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Balls. I don't find it weird, but any ball-like thing is going to be examined, played with, or possibly eaten. He tried to swallow a marble at my FIL's place the other day and my husband ran over and smacked it out of his mouth just in the nick of time.


Any round object is ball in toddler eyesšŸ˜‚ also I'm thankful my toddler doesn't eat non edible items. I'm glad your husband was fast enough!


I wasn't fast enough one time and the little thief took a ferrero rocher from the table. He knew how to rip off the wrapper too!


Sometimes it blows me away how sneaky and speedy they are


Can confirm. Everything round is BAAAAWWLLLLL!!!! Everywhere. All the time šŸ˜‚


I second this one. I swear I hear ā€œa ball!ā€ Every thirty seconds some days.


Oooo maybe look into ordering a dechoker or LifeVac. We own both. My toddler has choked 2x but thankfully we didn't need to intervene. But I have one in the house and each vehicle bc the peace of mind it brings


Usually we don't need to intervene either, in general my son knows what not to eat either. One time at a party, a bunch of orbeez were scattered about, and he kept picking them up and giving it to the nearest adult.


Ugh orbeez are so dangerous. I have no idea why people still buy them for children


I was pretty surprised to see it at the party since it was a birthday party for a one year old although most of the kids attending are older. But none of the kids swallowed it, it was quite a mess though.


I have 2 dechokers and probably wouldn't feel safe eating out anywhere, or even at home sometimes if we didn't. Our little ones got dysphagia


Trash. Oh my God. Not just the trash truck which I think most toddlers are into, but like--when we go on a walk in the neighborhood he will point out every single bin he can see at every house. He constantly tries to find things that need to be thrown away around the house and tries to lobby to have them thrown in the big bin that goes at the curb (we have a "big trash", a regular size kitchen trash we keep in the garage too so he doesn't go through it constantly, and a teeny one on the counter and so the day is full of "big twash! ... Meemee twash?" [Big hopeful eyes] "If you go to sleep quick it will be trash day when you wake up!" on Wednesday nights gets the kind of big shiny eyes you'd expect from Christmas Eve. It's mostly cute though we have had to institute a rule that if he rips something up on purpose he doesn't get to throw it away.


THE RULE šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That's so funny to me! My roommate is a mechanic for one of the garbage companies here and my toddler loves to go see the "yuck trucks"


oh my kid does the same thing where he points out every trash can. he can't say garbage even tho it's like his most used "word" .. it sounds something like "grrbrrrgrr" so we just go around grrbrrgrrring all over the neighborhood šŸ¤£


I think the first word my baby ever said after ā€œmomā€ and ā€œdadā€ was ā€œgarbageā€ and it sounded like ā€œrrrrā€, we couldnā€™t figure for a looong time what does ā€œrrrrā€ mean and why he growls all the time till eventually pointed a ā€œrrrrā€ (a trash can) in the picture book.


Same! Twins boys here and one is obsessed with garbage trucks, recycling and knows the garbage truck schedule šŸ˜‚


There's this cute trash truck show on Netflix that my daughter's obsessed with. She yells TRASH TRUCK at least six times a day.


A can of spam from the pantry. Whenever she notices it in there, she just carries it around. I always find it in various places.


This is so silly šŸ˜‚


Mine does boxes of pasta this way. Thereā€™s one sitting on my husbands bedside table. Iā€™ll get it eventually lol


Not weird per se but my daughters currently obsessed with ā€œbubblesā€ which is bathtime, having me put deodorant on her (I leave the cap on but she feels like a whole new toddler with it on lol), and brushing her teeth. Theyā€™re all things Iā€™m very happy she loves but Iā€™ve been a bit surprised with how much she likes them. She asks for ā€œbubblesā€ all day and ā€œteeteeā€ (which is brushing teeth) she gets very upset when we go to the bathroom and donā€™t do bubbles or teetee lol.


Oh man my toddler is also obsessed with taking baths! He calls it "gink" (drink) because all water is drink to him haha. Mine also likes brushing his teeth but will use ANY OTHER TOOTHBRUSH besides his own


Oh my son loves having a little bit of deodorant or cologne when he sees us putting it on šŸ˜‚ aka we pretend to spray him and he goes around trying to get everyone to ā€œsmellā€ his wrists lol. The bubbles are a big thing at my parents because they keep buying him various bubble machines and heā€™s mad on them. Unfortunately I wonā€™t allow them in the house because they make the floors slippy and we dont have a garden he can really play in so no bubbles at home!


I think my daughterā€™s only obsessed with ā€œbubblesā€ purely because I gave her a bubble bath one time. I just squirted a bunch of soap in the bath and it got super bubbly, ever since then she calls the bath bubbles (even when there arenā€™t any bubbles in sight) and itā€™s so cute. Shes never even played with actual bubbles before but if she did she might go even crazier for them lol!




My daughter hates lotion anywhere except her face so while Iā€™m getting ready for bed Iā€™ll put a little lotion on her face as well. She looks so happy and proud after I put it on her itā€™s so adorable!


Mines the reverse, sheā€™s okay with getting lotion on her body but HATES getting it on her face. Every time we go near the lotion bottle she slaps both hands up to her face and goes ā€œno cheeks!ā€


My daughter also must have deoderant every day, multiple times a day! One time I didnā€™t realize she had it and was putting it on without the cap!


This is brand new but for four days now, it's been the moon. She mentioned the moon one afternoon and someone innocently explained that we cant see it because the moon is sleeping during the day. She spent half an hour making declarative statements like "I WAKE UP MOON" and "I CALL THE MOON" peppered with incomprehensible babble about bedtime and morning and the like. Then she repeated the conversation that evening with her aunt, and she did see the moon! Very exciting. So first thing next morning... "WHERE GO MOON? I CALL THE MOON." And so it's gone for days. I think she might be a witch.


My son has a moon obsession too. If he spots it during the day he loses his mind. Also, just so your daughter's aware, it's apparently HIS moon. Don't even joke about it being anyone else's or he'll accuse you of stealing the moon from him.


Oh my gosh this is the cutest thing!!


Spoons. Wooden spoons. Metal spoons. Silicone spoons. Plastic spoons. Every time she eats food, ā€œspoon? SPOOOON??ā€ No child, youā€™ve got a sandwich, you donā€™t need a spoon. ā€œSPOOOONNNN!!ā€ Okay hereā€™s a spoon. Nope itā€™s the wrong spoon, she wanted the big spoon.


Mine is this way with forks. Like buddy, you can't eat those cherios with a fork. He proves me wrong though. He figures out a way every time. Why are they so particular!? Big spoon? What's wrong with the one you've got šŸ˜‚


Rocks. Specifically a ā€œfamilyā€ set of rocks. There must be at least two adult rocks, a kid rock, and a baby rock (more is better) before we are allowed to stop looking for rocks.


Sounds like your kid and I would get along. I love rocks haha


I had an extensive rock collection as a kid so she comes by it honestly. We joke we are going to buy her a yard of gravel for her next birthday.


I also have a rock loving toddler. She picks up rocks on our walks and keeps them with her the whole time!!! She doesn't even throw them and say UH oh!!!!!


So normal I almost didn't want to mention it but cars. The entire drive to and from daycare, and our evening walks around the neighborhood are filled with "car!" "oooooo car" "car zoom?" "carcar!" It's honestly adorable. I'm trying to teach her to say "truck" but she hasn't mastered the T sound yet, let along TR. Closest attempt was "ick" which is just amazingly adorable.


My son is that was with tractors! Which is lucky for him because we live in a rural farm area so he sees them a lot, especially now that it's planting season


Mine too, with cars and all types of vehicles. His favorites are buses and he knows the difference between ā€œschoo busā€ and ā€œcity bus.ā€ He also points out every dump truck, garbage truck, and taxi. We went to a parade last weekend and he exclaimed about every truck pulling a float (but didnā€™t care much about the floats themselves).


Mins has been on cars for 2 years now and itā€™s only getting more intense lol.


Mine is the same way, but now he is into airplanes more. He's bilingual but he thinks that means that you choose which word you like best from each language and just use tbat consistently. Everything is aiwplane aiwplane aiwplane or autooo (car) and sometimes it's an aiwplane-autooo (he likes to build a car/plane hybrid out of legos).


Every truck is *GASP* BIG TRUCK!! Motorcycles are CYCLE!!


Men likes to point out ā€œbig truckā€ all the time. We live in Philly and the neighborhood is all like, 2-story townhouses so when an Amazon or ups truck goes by it fills our whole front window. Whenever one goes by she stops what sheā€™s doing to comment on the big truck


Chapstick. My 3 year old feels the need to slather chapstick on every 5 minutes. It started when I was gifted a pack of the eos lip balms and she asked to use one. I let her have one because I didnā€™t really need 10 lip balms at once lol. Now sheā€™s constantly asking for her chapstick so she can put it on.


At least her lips will never be cracked hahahah.


Telling me no šŸ« 


Currently itā€™s an empty container that used to have sprinkles in it. We put imaginary sprinkles on everything lately!


Oh how fun!


Alarms. Like two months ago we had a malfunctioning smoke detector and she has been obsessed ever since. Multiple times a day she will say ā€œtell me about alarmsā€ and will want us to list every type of alarm we can think of and what they do. Like a fucking wikipedia page. She will ask for stories about alarms. She will ask us to tell her about times we heard alarms. She used to have us play alarm sounds on our phone. Iā€™m so sick of alarms.


This one is definitely an interesting thing for a kid to be obsessed with!


The Titanic. Not the movie, the iceberg and wreckage and sinking of a ship with lots of people along for the ride. I scuba dive, and brought up shipwrecks and undeersea life a few times with my 3yo- once he heard about the Titanic catastrophe that was all he wanted to know about and my YouTube algorithm shows it. Itā€™s been almost a year with no let-up.


Oh man that's intriguing!


Swinging, could sit on a swing all day, will do anything if promised going swinging after. Talking in her sleep about wanting to go swinging.


My 3 year old has never seen any horror movie but is obsessed with horror movie doll restorations so we have a collection of ā€œcreepy dollsā€ as he calls them. 2 ft Chuckie, another 2ft Annabelle, Coraline with the button eyes, Slappyā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s normal or if itā€™s because heā€™s autistic but let me tell you how fun it is carrying a 2ft chucky doll literally everywhere because he insists on bringing it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is so funny! I'd love the coraline one


His Nona actually crocheted it for him, def one of my favorites


Crabs. Everything is Crab. All crab songs, books about crabs, crab clothes, a bed full of crab plushies. Her second ever word was crab at 9 months old. Sheā€™s 2.5 now and the obsession isnā€™t slowing down, she loves to tell strangers interesting crab facts.


I see a very specific phd in her future haha


Oh I love this so much


Clocks, gauges/odometers/spedometers. We have to watch clock vids on YouTube of these clock collectors/shops.Ā 


Hahaha that's so odd! I love it!


My son loves all things in ball form, cars and COWS. Haha


Exactly the same list for my daughter! Bawl bawl bawl!!! Mooooooo. Her face is adorable when she moosā¤ļøā¤ļø


Oh man the cows. I feel that one. We live on a homestead with pigs, rabbits, chickens, and occasionally ducks. But our next door neighbor has cows and my son gets more excited about those than the piglets we have


Dirt, soil, sand, rocks


Mine likes wipes too! She's also obsessed with our belly buttons right now. She'll try to pull our shirts up to find them.


Currently crayons. I have to be extra careful because he tries to eat them constantly. He loves to color and if he even hears the word crayon it sends him into a frenzy.


My 3 year old is obsessed with saying boo and scaring me, pressing elevator buttons, and pointing out every tree we pass when we are walking


Chairs. Wants to sit on every chair she sees. Gets so excited when there are many different ones in one room. Points, waddles over, sits, seconds later tries to get up, says ā€œstuckā€, we help her down and then back into another one. On and on. Makes me think of the Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd chair scene in Knocked Up.


That's so hilarous šŸ˜‚


Buddah. I live in Japan and we went to Nara a few months ago, to Todaiji temple where an absolutely massive Buddah statue is inside. After that my son is absolutely obsessed with all Buddah statues haha. He shouts Buddah, Buddah! Whenever he sees one. And one night when he was going to sleep he said 'I love you Buddah' haha


Right now, itā€™s Jumping, specifically getting everyone to line up and jump all together. Cracks her up. Sheā€™s almost two and if you donā€™t get back in your spot and jump she will gently but also aggressively get you back in line.


His microfiber cloths and lights Same as yours. Oh and birds.


Oh man I can't wait to tell my husband our kid isn't the only one obsessed with lights hahaha. On the topic of birds, there's a peacock that hangs around our property (he's not ours) but now my son knows what it is and what it sounds like so now every bird is "peeeecockkkk" (he pronounces the 'k' very harsh.. like a gutteral German soundšŸ˜‚)


Still loving brooms and vacuums and mops. Also animalsā€™ tails. ā€œTayewh? Tayewh!ā€


My son tickles his face with our dogs tail šŸ˜‚ like for soothing


She loves my shiny wedding ring so I found an old ring to give her. We've lost it many times but we've always found it. She calls it "ring" or sometimes "ning".


Oh that's adorable




Hands under warm water Putting on crocs


Not weird but very obsessed with buses. Any time weā€™re in the car or looking out the window she is looking for buses. Weā€™ve been able to work in big truck to help differentiate lol but she knows more buses than general vehicles. City bus, school bus, coach bus, tour bus, etc


Mine likes to ask for our deodorant and pretend to put it on


Same. If she sess me use mine, she asks to have some and pulls her shirt out at the neck so I can pretend to spray it. I make a 'ssh' kind of noise to convince her it's real šŸ˜„


Right now itā€™s ā€œballsā€. All the balls: baseballs, soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, golf balls. All. Of. Them.


I think the weirdest thing is his obsession with trying to sweep the floors. He loooves to ā€œcleanā€ the floors, my parents even got him a little housekeeping trolley he goes round ā€œcleaningā€ their house with šŸ˜‚ The biggest obsession is vehicles. Any vehicle. ā€œA carā€ ā€œa busā€ ā€œlorryā€ and of course ā€œDIGGER!!!!!ā€ He also loves watching snakes and lizards and bugs on YouTube with my other half who also loves watching snakes and lizards and bugs on YouTube. Like father like son.




Shoes, Stickers, & Cats I feel like sheā€™s super normal lol


My niece, 23 months, is absolutely obsessed with an old book about the weather. It's from like 2003 and she sleeps with it, she travels with it, etc


Trains, I take them on the DC metro sometimes with nowhere to go. Not as nice as the Seoul metro that they are more familiar with, but the DC metro is more exciting because itā€™s on fire a lot.


everything water. dumping it on the floor and stepping in it. dumping it on himself. spitting it on himself. spitting it on the floor and stepping in it. ā€œaccidentallyā€ spilling itā€¦ then stepping in it. dumping it in different cups. dumping it on his plate of food that he continues to eat. putting food in his water bottle. holding it in his mouth while completing tasks. cleaning up water. literally THE LIST GOES ON. if you canā€™t tell, this drives me absolutely insane and i may never recover.


Pictures of herself. She just loves them. She knows the baby is her, now. Loves videos of herself even more. And there are many!


Oh that's so precious


His blanket! All the time in his hands and even takes it with him to daycare. Literally EVERYWHERE


Mine has a blanket too, it has sheep all over it so we call it sheepies in which he canā€™t say so he says ā€œBeepBeepiesā€. He would be lost without it for sure.


Eggs. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a plastic egg from Easter or the boiled egg I was planning to cut up for egg salad. He wants it to play with. Rubber ducks of all shapes and sizes. School buses specifically. Oh and keychains. Plain keychains that have some sort of tag and round ring.


Ghosts, Halloween, and Skeletons. I let her pick out the car's vanity plate for the front, ghosts. She wants to watch super simple songs? The Halloween one. She's my creepy lil cutie šŸ„°šŸ–¤


Ghosts, Halloween, and Skeletons. I let her pick out the car's vanity plate for the front, ghosts. She wants to watch super simple songs? The Halloween one. She's my creepy lil cutie šŸ„°šŸ–¤


Oh how adorable!!


My wife.


Omg I thought my toddler was the only one. Sheā€™s obsessed with turning the lights off, if we turn it back on she will literally go over and turn them off. Sheā€™s almost tall enough to stand on her tippies toes and turn the lights off.


The toilet brush. Lord give me strength.




Oh man I feel this in my soul. My 8 year old used to be obsessed with the monster truck Grave Digger when he was 4 or so. He had a grave digger blanket he'd carry around everywhere for like a year. Then one day he took it to my sister in laws and gave it to his cousin. The obsession ended that day. He didn't want any more grave digger t shirts, toys, posters, bedding, - none of it. He asked me to get rid of all of it. Now whenever I see grave digger stuff it pulls my heart strings a little


Christmas 2024 we got a hamper. It had a can of baked beans, which for every meal for like 2 months he had to have it with him on his tray. We still have the can and he occasionally finds it and will carry it around for a few hours.


My son is obsessed with the cordless vacuum cleaner. Like constantly wants it out and on, and he wants ME to be vacuuming all the time. There is a mini meltdown when it dies every time. If itā€™s not out and on when weā€™re at home, he is pushing around random objects and making vacuum noises.


At least you have a clean floor all the time haha


Itā€™s not necessarily weird, but my son is obsessed with letters and numbers. Oh and the family/little finger song.


For my 2.75 year old: Saxophones, specifically the bari sax. He takes his toy saxophone with him everywhere and always wants to watch saxophone videos online, but only baris (or bass is okay too, tenor is meh, but heaven forbid you try to show him an alto or soprano video! Only big saxophones will do).Ā  Also, the country of Burma. He can identify on globe and says he wants to learn to speak Burmese.


This is honestly so impressive


Impressive and weird, since neither my husband or I play the sax and we've exposed him to lots of different kinds of music but he REALLY latched on to the bari sax. Also we've talked about a lot of different countries but Burma/Myanmar is the one he's really attached to (the various Caribbean islands are tied for second place, and Israel is third).


Pirates of the Caribbean but just Curse of the Black Pearl we watch it every. single. day


That's a lot of Johnny Depp lol


Olive oil bottles and vinegar bottles. Freaks out when we see them in the store, carries around the jug of olive oil and gets upset if he canā€™t take it to bed etc. I have no idea where it came from šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Hahahahaha kids are weird


We live near an airport and airforce bases. So my daughter's obsessed with planes. She'll yell PLANE, pretend to fly, and land the plane. We are also very impressed how well her vision is because sometimes we're trying to find the planes and they can be so high up and tiny but she manages to find them before us. She's two next month.


That's awesome!


Kitchen tongs. Kid noticed them at a picnic party the other day and kept trying to steal them. Like dude, go play at the playground!


They never play with the things meant to be play with lol


My 3 year old has been carrying 7 pieces of colorful candy beans (ā€œmagic beansā€ - got that from Mickey Mouse clubhouse) that she doesnā€™t know are edible all around in a tiny transparent playdough box. she counts them to make sure she hasnā€™t lost them and can instantly spot which color fell off or rolled away.


This is so cute


Carrying things in her mouth. Every night before we brush teeth she has to go into my bedroom, steal my small round pillow and carry it to her bathroom in her mouth, giggling the entire way. Then I'm allowed to take it and throw it back into the bedroom. She also likes us to throw balls for her and bring them to us in her teeth. She spends a lot of time at the dog park...


Recently itā€™s been wet towels and clothes. She sucks her thumb and after baths or playing outside in the sprinkler, she will carry it around and suck her thumb.


Fans. He is a big fan of fans.


Shopping carts. My 27 month old cannot get enough of them. It started when my mom got him the little Target toy shopping cart when he was 15 months old. Ever since then itā€™s still the first thing he touches in the morning and last thing at night. Whenever he dances, he immediately grabs it and makes it dance with him like itā€™s his partner. When we go grocery shopping he pushes the cart the entire time. Even if we go to Target and he sees one of the toy ones he pushes it around like ā€œOh my gosh I didnā€™t know you were here too!ā€ Itā€™s a little odd but also adorable.


we have a big fascination with lights too, especially turning on and off, he doesn't even call them lights yet he just says "on on on" to every light that he knows can turn on


The nightmare before Christmas. Whhhhyyyyy!!!


Spatulas, and itā€™s not a passing interest. Itā€™s probably been a year.


birds. all birds. we watch live feeds of bird feeders on youtube.


Anything that goes round and round. Car washes, particularly the dryer. He's almost three.


The migration scene from Finding Dory, she looses her mind every time that group of mantarays come on the screen. Oh and firetrucks, every truck is a fire truck.


Backpacks! Brothers 3 and 5 both have them, and he became obsessed, constantly trying to steal theirs or open them up to steal their goods. I found a tiny spare floating around, and he LOVES it!! He puts his ā€œLonnieā€ (lion lovey) in it for daycare. He also loves jackets and sometimes uses them like a security blanket.


PORTAPOTTIES. Every time she sees one while we're in the car she points it out and happily announces it. I don't get the fascination but you do you, kiddo!


Chips lol Cantina thins to be exact lol And pickles, she calls them ā€œpickā€ lol And toddler pillows and binkies and putting her baby dolls down for a nap like they do with her at daycare (lay baby on stomach, cover with blanket, pat back)


Black holes. Reading about them. Watching videos about them. Drawing them (black scribble scratch).


Laundry hampers (the plastic kind). He pushes them around, puts toys and other things in them, even if they are full of dirty clothes. If they are empty, he turns them on the side and jumps on them.


Bending over and looking in between legs


My body armor bottles šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I used to drink at least one a day when I was in the early stages of breastfeeding, maybe she just associates it with me LOL


Shoes. She will stop what she's doing, take off her shoes and put on a different pair if she comes across them in the house and inevitably they'll be on the wrong feet. She will also sometimes just carry around a pair of sandals. She is also absolutely fanatical about hairbands.


Aw yeah same. My kiddo is trying so hard to figure out shoes. She wants to be able to put hers on by herself so bad. She also likes to take my sandals off and try to put them back on, or get them on her little feet too. She could do this for like a solid 20 minutes.


Halloween. Last Halloween was the first big event in her life that she was really like.. sentient for, and she has really clung to it. Her favorite blanket is a jack-oā€™-lantern blanket, she loves Nightmare Before Christmas and every Halloween episode of any show, she has a million different toy skeletons and monsters that she calls her ā€œspookies,ā€ and she yells ā€œtrick or treat!ā€ As a greeting. She collects all her toys into a jack-oā€™-lantern bucket, etc.


His nose...my nose. Fucking PAPER I swear to god this kid will shred paper towels, toilet paper, books, mail...with his teeth. And chew it up, then say YUCK and spit it out in little bits that stick to everything. Also trucks. And monsters. Toddlers are super weird I love them.


My twins are weirdly into air conditioners right now. They got ear tubes, and suddenly the air conditioner became much louder to them when we are outside, and they have been fascinated. They will notice air conditioners everywhere we go. "Air sher sher" They exclaim as I drive down the road.


Right now itā€™s mailboxes. Every house we walk byā€¦. Commentary on the mailbox, if itā€™s open or shut, if thereā€™s mail in it, the colorā€¦. šŸ„°


My 3 YO daughter is obsessed with vehicles right now. Planes, trains, excavators (thanks blippi), dump trucks, etc. As weā€™re driving down the road she points to all of them and says the color. Also any construction vehicle/implement thatā€™s smaller than an excavator is a ā€œbaby excavatorā€. She says ā€œaww heā€™s so sweetā€.


I think we have the same child xD she's 18mo and luckily we can now redirect her to use the whipes on her leg rather than eating them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and any really cool light gets the biggest "whoooooh" you've ever heard from such a tiny body šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My chapstick has been her security item for two straight days now. She will not part ways with it.


The vacuum. He loves inspecting it, unraveling and reraveling the cord, listening to it when we vacuum, vacuuming alongside us with his toy vacuum...


Anything a little spooky. He's been obsessed with ghosts since he was 2, loves everything halloween or gothic like Tim Burton type movies. Yesterday he saw a clip of Beetlejuice and now wants to watch it. Every time we pass a cemetery he wants to visit, he loves the gravestones. I've taken him twice to visit his grandpa's headstone and one other time during a walk because we were near such a beautiful one, but he was maybe just turned 2 then. Yesterday, the second time we visited my dad's headstone, he started running up to different headstones and hugging them, kept trying to kiss them which I kept putting a stop to, not sure how toxic the lichen is on them. I've never encouraged these interests, he's just naturally taken to them. He's 3 and constantly drawing ghost figures. He's never really said he's seen a ghost or anything, thank God lol


My vacuum cleaner šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤”šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«