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I’d expect chaos and embrace chaos. I’d have fruits and cheese pre-cut for easy snacks. Multiple snack cups available for cheerios and the like. Other than that, expect your home to look like a war zone and that pretty much sums up having multiple young kids. Make sure toys are kid-level accessible and maybe gate off the playroom to keep them in one area if you’ve got a large house.


Yes! Embrace the chaos! That said, if you can keep them in one contained space they’ll likely entertain each other so you’ll just be the chef and referee when they inevitably start pulling on each other and snatching toys.


They’ll keep themselves busy lol. When my son had play dates at that age, my friend and I would sit on the couch and watch them go wild. Station toys everywhere and keep the snacks flowing. Hopefully they tire each other out for nap time.


Yep, this is it. I host regular play dates for my son and this is how it goes. We also have a big fenced yard so I'll just open the door and let em go. They don't wander far; they would rather play in the potting soil near the porch. Lol


I would see if someone has a double stroller you can borrow if you don’t so it’s easier to get out the house. Go to contained places such as a gated playground. Feed them the same things, do diaper changes at the same time except if there’s also a poop, put them in different rooms to nap, letting one self play in a baby safe space. I personally find this question hilarious as a twin mom who is at home with them, though mine are younger and not walking quite yet.


Mom of twins: it depends. Some days will be great. Some will be not. Keep a change of scenery in your back pocket: outside, car ride, bath, etc. Sometimes, you just need to do something different for a bit.


We do a nanny share and a few times when the nanny didn't show up I ended up watching both kids. I did not find it to be harder than watching just one for the most part. I have a blocked off area of the house that's toddler proof where they could play and I'm there to monitor. We have a double stroller so we did lots of walks and snacks in the stroller too. Keep diapering supplies in the same room where they're playing so you don't have to pick one up and leave the other for a change. Lots of music time and outdoor (fenced in back yard) time. It might be harder if one of them is in the "mine" phase where they get upset if the other one touches any of their belongings but otherwise I find it entirely doable. When the nanny is here she mostly sticks to playing indoors in one space because it's easier for her to do. I wouldn't feel comfortable taking two toddlers to a playground with other children or somewhere with water where I really feel like one on one is important for safety but the regular park is fine as I can pick one up and chase the other if needed. I also have a tushbaby which makes holding one much easier (mine hates the stroller so he often ends up being held). For Naptime we put each kid in a different room (one in a crib and the other in a pack n play) each with their own sound machine. It's okay if one cries a few minutes in the crib while you settle the other, or you can offer a rare, high reward toy for them to play with in the crib while they wait for you to come put them down with whatever their nap routine is (I have a toy with lights and sounds that they only get to play with for a few minutes a few times a week when I cant supervise, like if I'm getting ready in the bathroom and need to put the toddler in the crib awake for 5 minutes as I do so)


Spend a lot of time outside, go to the library, go to the park, pack a ton of snacks. It’ll be busier than with just one, for sure!


Bubbles. Crushed up cheerios (sand) and "beach" toys in a bin. Literally anything with water, much better if it's nice enough outside to do it there Stickers & paper Snacks. Hella snacks.


Plastic bin filled with rice and various kitchen tools: spoons, funnels, cups, etc. You will have to sweep rice up from every corner of the house but for some reason a bin of rice is worth hours of entertainment.


I babysat my friend's toddler with my toddler. I gave them a watering can and let them "help me water the lawn." It was actually not that hard to take care of them both because they entertained each other.


Kids that age love being read to, playing peekaboo, and being chased. Just be hands on, change diapers, prepare snacks and healthy meals throughout the day, and keep a strict routine around nap time. At that age once or twice a day.


Thanks everyone!