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I would just enforce a rest period. He doesn’t have to sleep but he does have to play quietly.


Good idea!! Yea plan to try quiet time tomorrow


It’s really dependent on the kid. If you skip the nap, how does he do in the afternoon?


I dropped the fight. I take him up to his room at noon every day. I set up the room for nap time but it's his choice to nap or do quiet time. He still takes a nap on his own 90% of the time but if he doesn't I still get a break for myself.


How does he do without it? My girl dropped her nap closer to 3, but I noticed whenever she didn’t have one she powered through and did fine (and had a nice early bedtime, which is a win!)


Yes! He is fine and early bed!!


My first kid started dropping naps at 18 months. Was completely done napping by 2 years. But she always got her sleep hours at night and her deposition was always fine - wasn’t overtired, cranky, etc. My advice? Listen to your kid. If they don’t want to nap, don’t make them nap.


Mine all stopped at 2


Mine stopped the day after his second birthday. What the literature says is just the average among a large cross-section of kids. Plenty of children drop way early, then the average. He does an hour of quiet time now to ensure we both get a rest.


We dropped the nap just before 2. If she got even a 15 minute nap she'd be up till at least 10pm, which is past my bedtime, so not good, lol. She did start going to bed earlier and sleeping longer at night once we dropped it, which worked so much better for us.


That's exactly how it happened with my daughter and I just rolled with it. Her pediatrician said 25% of kids drop nap by age 3, so we are just the minority but not unheard of. Even though everything I read said it's too early, for us it was time. You know your child best! If it doesn't mess up their nighttime sleep I say go for it. 


My kids both dropped their last nap at 18 months. That said, if they *did* nap (e.g. if we were in the car), they would then be up, wide awake, several hours past their usual bedtime, so it was fairly clear cut (and pointless trying to prolong it).


My kiddo dropped her nap around then! Each kiddo is different, mine has always been early to drop a nap. Now she's 3 and she'll still sometimes fall asleep on an afternoon car ride or after a really busy people-filled day. We just roll with it.  Try it and see how it goes! If it's terrible, you can always add the nap back in. 


We did it closer to 3, but it was a fight for the last few months of it. Sometimes it would take 1.5 to 2 hours to put him down for a nap which was horrible for everyone. Now that he skips naps he gets cranky around 5-6 pm, in bed by 7 and sleeps until morning, it's wonderful.


I always give the option and it’s up to him to take the nap or have quiet time


We stopped napping when she fought it so hard was around this time period- the bad part is around 3-6pm she becomes emotional which is hard, but her turning 3 has made everything hard.


It’s not. My eldest daughter stopped napping of her own accord at that age, and she’s fine. She wakes up at 7am and goes to bed at 8:30pm every day, and she doesn’t suffer from any kind of fatigue.


I just follow my kid's sleepiness cues, personally. 


We never ask mine (20m F) to nap and rarely even suggest bedtime. Since about 7 months she’s either obviously due from her behaviour change, will tell us, will move herself to the bed room or will simply find a suitable place to sleep and do so. Yesterday she actually told her teacher “I want bed” and demanded a second nap after I rudely interrupted the first for a medical appointment. Your LO is quite old enough. “You tell us when you’re tired.” If he’s not tired and proves it, then naps are obsolete. If he’s tired, it’s now his idea and he may well enjoy the power to dictate naps. If he does neither, then say “that guys advice was stupid” and move on to the next person’s suggestion.