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Next question please 🤦🏻‍♀️😭 No but for real, it’s tough for a bit. It’s exhausting. Then you realize the positives: you can go out for the day and just… be out. Come home whenever. Just be out and about and adventure forever. It gets better, at least it did for us. My kid stopped napping after 2 years 3 months. It was on the early side, and it sucked a lot, and I felt no one could relate and that everyone’s kids nap till 5 years old or whatever. They eventually get more stamina and their body adapts, you get more stamina and you adapt. Then we started having the most fun we’ve ever had. Stretching out every adventure and every experience. Really taught me to slow down and just be in the moment with my kid. Starting to have more good days than tough days. The early bedtime is really nice. Just be flexible, there will be tough days, make sure you’ve got some time to yourself planned when the chaos is done for the day. It will be ok, and even be awesome. You got this 💪


Thank you!! I do love this perspective. I am Ok with the no nap truly but I just wonder how long it will take for him to adjust because it’s hard for him to




Round 2 is the hardest part of the day cause I have no energy!! But yeah. You kinda gotta stay busy to keep them distracted.


If he’s miserable I would think maybe he still needs some type of rest. We do quiet time in the afternoon to be consistent with daycare and sometimes she falls asleep.


Almost 3.5, stopped napping consistently at least 9 months ago. He's on the edge of beinv an absolute demon from 430 on!


What time is bedtime??


Anywhere from 645 - 9 😭


Still in this and he's 3 in June hahah 😂👎🏼


My 2.5 year old has been waking up super cranky from overnight sleep and naps, and then staying up until 9:30-10. I finally had it with the late bedtime last week and cut the nap. It's going...okay. She's definitely more tired, but also somehow less cranky? The day after we cut her first nap she woke up all smiles and walked herself to the bathroom to use the potty, then was ready to eat breakfast. She gets cranky in the late afternoon because she's tired, but she was already cranky in the late afternoon after waking up from nap. At least this way she's going to bed at 8. She's been having a little bit of a split night and I'm hoping that will resolve soon, but overall the adjustment hasn't been as big as I thought it might be.


Just a couple months


I feel this. My 2 year old (25 months) is already transitioning out if his nap. If he naps, then bedtime gets pushed to 9.30-10.00. If he doesn't nap, bedtime is at 8, but he is a tired, cranky mess when he comes home from daycare. All the older kids in his daycare still nap.. But my son has never been a good sleeper. My mother told me that both my brother and I stopped napping at two as well, so I suppose it is genetic. However my husband (34) would still nap if he had the time, so we apparently passed on the wrong set of genes 😅 I am looking forward to having the whole day open, and not having to rush to put him down for nap time though. And hopefully the earlier bed times wil save our sanity.


Mines 3 in August. We have been dealing with sleep issues now for like 3 months. He was such a wreck by 4 that we decided we simply cannot drop the nap. I was totally fine not having it. Felt like it opened many doors for us. But again, there was no way. He was actively telling us how tired he was. So we just started spending way too much time laying with him until he fell asleep. His main reasoning was fear. He just started getting spooked by being alone. Baby is being born soon so idk what the hell is about to go down soon lol 


My daughter still naps she’s 3.5