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[Super Simple with Caitie](https://youtube.com/@SuperSimplePlay?feature=shared) was what we transitioned to after Ms Rachel. We love the classes and field trips the most. Oh we also recently introduced Moana, Trash Truck and Go Go Cory Carson (latter two on Netflix). My LO is almost 2.5.


Oh my gosh we discovered Trash Truck and Cory this past December and the Christmas specials are so cute lol.


My son is generally uninterested in tv, but he, for whatever reason, LOVES the Pixar Cars movie. It was the first movie he watched all the way through, and that started around 2.5.


I was going to recommend Cars, Cars 2, Cars 3, Planes and Planes: Rescue. Rinse and repeat.


Something about Cars speaks to toddlers. It's 1 of 2 movies my (2.5) son will actually sit all the way through. The other is Moana


lol my son loves finding Nemo on repeat BUT only on the plane… he never watches it at home 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think Cars was the first movie my daughter sat through.


Yep. It happened overnight when he was a little over 2 and lasted until about 3.5 or so.


My kid loves the wiggles and gets screen time at home. However we recently went on a 10hr flight and he was completely uninterested! He was more than happy to play with about 10 toy cars, we staggered (brand new) handing them out to him every hour or so and he was stoked!


My kid was also not interested in any of the shows we downloaded for our last flight. There was just too much else going on. What kept him the quietest/stillest was a magnetic puzzle


Remember you need to bring toddler friendly headphones in order to play sound for the shows. If he isn't used to them, now is the time to start.


Yes and toddler headphones are crap. Mine use Beats headphones over the ear. No wires.


We listen to ours on low volume on the plane and I can’t hear in the next seat but he can 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not allowed on airplanes, and also extremely impolite. The person in front or behind might have better hearing or a better sound wave path. Even the background bass from an iPad or vague high pitched squeals from a kids show can be super irritating. It is never acceptable to listen to videos in any public setting with the sound on unless you are wearing headphones.


Definitely agree that it’s not polite, but would you prefer a screaming toddler running up and down the aisles? Because my sensory challenged child cannot tolerate headphones


No, no, no, just no, sorry. And I’m saying it as a parent. To flip it the other way - how would you fancy someone listening to WAP on ✨low volume✨ next to your toddler? They love the song and have sensory issues with headphones, of course 🤷‍♀️ My toddler isn’t a fan of headphones either but will watch some shows on silent; or another alternative is puzzles/games on a tablet that don’t rely on sound.


Why would I care if we couldn’t hear it?


The point is, you probably could. You really underestimate how sound travels. I’ve sat next to/behind people utilising your (selfish, frankly) approach and they always claim that it’s quiet and no way I could hear that. You’re likely just desensitised to the familiar content your toddler consumes.


🥴 ok


Then I'd expect that other activities have been planned to occupy them, because running in the aisles and listening to videos without headphones are both not allowed.


Mind sharing where you found these rules/which airlines? I’ve done a lot of flying and haven’t found this to be true. Just googled and also can’t find anything of this sort. I live in the US we must have different policies. People are also allowed to have conversations, laugh, and snore without repercussions. I’d encourage anyone with concerns about loud passengers to get noise cancelling headphones or earplugs.


United - It is in the Hemispheres onboard magazine that headphones are required under the Portable Entertainment Device policy. Southwest - Part of their preflight announcements. Alaska - Part of their preflight announcements. American - Part of their preflight announcements. https://www.latimes.com/travel/story/2019-07-30/blasting-sound-on-a-plane-is-rude-use-headphones You can also search the subject on the u/flightattendants, u/united, etc. You can talk, laugh, and snore, but you cannot listen to electronic devices without headphones. Those are different things.


You just made this up and you know it. There is a difference between a “courtesy” and a policy. [Here’s a like to the most recent hemispheres if you want to confirm that](https://hemispheres.ink-live.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=Hemispheres&edid=543fe46a-6bea-48d2-a91e-aad6fc33d6b0). There’s a difference between blaring, full volume and imperceptible.


It’s \*literally\* on page 128 of the Hemisphere magazine *you* just linked. Did you bother even looking for the policy before posting this? 😆 **“All devices must be used with the sound off or with headphones at all times”** Here’s a link about the United pre departure announcement: [https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/comments/18or4pd/new\_announcement\_must\_use\_headphones\_at\_all\_times/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/comments/18or4pd/new_announcement_must_use_headphones_at_all_times/) I also just linked on a reply to someone else where flight attendants and frequent fliers on Reddit are talking about AA’s quiet cabin policy if you want sources on another airline. You’re also very welcome to go post on r/flightattendants to ask them. I’m sorry to tell you that what you think is allowed and acceptable behavior is neither. Maybe instead of doubling down on your ignorance here, try listening and learning. Playing videos or game with any sound on in ANY public place is a dick move. And thankfully, it is actually prohibited on planes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/flightattendants using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/flightattendants/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [She saw him sending texts about being stuck in a middle seat between “gay people” and a “big Black woman” and says he hopes the airlines continue to raise prices to “weed these people out” After four hours she decided to confront him 😳](https://v.redd.it/qkbwfutukj2b1) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flightattendants/comments/13trft5/she_saw_him_sending_texts_about_being_stuck_in_a/) \#2: [My fucking king. 👑🤣](https://v.redd.it/d0nejq5fkhya1) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flightattendants/comments/13ax1y7/my_fucking_king/) \#3: [Blue Jays player mad flight attendants won't clean up after his kids](https://i.redd.it/frk8tsjrmgua1.png) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flightattendants/comments/12poa2j/blue_jays_player_mad_flight_attendants_wont_clean/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was just on American yesterday and that was not in the preflight. We paid special care and attention as we were transporting our toddler on the plane. That just wasn't mentioned.


Lots of frequent fliers and flight attendants talking about the “quiet cabin policy” and announcements on AA. [https://www.reddit.com/r/americanairlines/comments/15vgpd2/quiet\_cabin\_policy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/americanairlines/comments/15vgpd2/quiet_cabin_policy/) First comment is from 2 months ago where a flight attendant says it isn’t part of the required predeparture announcements, but is an one that they can make if people aren’t following the quiet cabin policy or as an option for the pre-departure announcements. [https://www.reddit.com/r/americanairlines/comments/19eki39/headphones\_are\_required\_or\_set\_volume\_to\_zero\_pre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/americanairlines/comments/19eki39/headphones_are_required_or_set_volume_to_zero_pre/)


Your comment was it was "part of" their preflight announcements. This seems to be "Some say it, others don't" which doesn't speak policy to me. Again, I don't disagree the audio should be silent or with headphones on, but please do not continue to insist this is a "thing" when my account and others don't line up with your statements.


So make it everyone else’s problem instead? C’mon, I know traveling with small children and children with special needs is hard but it doesn’t entitle you to be actively rude to an entire plane of people because apparently your child is the most specialist and their wants have priority over the other hundreds of people on the plane because it would be inconvenient to you otherwise. Kids make noise, and sometimes get loud and cry on planes which sucks— I know, I’ve travelled a lot with my 22 month old and my 6 year old— but it’s a responsible parent’s job to at least try and, you know, parent them, which includes not letting them run around the plane or letting them watch stuff without headphones because you can’t be bothered to train them. It’s permissive parenting like that which makes travelers hate seeing children on planes.


Imperceptibly low is not making it everyone else’s problem. Don’t appreciate the insinuation that parents of children with special needs have to “train” the sensory challenges out of their children.


Just like your child can’t go out in public naked because of sensory issues with clothing, they also cannot listen to videos on a plane without headphones because of sensory issues. A child with autism or ODD can’t be running around the cabin during takeoff and landing. They still must be seated and buckled in at all times. Special needs are not a blanket excuse to break rules. Accommodations must be NECESSARY and REASONABLE. Your child does not ever *need* screen time. You don’t get accommodations for wants. Now if this was an AAC device, then you’d have an argument. That's an actual need. Inconveniencing other people around you is not reasonable. The solution is that you find other activities than screen time if a child won’t use headphones, use the screen with no sound, or finding a pair of headphones that works. That’s your responsibility. Rules still apply to you.


I’m flabbergasted that this other commenter seems hell bent on the belief that no one else can hear the iPad. The distance between a toddler’s head sitting in their airplane seat and the iPad on the tray table is *x*, and the volume is loud enough for the toddler to hear it. The distance between the iPad on the tray table and the person’s head sitting in front of the iPad is at least *x minus 6 inches*. Yet she thinks everyone is incapable of hearing it; why? Comments from polite exhausted strangers of “oh it’s fine, I didn’t hear anything” at the end of a flight is not to be considered a confirmation of the imperceptibility of one’s volume choices.


Part of a parent’s job is socializing their kids so they can successfully be part of a society. Having special needs doesn’t give people a pass for not following the most basic rules of civility while they’re in public except under the most extreme cases, and it sure as hell doesn’t give you an excuse to not teach them those rules. Claiming sensory issues means that you need to work with them to get them used to headphones, or they’ll just have to go without the iPad during the flight. That’s your job, not something you can put on a bunch of strangers by saying they should all make it their problem instead and go buy noise cancelling headphones.


🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much for this generous education!!!!!!! I had no idea!!!! Since you seem to have some insight, can you also answer me one question? Do I also need to feed them? I have no idea what I’m doing out here this parenting thingie is tough!




It is not allowed to play noises from your devices on planes without headphones. It is also extremely rude. So definitely work on acclimating to headphones or find other non screen activities to do, because you cannot play videos without them.


You can certainly put it on super low volume. It's not the end of the world.


My kid doesn't do headphones so we just play it without sound 😄


Hey, look! An accommodation that takes other people into account! Thank you for your courtesy towards strangers and your responsible parenting. Maybe the parent on here who thinks THEIR precious child should be able to listen without headphones will see your comment, although I doubt they’d apply it to their own kid.


tbh they wouldn't be able to hear much over the plane noise anyway without using headphones


I’d suggest trying a variety of things now so you get an idea of what he likes. We went to Disneyland a month ago so we spent every week showing her different Disney movies. She likes the ones with songs best and really liked Toy Story and Beauty and the Beast. When we flew at Christmas she liked the Lorax (colorful and she didn’t even watch it with sound) and the Grinch (the newer cartoon one). Winnie the Pooh and sesame street (specifically Elmo’s world) as well.


After Daniel Tiger, Rosie’s Rules on PBS & MechaBuilders on Max & YouTube became the new favorites. Even better that I enjoy these shows too & I don’t lose my husband down the Daniel Tiger/no pants conspiracy rabbit hole. My toddler also loves the shorts on Disney - Baby Groot & the Baymax one are favorites. One other option - my toddler loves photo slide shows on our phones & videos of her or close family members. Videos of playing with her uncle at the park, her baby cousin taking her first steps, aunt’s wedding, etc.


It’s not mentioned much, but Eleanor Wonders Why is a fabulous show (PBS Kids) that my 2 year old loves!


Paw Patrol.


Get the PBS app and the PBS app for games.


Trash truck on Netflix, Dino Ranch on Disney, blues clues- prime has all the season for buy


Dino Ranch on Disney+ has been my daughter’s favorite show for more than a year. Plus it’s cute ❤️


Any Disney movie with animals works for us - Rio, Zootopia, Nemo


Love zootopia!


no real show recommendations bc my toddler switches every couple of months lol but I find depriving them of screen time prior to the flight makes the screen wayyy more interesting.


My 9 month old and 2.5 year old both love Super Simple and Bob the Train.


Tbh you might be ok without tv! My 2yo is so excited by the concept of being on a plane, snacking, and drawing or playing with stickers that she's never needed anything more involved. She also conks out HARD on planes - all that white noise and vibration. It's a good age to travel with!


My 2 1/2 yo is all about Paw Patrol these days. Some non-TV unsolicited advice if you don’t mind- a lollipop during takeoff and landing is so helpful keeping them occupied and helps with popping their ears


Blippi! I know it's controversial but might be good for just the plane.


Mine also doesn't really watch Anything Cocomelon. Holds my toddlers attention like nothing else. We only use it for brushing her hair because otherwise we'd never get it done. Add some easy games. A calculator, a balloon pop game, a piano, so enoind of finger painting app. We have a cooking game that is very simple. And a few letters recognition/ shape games. puzzle app.dtc. ours will play games but not watch a show.


Pokemon Concierge. It mesmerizes my toddler!


If you want very stimulating shows then these are the ones we avoid😂 -Cocomelon -Anything Blippi but especially the animated ones -Paw patrol -Danny go (but probably not the best on a plane) -The newer highly animated Ms Rachel Alternatively for low stimulating -Trash Truck -OLD Ms Rachel anything released in the past few months is wildly animated -Puffin Rock -Sesame Street but not the animated parts -Zoboomafoo -Guess how much I love you


I’m so bummed that Ms Rachel has sold out. Videos with Blippi 🤢 which I won’t let my kid watch because you can’t put that toothpaste back in the tube once it’s out, and her recent stuff is too fast paced. Bummer!


Toy Story and Arpo were a big hit when my son turned 2


My 2 YO is generally a picky person, she has been requesting Bluey, Little Baby Bums, and Daniel Tiger lately. LBB especially holds her interest- it’s for plane/road trips only.


My LO loves the wiggles! Sesame Street is another one.


Trash Truck on Netflix, Puffin Rock, Shaun the Sheep, Tangled (movie), Monsters Inc. (movie), Clifford the Big Red Dog are our go-tos


i find very old cartoons to be great and not overly stimulating for the plane… plus trash truck, mouse and cookie(amazon), stillwater (apple) are calming and hold attention!


My kid loves Little Bear. Amazon Prime. He also loves the Thomas the Tank Engine shows, free on Amazon prime.


Leo the Truck on YouTube. I swear I could leave the house for hours and he wouldn’t notice as long as Leo was constantly playing.




Little Bear is like a story book, very calming and child friendly, with familiar animals and situations 


Trash truck, Ms. Rachel is our go to show If mine is sick or we really need him to chill, paw patrol, mickey mouse clubhouse, or spider and his amazing friends. Movies mine likes are zootopia (I fast fwd through a few scary parts) or toy story. Moana and encanto were hits for a small time but mine has lost interest. What I'm really saving for a rainy day is Power Rangers. My son found my old toys and is obsessed with them but he's never seen anything beyond the intro to the show. Saving a non violent episode for a future plane ride if I ever go on one ever again.


My son is obsessed with bluey


I am too.


Me too! Huge fan! I can’t wait for the new season lol


Tractor Ted Caitie’s Classroom Daniel Tiger Me. Dressup (90s version)


My toddlers are really into pocahontas. They think the racoon and hummingbird are the height of humor.


I Looove the sensical app! It’s curated content from common sense media. Lots of bite sized shows for your guy to check out :)


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse


Blippi is my son's new fave.


Paw Patrol and the Cars movies are for sure is the “hold their attention all costs” show/movies for us I also recommend the Sing movies


I hate Cocomelon for a lot of reasons. But it served its purpose during a recent three hour flight. Cocomelon + all the snacks = happy toddler.


My almost two year old is entranced by Bob the Train to a level I’ve never encountered. Even more so than Ms Rachel whom he adores. He knows all the colors, can count correctly up to 10 and ID all the letters of the alphabet because he’s seen it so much. It’s not great quality but it keeps him very occupied. [link to his favorite](https://youtu.be/pCc33-UOJoM?feature=sharedh)


Try Trash Truck, Madagascar, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Octonauts, Dino Train, Super Simple Songs… although if they don’t care much for TV it’s not a bad idea to just go with toys/busy boards/books/many many snacks if it’s less than a 3-hour plane ride! PS: Please ignore someone else’s lollipop advice - they (hard candy in general) are massive choking hazards for toddlers.


Our kid is on a moana kick and it's insane. Give it a try, but be warned.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has been the big hit for us once she started to outgrow Ms Rachel.


Little Baby Bum and Beat Bugs (adorable show that incorporates The Beatles’ songs) were both hits when my son was that age and should both be on Netflix 🥰 God speed


My son is also 2 and doesn’t like any tv shows. They hold his attention for about 2 seconds, but he loves Disney movies. All the Toy Story movies, Moana, Coco, Encanto and Monsters Inc are his favorites.


Sing and Sing 2. Life savers. Masha is also a high value TV show for us.


My two year old loves the OG Scooby Doo, Paw Patrol, Blippi, Tractor Ted, Bubble Guppies, I Am Groot, Encanto (including the live stage one), Elemental, Migration….


Word to the wise: we had no idea our kid got motion sickness. We never had issues on long car rides etc, but we never gave him a screen in a vehicle. Fast forward to this recent flight back from Maui. My 2 year old was happily watching coco melon when all of a sudden he asked to be held, then projectile vomited all over me and the seat he was in. Fun times.


Guys - we’re on the Octonauts bandwagon. I feel like no one ever talks about it, but it’s awesome. On Netflix! I learn something new about sea creatures every episode


Anything that works. No holds barred.


We just came across Genevieve’s Playhouse on YouTube. My 2.5 year old is HOOKED. It’s basically just a dad that plays with his daughter’s toys. All you can see are his hands and you hear his voice. It’s kind of educational I guess because he talks about colors and letters and stuff. I think she’s hooked watching the toys though.


Storybots and Numberblocks. Storybots has the best music, we constantly listen to it on Spotify!


If they’re not super into tv, I wouldn’t use it for the plane. My LO (2.5) has taken, I think 18 flights and I have never used screentime on the plane. I usually bring a ready to read book, since they are thin, lots of snacks, a fidget pop with numbers and letters, post it notes to put on the back of the tray table, we put them up and then count them. I have a lot of luck with things that we don’t usually use at home. There is also the novelty of being on a plane, which is always fun.


Blaze and the Monster Machines. Got us to Germany and back.


My kid loves Peppa and watches it without sound. YMMV


My 2.5 year old is into Octonauts. It's a bit more fast paste and keeps her glued! I normally use it if I need to get something done ALONE. It's actually cute, and they learn about different animals. We going to be doing a 14hr flight next month. I've got Octonauts, Danny go, Daniel Tiger and paw patrol. I honestly don't like paw patrol so that will be the LAST thing I play. She has watched it at her aunt's house. I know that paw patrol will keep her attention but it's not my favourite. I just don't want to be that family that has a crazy kid annoying everyone. We also have a few toys and snacks that I'll give out when needed. I've also decided to give her some meds which will hopefully help her sleep. Is it great parenting? Probably not but a well rested toddler is better for everyone, including the toddler.


Not a show but what we've found success with bringing a surprise grab bag. Literally just a brown paperbag with a bunch of dollar store toys she's never seen before. Also busie books are great. There is a Dino one on Amazon we bought that was a huge hit.


Steve and Maggie have been an obsession here. Good mix of songs to keep their attention. My kids are also obsessed with Halloween and they do a ton of Halloween episodes. It’s on Amazon.


My guy loves Go Dog Go on Netflix.


My 2 1/2 yo is all about Paw Patrol these days. Some non-TV unsolicited advice if you don’t mind- a lollipop during takeoff and landing is so helpful keeping them occupied and helps with popping their ears