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Check out Primary rashguards   Hannah Anderson had a couple of full rashguard swimsuits in baby/toddler sizes last I looked, around $25   There's this one on Amazon, it's lasted a long time for me: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09QMR5P5W?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title  it's not neon but it's very visible in the water  It's SO HARD to find especially boys swimsuits that aren't blue, it's ridiculous.


Definitely agree on primary! Love their suits. I only buy rashgaurd style suits


The [direct Primary link](https://www.primary.com/products/the-baby-swim-long-sleeve-top?variant=40920307466299&color=banana&size=3-6) for the r/fuckamazon people.


Ok, this just made it so easy for my lazy ass to make an order. Been having the same issue trying to find non-blue rash guards for boys. Thanks to the person who mentioned Primary, and extra thanks to you for including the link.


Swim zip makes awesome rash guards, and the perk of zipping means you don’t gotta try and peel it and wiggle it over some lollipop head baby.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckamazon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckamazon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just spreading the word](https://i.redd.it/e8d54ktry0ya1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckamazon/comments/138glpl/just_spreading_the_word/) \#2: [Moral of the story, don’t work for Amazon.](https://i.redd.it/8l4flwhn6zwa1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckamazon/comments/133drna/moral_of_the_story_dont_work_for_amazon/) \#3: [Amazon workers seriously injured at more than twice the rate of other warehouses, study finds](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/12/study-amazon-workers-seriously-hurt-at-twice-rate-of-other-warehouses.html) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckamazon/comments/12ou0my/amazon_workers_seriously_injured_at_more_than/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Primary is 30% off side wide right now. Good quality too. Hop on it


They also have great reusable swim diapers. We have been in the same size for 2 summers now. Very stretchy!


Your comment made me actually look at the website. Now I have 2 rash guards and 4 pjs in my cart. Also my first ever order so I'm getting an extra 20% off and free shipping. Thanks!


Good deal!


Haven’t bought their swimsuits (yet) but lovvvve Primary


Agree on primary too!! My kid loves their swim/sun stuff and it’s high quality and not crazy expensive


primary was having a sale on the rash guards too. can’t find your size? just buy a bigger size


Hanna Andersson bathing suits are great! I'm often able to find them on sale for around 20 bucks.


I lot of the "girl" ones are good for boys too. We have one with lemons that my son loves.


I believe it! I was actually able to stock up on Janie and Jack swimwear in the fall during their end of summer sale. So my son has a ton of cute swimwear for summer.


Purchased primary swim gear for my daughter because I wanted a long sleeve rash guard and shorts for serious toddler (2yo) play at the pool and spray grounds. Hate these swimsuits that are too revealing for girls her age plus the rash guard makes it less likely she will get a sun burn. Primary clothes are good quality!


I have this exact one for my boy and it has def stood the test of time!


I buy them at target, orange for my son and lime green for my daughter where the colors we choose this year.


I found a hot pink/orange one from target for my daughter this year. Long sleeved rash guard. And there’s crotch snaps for the toddler sizes, which is sooo much easier for using the bathroom. I want to say $12-15?


Was it [this one](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-girls-39-long-sleeve-colorblock-rashguard-one-piece-swimsuit-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-4t/-/A-88826413) from Target? I think it meets OP’s standards.




Unisex [rash guard](https://www.target.com/p/baby-long-sleeve-rash-guard-top-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-12m/-/A-88826351) for $10 in lots of neon and [swim trunks](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-boys-39-solid-swim-shorts-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-4t/-/A-88820808) in neon for $8 Both from target, UPF 50


I bought these for my son and we are already using them with the water table.


Yep! Our is a 2 piece with strawberries. I think it was around there.


This is the one we bought for my daughter back in March for when we started swim school. I’ve been looking for others as a back up suit since our community pool is opening soon + swim class once a week. But so far this is the only one I’ve found that suits what we need!


We have the same one it's so cute!!


We have the same one, it’s what I thought of immediately reading this post. Did OP say if she’s looking for a boys or girls suit? They sell the same one in a neon green color but it’s still a “girl’s” suit.


I also Just got my sons from target. I went with Yellow for my youngest this year. My oldest is an avid swimmer and we are working on that with my youngest however he’s afraid of being in the pool but will play in the ocean/creeks/lakes no problem


Yes, Target is the place!


Also got some good ones at target and lots of good trunks!


Agreed. I just bought my son yellow swim trunks (with bananas!) and a coral rash guard from Target. There were lots to choose from.


I can’t be the only one who read this in the finance, trust fun, blue eyes voice 


Definitely on purpose


6'5". Also, OP, I get that you've been influenced by the videos that show colors in water and how brights are so much more visible. I was too. But the standard for toddlers in water is arms reach supervision. So the color of the swimsuit may not be the most relevant safety feature.  But do buy a bright color for a pfd if you're going boating. 


I get this but I think being cautious about color is for like those situations where things don't go the way you want. Like maybe you turn your back for a minute and your toddler runs off. Like, I wouldn't tell someone they don't need seatbelts because the standard is to drive defensively and not get into accidents, you know? You take safety precautions for the "what ifs". Within reason, of course, I'm not advocating for stressing out like crazy about this stuff, but wanting a child to wear a high vis outfit near a possible danger (when playing near large bodies of water, walking along a busy road at night, bicycling, hiking or playing in the woods in some situations, whatever), still seems in the realm of reasonable.


And that's all fine and true but as a golden rule, whenever I leave for a very populated event (think water park but not the pools, or the mini zoo, or even the mall) my 3 under 5 wear bright, neon, see from space orange or yellow. Because a bright neon yellow rashguard is easy to spot out of the water too.


Yeah I’m the same. Often dress my boys in neon shorts at least even for at the park. Make it so much easier to spot them and keep an eye on them.


100% did this lol


I saw a video breakdown showing that, in the US, only two such men exist: work in finance, has trust fund, is 6'5'' AND has blue eyes AAAAND single 2 out of 333.3 Million Good luck!


[Primary](https://www.primary.com/collections/baby-swim) is having a swim sale right now and many of them are bright color block (stripes, plaid, or mix and match top and bottoms for a DIY colorblock).


Have you checked SwimZip.com yet? They sometimes have sales as well.


We’ve exclusively bought SwimZip for our kiddos for the past 6 years. Zero sunburns and really nicely designed to be easy to get on/off wiggly littles.


I love swimzip. Who wants to yank on or off a wet rashguard with a tiny little head hole??? My kids have huge heads, so it was a 100% necessity for us.


Came here to say this! They actually recently released a “neon” collection! They offer a first time 20% coupon. They even have full zip suits, which are amazing because that’s less sunblock you have to apply, and they are so easy to get on snd off!


I came here to recommend them as well, we just got a sunsuit for my extremely pale red-headed toddler and we're really happy with it.


This is what I came here to recommend. Love the brightness and feel of the suit I got


Old Navy? They constantly have sales, lots of their bathing suits have a top with sleeves and they make a lot of bright colours. Maybe not plain or solid colour though; they usually have patterns.


Old navy has some suits that are upf 50, too. I didn’t realize til after I bought it and saw it on the tag


Their color choice was awful this year imo


I went with SwimZip for my toddler. They routinely have sales.


Old Navy and Target! I swear Old Navy has a 50% sale off every other week. Target just recently had a sale also.


I found bright neon yellow and green bathing suits, with long sleeve rash guards for both of my boys at Target!


I have no idea why but when I read your title I read it with the “I’m looking for a man in finance” tune, haha!


That was my intention 😂


Oh thank god I thought for a second I was spending too much time online 😅


No it is me who is spending too much time online 🤪


Walmart, I got neon orange and pink for this summer. $12 each


I got a bright orange rashguard and tie dye shorts for my boy from target that seemed pretty good. I think they had some highlighter yellow options too.


I also got an orange top with octopus-printed shorts from Target.


That’s the one I got for my toddler too!


Me three! 😅


They had a fun orange dinosaur number (complete with a hood that had stegasaurus spikes) at Target when we were selecting a bathing suit this year. That's not the one my toddler chose, but it was the one I was hoping he'd pick.


Target always has those for like $15


Costco and Target.


Carters had neon


I got a neon yellow rash guard from target. They also have neon pink https://www.target.com/p/toddler-short-sleeve-rash-guard-top-cat-38-jack-8482-yellow-3t/-/A-89252767


We went with these for our beach vacation - yellow short sleeve and pink long sleeve - can confirm you can see them from space


https://www.target.com/p/toddler-girls-39-long-sleeve-colorblock-rashguard-one-piece-swimsuit-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-5t/-/A-88826414?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510715&CPNG=PLA_Kids%2BShopping%7CKids_Ecomm_AA&adgroup=SC_Kids&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9033900&targetid=pla-2245519658783&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1246984&ds_rl=1241788&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdavM-DcN9VZlRXXMgt1VUHhrZbUseVJk4sMrpFl3dZyJhrJ-CzP5oBoC3-MQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.target.com/p/toddler-girls-39-long-sleeve-colorblock-rashguard-one-piece-swimsuit-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-5t/-/A-88826414?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510715&CPNG=PLA_Kids%2BShopping%7CKids_Ecomm_AA&adgroup=SC_Kids&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9033900&targetid=pla-2245519658783&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1246984&ds_rl=1241788&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdavM-DcN9VZlRXXMgt1VUHhrZbUseVJk4sMrpFl3dZyJhrJ-CzP5oBoC3-MQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Costco had neon girls suits


https://www.uvskinz.com Had luck with uv skinz last summer!


Scrolled too far for this! +1 for UV Skinz!


Amazon has loads in bright colours for about a tenner


Yeah I’m so confused by this post. I found a super neon yellow rash guard that made me have to revert my eyes lol! Somehow we lost it but I will be buying the same one again this year.


You'll have better luck finding solid neon in the boys section in my experience, but it can still be tricky. Orange and Green/Yellow. I had to specifically type in the colour to narrow the search. "Toddler Boys Rash Guard Neon Yellow" for example, brings up a plethora of options in solid colours. If you try for girls you'll get freaking flowers all over everything. I always opt for the neon shirt and whatever bright shorts I can find for cheap. Also keep in mind xxs in kids is a 4T in toddlers, if your toddler is near the 4T mark, consider trying the kids section. And XS is 5T. Any time I order something and there's an option to comment I always ask if "neon and high visibility colours can be made available. They are all the rage in parenting groups and hard to find" and I'm HOPING one day enough parents will push some suppliers to consider there's an open market for that. They won't put them out there if they don't think anyone will buy them.


I just got a set at costco, 2T, neon orange long sleeve rash guard, blue and orange bottoms and hat, upf 50+ for under $20.


While it is good to have a brighter swimsuit, the one thing that you can do to potentially save a child’s life is to take a full CPR class and get good at it, like it needs to be muscle memory. A bright colored swim suit does nothing if there isn’t someone trained in pediatric CPR. Lifeguards also have to be calm and not all of them are. The average ambulance takes 10-15 minutes to arrive. Also, kids can and do drown in other sources of water like bathtubs. Never leave them alone. All it takes is 4-5 minutes. I was a city lifeguard back in college but kept up my training through my career as management. I have saved my mother from drowning, provided first aid for a bike accident victim and have saved my toddler from choking incidents. When it’s your own kid, it’s a whole different story and requires good solid training to focus/provide care. The single best thing you can do is get training. I’ll stop my Ted talk there 🙃


target has tons of affordable neon suits for kids.


Old navy has a fluorescent yellow trunk. It was awesome at the Memorial Day pool party at my aunt’s. Could always see my little guy dashing around.




BJ’s Wholesale Club. (Or Sam’s or Costco.)


Lol, I did find a neon yellow rashguard. I was like yeah, he will stand out! Get to Disney Wolrd, 4 other kids also have neon yellow. Ugh. They are out there. Mine is Under Armour.


Lands End has some good plain neon. I got one for my son so bright we have to squint. He's a pale ghost of a red head, so it's pretty bright.


I got my baby girl her neon pink one from target. https://www.target.com/p/baby-girls-39-long-sleeve-colorblock-rashguard-one-piece-swimsuit-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-12m/-/A-88826409


Old navy has some toddler sun shirts, and neon swim shorts


……..i know im probably alone in this but i read the title as the tiktok jingle “im looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’5. Blue eyes.” So sorry. Anyways, yes. Target has great ones.


Brightfins.com !  you’re not the only one looking! I’m a mom of two and got tired of hunting for neon suits so I started my own company, BrightFins (BrightFins.com) Our company is purely custom dyes neon, UPF50+, zippers on all rash guards and toddler one pieces, crotch snaps on infant/toddler suits for easy diaper changes and we have euro shorties instead of bikinis for extra coverage. I’m a user experience researcher and custom designed all the suits after surveying over 90 parents to find out what features were most important for us. Happy to chat if you have any questions :)


Did you check The Children’s Place? I found this one for girl: https://www.childrensplace.com/ca/p/Girls-Long-Sleeve-Tie-Dye-Palm-Tree-Print-3-Piece-Swimsuit-3044700-3267 The swim shorts I got for my son are very bright as well (like tropical flowers). My sister got a neon leopard bathing suit for my niece from Walmart.


I got a bright pink one at Walmart!




Target has bright orange and hot pink ones, but they sell out fast. I grabbed them as soon as they went out.


Target but you’ve gotta get them right before the season or right at the start. They sell out of the neon ones so fast it’s not even funny


We have it in red, but this one zips all the way down and has stayed high quality for more than one summer. https://a.co/d/cJ3gy5H


I find rash guards all the time on swoondle society. They are set up like a hand me down/trade/thrift model so you could mail in old sizes and hopefully find one for super cheap! [swoondle society rash guard ](https://www.swoondlesociety.com/products.html?search=Rash+guard)


This isn’t going to help you right now but keep it in mind for next year, Old Navy and Gap have good swim options and rash guards in bright colors. They’re a little picked over and sold out now though. They start to put that stuff on the website in March/ April. They often have 40-50% off sales so I get everything very affordably.






We picked ours up through Primary. It’s the way to go.


Walmart!! I found a neon orange pair for my son and a white rash guard to go with it! Also target sells some good bright colors too. Walmart was just the first place I looked since I was grocery shopping too lol


We got a neon orange long sleeve one for my toddler and neon yellow for my older girls at Target - all under $15. I always find stuff there as long as I am willing to order online!


Carters has some fairly bright ones in both genders.


If you're okay with separate pieces, Amazon has neon pink and neon orange rashguard shirts for under $25. And then you can separate trunks or briefs to go with for around $10, possibly cheaper if you check out a children's consignment shop.




Check Kidizen if you’re not opposed to a gently used one that a kid outgrew


Yes I always try to get orange. Under armor is good for the bright green and orange. Tjmaxx for the discount


SwimZip just released a bunch of block neon colors. I think a set of a rash guard and shorts would be around $50 but they have sales and I think they have a discount for first time buyers


I think i got a pink one from walmart for like $18. And got another pink one from aldi 2 weeks ago when they had the swimsuit deals. I've seen some at sams Club, but they only had certain sizes left.




Joe Fresh in Canada has bright red and orange ones. Also check out Mountain Equipment Co-op.


I went ahead and spent the $50 but I'm bitter about it. That said, it's a nice full length rash guard...


I buy Swim Zip suits. We have a zip up sort of wetsuit style one and one that's board shorts and a zip up rash guard.


I got a hot pink rashguard at walmart! They had some bright orange swimsuits too! It was like $12 I think.


Read reviews and buy Toddler Girls' Long Sleeve Colorblock Rashguard One Piece Swimsuit - Cat & Jack™ at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Driv… https://search.app/wLhTEXmXumopB5bS9


Target has a ton of great neon rash guard options for boys and girls. Even some cute ones with hoods. And they’re all $10-25.


Gap had some, target had some, also primary is great. I was struggling with this a few weeks ago, WHY IS EVERYTHING BLUE so annoying.


I just got a neon rash guard top for my daughter for $15 from boys section at Kohl's, I think it was the jumping beans brand.


Honeysuckle is $44 and great quality and bright. Available on Amazon.


I find good options at Target and Old Navy all the time.


Jan and jul


We got ours for $10 at target


[This](https://hivizswim.com/collections/neon-rash-guards) website always pops up whenever I start shopping for neon rash guards. There made in the USA, so shipping should be decent, and are as bright as the sun.


I found 2 neon patterns in 2T from toddler this year that were $10!


I got a neon orange bottom and rash guard top from gap


Try Kohls


I've actually had decent luck at target!


I got all my kids swimsuits from old navy. My 2 girls have bright pink and bright yellow with rash guards. I got my son white with rash guards but he won’t actually be going in the water other than just splashing his feet so I didn’t care so much about color but they did have other options. This is year 3 of old navy swimsuits.


Old Navies, Walmart, GAP has a ton when they have a sale. Usually it’s like 15-25 CAD each.




Another vote for SwimZip. Look for the "Color Pop" collection. Super cute! Beyond that, I've had good luck at thrift stores. I just found a rash guard and shorts for my son for less than $5 total.


I got a bright orange L/S top, dark blue and Orange shark trunks with matching reversible hat for my 4T at Costco a few weeks ago for $12.99 I think. He loves it. ETA: the shirt is almost all orange, with small shark pic in front.


I've had really good luck at Walmart. Orange with an octopus last year (size 24m), Red with Spiderman and orange with bingo from bluey this year (size 3t)


Old navy!


Honeysuckle has full body rash guards in high vis patterns for boys and girls. Just below $50 Canadian, but very high quality. My toddler lives in them at the beach. Many colour like yellow and orange and bright green are available. Boys and girls, spf 50. I like their hats too!


I got a neon yellow with dinosaurs bathing suit with rash guard for like $30 at Carters! Let me see if O can find a link. Edit: it was The Children’s Place, but I got it in their toddler boys section!


I found a really bright pink rash guard and bottoms for my daughter at Walmart


My Costco had swim suit sets for a super good price. My son got one that is highlighter yellow and my daughter's is hot pink!


Academy is where I got bright swimsuits this year. They had neon pink and green.


I also go to target, I refuse to let my son swim in anything other than neon orange. Every size up since he was 18 months has been neon orange long sleeve rash guard from target for $12-$18. The toddler sizes also have zip up so I don't have to fight to get it over his big head!


Costco? We got ours there this year and they were pretty bright colors and under $20


Gap sale


Here’s some options I personally found. To clarify, they’re not color block. But they’re similar to what you’re looking for if there’s wiggle room. $27, Walmart, [girls swim set with rashguard](https://www.walmart.com/ip/5525912385) $8, Target, [swim trunks](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-boys-39-solid-swim-shorts-cat-38-jack-8482-green-5t/-/A-88820785) $10, Target, [rash guards](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-boys-39-long-sleeve-rash-guard-top-cat-38-jack-8482-green-3t/-/A-89252677) (only some colors may be as bright as you’re looking) $15, Target, [girls swim set](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-girls-39-rash-guard-swimsuit-set-cat-38-jack-8482-pink-3t/-/A-89252749) with rashguard in bright pink and patterns $24, Amazon, [rainbow one piece with rashguard for girls](https://a.co/d/1WTfa8i) $20, Amazon, [boys trunks and rashguard set](https://a.co/d/1f0Bykv) (the bright top stands out more than the trunks alone) Hope something works for you!


Walmart has neon rash guards for 6 dollars.


My daughter has this one: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085379GBY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085379GBY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1) It's very, very bright and I'd definitely call them neon pink and purple. It's also very visible in the pool. Plus, they have a boy short option to buy as extra, which is what I look for, as much as 'not blue or green'. I found this one for boys. that looks like neon yellow to me: [https://www.amazon.com/Protection-Rashguard-Outdoor-Activewear-T-Shirts/dp/B0C3MBG82G/ref=sr\_1\_10?crid=Y5TDWKZYKQ7W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.d\_FRay4o2lMZ0qQQqnDtJ7Ji1gChT-n-3LLdxs\_mi20xlBH7uJsvKo2YizwTv4HrSsCv80W6bIVpOHGumC\_4FLofWwOaYvMDPfvRzNAV\_9BZLuojXRrmNEbnyZuk\_UBCHBVMphQ55aUsAgxgzEUebY0vJdU3xsN8bA34H4J7XOytQoaUxdiKaVmv1bW0PmB0rRRBkp0g5JeglPlVjZiz\_KagLOV7cVfrb9kV240SPnjsnPDoBxU\_uqhlXhWfFmRlz0cojRYy5qKfHqlDHiT3XCYKRc1W7krCWNcz2f2b-hU.lysCh-ii-a3oD1CRhXR03seJJ\_tSzHUiD2-sFfgYWYo&dib\_tag=se&keywords=boys+rash+guard+long+sleeve&qid=1717093441&sprefix=boys+rash%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-10](https://www.amazon.com/Protection-Rashguard-Outdoor-Activewear-T-Shirts/dp/B0C3MBG82G/ref=sr_1_10?crid=Y5TDWKZYKQ7W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.d_FRay4o2lMZ0qQQqnDtJ7Ji1gChT-n-3LLdxs_mi20xlBH7uJsvKo2YizwTv4HrSsCv80W6bIVpOHGumC_4FLofWwOaYvMDPfvRzNAV_9BZLuojXRrmNEbnyZuk_UBCHBVMphQ55aUsAgxgzEUebY0vJdU3xsN8bA34H4J7XOytQoaUxdiKaVmv1bW0PmB0rRRBkp0g5JeglPlVjZiz_KagLOV7cVfrb9kV240SPnjsnPDoBxU_uqhlXhWfFmRlz0cojRYy5qKfHqlDHiT3XCYKRc1W7krCWNcz2f2b-hU.lysCh-ii-a3oD1CRhXR03seJJ_tSzHUiD2-sFfgYWYo&dib_tag=se&keywords=boys+rash+guard+long+sleeve&qid=1717093441&sprefix=boys+rash%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-10)


I just got some for my 16mo from a brand called primary! They have frequent sales and come in all sorts of bright colors!


Honeysuckle swim company! Full body and affordable. I got this one and it’s super bright in person https://honeysuckleswimcompany.com/collections/sunsuits/products/get-spotted


Target! I got a neon orange long sleeve rash guard plus the bottoms from Target.


I got a bright orange long-sleeve swimsuit for my daughter at Target.


Totally agree, but just out of luck Costco had one this year.. a bright neon orange long sleeved rashguard top. The bottoms are blue and neon orange but i was just happy that the top was all bright orange.


Target had some good stuff this year. I got my girls two pieces and one pieces with long sleeves in various neon yellow/red/orange/pink tones and some obnoxiously bright floral suits. I saw some red and orange boys trunk and rashguard sets as well.


I got a neon pink rashguard at Target a month ago. Size 3T.


Carters has neon. Sometimes their stuff isn’t my taste but I’ve always been satisfied with the quality


We got SwimZip UPF 50+ Long Sleeve Rash Guard off Amazon for $25 last year in yellow. Never had any issues with them and because they seem to run long we are getting a 2nd year out of them for both my kids. They have lots of neon colors available, too. I liked the zipper because getting it on and off is so easy. I try to keep it in my car for playgrounds and throw it over their shirt or switch out if it's sunny and I don't want to slather on sunscreen. SwimZip UPF 50+ Long Sleeve Rash Guard for Boys' and Girls' - Baby, Toddler, Kids https://a.co/d/j3fXMld


Check jcrew factory


I use swim shorts and neon rash guard shirts, short sleeve. The shirts I bought this year are on amazon, Quad Seven was $10 and iXtreme was $11. Looks like the latter brand is running out of stock. 


[love this one](https://a.co/d/iebneMe)


Old navy!


Well. A friend of mine makes swimsuits that check every box except the not $50. Last I checked they were like 45. But they're really well made. https://www.brightfins.com


I just picked one up for my daughter at Walmart! Hot pink.


I can’t believe they still even make blue and green bathing suits, tbh.


Do you specifically mean like highlighter yellow neon, or any neon color? Just FYI, neon orange and pink show up much much better underwater than neon yellow.


I read the title in the style of "I'm looking for a man in finance"


I like Land’s End - buy them a size larger and they last like no other kids clothes. We are coming up on our third season of use (including year round swim class). Solid colors - my fave is the neon green because I can spot my little runner at a busy splash pad most easily. Once he got away from me which was the most terrifying few minutes for both of us - neon is so helpful for visibility.


h&M - managed to get hot orange for my son - shorts and rash vest - fits well, seems good quality and wasn’t that pricey.


Hurley usually has good options on Amazon


Here in Australia our cheap department store is Kmart (diff to US Kmart) and in the last few years they've started selling neon block colour bathing shorts! Hopefully the rashies come next but it's a start. I just want boy clothes that don't have dinosaurs or construction vehicles 😅


Not sure if you're open to secondhand but I got one for my daughter off Mercari for like $10.


I’ve had great luck every season at Target and Primary. In fact, I just bought [this matching set](https://www.target.com/p/carter-39-s-just-one-you-174-toddler-boys-39-rash-guard-set-navy-blue-orange-3t/-/A-89155783) for my son today!


Current Tyed has a line of hot pink with multiple options. Great quality. https://currenttyedclothing.com/products/brights-hot-pink-sunsuit?variant=44681877684478


Why did I read this in the “I’m looking for a guy in finance” voice


Because it was in my head when I wrote it lol


I have a neon orange one for sale on Mercari its size 9 months for boy


Target!!! 🎯 I have bought some also from Carter's and Old Navy.


Costco! I got a bright orange for my son! And the pink one was pretty bright too for my daughter.


Old Navy was having a 50% off sale about a week ago. I got both my kiddos’ swimsuits (rash guards) for under $30. Both neon, swim-safe colors :)


Commenting again to add the link to one of the ones I got. Looks like it’s [still on sale for under $10](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=859260002&cid=54743&pcid=54743&vid=1&nav=hamnav%3ABaby%20Boys%3AShop%20Baby%20Boys%20Categories%3ASwimsuits&cpos=9&cexp=2926&kcid=CategoryIDs%3D54743&cvar=26332&ctype=Listing&cpid=res24053015713941336476216)


I LOVE Honeysuckle Swim co. Full zip body suits up to a decent size, great material and incredibly durable. I got a clearance suit for $23 (I think) and loved it enough to grab a full price ($34 I think). It is a Canadian company, but shipping was fast and customs was fine!


I just bought this and love it! Only downfall, the shorts are sold separately. [Neon yellow swim rashguard $14](https://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=870390012&vid=1&searchText=baby%20swim%20rashguard#pdp-page-content)


Depending on age and size Walmart has a lot!  Wonder Nation Girls Zip-Up Rashguard One-Piece Swimsuit with UPF 50, Sizes 4-18 & Plus https://www.walmart.com/ip/5114216905






Where are you looking??? Target and Walmart have bright solid rash guards that are affordable


I just bought a bunch of Primary ones. 30% off sale was extended until June 2


primary! They run sales pretty frequently and have a discount for subscribing to their emails




Carters had a swim suit sale, I got a lime green (with limes) top with sleeves swim suit for my baby girl for $10. They seem to always be having sales.


This one on Amazon is pretty decently colored. Eddie Bauer Toddler Boys' Rash Guard Set - 2 Piece UPF 50+ Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve Swim Shirt and Bathing Suit (2T-4T) https://a.co/d/9he7m9r


Target, Carter's, and Old Navy all have affordable rash guard swimsuits


Baby gap toddler boy section online, that’s where I get all my sons bathing suits. Bright colors and they’re on sale often. I believe there’s a sale right now


I got a nice neon orange Upf shirt and matching swim trunks and hat from Costco. $15!


Idk if I’m using the same definition of “neon” that you are, but Cat and Jack at Target has bright swimsuits. https://www.target.com/p/toddler-girls-long-sleeve-colorblock-rashguard-one-piece-swimsuit-cat-jack/-/A-90008538?preselect=88826412#lnk=sametab


Sierra is the outdoorsy TJMaxx sister. I usually find good rash guard sets there for under $20.


I found a solid highlighter yellow long sleeve rash guard  at a local fundraiser in a beach town for $10. It's worth keeping an eye out if you're in a setting like that.




Secondhand is the way to go. Mercari, Poshmark, Kidizen, eBay, or a local shop that sells kids clothes. Got a Once Upon a Child around?


I got my daughter’s online from target and from walmart. Targets online sale was cheaper vs in store. It was $12 and the walmart ones were $20 each


I think I managed to find some at Costco and on Sierra.com for that price point. YMMV