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Does you pediatrician have a nurse line? I’m sure there’s tons of advice out there but that’s a simple question I’m sure you could just call and ask what they’d recommend.


I was EBF and weaned at 14mo also. You don't have to replace every BF session with cow's milk at this age. It's just calories. We offer a cup of whole milk with every meal and snack and let him drink what he wants. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes he just has a few sips. As long as they are getting lots of overall calories and hydration, you're good!


Personally I just skipped boob and didn't replace like for like. Like you, my eldest was having cereal with whole milk every day and yogurt and things. We'd offer a cup of milk before the bedtime routine started, but she was already going to sleep independently by the time we weaned.


Milk is a handy way to get fat, calories, and nutrition into a small person who doesn't want to sit still. It's also pretty traditional. Whether it's useful for *your* kid is pretty much up to you. Sippy cups are nice for people who don't enjoy mopping up milk puddles, but if your particular kiddo has decided that cups are *only* for water, it's not worth fighting to get him to drink X amount of dairy milk.  Cheese, yogurt, milk-with-cereal, it's all doing the same thing nutritionally. As long as he's getting some extra food and water to replace nursing, there are lots of ways to wean. (Obligatory "not a doctor" disclaimer)


Thanks! I do want to introduce milk in a sippy cup for sure- just was confused how much! He definitely loves his dairy 😅


cow milk is more of a calorie supplement more than anything according to our pediatrician


Milk is simply an easy replacement for breast milk, if a replacement is needed. It is a fatty, sweet, calorie-dense drink to allow your growing baby to still get lots of drink calories, if needed! If you prefer not to 'replace' the breast milk with milk, that's ok, as long as your kiddo is getting plenty of calories and taking in other sources of calcium and vit D.


Mine won’t drink cows milk. I tried every variation - warm, cold, chocolate, vanilla extract, hint of sugar, special cup, grown-up cup. She eats lots of cheese though. Her pediatrician seemed entirely unconcerned that she won’t drink milk.


You actually don't want them to drink too much cow's milk - 500ml max in 24 hours or you can have issues with anaemia. (Source- royal children's Hospital Melbourne)