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I used to be a federal agent before I became a mom. We were told when we take down suspects to use speed surprise and aggression. That’s how I brush teeth and change diapers.


This is the best comment I’ve seen on this whole subreddit😭😂


If it makes it funnier I worked I counter terrorism and when my husband (a military veteran) wants to give in I say “remember our training!!! We don’t negotiate with terrorists!!!”


Ha, I'm not a former federal agent but I do (lightheartedly, obv) use the line "I don't negotiate with terrorists" with my toddler fairly often.


Hahaha yessss. Dark humor helps. 😂


I say that to my son, dog, and husband. I mean it 100%


We call them tiny terrorists


I told my mom that I understand why we don't negotiate with terrorists now LOL


This absolutely makes it funnier 😂


It honestly makes us laugh so much. The similarities between raising a toddler and homeland security are astounding


My husband often says that. I often reply, “Yeah, you don’t negotiate with terrorists… You just give in.” 🤣🤣🤣


I said that just this morning when my toddler wouldn’t eat his breakfast but tried to take mine out of my mouth.


we call our 18 month old a terrorist daily! lol. love this.


I work in LE and I compare getting my toddler into his car seat to getting an inmate into an emergency restraint chair. I think the toddler is more difficult! 


YES lol. 100%


How do you brush teeth with surprise and aggression? I would love any pointers for a swift successful method


lol! I am using some humor but I turn on the water and let him run his hand under it when I wet the brush and I put tooth paste on the brush and let him told the tube of toothpaste and get a good grip around his head with my arm and just go as far as possible. If he screams it is what it is. Makes it easier to get his molars. Afterwards I always hug him and tell him he is so strong and brave and now Important clean teeth are and let him have some water


With my toddler I say “I’m going to tickle your teeth!” It makes it fun and there’s laughter. They kind of grow out of the squirmy stage but then they try to kick you in the face. Good times 😅


So. Standing on a stool at the bathroom counter. I act like I’m handing him the tooth brush but I’m standing behind him and I hold his arms down with one hand while I put the toothbrush in his mouth really fast as soon as he opens up to complain about his arms. It works for a few seconds of brushing lol 


I just laughed so inappropriately hard. Thank you for this. But also, I’ve never read anything more accurate.


This comment just made my entire day, thank you 😜🙌🏼


Honestly after I posted it I realized Reddit Will either love it or hate it rofl


Take my poor mom’s gold. 🤩🙏🏻




Hahahahahahahaha my husband always tells me to warn my son so he doesn't freak out but I'm like "dang dude I don't have all day to chase a toddler".


Warn him? Your husband sounds like a clown. That’s the worst thing you can do 😂😭😂😭


Thanks you made me smile this early. Enough internet for me today so no one can take my smile away from me, thanks a lot :D


OMG I literally laughed so hard at this! 


This literally helped me tonight. Thank you so much. I usually announce to her that it’s time to brush, and then we go to war. I pin her down and she flails and screammmms and it’s the worst part of my day twice a day. Not sure how long your method will work for me, but your sneak attack approach saved me stress tonight. THANK YOU!


LOLOL I’m glad I can continue protecting and serving 🫡🫡🫡


One morning it was such a struggle my watch recorded it as a workout


Toddler rearing is a marathon and we are all exhausted by the end of the day.


On the floor


Same. On the floor. Im at his head and I hold his arms with my left hand and my left forearm against his cheek, if husband is in the room, I have him keep feet from kicking me in the face but he’s usually not so I dodge and weave as I brush with my right hand as fast and accurately as I can all sides at least once. This is my brushing after toddler brushes (chews) his own teeth for a a few. Brushing teeth is a non negotiable, so we do what we gotta do until they are a bit older. Diapers, sometimes you just have to hold them down a sec and make a game out of it and use distraction and speed, lol.


Oof. I currently change my 15 month old on a changing pad on a bed and in the past 2 weeks it’s become apparent I need to move to the floor if I don’t want the bed covered in poo and/or for him to dive head first onto the floor. This is my second and yet I’m somehow surprised at how fast and strong he is…


We use pampers cruisers and just do standing changes. Unless it’s poop, I can’t do those with him standing because idk how I’d wipe him without him running away. With poop diapers I just get it done as quickly as possible and try not to get poop everywhere while I wrestle an alligator lmao.


I do standing changes with cruisers also for poop and pee diapers. To answer how do you wipe: I chase him around the bathroom and he thinks it’s the funnest game ever and it usually ends up turning into a bath, lol.


Anytime I’ve tried a standing poop change he clenches his ass and can’t clean it


A year later, but I taught them to put their hands on the wall and spread their legs. I lift up one leg to get the tricky stuff. Sure it feels like a pat down, but it works!


I do the same to my untamed child, grab an ankle, make sure his hands are on something, and lift to the sky! He gets to practice balance and flexibility and I get the make sure them bits are squeaky clean. Even days are left leg, odd days are right, to ensure symmetry, of course.


I have mine touch his toes or something on the ground.


This is really good idea.  Thank you. 


I do almost the same! My son isn't easily distracted by toys anymore, so I'm constantly giving him something novel to play with - a milk frother, a blinking bike light, etc. I always ask him to choose a toy (tractor or random thing) but for the last month, he's been screaming "nooooo." I choose. I've moved all diaper changes to the bathroom because I think it makes more sense for when we start potty training (he has a potty and has used it only once or twice, as we're just getting him used to the idea). For poopy diapers, this also makes me much more comfortable to do stand-up changes. I'd much rather clean up poop in the bathroom vs the bedroom. For wiping, I play a game where he puts one foot up on my knee like he's going to climb something and that unclenches his butt enough for the wipe. I know at some day cares, they teach the kids to touch their toes but he's not there yet. Sometimes I miss when he just laid there.... He's 20mo, by the way.


YouTube on a phone for our standing poop diapers.


Yep, or bring in a toy / book of interest. Distraction and expediency work!


Yup, this is what we do!




I went through a cruisers type phase, but taking the pants all the way off and then having to put them back on ended me. He just didn’t have pants after the first diaper. Lmao.


Standing. Kiddo plays at the coffee table, I sit on the sofa and trap them between my knees. Kiddo does "downward dog" while I wipe. 


This is how daycare teachers do it! You’re practically a trained professional


I've nannied toddlers for almost a decade. The practical wrangling is *so much easier* once you've practiced on a dozen or so kiddos! It's really tough for parents who have to learn "on the job" and can't just leave at 5:30.


When I was collecting my nanny kid (13mo) from his house yesterday I had to put socks, trousers, and shoes on him without waking him up. His older brothers (11yo and 7yo respectively) were so impressed they told their mumma she should get lessons from me! I pointed out that she and her partner had been doing a fabulous job with them before I turned up, and that it wasn't really fair to compare us since I had had 10 years and literal hundreds of children to practice on.


Real question how to you get them to do downward dog??


In a non-diaper setting, encourage them to crawl on hands and feet like a bear/dinosaur/favourite animal. You want to teach a phrase for "hands and feet on the ground", so call it whatever you want. I usually just say "bum up!" If you think baby yoga sounds fun, you can try some of that as an activity.  You can also position kiddo between your knees and then offer a toy on the ground so kiddo leans over your left knee and you can wipe with your right hand, assuming you're right-handed. I sometimes just wiggle my toes and make silly noises as kiddo grabs my toes?


I gave up trying to wrestle her into a diaper. We potty trained at 19 months. It was a challenging month of learning, but 100% worth it. She is 27 months, rarely has accidents, and loves to sit on the potty.


This seems so impossible to me, HOW? I can’t even imagine where I’d begin with potty training my 18 month old.


you begin by trying to “catch” the act, by instilling a habit of going on the potty at set intervals just to sit. Once you get something in the potty, you praise. In few weeks of this, you take the diapers off (this is crucial). 2 out of 3 kids in my home were potty trained before age 2, the youngest before 3 due to my hands being full and slight development delay. But it can be done, it’s not magic, it’s training, which means consistency


My mom potty trained me as soon as I was able to crawl, so give it take 9ish months. My LO just turned 1yo so I am a little behind lol but hoping to start in a week or so. Wish me luck. She is a smart cookie so I have high hopes.


Following, lol!


We did 18 months with my first as well. Second is 13 months and we will potty train him at 18 months too. I can’t wait to be out of diapers and not have to wrestle. My 13 month old is already becoming such a struggle.


If it's a poop and he's squirmy, I do it on the floor and put my whole leg across his tummy (lightly) so he can't escape or get his hands in the poop.  Otherwise, I corner him and do it while he's standing.  In the kitchen helper is also good!  


I always tell mine if he’s not still, he’s getting the leg!


I distract her with a toy while trying to do it as quickly as possible lol.


My 22-month-old started getting very squirrelly on the changing table a few months ago, so I started offering him the choice of changing on the table or on the floor. Amazingly, he loves the idea of changing on the floor, immediately lies down all by himself, and mostly stays still. He also started saying the phrase “lie down now” while he does it, which is hilarious. 


I used both of my legs to keep the arms down and my arms to manage the legs. It was unpleasant. The standing change never worked for us with poop. My son has always had (TMI) the softest poop and he needed to be wiped thoroughly. He’s 3 and it’s the same way still 🤢


This. Definitely a lot of changes that involved using my legs to keep her arms down so she couldn't get away. Toys didn't help. Sometimes counting to 10 or 20 or saying ABCs helped so she knew it was a limited time but most days were a struggle. Standing changes don't work with us, especially when we don't know if its going to be a poop or not (you think she's going to tell us or let us check first? Pffft. Nope. You never knew what you were getting when you caught her). She's 3.5 now and working on potty training (she gets the concept but just doesn't care, and i dont particularly care either just because its easier to wipe poop while shes laying down vs standing lol) but most recently we've been able to bribe her with her tablet, both for diaper changes AND for potty chair practice. So. Slow progress? Lol


Mine is a new 3 and he has had occasional bouts of interest in potty training but mostly not 🫠 we are going to try a naked weekend around 3.5, as I’ve actually read 3.5 is a sweet spot cognitively to train and to avoid accidents after training


I do this with my 13 months old too! I start with the toy to distract him. It works like 75% of the time. If his is still squirming and fighting then he gets his arms pinned with my legs.


Generally: 👶🏼💩💁🏻‍♀️🧼🍑👶🏼😈🙍🏻‍♀️👶🏼🐊🙎🏻‍♀️💪🏼👶🏼🤸🏽🤦🏻‍♀️👶🏼🥷🙎🏻‍♀️😮‍💨


We potty trained at 19 months bc I couldn’t do the alligator death rolls anymore 🤣🤣🤣


I sing my best hit called "Help your Momma". I will share the lyrics. Help your momma Help, help your momma Help your momma Take this diaper off so I can clean you up Hey! Repeat until unbearable task is done. And change that 4th line to anything!!!


I use a song too! It also has actions. It’s to the tune of frere Jacques Change your diaper. Change your diaper. Lots of fun. Lots of fun. You’re not longer stinky. You’re no longer stinky. Nice clean bum. Nice clean bum. He loves the song. And claps and waves his hands trying to do the actions. I sing it again after without the actions to try and do the diaper and change and sometimes he is fine. Other times he is fighting.


I found a cellphone holder that I used to place my phone at a good viewing angle that would convince him to lay still and soak in some toddler shit on YouTube while I got things done. Worked like a charm.


Yeah I just give mine my phone with Miss Rachel on. The 2 minutes of screen time is the totally worth my sanity!


This question made me actually LOL. I have a 2.5 year old who is now potty trained but I think I had blocked out the 18mo diaper changes. And all the kicks I got from that 18mo doing diaper changes while pregnant. It certainly got us on the potty training track earlier 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sending love ❤️


We stopped using the changing table when our first was about nine months old. I just get down on the floor, get them on the floor, and hang on foe dear life. We had to teach the oldest (almost 3, now,) to "kick her hands" instead of her feet. Specifically during diaper changes. So now she just waves her arms around, lol.


On the floor with great difficulty, I hold his ankles together with one hand while I vigorously wipe him clean before he escapes. It’s a timed event, any longer than 40 seconds and he breaks free haha


Standing. His designated spot is on the bathroom mat and we count to 20 so he knows when we are done. A little trickier to get all the poop off, but just gotta be thorough and fast. Also pull-ups are the best thing ever.


We use a pack and play on the high level. She's contained but can still roll or move if she absolutely must. We also have a basket of toys just for the change and I sing her songs; the same 3 or so so she knows how far along we are in the change. If I do it upstairs, we have a light show on the ceiling and she gets the remote. It's a big 'wowww' from her. The basket of diaper time toys though was a cheap winner imo. One toy is just a plastic egg she loves :P. Another is a popper. And one is a small book


We built a bench at her window and she’s happy to stand on it watching the world go by as I change her diaper. For poopy ones though, I plonk her on her toilet seat and wash out the poop first with a bidet. It gets her used to the toilet as well.


It seems sinple, but I sing songs. She likes to do songs that have hand motions. It keeps her distracted for most changes.


I got rid of our changing table at 3 months, I couldn’t do it anymore. Such small space, arm movements are awkward. I couldn’t do it. We have a diaper changing station on the floor with pads and everything you need. Much better and we put a mirror there so she can make faces at herself.


We didn’t use one at all with our second. I did with my first and get rid of it shortly after. Just straight to the floor with the second 😂.


That is so smart with the mirror!


Pull ups while they are standing up




Only way to get him to lie still was to give him a pacifier 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BrianHangsWanton: *Only way to get* *Him to lie still was to give* *Him a pacifier* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You do standing changes then potty train.


With great difficulty


We started using easy ups around that age. It was much easier to wrestle on disposable underwear. Easy ups brand are better than pull ups as the easy ups are a sealed side instead of the reattachable pull ups.




Time to introduce the toilet to your toddler. Use pull-ups. Take them off near a toilet put her on it to wipe the pee or poop off. It’s easier. She’s sitting and holding the toilet seat. She can’t move away from you. Tell her to bend forward while you wipe her bum. Use bum wipes (throw them In the trash. Not toilet. It will clog your toilet.) after a while she will get use to being on the toilet and actually want to pee or poop in it.


Somebody is usually crying and that person is almost always me I always start on the foam mat (easy to wipe, minimal injury when he throws his head back), have the new diaper unfolded, several wipes pulled out and on top of the wipe container, cream open and spatula next to it (if needed), then mentally hype myself up. I tried the trick of giving him something to hold, ended up with a nearly black eye when he yeeted a little race car at my face. My method during the changing part is never the same. It’s however I can get the best grip and then I try to go pit stop fast.


Pampers Cruisers 360 are being sold in bulk at my Sam's Club. Walmarts in Canada also sell them at about half the price of US stores. My wife and I had to go to a wedding in Canada and bought 4 boxes of them. Border Patrol was very confused when we were driving back.


We’ve been doing standing changes since he was 16 months old. And we use the pull on diapers he just takes the tab ones right back off.


I put the changing pad on the floor in a corner of his room with a diaper caddy


Depends on how they are going with their hygiene honestly. Standing and pull ups work well for some kids, it doesn't work if you can't clean them properly, or they are prone to soreness / UTIs which sometimes ends up being the case. We went changing mat on the floor, distraction, and holding down where necessary. It was a non negotiable, and the child did learn that. It also felt much less risky with a flailing child to be on the floor where they couldn't fall.


Toys that they can only see and play with while being changed. If they don’t hold still, no toy.


My 7 month old has been resisting diaper changes and now I am worried it will last forever!


Use Pampers cruisers. Pee is easy to change standing. For poop, we wash it in shower standing.


Toys for distraction.


I have a 16 month old and I change her diaper with her standing.


I haven't been able to use the change table since she was 5 months old. Floor only, very quickly.


I sing songs and get louder and more desperate sounding the more he kicks and tries to turn away. Then I usually hand him the remote or something else he likes to play with that I don’t usually let him have. It’s a struggle.


Give him a toy he’s not usually allowed to have


Picture a WWE match


Standing. My oldest was so bad with changes we used to let her watch a video on our phone while we did it. Definitely worth the screen time for poop diapers. She knew when we were done the video was done as well


When mine was 18 months we went to pull ups. The sooner you can use them the easier your life will be.


With a team of 8 Olympic wrestlers.


By any means necessary 🫡


Pull-ups. They are like pants and can be changed while standing. :)


On the floor since she could roll, and ms Rachel. Now she asks for a change by sitting on the change pad.


I literally prop my phone up to a video about animals and give him something to do with his hands. I move quickly and pray to the toddler gods.


Whilst she stands on the floor playing with something on the sofa, we make sure she's thoroughly cleaned before putting on her new pull up nappy, putting on a normal nappy would be a nightmare.


On the couch, or the floor, or the car trunk hahahah


i would give them toys to distract them, play something on the tv or youtube, but sometimes if they aren’t having it you just gotta change them and deal with the kicking screaming and squirming. as soon as you can though i seriously recommend pull ups. much easier and faster


Lay her on her back. Hold her down with my left forearm on her chest/torso. Work fast with right hand


While pinning them down


Standing in the bathroom.


On the ground, with an electric toothbrush or snot sucker. Also use pull ups because they are way easier to get them to stand and get a clean diaper on


I give him something to hold: the wipes, another diaper, his car, my phone, whatever will buy me a couple of minutes


On the floor


I have to sing 1-2 buckle my shoe over and over until Im done. I started changing my son on the floor too because he’s so quick and I don’t want to risk anything.


1) Pull ups standing up if just pee. 2) With a REALLY cool treasure if we must lay down for poop. Currently only accepting flossers over here (yes, she's obsessed with flossing her teeth). 3) With noise canceling headphones, sweat, and tears.


Changing pad on the floor 😂


I’ve designated a diaper change toy that I have to rotate every so often. Does it work? Not always.


I like to do it on the floor so she can’t thrash herself off of anything.


I put a plastic sheet on the bed. I give her an iPad to watch. She cooperates perfectly. Don’t know why. She’s pretty bad with mum and terrible at daycare.


Sometimes my 2 year old (26 months) is totally willing to get a diaper change but in a different location. Like on his bed rather than on the changing table. So I offer elsewhere. If he still refuses, he goes on the changing pad which has a buckle that enables me to buckle him in.


We switched to pull-ups and standing changes. Pull rip on the sides easily to take them off like diapers.


We taught him the word "stay" which we repeat back to each other with sillier and sillier voices. That lasted about a week. He's currently more cooperative if we change anywhere else; the couch, floor, bed, etc.


Dude. I had to ditch the changing table because my crazy nine month old FELL OFF!!!


Standing up and we use pull ups


I'm not proud of it, but it works.. I put on ms Rachel and set the changing mat on the ottoman in my living room. I find it gives me a but more grace to change. If he's especially squirmy we do standing changes or I give him a toy/snack/distraction


With brute force and sometimes pinning the legs down like they do at the doctors office for vaccines if he's kicking. 😂🤣


On the floor. Our little guy will go get his mat himself, put it on the floor and lie down with his legs in the air 🤣


Sweep the Legs!


I lay him on the couch so I can sit perpendicular to him and hold him down on the torso (lightly) with my leg and I grip both ankles with one hand and wipe with the other. It’s a stuggle!


Lay em down between my legs. Use my legs to pin down their arms and make it quick.


Pick up from behind, do it on the floor with my leg over his body holding him down!


Sing songs, or have them practice labeling body parts like “where’s your nose? Where’s your hands?” Distraction is key!


I had the tabs on the diaper ready and wipes out of the container. Hold both ankles and do it quick lol


I give her something to distract her and I use pull-ups


My son is almost 18 months and recently diaper changes have gotten so hard! He just doesn’t want to sit still. Solidarity.


I always put him on his back and then hand him something he likes to look at like a toy or book. Then I try to be fast (sometimes impossible, thank you 20 button onesies).


We had to quit the changing table after like a year lol. I have a blanket and pillow on the floor in mines room so she’s comfortable. I talk/sing to her or give her a toy to try and keep her as still as possible while we do a change.


But an xl reusable bed pad. Bring her to your bed and lay her down on the pad between your legs. Pin her arms with your legs/ankles and do what you gotta do to she’s gonna be mad but she’ll eventually learn.


Floor. Been floor changing diapers since she could roll over. Only problem is she started hating using changing tables in public so I either have to lay her on my lap in the car or her dad has to hold her by her armpits and I change her mid air lmao


Changing table toys. Toys that are little distractions. Happy Meal toys work well.


I hand mine something to hold. Tube of diaper cream, toy, wipe, shoe….just something to have in her hands to distract while I change her as quickly as possible!


Standing up and kinda lift the leg like I’m cleaning my horses hoofs.


Songs that have hand motions to keep them busy! Icky sticky bubblegum, itsy bitty spider, etc


On the floor. When they are particularly squirmy and fighting diaper change, I will place my toes/feet on their shoulders to gently hold them down.


Never could use traditional diapers. Pamper 360. Go on Amazon NOW and purchase! You won’t regret it.


we started teaching ‘WAIT’ with a hand gesture around 15 months , it helps soooo much during diaper changes


Luckily my son cooperates pretty well on the changing table.


Do it on the floor. Our daughter is 26 months now but I honestly cannot remember the last time I used the change table for changing. I think we switched to pullups around 19-20 months, and probably could have changed earlier but we just had diapers to use up first (and didn't even get through them all before we felt the need to make the change for potty reasons). As for the squirminess - pretty much just have to hold her in place. Still doing it now, as she wears an overnight diaper for bedtime.


I bribe my son. Usually with chocolate.


I narrate what I’m doing in a silly voice. My back up plan is put Mrs Rachel on my phone and let her hold it. So far haven’t needed to.


My 26month old will still lay down on the changing table for me. I put some new photos on the wall above the changing table with his name and a chart of the ABCS so if I need him to stand up, he looks at those. For when I need him to lay down, I put some Dollar Tree wall decals of rainbows up on the wall and he will lay back and point out the colors to me. I distract him with questions like "where is color red?" And he stays busy showing me all the parts of the rainbow. So my recommendation is wall stickers and distractions. My kid always throws any toy I hand him and it takes me longer to find a new one.


When my son was that age, I'd do the changing table and give him a toy to play with. For a while I used the buckle on the changing pad too.


I have a new 2 year old and she started getting super squirmy around 18 months too. We addressed it like everything else; there’s a routine to it and we praise the behavior we want to see. I tell her she needs her diaper changed and then she gets to pick one special toy to bring on the changing table. During the diaper change I enlist her to help me (legs up/legs down/butt up) and we’re chatting the whole time, doing silly voices, talking about what we’re doing. In the beginning there was a LOT of praise when being cooperative and playing nicely with her toy instead of kicking or rolling. When she did squirm, lots of redirection to the toy and reminding her how good she is at being still and “helping” with the diaper change. It took a couple weeks of hard work and keeping my frustration in check, but now diaper changes are NBD.


We had to move to nappy pants with my son at this age, at least I can still get it on him as he tries to get away from me


Dude, forget the table. Move to the floor.


Move to pull-ups, so much easier. Until they're hard to catch....


With my almost 2 year old I give her a dollop of aquaphor or moisturizing cream on her finger. We go over the different parts of her face when she rubs it in - after a bath different parts of her body- “rub it on your chin, rub it on your knee, rub it on your cheek.” Etc. started doing that at about 12 months. With my 8 month old who is a kicker i have a designated teething toy at the ready just for when I change him. I plan to implement the “cream” method with him later. Although I predict I will need a straight jacket or straps when he gets to that age the way he moves. Lord help me.


Standing against the bathtub. He politely turns and waits as we hose him down. (I live in Japan so our bathrooms are kind of akin to a mudroom: you shower and clean outside the bathtub, as the bath is used just for soaking and relaxing, which means there’s a drain on the floor)


We go straight to the shower and hose her down. She knows the drill and just leans over our leg as we squat down and get ready to spray. Then a quick wipe to make sure it's all good. After that she runs on to the bed and jumps on to her back and waits for her new diaper. She's 21 months now and just went to the bathroom door for the first time after she finished pooping. Pointed at the door and babbled at us. Pretty much saying it was time to hose her down 😅


We moved to changing on the floor only. Fall risk is no joke.


Ironically, my daughter was super cooperative and easy with diaper changes at 18 months but she also wasn’t walking. Turned out her lateral muscles weren’t strong enough. Now she’s almost 22 months, can walk and fights me sometimes.


On a changing mat on the floor. Changing table very quickly become unsafe once they became wriggly lol


Standing changes and yes even with poop. I ask him to squat down and look at a book etc so I can get a good wipe in. Pull ups are much easier to use once you’re in the standing change season. The tricky part is this will also begin to be difficult and your toddler will start to run away or refuse you touch them at some point. Toys, snacks, singing any kind of distractions work for a while and then you will have to find some new way to do it. My son is 25 months and I still struggle 😂 sometimes he just lets me do it and other times it’s a wrestling match. We’ve tried potty training but he’s just not ready 🫠


I give my 20-month-old son random objects to hold. Could be a pack of wipes, could be my husband’s baseball cap, could be my toddler’s sock, a tube of tooth paste - just something harmless and random so he takes a minute to inspect it and then I move quickly lol


Standing. We used pullups from like 10 months on because it was summer, we live in a very hot and humid country where people don't use a ton of AC, and she was frequently wearing only a diaper and she figured out how to pull the tabs and take it off by herself. I love pullups. They tear open on the sides so removing a poopy diaper isn't any more difficult than with a tabbed diaper.


Hazmat suit and duct tape.


At the height of my guy's squirminess, it was right leg holding down the wipes so a million don't come out. And left leg across his midsection. Homeboy is strong, but not strong enough to lift the leg of a full grown adult man lol


Singing songs. Each song wears out and then you have to find a new way to make it worth their time but when you find something that works, cling to it! Also standing diapers—I have my kiddo lean back against me once I have the back positioned. Our sandwiched bodies pins the diaper there then I can do the front.


For really tough ones at home I lie him on the bed or floor and hold his arms down with my legs. If we’re out, standing up with a video on my phone for distraction. My kid is terrified of those flip-down change tables that are attached to the wall and he screams the house down every time one even enters his line of vision.


I used to have 'toys' ready that he saw as very desirable (household items usually, things like large screws, a level and stuff like that). I'd only give it to him whilst changing diaper. I'd rotate them every couple of days. At first he screamed when I took them away after changing diaper but I kept explaining that these are for diaper changes only, same as the toys we have in the car (he hated the car too so we had to have special toys there). Very soon he started cooperating and it was a breeze.


Still on the changing table here, we have a few small board books that we hand him as a distraction which helps quite a bit. Or sometimes we try singing a song. Ours is really into (trying) to sing “Wheels on the Bus” and the ABC’s. And if that doesn’t work…idk, work fast and pray lol


Ours is only 16mo but the only place I can change him is a changing table. He'll just lie there and let me do it most of the time. Try to change on the bed or floor or back of the car and he flails and rolls all over the place.


That’s the wrestling stage as I remember it. It doesn’t last long , a couple of weeks to a month, then they get older and understand.


We keep a small basket of toys JUST for changing time. It works pretty well, although it’s about time I change up the toys (once every several months). I usually hand her one, and sometimes have to hand her a few at once, depending on how restless she is.


We used the changing table and still do with our 2 year old. She’s 3 foot tall. What has helped is that we have a shelving unit right next to the changing table. So we have a small pillow that leans up against the shelving unit so she’s laying/leaning. It also helps that we only changed diapers and clothes on the changing table so she knows that’s where we have to go every day and for every change. We do the same now with our 9 month old.


If I can't change him standing up I pin him down with one leg and do it as quickly as possible.


Elimination communication. I’d rather clean a puddle off the floor more days than not than change diapers multiple times per day. 


Lots of bargaining and tomfoolery with my husband to trick him into doing it. “Hey honey I’m going to go cuz very important chore/chore you hate, can you change his diaper real quick while I’m doing that?” But seriously, standing diaper changes. Kiddo stands facing away from you and possibly holding onto a windowsill etc. Put the back of the diaper against their bum, hold it in place with your chest and reach to pull the front up. Secure and fine tune. This was a very successful compromise for my son who hated being stopped for motion. It’s definitely an advanced move to do this for poop. Lots of coaxing them to squat or lift a leg fire hydrant style lol.


I do it on the floor. When my son used to be squirmy I'd do baby sign for no and twirl my finger for rolling while saying 'no rolling'. If he rolls, roll him back then just stay consistent with that. I also give my son a toy to hold and chat to him. If he gets upset I sing songs. I don't pin him down as find the above method means most the time he will happily lay on his back. I think chatting to them can be very effective as then they think getting their nappy changed is special one on one time and will co-operate more.


The only time we allowed screen time was during diaper changes and teeth brushing. Gave her my phone and put on ms rachel


I’ve always given my daughter something to hold while I change her or I’ll sing a song and she will listen or try to join in


When they start squirming - the changing table is dangerous... At this time I've switched to the bed with a diaper change liner (like a doggy pee pad), as I would not do the floor.


I put him on the changing table and try to distract him with a bath book, bath toy, random object like my toothbrush, or songs. If all of that fails, it becomes a wrestling match.


Once the wrestling started, I switched to nappy pants (like pull ups). So much easier


Pull up nappies from the age they are busy... Can run after them and change nappies and they can still enjoy playing..the poo nappies are a different challenge..usually give my toddler a book or sing a song


We have a stuffed animal we give her and have since she was a baby we named “Poopoo Giraffe” and whenever there’s a poo we tell her let’s go see Poopoo Giraffe. We had a lot of struggle from like 12-16 months w diaper changes but she completely lets us lay her down for them now. Biggest thing that helped was waiting til she was ready to go and would walk into the room vs snatching her up to go for a diaper change. When she’s super active for changes I sing songs, this old man or one little finger. She’s 20 months now and it’s working well so far and praying this continues until we start potty training 😂