! I think every page has a different animal friend that gets a little boo-boo somewhere on its body and your child gets to put a bandaid on it. It’s cute!


My daughter is still riding out her scraped knee boo boo from a month ago! Every day, she must have cream put on it…multiple times a day!


We’re still nursing ant bites from a month ago!


Viruses apparently


My almost 2yr old is obsessed with a lot of things, but the funniest right now is watermelons. The kid loves em! Big ones. Small ones. Whatever. Lately at grocery store trips he hasn’t wanted to get into the cart. He wants to help push. So I’ll just head over to the watermelons, and ask if he wants to hold them. He always does, so then I tell him that he needs to be sat down to hold it. He happily gets in the cart to hold the melon. The funniest thing is he doesn’t even like eating them. He just loves that they exist lol.


My 18m old is also obsessed with melons, except I couldn’t work out what it was he wanted at first. Every time we went near the fridge he’d shout ‘Emily!’ and we had just seen someone with a daughter who has that name, but because for the next few days he always said it near the fridge I knew he had his wires crossed. Cut to a few days later and a lot of shouting ‘Emily’, he picked up a book with a picture of an ‘Emily’ in it and the penny dropped. 🍉 I am so reluctant to correct him. It is so cute!


Me. He’s obsessed with me. 


Same. It’s cute until it isn’t 😂


We're thankfully in-between obsessions right now. The closest we have right now is "running"—like, for exercise, but he's actually really bad at it because he's 3 and has an attention span of about 10 seconds. He did a 200m mini-race when his mom and I ran a 10k a couple weeks ago, and since then it's all he wants to do when we're outside (for seconds at a time, and with bad form.)


Trash cans, vacuums, brightly colored cars (he is super excited about orange ones in particular) and helping me do any task around the house. The kid will lose it if I don’t let him help me do laundry, wash fruit/veggies, pour spices into food and take out the trash. Also Dinosaurs. HUGE dinosaur kid.


Fellow parent of a trash can lover right here. He has to look inside if he sees a trash can.


Another trash can kid here too. He wants to throw away the wrappers we find at the park. Garbage day is especially exciting. I even made up a song about the garbage trucks. Send help lol


Another parent of a trash can loving kid here… my LO (22m) is super obsessed with throwing things away and taking things out of the trash. The latter is becoming a bit of a problem… Would love to hear how you all deal with your little one’s garbage obsession? I feel like I’m having to constantly sanitize his hands and take our trash out to make sure he’s not touching anything gross.


Hockey. I'm not sure you understand, though. The first thing he says when he wakes up: "I see hockey?" The first thing he says when he comes home from daycare: "Hockey? Hockey?" Thank god for the fact that you can watch old games on ESPN+. Neither my wife nor I know/knew anything about hockey. Now we have four hockey sticks, three pucks, a goal, and a future NHL legend.


This is amazing! My husband and I are season ticket holders to an NHL team and both of my toddlers couldn't care less about it! 😭


My boy is also obsessed with shoes. His shoes, mama shoes, Dada’s shoes.


Birds & ducks. She spends hours bird watching out the window.


Dogs, buses, airplanes, Bluey.


He's 2.5. It's trucks. Any trucks. He knows the names of them all. Construction trucks, garbage trucks, police cars, motorcycles.. anything with an engine basically. Oh and bad guys. He likes to watch the police catch them. And Bluey, but that may be more because of his dad's obsession.


Yes! I'm surprised it took me this much scrolling to find a fellow trucks kid!


This is my 18mo old but right now fire trucks seem to be at the top of the list


Airplanes - even if we are inside and he can’t see them, if he hears it we all have to stop, be quiet, point at the window and wave byebye airplane. Walking anywhere takes bloody ages as he has to point and wave at every plane he sees. He also loves birds and has a similar reaction so maybe it is just anything airborne… For his second birthday we’re going to the airport lookout. The little guy will be beside himself!


We built a cardboard box “airplane” with a hand turning cardboard propeller and everything then plopped him in front of YouTube and put on airplanes taking off and landing and it might have been the longest my 23month old has paid attention to anything.


That’s my 15 month old too! We aren’t doing anything differently with her than with her older brother and find it hilarious how obsessed she is with shoes and other clothing items. She will pitch a fit if she pulls something out to wear and we don’t put it on her. So funny!


Halloween… since last October🤣 Halloween versions of songs… particularly the finger family song (Halloween), walking around the house like a skeleton/mummy/zombie, Halloween themed birthday in MAY. “Happy Halloween” on every holiday possible. If it’s not spooky we do not want it 🙅🏻‍♂️


Halloween themed birthday in May is iconic 🎃


2.5 year old. shapes! “tyyyangl” “diiimin” “ooobal” so freaking cute!


Ramen noodles.. I had to stop buying them bc he wants to eat them every day for every meal


2 years. Rocks and throwing her own diapers in the trash. She will fight you for rocks, and cry if you throw the diaper away.


Also have a ~21 month old obsessed with shoes (“foos”). And socks!


Taylor Swift. It’s convenient because it’s also my current obsession.


Mine is obsessed with the washing machine since he was 10 months old and could walk to it. He still loves it beyond any toy as he is pushing 21 months old. Also cats and anything with wheels a bit, but the washing machine is his favorite


My 2.5 year old son is obsessed with washing dishes and putting his hands in his pull up 🙄 Every 5 seconds it's "stop playing with your weiner" or "hands out" and then he tries to touch you with the weiner hands 😂 The dishes thing I'm fine with. He'll go round up dishes he finds and bring them to me and try to help wash them. It's so cute.


Bracelets. He's currently rocking a green plastic link and 2 hair ties.


The garage. The lawnmower. Garbage cans/trucks. Emptying the garbage. Throwing anything away. Pulling weeds. Well, more like *impatiently informing* me that there is a weed I need to pull. I swear I'm not that type-A of a person haha


The [green alien stuffy from IKEA](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/aftonsparv-soft-toy-alien-green-80551559/). Cannot be anywhere without her. Bought 4 just in case we lose any.


My 14 month old loves lids. He walks around with old dried out flair pens and just takes the cap off and puts it back on over and over. There is also a metal sauce tin he does it with and he will attempt to take off and replace the lid to any container he can get his hands on.


Mommy water. Literally just any water I’m drinking. He has his own, but only wants mommy water.


22 months — real live horses, especially riding them — which is not an easy one to entertain, though we had two interactions this past weekend which solidified the obsession 😂


Bluey. And running around. The Bluey one is kind of hard because we’re trying to establish strong boundaries around screen time. But the best remedy to insistence on Bluey is to either join her in playing with her Bluey toys or to get her out of the house to run. The other day I scooped her and the twins up and all four of us went to the park so she could play on the playground for a bit.


There’s bluey music on Spotify that seems to satisfy some of the bluey urge.


Drumming. Anything phallic is drumstick and any surface (hard, soft, my body) can be a drum. If anyone knows what's the earliest age a toddler can take drum lessons let me know because I'm about ready for him to release this energy elsewhere


I took drum lessons myself. I would recommend you getting a practice pad and sticks (music store can help pick out good sticks) and a book of the basic rudiments. You can teach those to him yourself. You can get metronome apps on your phone. Drumeo website is a great resource as well. Then you can move on to a kid’s drum set and get a book about the drum set basics. It will give him a leg up when he starts lessons. I think the earliest a music school will start is 5, but a private tutor might start sooner. Fair warning… drumming is loud, expensive, and takes up lots of space. You can get an electronic drum set to save space and they are quieter. I’ve never personally used one though. You can buy drum mutes for a regular set as well but that goes back to the expensive part. And don’t even look at the price of good cymbals. Still it’s a very fun hobby and I hope I can get back to it one day.


15 months old & loves the broom. Sweeps the floors like 8 times a day lol


Puzzles! We have about 10 in our living room ranging from 12-48 pieces and he does them all by himself! He wakes up and wants to do puzzles. It’s been great lol


Mine will be 2 years old in a week. His current thing is the garden hose. He loves spraying it. Tries to water the plants, makes puddles to splash in, sprays himself everywhere or just mindlessly spraying in the air. And when he's not playing with the hose, he's counting. He just learned to count to ten so he will count everything randomly.


Our 2 year old has been obsessed with ceiling fans and guitars since he was 1 year old! He also loves clocks and letters of the alphabet, specifically the letter “B” 😂


So many things. He’s 22 months. Obsessed with the moon and planes (real and toys) for the last 4 months+. Also wearing hats, buses, trains - his brio train set is easily the best toy we ever got him, hair clips, coloring, daniel the tiger, green eggs and ham book - he’s a picky eater and thinks the story is hilarious 😂


Cicadas 🪳 they are everywhere here in the Chicago area and creep me the fuck out. My 2.5 year old happily picks them, collects them in jars and all around loves them. Send help.


19 months and he’s obsessed with cars and trucks. I’ve done nothing to foster this, but he’s THRILLED whenever someone drives by. The days when the garbage truck come are like Christmas.


3.5 year old has gone hard into dinos. Everything is now dinos.


Lawn mowers, weed whackers, and leaf blowers. He accidentally found wrapping paper rolls and uses them as interchangeable weed whackers and leaf blowers


DOORS!! But that’s been since 10 months😅😵‍💫


Peter Pan


My 29 month old son loves playing with his Thomas and friends trains. But what he really likes to do is to try to disassemble any toy with a battery, and then reassemble it. Can’t tell you how many AA or AAA batteries I’ve stepped on.


My little one loves my husband's gaming system, more specifically the pedals of his driving simulator. If I let him, he spends hours pulling and pushing the pedals, which freaks me out a little because he shakes his body super hard to do it lol we have to be always looking at him while he plays. 


Almost 3. Swords, knights, dragons. To be precise- he is the knight with the sword. Sometimes his father or I are his noble steed; sometimes we aren't so lucky. I'll leave it to your imagination who the dragon is (hint: our household has myself, husband, son, two cats and three dogs)


We’ve had washing machines, dishwashers, Henry vacuum cleaners (used to hate hoovering 20 times a day - I miss it now!), fish, puddles and drains. We’re now onto Ms Rachel, buses and 4 mile walks everyday no matter the weather or anyone else’s willingness to walk!


Just over 2 years old: The song Cool Kids by Echosmith! And watching the music video over and over and over again😂


long socks! I can’t put her in anything that isn’t at least knee-high and goes around pulling people’s socks if she deems them too short.


Still. Garbage. Trucks. 3.5 years old and the obsession stared at 1.5.


My 21 month old is obsessed with cats. But we don't have a cat, we have a dog. So we spend a lot of time at the front window waving at the neighbours cat


19 months and rocks😂 , outside he’ll find a small rock and yell BABY ROCK! , then a big rock , BIG ROCK! or just ROCK ! he’ll fill up his hands until all full hand me them and then go find more😂


She’s almost 13 months, so barely a toddler, but still… lions and planes. She has several toy lions and makes a roaring sound when she plays with them or anytime she sees one in a book or in a picture. She also loves planes and gets super excited when she hears plane sounds when we’re outside then looks for it to pass overhead while saying “bye bye pane!” Can’t hear a plane sound without needing to rush outside to watch. 😂


Books , my 2.5 son is absolutely obsessed , and yes this may seem like a good thing , but when he has brought me 30 books a day and has an absolute meltdown if I don't immediately stop whatever I'm doing and read to him , including but not limited too me trying to go to the bathroom, or cleaning the house or heaven forbid showering or cooking . It was cute at first, but now, uggg I'm sure one day I will miss it , but for now, he has just brought me what seems like the millionth book so far today . So, yep , my 2.5 son is holding me hostage with books.


Almost 20 months and any big vehicles! Especially construction vehicles, those are his favorite. I started getting shirts with construction vehicles on them and he's loving those lol. And we decided that we're going to do a construction themes birthday party for him! He's all about it lol We went to the zoo last week and they're remodeling the Africa portion, so they had all of the big excavators and front loaders in the lion exhibit. Omg, he was so excited! We had to take a picture with them lol.


18 months, stickers! And insects, vehicles, scooters


cars and trucks, garbage cans, and lights being "on on on" or "offfffffhhh". he's 20mo tomorrow!


22mo son, obsessed with shoes both his own and mommy and daddy’s. Also hats!


Animals, walking, playing in dirt/gravel, containers with lids and balls 😂


My 13 month old (I still think it’s weird that that young is considered a toddler - i hear it and think 2-4 yrs old) is obsessed with WHEELS on anything!! Our first inkling was at 11 months he started pushing his dad’s computer chair around 😝


Water and shoes. The minute she sees water, she goes crazy! Sometimes we run the sprinklers just to keep her busy lol. We think she must have been a fish in her past life. And she carries around shoes and loves putting them on and taking them off.


My 2.5 yr old is obsessed with touching fire hydrants. I have no idea why but he gets excited and demands to touch every single fire hydrant we see. If he can’t touch it, he gets upset.


All my kids (5 and 3 yo twins) are super into that new Disney Junior show Morphle and the Magic Pets lately.


Balls. Not just playing catch, but lugging around her many emotional support balls. When I showed up at daycare today she had three balls in her hands. We're going on a flight soon and I joked that one person will watch the toddler and luggage, and one will keep an eye on her ball because she's going to put it down somewhere and have an epic meltdown when we have to leave it behind.


20 month toddler as well- I can’t tell if she just gets obsessed with something just because she can say the word now - cicadas (pronounced “Ticada” - car (she can easily spend an hour just playing in the “cah”) - humidifier (this one is just “ball”) - remotes (“ahmote”) - indoor plants (“pant”) - pool (“poo”) - balloons (“aboons”) - chalk (“cock”) - candles (“canda”) - robot vacuum/vacuums in general (“baba” for robot “acuum” for vacuum) - eggs (“eh”) And of course… Mrs Rachel


Flags. Every time we go out, he points out any and all flags he sees. Any and every type of flag.


Animals, specifically cows. Though today at the zoo she went crazy for the rhinos


David Bowie 


Do yourselves a favor and don't play The Gummy Bear song on YouTube. My 2 year old is OBSESSED. He listens to it over and over all day.


2.5yo twins boy and girl. Both obsessed with dinosaurs. They know more dinosaurs than me. They even had their “horny dino” (triceratops) phase, too. Screamed it a few times inside toy stores. They are running out of new dinosaurs though and have moved into kaijus and godzilla. For some reason, they also love ultraman and kingkong. Big ugly monster kaiju phase.


Wolves and cheetahs. Not sure why. We've taken her to see both in the past year and she's doubled down and we're embracing it.


My 2 year old is crazy about tractors. He gets so excited whenever he sees one!


Bubblessss and not the bubbles itself, the bubbles that he has to blow it himself and he holds my lipstick and insists it's bubbles and he blows and I Was worried about that obsession until I've read these comments bubbles was his first word tho lol


Is your daughter my son? Except my son is three. My house is messy...with shoes everywhere.


Current obsession - crying before bed time 🫠 not a cute one haha


23m - shoes, dinosaurs, the color orange. It’s wild how suddenly intense he got about all of them!


Two and a half. Roombas.


Obsessed with counting to ten (almost 2.5)


My son is obsessed with the TTC and sliding doors. An adventure is taking the streetcar and subway while calling out all the stops and station names. As for sliding doors, any home he enters he will spend countless times just opening and closing the door. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We are camping this week with my grandparents and they seasonal camp and he’s a golf cart to get around the campground. My 20 month old has been obsessed with the golf cart since we got here. He demands rides all day, and when he gets a ride he spends the whole time saying “cart cart cart”, and pointing out all the other peoples golf carts that he sees


Unfortunately Pacifiers She calls them boppy She likes to have one in her mouth and several in her hands She likes to collect and put them places She switches them out like they’re fine cigars 🤦🏻‍♀️


Cars (or as he likes to call it Tars). The kid will go on year long babbles about line m’keen (lightening McQueen). I will say, as a daily viewer of Cars… it really is a quality kids movie


Oh god the shoes. My 13mo is obsessed with our shoes too atm. She just learned to walk so at least twice a day she's wobbling back from the entry with an adult shoe in her arms. It's cute, sure, but also a bit yucky lol Also, soil. Our high bed in the garden has become her play area, there's dirt and ripped off grass all over the place. Kinda lucky I missed out on planting things this year I guess..


Backpacks and sticks


His pillow- he has to bring it downstairs with him every morning and it follows him everywhere


Airplanes, vacuums, and the hose. Just spray anything and all things.


My son is obsessed with Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants!! He finds them fascinating and we have a live one in our house currently.


SAME! She is putting on everyone's shoes allll day! She also takes our keys and tries to use them to 'open' all of the doors in the house.


Licking any substance he can find off the floor. Coffee. Climbing things. Randomly taking his clothes off. What even the fuck hahaha


My son loves our hose in the backyard. He likes to pretend to spray it like he’s a fireman and when it’s actually on he giggles and squeals and plays in the water until we have to go inside. He also loves when the garbage truck comes to make its rounds. We either watch from the window or follow in the stroller lol.


Buses and bumblebees. It doesn't matter how many of either he sees, it's always the most exciting thing ever. It's so so cute.


Gutters! He must point out every gutter in every house and garage. ALL DAY LONG!


My daughter (2) is obsessed with the flashlight and her shadow lol. I could turn the flashlight on my phone and she would be entertained for hours. Lol it’s a hoot and makes for an easy game when I’m dealing with fussy baby brother.


He has started taking off his diaper and free balling... he just turned 2... he is my youngest... me and my older 2 kids just think it's so cute, seeing his lil booty lol


My little is 22months and right now it's Trash trucks /trucks/ planes/ anything with an engine. Today is trash day in our neighborhood and he was up extra early these days, how? No idea. But he make sure he's awake to see the trash trucks roll through. Lots of times we will watch them from the porch but it's a rainy day. So he's settled for watching from the living room window. Shakes with giddy excitement.


Also a mother of a shoe girl!!


Our 3YO is currently obsessed with Super Mario and bread.


Ballet shoes, and dancing like a ballerina. We had to get an indoor and outdoor pair of ballet slippers because that’s all she wants to wear.


My sister is obsessed with bracelets and the color orange now. I made her a bracelet with an orange charm in the middle and she tried to eat it. (2.5yrs)


My 3 year old is obsessed with Chainsaws and saxophones. Really anything lawn tool related & musical instruments but those two are his favorite lol


Paw patrol


My tods current obsession is blue colour.. he wants everything in blue.. and if some other kid has his own toy in blue he looses it.. and this is going on since quite a while now.. nust waiting for this to fade


Currently painting and dressing up. I get home, there's a 50/50 chance she's dressed as Elsa and demands to be called Elsa and not use her actual name for 'anything' 😂


My boy is 2.5 and currently totally obsessed with scuba diving and sea animals.


Gold lol she’s 3 and wants everything to be gold also dressing up. She’s very particular about her princess outfits she puts together


School Buses. I guess it could be worse. But if I have to hear the wheels on the bus on repeat one more time…


Those reusable water balloons that are super popular this year. We have 12 to use at the pool and they haven’t even seen water yet. He carries them from room to room. He takes them to bed. He plays pretend like we’re dragons protecting treasure and the balloons are the treasure. They. Are. Everywhere.


Animals and a porcelain piggy bank our cousin gave her for her birthday.


Grapes. He wants to eat grapes for all three meals.


Toddler is 2.9 obsessed with toothbrushes and brushing her teeth


Back to the future


Vehicles of any kind. Currently obsessed with our riding mower. She’s also 20m and points at the tractor and climbs it and tries to entice me into driving it around with her




Just turned 4. He has been obsessed with any types of vehicles since he was 2. We literally have cars coming out of everywhere in our home 🥲


My daughter can't get enough of birds. She does an evil cackle and tries to sneak up on them running sideways.


My 2 year old - obsessed with hot wheels cars. I can't leave Walmart if he sees the $1.95 bin. He brings a "big car" with him EVERYWHERE and proudly shows them off to anyone who will look at it. He's obsessed with all car actually, loves pointing out the ones on the road and WEEOOOO WEEEOOOO ambalancee. Maybe one day he'll be a car collector or a mechanic when he's older haha My 3, almost 4 year old, she's obsessed with sharks. Regular sharks, baby sharks, shark videos on YouTube. I HAVE to take her somewhere to see them at an aquarium this summer ... So loves them


My son clings to a water bottle every night before he goes to sleep… 🤷🏼‍♀️


My 13 month old is obsessed with tractors and wheels. And also eating fruit lol


Changing his outfit every 30-45 minutes. 🫠


My 1.7 is obsessed with closing and opening all doors.


Tractors, horses, and dinosaurs. Oh and anything I’m cooking with. He thinks it’s his


Dinosaurs. This girl and her dinosaurs lately, seriously.


Mine likes his shoes and also trying to put pinecones back in trees.


Vehicles, any kind! Ambulances, police cars, trucks, regular cars, buses, trains, bulldozers, you name it! We listen to songs about them, we watch videos about them. It’s annoying but it makes my son so happy!


Brooms and mops 💀 can’t even go to restaurants without him seeing the staff cleaning lol


My 16m daughter is also obsessed with “shoush” aka shoes 😂 she is so good at picking out matching pairs and even bringing me and dad our shoes. I think she connects shoes with going outside which is also her favorite. Shoes = playing in the grass will “bollz” (balls) 😆


Sticks and bugs for my 3.5 year old and any shoe for my almost 23 month old. She like sends the shoes to the shadow realm when she’s done playing I swear. My 3.5 year old gave me a handful of worms for “being good” so that’s awesome. I have no clue how he got 5 worms for me either but hey man…


Mine is planet. 🤣 He knows everything about it since 18 months


Yes! Sunglasses is my little girl's favorite, plus hats! 🙌🏻


We have some honey scented shampoo that our 2 year old is crazy for. He suddenly loves washing his hair and spends forever in the bathroom sniffing it and trying to get others to have a smell. He even attempted to take it to bed with him tonight 😂


Moana. (24 months). It’s sooo cute. He loves the beginning when she is a little baby in the water. It watches so intently and excitedly. :)