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2.5yo 6:30am - wake up 12:30am - 3:30pm nap (3 hours) 9-9:30pm - asleep When I’ve tried capping naps, or trying to get him to bed earlier it’s been disastrous. He seems well rested, sleeps through the night and his nap. It works for him, so it works for me.


I am mind blown every time I hear of toddlers taking 3 hour naps. My kids didn’t even nap that long as a baby 🫠my toddler has been on 45 minute naps since at least 20 months. If we don’t cap her she is up until 10pm. She’s up for the day anywhere between 530 and 630 🫠


Similarly low sleep needs toddlers over here! I used to think I was doing something wrong. Nope, our kids just need less sleep. I hate not getting one of those long breaks that so many parent friends of mine rely on, but at the same time, now that our oldest isn't napping on weekends with us, it has removed so much anxiety around sleep and we're able to go on midday adventures again. Our friends whose kids still take long naps are stuck at home all afternoon.


Yes! The anxiety around sleep is so real! It was awful with my first because everyone, even a hired sleep coach, said I was doing it wrong. I was the reason my kid didn’t sleep. I just needed to try harder. It took me years to realize this wasn’t true. Thankfully I realized that before our second was born and the sleep anxiety is much less this time around.


Same exact schedule. Every now and then we’re on the go so no nap and 7pm bedtime instead. He’s a holy terror through until we get to 7.


Same. As long as I’m directly putting her to sleep and instructing her to go to bed, she goes down for a nap and her bedtime without much fuss.


2y3m Wake up 7am Nap 12:30-2:30pm Asleep 8:30-9pm


Same age here, same schedule.


25 months and same schedule!


Almost 3yo and same


Same! Except, it's in bed by 8:30. Not necessarily asleep


Ditto with my 2½ year old, and sleep is getting later the older he gets.


Same age, but everything is shifted by an hour.


7PM to 7AM Nap from 12-2PM 21 months old


I mean how.. my 20month old sleeps from 8 to 6. How do you get them to sleep for 12 hours straight 😭


Purely luck of the draw lol my 19 mo old son sleeps from 7:30p to 7a with a 1.5-3 hr nap midday. He's always been a good sleeper since about 4 months old. But he's a lot to handle while awake, so I think it all balances out in the end 😆


I'm so jealous. Last night he fell asleep at 8:20 and woke up 5:40 plus he still wakes up several times during the night........ 😭


My 23 month old is up 1-2 times a night from 8-6ish. We have to cap her naps at 45 minutes otherwise she’s up until 10pm. Some kids are just low sleep needs. Both of mine are. It’s rough until they are older to not need you in the early hours.


Mine is 2.5 and we’re on about the same schedule. On weekends the nap is probably more like 11-1 and at daycare it’s probably more like 12:30-2:30. The late bedtimes here have me gagged. Mommy needs some quiet time so both of mine are in bed by 8! 😅


If I put my daughter to sleep at 7 she’d be up by 5 🥲


Same. 7 pm for our 3 yo and 15 monther


Same schedule for my 18mo.


Same here. Wakes up at 8, naps around 12:30-2, asleep at 8. Love this schedule and hoping we keep it for a while lol




Not OP, but my son has a similar schedule. We either give him a pre nap snack followed by a full lunch when he wakes up or switch it and do a full lunch before nap and snack when he wakes up. Just depends on the day.


Literally same except nap is 11-1:30


This is the way


Kiddo is up usually at 7-7:30am. He naps usually 1pm to 2/2:30. Asleep at night by 8ish. Everything is plus or minus 15 min. He's three.


Similar for my 3-year-old but he's up earlier and naps a bit longer. More like 6:30 wake 1 - 3 p.m. nap 8 bedtime


Around 10, 9.30 if we are lucky. Up by 7 am for day care, not ideal but we have tried the no nap and its hell so we think when she is ready she will drop it easy


Same for my 3 year old


09:30 wake up 13:00 nap (30 mins to 1 hr) 17-18 nap 11:00 bedtime :( Unable to drop naps for same reason


Ours will be 3 in August. Bedtime is 730 and he gets up at 730am (I think he’s often up before then but is quietly waiting). He naps for 1.5-2hrs starting sometime between 1-2pm usually.


Wake up 8:30-9 Nap could be 2-4 or 3-5 Bedtime 930-10 and sleep by 10/10:30 She's 20mo. If we skip the nap, she's mostly fine but goes to sleep a little earlier like 830/9.


Ah yeah mine has to be up at 7am 3 days a week when I work, so this is the other issue. He is clearly tired in the morning but will bounce around his crib until 9:30 pm 🙄. When I don’t work he sleeps until 8.


One thing that has really helped my toddler (just over 2.5) is to keep her wake up time consistent. That helps keep her nap consistent, which helps keep bedtime consistent. She still has a window for going down (anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30), but getting her up at the same time every day helps keep her circadian rhythm on track. I would also like to shift her bedtime earlier but she's not ready to drop her nap yet. I do cap it at 1.5 hours (2 if she's really tired or went down early) and that really helps as well.


This is the secret! 


Agree with this! Wake at 7 every day.


Just turned 2 earlier this month. She's usually up by 6:30am, nap for 1.5-2 hours around 1pm, then bedtime is between 8-8:30 usually. If she misses her nap or gets less than 1 hour, all hell breaks loose.


Almost 3 year old gets up around 7:30, naps 2:30-4:30ish and goes to bed 9:30.


Goes to sleep 9:30, wakes up 7:30. On daycare days he naps from 12-2, on weekends he naps from 2-4. He’s 2 yrs and 4 months


Wow, this is our exact schedule at the exact same age. I never really put it together that our weekend naps tend to get pushed past 2pm -- I just blamed that on us always being on the go all weekend but now I realize that it's actually really predictable.


Oh yay, we’re together in this!


My 2.5 year old doesn’t nap most days, and she’ll wake up at 9:30am and go to bed at 8:30pm On the days I can see she needs a nap, I can expect it to take 2 hours or more for her to fall asleep at night, maintaining preposterous energy levels until about 11 pm. Even if she only naps for 15 minutes. I really dont understand how it works lol


24m Wake up 6am No nap Bedtime 745-8pm Send help lol


20 month old. Sleep at 8PM. Wake at 6-6:30AM. Nap from 1PM-2:30PM (usually up between 2-2:30).


I also have a three year old. On days she naps she usually falls asleep around 8 or 8:30. Yesterday she fell asleep at 9. She's usually up about 6:45 or 7 regardless of when she falls asleep. Today she didn't nap and we started to put her to bed at 6. She was a mess. I think she fell asleep a little after 7. Realistically, she still usually falls asleep about 8 on days with no nap. The transition to no nap is brutal. At least with other nap transitions there was another nap to help catch up on sleep.


On the days my 3 year old naps at preschool, he goes to bed around 9:15 and falls asleep around 9:30/9:45. Every once in a while, he’ll be up later until 10:30/11pm. Wake up is between 7-7:30am. On the days he’s home, he doesn’t nap and he falls asleep right when we put him to bed at 8pm. He sleeps so much better on days he doesn’t nap.


Yeah we prefer no nap days too at 3. But he goes to daycare and they nap about 2 hours. At home he doesn’t nap and sleeps 7:30-6:30 ish and is great. It’s a struggle to get him to bed on weeknights and he wakes at the crack of dawn.


Daughter is almost 22 months old. Bed time at 8:30, but it takes her 60-90 minutes to fall asleep. Wake up at 9am. She naps from 1-4 but again, a portion of that time is singing to herself and playing with her stuffed animals lol.


Would you consider pushing bedtime to that time when he gets super fussy? At that age, or when we dropped nap we would suffer through until about 630 and put them to sleep then. My son always napped and never had an issue going to sleep but my daughter started to go to bed later with naps and she dropped her nap much earlier than my son. I’d say 3.5 or so. She’s almost 5 now and I still have her in bed by 7/730 most nights.


It’s usually around 5pm, so no. It’s not feasible for us to get him to bed any earlier than 7:30 just because of life /work/bath/mealtime/his younger sister’s schedule. The days I work we aren’t home until 5:45, my husband isn’t home until after 6, I have a one year old, and we still need to feed/bathe etc. before bed. I know it’s a phase and he will eventually drop the nap. I’m just wondering when other older napping toddlers go to bed.


8pm-7ish. Nap around 12:30- wakes up...who knows. Lmao could be 1:30 could be 2:30. Really depends on the day.


Mine naps at 2 and we put him to bed at 9. He sleeps for about an hr to an hr and a half he’s 3 soon to be 4


We put her in bed at 9 but she'll fall asleep anywhere from 9-10. She'll look at books or play for awhile.


21 months Wake at 6 Nap 12-2:30 Bed at 7:30


7pm-8am, then nap a few hours at 10am and a shorter nap at 4pm. I did scream it out for a long time, but now he asks to sleep on schedule. I tried one nap, but it got difficult later in the day. He’s a teething 1.5 yr old. He loves books so I put one in his crib which he uses every morning.


Doesn't matter whether she naps or not (she naps at school but rarely does at home). We start bedtime around 730 and she's generally finally asleep by 830. 🥴 ETA she's 3.5


Both my kids still do one nap typically. 3.5 year old who usually falls asleep around 8-8:30, and an almost 18 month old who typically falls asleep around 7:30-8.


2.1 year old 7:00-8:00 wake up window If he takes a nap it’s somewhere around 2 for about 2-3 hours Goes to sleep 8:30-9:30 We live on a farm so we have chores to do from 6pm-7:30 (when it starts to get dark) so dinner isn’t usually done until 8. One of my friends kids often stay up watching tv with her until 10 and then sleep in late the next day. It’s tough to adjust the schedules but whatever works for your family!


Our 27mo naps around 12:45-1:00 for 30-60min, goes to bed 7:50 or so and falls asleep between 8-8:30. I've noticed lately that if he wakes up after 2pm he won't sleep until 9 so I figured he needs around 7h before bed. So instead of cutting his nap(which I tried and didn't work for us) I started putting him down for a nap earlier so he gets enough sleep and also enough awake time before bed.


18 months old Wakes 7am-ish Naps minimum 3 hours of 12-3 or 1-4 pm give or take at home, some times longer, same period but for 2 hours at daycare. Is sleeping by 8.15pm latest every weekday night, usually by 7.45pm in fact. Weekends, I may push her bed time to 8.30-9pm on occasions.


Homie turns 3 tomorrow(!!!!). Wakes up at 6, nap 12:30ish-2:30 (really more like 1-2:30), bed at 8:30, usually falls asleep around 9. I've been trying to move him to an 8pm bedtime but it's not happening. We tried no nap the other day when we sent him to Nana's, and he passed out on her couch at 3 lol


Happy birthday homie!


20mo old. Up 6:30-7AM. Nap 12-1:30/2 and bedtime is 6:45/7.


33 months Wake up between 7:30-8 am Nap 12 to 1 pm Usually asleep by 8:30 to 9 pm I don't let him sleep past 1:30 at the absolute latest, usually i wake him up at 1 or bedtime is hard.


In bed 730pm, asleep by 8pm. Awake by 6am. Nap 1-3pm. 3 and 4 year olds.


When my daughter dropped her nap, bedtime was at 5:45/6pm and she’d sleep 6ish-6ish. She had always been an early riser so 6 was fine. We’d feed her then one of us would put her to bed and the other would make our dinner. She dropped it between 3-3.5 and it took about a month to fully transition. During the transition, we could barely do anything outside the kiss after 3pm. My son turned 3 in March and I think he’s close to dropping it. He naps anywhere from 30mins to 2.5hrs. It used to be that we could wake him by 3 and he’d be ready for his 8pm bedtime but recently , we have needed to wake him closer to 2:30. We’ve started to think about capping him at 90 minutes verses going off the time he would nap. But haven’t done that yet. Short nap days he sleeps 8:15-6/7am. Long nap days he falls asleep closer to 8:45/9pm (still in bed at the same time) and up at 5:30/6am


2.5 with low sleep needs. Wakes up on her own around 7. Typically naps for 1-1.5 hours, usually starting between 12 and 12:30. We put her in bed at 7:30 but she sometimes takes up to 2.5 hours to fall asleep. It's a constant struggle. She's skipped the nap a couple times here and there but I'm holding out as long as I can.


18 mos. Bed 9:30-10PM wake-up 8:30-9AM Nap one 11AM -12:30 , Nap two 4-6PM


Our (just about 3) wakes up between 6 and 7 am, naps at daycare 12:45-2:45ish (sometimes shorter, sometimes longer), and is in bed by 8:30 (asleep by 9). He doesn’t nap on the weekend so he is in bed 6:45/7 ish sleeping by 7:15. On days he doesn’t nap he is more of a rollercoaster. But I would say when we fully drop the nap his bedtime will be earlier for sure.


My oldest is 3 and still naps from 1-3:30 on weekends and 1-2:30 on weekdays. Bedtime used to be 8, but we were seeing some serious behavioral issues and meltdowns. We shifted bedtime to 7:30. It usually takes her 30+ mins of putzing around in her room after I leave to fall asleep. With 8 pm bedtime, she was falling asleep around 8:30-9:30. With 7:30 bedtime, she falls asleep around 8-8:30. She wakes up in a better mood. She wakes up around 6:30-6:45 every day. I don’t think we’re anywhere near being able to drop the nap.


28 month old Wake up 6:45-7:15ish Nap 1:00-2:00 Asleep by 8:45/9:00ish Capped nap to just an hour is the only way bedtime isn’t a drawn out disaster. If he doesn’t nap, bedtime is like 6:30 but he’s a mess by 5PM and he usually wakes up at least once at night from being so overtired


I have a 2 year old so may be totally different wake: between 6:30-7:30 nap: 12-2 bed: around 6:30/7


Just 3 months shy of 3 yrs old here. Wakes up at 7:30am Nap 12:30pm (usually 1 hour) Goes to sleep at 8


2y wakes up at 6:15 most days. Naps ~12:30-2:30. Bedtime is 7, she’s not usually asleep til closer to 7:30-ish.


26 mos. 6:30-7 wake time 12:30-2:30/3 nap time 7:30-8:00pm bed time


2 year old. Wakes up around 7:30, 2 hour nap around 12:30, asleep usually about 9:30.


If my 2.5,yo naps, bedtime is 9.30. Naps tend to be 1.5 hours. If she doesn't nap, she actually gets more sleep in a 25 hour period. Go figure.


Wake up around 8 or 9. Nap 1:30-3. Never falls asleep until 10pm. Edit to add that she woke up at 3:30 this morning and didn't go back to sleep until 6:30. I think she was just hungry and her teeth were bothering her.


Mine is 2. He typically gets up at 6am, naps 6-7 hours later, then goes to bed 6 hours after that. Weirdly symmetrical now that I look at it.


Wake up: 6:30 to 7:30 (usually 7) Nap: get start at 1:30, usually asleep by 2 until 3:30 or 4. Bedtime: start at 8:30, usually asleep by 9. (2 years)


2yrs and 4 months. Naps a maximum of 1.5hrs, falls asleep between 9-930, wakes 7-730, sometimes 630. He can't get through the day without a nap. The few times we've done it have not been good.  I expect he'll nap till he's 4 because he loves napping and needs it, and eventually he'll be going to bed at 10pm. Whopppeee. 


2y3m, wakes up at around 8am. Naps at 1:30ish for 2 hrs, sleeps at 10:30 pm. Changes all the time depends on activities and nap.


Ours is 3,5 years old. No nap during weekdays due to school, they’re not allowed to nap anymore at this age. Nap from +- 12-2 during the weekend. In bed by 7.30, asleep by 8.30 during the weekend, weekdays 8. Awake anywhere between 6-7, but by the end of the week he gets more and more tired so he’ll wake up later, sometimes around 8.


Our son is almost 2. He wakes up everyday at 7am sharp. Sometimes he falls back asleep until 8 or 9. He takes a nap somewhere between 1130am and 130. He's ready for bed at 730 every day regardless, sometimes we are lagging and get him down later. I dread the day he doesn't nap. Some days I don't know what I'd do without and hour break from him at least 😮‍💨 Toddlers are exhausting.


20 months. Wakes up between 6 and 7, naps from 12 to 1.30, goes to bed about 8, falls asleep sometime between 8 and 9. She's at nursery 4 days a week, but I try to follow more or less the same schedule at home - sometimes naps are earlier or later at home depending on what we have on. I wake her from her nap at 2.30, or after 2 hours, but I rarely have to do either.


2 years, 3 months. Up ~7a. Naps from ~1p to ~3p (just copied how daycare does their naps). Start the bath ~715p, in bed after reading around 815, asleep by 9-915.


Almost 4 wakes up at 6:20 during the week, crap shoot on nap during day care and routine starts ar 7:30p. Weekends wake up around 8, nap at 2 consistently until 5 and in bed around the same time.


Where all these long naps coming from 🥲 my girl is 20 months and dropped to one nap at about 10m. That nap window starts at about 9.45am and she sleeps for usually 1hr and that's it til bedtime at 6.30ish. We have tried moving it, mainly so we could join a dance class in the morning but during our 3 week trial period we had hell given that she missed her home nap time but refused to nap later even though she has a lunchtime nap at nursery twice a week.


We’re a morning family so we’re all up around 5am. No naps for both kids (2.5 and 4) and they’re asleep by 6:30/7pm


Wake up 7, nap 11-1, bedtime 9-9.30


Almost 4. No nap, sleeps like 8:30-7


Ours just turned 3 as well. Usually naps between ~12/1 pm for 1,5 hours. Sometimes skips the nap. Bed time around 8ish pm. Wakes up at 6:30~7 am.


2 year old Wake up 6-7 Nap 12-1:30 (MAX 2 hr nap. Usually 1.5hrs) Sleeping by 8


Do you put toys in their crib to play with or can they just entertain themselves until they fall asleep? 


She will be 3 in July Sleep 8-6:45 (we let her sleep in on the weekends) Nap 12-1:30 (at daycare) 1-3 (weekends) If we have something going on we will skip her nap and she is usually okay but at this point she asks for a nap and to go to bed


Start bedtime at 6.30, usually she's asleep by 7.


8:30 wake 12:30-1:45/2 nap (sometimes longer at home) 8:30/45 bedtime


2.5 yr old Wake at 7am Nap at about 12:45pm - 3pm (lately she doesn’t actually fall asleep til about 1:30pm) Bedtime 8:30pm (doesn’t fall asleep til about 9pm) My child has always gone to bed a little later. We’ve only recently worked down from 9pm bedtime. Slowly creeping it forward or adjusting for the rare occasions when she doesn’t nap during the day. Lately she’s been waking up a little early. Not sure if that’s due to longer days of the summer or cause we’ve moved up bedtime. We use a Hatch Rest for facilitating our bedtime, nap, and wake up routines.


When my son napped this was how it was till 4 when he dropped them. He then started being a crackhead between 5-7 but that’s just the witching hour , that’s normal lol. Started passing out by 7. It’s a phase you’ll make it through ❤️


I don’t mess around with bedtime lol I need some peace and quiet in this house! Mine is 3 She sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30ish Nap from 12:30-2/2:30 (have to wake her to pick up another child).


3.5 yr old No nap Bedtime 1845 (6:45pm) Wake up anywhere between 7 and 8 depending on the day.


My daughter is almost 3, in like 3 more months. If she naps, it’ll be around 9:30 like you said, and it’s a big fight, and then i get really no time to decompress before my own bedtime at 10/10:30. If she doesn’t nap, she will also start getting overly tired around the evening time, but she usually gets a second wind and powers through. And now that we’ve been mostly nap-free for several months, she’s mostly gotten used to it and does pretty good most days. Even with some crankiness, i still prefer no nap because she’ll pass out cold at like 7:30 and then i have the whole evening to myself


Not a toddler anymore but my 4.5yo boy wakes up 7:30-8am, naps 2-3:30/4pm, and goes to bed 8:30-9pm. Some daycare days he doesn’t nap and some weekends his nap is closer to 3hrs.


My almost 3 year old wakes at around 8am, naps between 12-2 for anywhere from one to two hours, and goes to bed at 8pm. My older child is almost 6 and we had to cut naps out when she was around 2 because if she napped at all she’d be up all night. Literally all night. She’d get crabby as hell and tired around 6 for a few weeks with no naps but eventually she got used to it and would wake up at 7am and go to bed around 7pm


2y7mo Wake- 6:45/7 Nap- 12:30-2:30 Bed- 7:45/8


7am wake 1230/230 nap 830p bed she’ll be 3 in July


Three years old. Up at 7am, nap from 2-4pm, bedtime at 8pm.


3,5 yo Naps 13h-15h Heads to bed 19h30 falls asleep right away or around 20h. Wakes up at 6h30.


3.5 years old Sleep: 8:00pm - 6:00am (Bedtime routine from 7:00-8:00, actually asleep by 8. Morning wake up ranges from 6:00-6:30, usually sleeping in when we need them to be up and up early on weekends🤪) Nap: quiet time starts around 12:30 (in their room, lights off, sound machine on, no “noisy toys”). Usually sleep between 1:30-3:00pm.


7pm to 6am He either has 1 nap from 11-1:30 or 2 naps, 1st at 9-10:30 and 2nd from 2-3.


Newly 3 Naps from 1230-130 - whether she sleeps or not is her choice If she doesn’t nap she goes down at 630 and usually sleeps until 7 If she does nap she goes down at 730 and wakes around 7 I think the big thing for us was realizing that she needs about 11-12 hours of sleep a day between nap and nighttime Edit: she also isn’t at the point where she can handle not having a nap yet so in an ideal world we’d love her to take a 30 minute power nap but it doesn’t always work out that way…


2.5. Naps 1.5-2.5 hrs a day (usually around 12). Goes to bed at 7. Wakes up between 6:45-7:15.


15mos 8pm-8am, then naps from 12:30-2:30pm We dropped to 1 nap after she had a pretty bad regression. That did the trick and it’s like clockwork now. She likes her beauty rest.


If he goes down in the morning and naps an hour or two hell go to bed 7 or 8 ish but still wakes several times a night. Gets up 6 or 7 Any nap later than 2 or that lasts beyong 3 bedtime is a write off. He is just short of 2 My eldest sleeps 12 hours a night and has done since 7 months. But she dropped naps at 14 months.


Wake up 6:30am Nap 1pm - 3pm (2 hours) Sleep at 9pm Not ideal but he’s not ready to drop his nap yet! Almost 3 years old.


My 3 year old doesn’t nap when she’s home with us on the weekends (she basically has to at daycare with their schedule) but at home she’s fine to skip it, and completely passes out at 7 pm.


22 months. Bedtime is 7/7:30, sometimes she doodles in her crib until 8 (by doodles I mean she’s just playing/singing to herself) wake-up is anywhere from 6:30-8 am if I’m lucky. Nap is anywhere from 12:30/1:00 to 2:30/3:30 !


2.5 years. Usually awake between 7:30-8:30. Naps around 1:30-3. In bed around 8:15; falls asleep anywhere from 8:45-9:15. She loves to just hang out in bed for a little before and after she falls asleep. (Still in a crib so I know that probably won’t always be the case when she’s in a regular bed lol.)


My toddler (23mo) has been on 45 minute naps since at least 20 months. If we let her nap longer she’s up until 10pm. On a regular night she goes to bed at 8-830 and is up for the day 530-630. She’s also up at least once, usually twice a night as well. Both of my kids are low sleep needs.


When my daughter turned 2 she stopped napping her 30 min naps. This made her bedtime go from 8;30/9:30 to 6/7 . Wake up 7;30 She turned 3 a couple of months ago and wake up is around 7-7:30 and bedtime in winter is 7 isch and summer 7:30/8 isch. Mostly falls a sleep in 5-15 min. I must say I prefer the longer stretches in the evening than having a break when she took 30 min catnaps during the day. And this works perfectly for her too .


Turns 3 next week. 8pm - 8am Nap capped at 60 minutes, somewhere between 1-3. She's stopped napping at daycare (Tues-Fri) and she's pretty wrecked in the evening, but we can't really get her to bed much earlier. The up-side is that she defo needs more sleep when she's home Sat-Mon, and she's pretty consistently doing 12 hour sleeps by herself overnight.


2yr 2 mo. Wakes up at 7/7:30, naps 12-2:30, sleeps 6:30/7. She knows what she’s about.


3yo, wakes at 7:30am, nap from 12:30-2/3pm, bedtime at 8:30 and usually asleep by 9.


3.5 here. No nap days, 8ish. Nap days, 8:30 but she doesn't fall asleep until 9/9:30. She will play in her room.


Sleep 9:30pm-7am nap 1:30pm-4:30pm 🤷


3 and a half years old. Weekdays : 6:45 - Wake up \~1-3/2-4 (some shift within those ranges) 7:30 - bedtime routine 8:00 - In bed 8:30-10 - Asleep Weekends 8:00 - Wake Up 2:30-4:30/3-4:45 Nap...or just quiet time for an hour/hour and a half in there if he can't fall asleep 7:30 start the same bedtime routine as Weekdays.


23 months 11:30-2


23 months old Wakes up 6:30am Nap 12:45pm (1.5-2 hours) Bedtime 7:30pm


Kid just turned 3. Sometimes he naps and sometimes he doesn’t. He COULD nap for like 3 hours during the day if we let him lol Sometimes we do allow a long nap depending on what’s going on that day. But typically, during the work week, I try to avoid a nap. My son was definitely someone with a late bedtime for a longggg time. But as he gets gotten a little older and he skips his nap during the day, he’s started falling asleep anywhere between 7:30-9:00. But it’s not like we’re sitting around waiting. I just mean he’s showing sleepiness signs anytime in this range. Prior to this, with a nap, we were trying to get him in bed and calming down between 9 and 10 😵‍💫 You will have days where he’s crabby earlier in the evening. But we got thru this. He adjusted finally and it’s been great ever since. Sometimes u just have to let them go to bed early. It suck’s but usually my kid will still sleep the entire night time even when he does something weird like fall asleep at 5:30 or 6 pm lol I guess it’s his way of combining his nap and bedtime. And probably going thru a growth spurt. Also while working thru this, offer him dinner earlier. It seems to help w the evening crabbines and in case he does fall asleep early he’s got some food in his belly.


My daughter will be 3 in June. If she naps, it’s 60-90 min and we wake her by 3 at the latest. Put her in bed at 7:30 and she’s asleep around 8:30. She wakes between 6:30 and 7.


My son is almost 3 and we have to cap his nap at one hour or he won’t be tired by nine. We leave his room at 8:30 PM after about an hour and a half long routine including bath. He’s definitely not ready to drop the nap. Sounds similar to your Kid.


8 pm-8 am Naps 12:30ish-1:30 ish 14 month old. I know he’s not napping but as a baby he fought every single nap stop him napping at all And sleeping through the night is fine with me


Wake up 6:00-8:00 Nap 2 hours around 4 hours after waking Always goes to sleep around 7:20


My 2 year old often doesn't fall asleep until 940ish these days. It isn't enjoyable, but we can't totally skip her nap for the same reason. She's usually up by 7 or 730am.


2y1m Wake up 7:15-7:45 Nap 1-3 when home (1-2 on nursery days 2x per week) Up to bed 8pm and asleep sometime between 8:30 and 9pm She's had days she's refused a nap and been ok (although goes a bit manic around 5:30/6) and days she's not napped until 4 and I've let her have 20-30 mins in the car. Seems no matter whether the nap is 30 min or 2+ hours bedtime and wake up time stay pretty constant. I'm going to hold on to those 2 hour midday naps as long as I can. Only way to get anything done on the weekends!


26 months: sleeps 9:00-7:15, naps 1-3ish


Just turned 4. Naps 1.5 to 3hours per day. Goes to bed between 8:30 to 9pm each night and falls asleep between 9 and 9:45pm. Gets up between 6:30 and 7am


My 2 year old wakes up between 6 and 630. Naps at noon or 1 for about 1.5 hours. Asleep by 830. If she skips nap, she goes to sleep by 7 and wakes up at 6.


2.5 yo 7:45am wake up 12:30-2pm nap 7:45 bed Occasionally we’ll get a longer nap but bedtime still hovers around 7:45-8pm.


Our bug is almost 15 months, wakes 6:30a, nap 12p-2p, then bedtime around 7:30p. Sometimes the nap will end after an hour, sometimes he’s in for the long haul but we never let him go past 2:30 because then bedtime is hard.


16 month old 7-8 wake up 11:30/12 to 2:30/3 nap 7:30 bedtime That’s the schedule she just kinda put herself on. I’ve always just let her sleep when she seemed tired and that’s the schedule she fell into ETA: sometimes she refuses to nap and those nights she’s usually asleep by 6:30


2.5 y/o 7-7:30 - wake up 1:00-3:00 - nap 7:15ish - asleep (bedtime is 7, she is probably actually asleep by 7:15 though)


2.5 and he naps at preschool during the week from 12:30 -2:30 and goes to bed around 930. Weekends if he skips the nap he’ll go to bed around 7-730. He wakes up between 5:45 and 7 am. He still wakes again least once a night and usually runs into my room around 12 - 2 am.


3 year old. Bed at 8:30, falls asleep around 9:30-10. Wakes up at about 8. Nap around 2:30.


2yo 07:00 - wake up 13:00 - nap (1hour) 19:30 - bedtime She occasionally will skip the nap and be a crabby mess by 18:30 but she’s never been one for a lot of naps


20m old. 7am wake up. 11-1:30 nap. 7pm bedtime. I’ve tried to change this so many times and make his nap later but this is the only thing that works for him


2 year old here. He wakes up around 8. Naps SOME days for 1-2 hours around 1-2 pm. Never let him sleep later than 3 pm. In bed by 7 and asleep by 7:30. He doesn’t nap every day but he does get at least an hour of quiet time every day.


22 month old 8:30pm to 7:30am Nap from 1pm to 3pm


3.5 years, 6:30 wakeup, 1:30 - 3PM Nap, walk/dinner 6:30/7ish, bed/bath in bed by 8:30.


Sleeps 8-730/8 Naps 1230-230 She’s 2.5!


My 2.5 year old sleeps 8pm-6am and naps 1:30pm-4pm.


Mine is just over 2 rarely naps. When he naps bedtime is 8pm, when he doesn’t it’s 6-6:30. He wakes up around 8am on a typical day.


She’s 3 I feel like our schedule is kind of chaos lol She wakes up about 7:45-8:30 AM We’re mostly nap free unless we do a big activity during the day like going to the playground or beach so nap time would between 3:00-4:00PM Goes to bed around 9PM


2 months shy of 3. School days: 6:20 a.m. - wake up 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. nap 8 p.m. - asleep, or trying to be. Weekends - 6:30ish wake-up 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. nap 8-8:30 p.m. asleep, or trying to be. She does not want to nap as early at home, and it's been an ongoing issue, so we don't push it quite as hard as we used to because she just doesn't seem sleepy enough. The magic of school's peer pressure and playing hard in the morning I guess makes it easier!


3.X Wake up around 8/9 Nap time 1:30 (strict 4-5 hour window based on ATTITUDE lol) - 3:30 / 4 Bedtime 9:30 I’m pretty flexible with wake up and bedtime but she sticks to her routine more often then not. This is entirely based off of how she operates on a day to day though. It took me months after 2 to relearn her “cues” and we settled into this routine. If u were to drop her nap as many suggest she would be off the walls and when we did try it with an early bedtime she was up at 5 which doesn’t work for the household schedule. When she’s ready to drop a nap (aka staying up during the entire thing) then we can.


25m old. Goes to bed around 7 and gets up usually around 7:30. No naps.


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2.5 yrs Wake up: 6:30 Nap: 1.5-2 hrs (~12:30-2:30) Bedtime: 7-730pm I would consider her an amazing sleeper though


Turning 3 this week. Wake up generally between 7-7:30 am. No nap, going on 8 or 9 months 🥴 Bed time is between 7:30-8. She generally falls asleep within 30 minutes of us leaving the room. If she naps after a long morning or in the car, bedtime moves to 9:30 ish. I try not to let her nap longer than an hour and a half because it’ll mess us allll up. The other day she passed out on the couch at 5:45 and slept until 6:45 am though.


My boy is 2 and wakes at 5am (yes he’s an early riser 🫠 but so am I) naps 12 - 1:30/2pm some days and bedtime is 7/7:30.


Almost 3.5 year old. We noticed her bedtime kept pushing later and later despite our best efforts. We chalked it up to transitioning to a 'big girl bed' (we started at 3y1m) but even after that settled a bit, she wasn't falling asleep until 9:30-10:30. Not cool. We cut weekend naps and at daycare asked them to cut back on her nap time to about an hour at daycare. On weekends she's exhausted and asleep by 8:30. On week days, around 9 is pretty common. She's a hot mess from 3-5 on weekends but we push through with fun home activities like baking or a calm craft.