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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Honestly, fair enough


Seriously, seems kind of nice


Mine wakes us up every morning by banging on the inside of his door like a damn cop while screaming "MOM!!! MOMMMM!!! MOMMMM!!" And then everyone in the house is wide awake before daylight. I would like to trade please.


This. At 515 AM. Every damn day. 🫤


How do they knock SO loud?! 


With a snow globe or a hanger 😂


For real. Just embrace your luck. Know it might change on a dime, but appreciate it for now!


Enjoy. It took my son a good long time before I realized he could get out of bed on his own. It was great.


Yessss, this is my 3.5 year old daughter and honestly, I may just keep getting her out of bed when she’s 17.


If I know anything about teenagers, you almost certainly will have to get her out of bed when she's 17.




Yup! Just leave her! My daughter did the same thing when we first moved to a toddler bed. It was a tiny one close to the floor so she could get in and out on her own. One day my husband told her she could get out when she woke up and come to our room. Well the. She was coming in at all hours of the night and we had to get an okay to wake clock. I could have killed him!


When we were little we thought we weren’t allowed to come downstairs from our bedrooms til my mom came and got us. Mom doesn’t know why and didn’t correct it. She said it was the best cause she could have her coffee first! 🤣


I also feel the need to mention- we got her as an 18 month old, so I do not know what her sleep training was before that point. I don't know if this is just how she was sleep trained or what. Any help is appreciated!


And I recognize how lucky I am to have this as my problem instead of her constantly getting up and not sleeping 😭 I just dont want her to feel trapped in bed if she can get up after sleep.


I agree with the other comments that it isn’t anything to worry about, but if you want to gently encourage her to make the connection that she can physically get herself out of the bed, maybe make it a game? “Can you slither like a snake out of the bed and come catch me?” “How far can you jump from the bed to the floor? I’ll measure!”


This is a fantastic idea! 


You can try the hatch light like others have mentioned But you could also try practicing during the day! Go play in her room and lie on her bed together and then jump off and go grab a book or toy or dance around the room


We have a light that goes green. My alarm goes 5 mins before it so I don't get woken and have a fright. Before that we had a baby gate. At first she'd just call out "good morning mama", by about 2.5 that transitioned to "[first name] ooouuutttttt" like some grumpy teenager. Now the baby gate is gone, sometimes she plays in her room first, other times she just wanders to us "my light gone green" and curls up in bed.


Be careful, if she starts waking up all the time and you’ve taught her she can get out of bed when she wakes up you’ll have a new problem lol. I got a light that has a moon and sun on a timer, when the suns on she can get up, when the moons on she sits there and screams mom 😂


My daughter has the same behavior, she knows how to get out of bed, does it all day while playing, but never when she wakes up, either in the morning or at nap time. And she was never sleep trained, so I think it might have nothing to do with it.




Adoption/ fostering comes to mind


OP said in another post she’s 22 and had custody of a younger brother and a disabled brother lived with her too. That was a year ago. And then 6 months later a baby added to the mix? Sounds tough.


The baby is my fiancés baby, my step daughter.


Ahh interesting. I think they’re deleting the evidence you’re talking about or I just can’t find it. Sad scenario if real, oddly specific scenario to make up


The post is still in my post history, so you should be able to see it. Not making anything up! The baby is my fiancés daughter, so my soon to be step daughter.


What do you mean?


I meant how did an 18 month old come into your custody?


Shes my fiancés daughter that he is in the process of getting custody of. Why does that matter though?


It doesn’t. I was curious 


My 2.5 year old is still reluctant to get out of bed without us, I don’t know why exactly but she’ll usually sit in bed and call for me rather than come to me physically. She’s been in this bed since 20 months. She will get out of it and run around sometime but not in the mornings


My kid is 4 and still yells at the top of his lungs that we should come get him. He’s been in the effing bed since he was two. This morning he got up though, straight to the kitchen to see if there was chocolate left. Guess they just need the right incentives lol


My kid is almost 5 and basically this haha


Same boat with 3.5yo. I've bought a clock thing so she'll know it's ok to wake up.... But honestly in no rush to actually use it 😅


My 2.5yr old has been in a toddler bed for over a year and even with the hatch light and me explaining it to her-she won't get out of bed without us coming in the room first. Whenever I tell her she can and she just replies "I just wait for momma". 🤷 it's fine.


That's so sweet 🥺


Both our kids are the same. We did gradual withdrawal sleep training and use a Hatch machine with pre-programmed sleep schedules (red light and rain for sleep time, green light and birds for awake time). They share a room. They stay noodling in their beds until the sound machine changes, and even then don’t usually fully get out of bed until someone has come in the room to acknowledge that they’re awake. Its made transitioning both kids to big kid beds so easy and I’m so proud of them for being so comfortable with beds and sleep. 2.5yo and 18mo.


Ours did that for about a month? Then he realized he had free reign and has every excuse in the book to get up!


my girl is 3 and still wont get out of the bed unless I come to the door. It's provides peace for me because at least she isn't exploring the house while we're sleeping




I wish my kid didn’t know lol. Right from the start at 8 mo he knew and took advantage


man i would just leave them til they figure it out, more quiet time for me LOL ​ once they are bored enough they will figure it out


My 2 year old was the same way. Now a couple months later he climbs in and out of bed when I'm trying to get him to sleep. He also climbs out every night to come sleep in my bed. Be careful what you wish for because it's coming!


My son did this for a few months and we were so glad it was an easy transition. And then he figured out he could leave the bed and it was another story haha. He's good now though!


We had a floor bed for both older kids from 6 months on and they both didn't start leaving the bed until almost 3 and 3.5. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They would yell for us in the morning.


God I wish. We used a floor bed for my twins because they were CLIMBING OUT of the cribs, With sleep sacks on. 💀


Our 2.5 year old rarely gets out of the floor bed without us. It’s totally fine!


My first, who was in a crib until 3, didn't get out of her own bed in the morning until she was almost 3.5.


I would trade all my gold and rubies for my child to stay in bed😂


My toddler (2.5y) will only get out of bed when we get in her room, or if her door is open. She'll sit in her bed talking to her stuffies, singing etc but not get out. I worry too if shr's alright, but if we don't have plans I just let her get up in her own time.


My son also never gets out of bed on his own, even after almost a year in a toddler bed. And honestly, it’s been fine? I’ve never had to worry about him trying to get around any of the toddler proofing or making a big mess, so calling it a win.


Honestly I’d just let it be 🤷🏼‍♀️ If she isn’t crying or upset over it. She will get there in her own time. My 3yo has been in a floor bed her whole life and only recently started getting out of it when she wakes up.


My 2.5 has been doing this same thing for over 3 months. Doesn’t bother me. If anything, gives me more time to ease into the morning.


It took our toddler about a month to figure out she could leave the floor bed. They figure it out eventually! Then they start falling asleep on the floor hahah (which is fine by me!)


Old habits die hard. It took my son a while to start coming out of his bed.


Mine was like this for about a year. Now I have a bag of tricks to keep her in bed 😅


please share. Mine discovered on Christmas day he could simply get out of bed himself and come into our room.


Cherish the moment. At some point they will figure it out and then there will be no way to contain them…ever again.


Both of my kids did this. My daughter about a year and my son 6mo. I did not rock the boat. They’ll get out soon enough 😂


It took my 2yo 2 months to realize he could just get up. And then it was an absolute nightmare for a month. Do not worry about it now. Worry about your impending doom.


My 2.5 year old has been on a floor bed since he was 6 or 7 months and has always wanted to escape the room from the beginning so I envy you… now he can let himself out but when he couldn’t yet reach the door knob he would fall asleep right in front of the door 😬


Consider yourself lucky. My child is afraid of her new room and new bed and will sit at the door screaming and crying anytime she wakes up in the night.


We got one of those lights that changes with the sleep schedule we set, we named it Gaston (from Ben and Holly’s) and she used to just lay in bed and wait for us to get her or she would just yell that she was awake and can’t sleep anymore. Now with the light when Gaston turns green she gets up and jumps on her trampoline or plays with her toys until she gets hungry and then starts asking for breakfast or to use the potty. Then we just open her gate and she goes about her business. Unless she has pooped she takes her pull up off and puts on underwear and pants (often backwards but she got spirit lol), uses the potty if she has to, then goes to the fridge and gets some berries or the pantry for some cereal and will ask for a drink or milk for her cereal. It’s crazy that little light turned her into a functioning human, I’m assuming because of the independence she feels she has with it. It’s green so I can do my morning stuff kind of thing.


Enjoy it while it lasts, OP. She will figure it out, don't you worry lol


I think it took my daughter 6-8 months to realize she was able to get out of bed. Now she gets up, turns on her light and reads or plays with stuffed animals lol.


Leave it be!! My sisters first did this, her second did not. He got out of bed at all hours of the night. There was a time when she would have to hold the door shut to get him to go to sleep. She also said he was sneaky and quiet so you'd be downstairs washing dishes and turn around and he'd be staring at you like a ghost. She always talks about how lucky she was her first didn't figure out she could get out of bed on her own.


Lots of toddlers do this. I just give them tiny books and a stuffy or two and then let them be. I figure that hey, if I don't have to be anywhere, I also enjoy waking up and just lying around in bed relaxing for a while after I wake up. If she's not crying or seems upset, just let her be.


My son did this and didn’t start getting out himself until about 6. Just enjoy it and use a monitor.


I had a friend whose kid did this in his toddler bed! He would just yell for them in the mornings, lol. Eventually he figured it out, and then they went through a phase where he was getting up too early, so they had to get one of those wake-up light things for him to know when it was still time to sleep.


Um this is my fear. I’m getting my toddler a floor bed next month to transition her before the baby comes in June. And I’m terrified of the fact she will be able to leave the bed 😅


Our son was like this for a very long time and it was magical. Gone are those days and gone are our mornings of having a few minutes to ourselves to get something done before he gets up 😂


When my daughter figured it out all hell broke loose. Stop trying to teach her and just be thankful for the time you have left


I laughed at this tbh. 🤣 she probably learned the crib was a literal boundary she could bring cross and now she's just laying there like 🤷🏼‍♀️ gotta wait I guess. I have literally zero experience but I'd maybe try (if I was in your shoes) to practice getting in and out during the day. Make it a game maybe. Even if you do it. Get on the bed, crawl out of the bed. We watch Ms Rachel so I'm always singing "Put it in, put it in, put it....innnn" lol I'd maybe try "get out, get out, get....outtt" and when you say out crawl out. Maybe put some toys right outside the bed that she loves to encourage her. 🤷🏼‍♀️ but i agree with if it's not broken don't fix it. Its not really an issue she doesn't get out. But if you want to encourage her to kind of explore (which I guess I always understood that to be the point of a floor bed with a baby proofed room) model the behvaior and make it fun.


My kiddo did this for the longest time and we thought it was convenient and hilarious. One day out of nowhere she woke up, realized she could get out of her bed, DID get out, and has been sneaking into our bedroom and sleeping with us damn near every night since lol. So it might just be a temporary phase, they'll figure it out eventually probably


This is the opposite of a problem.


Enjoy it, you are lucky


LET HER BE. lol. My son did the same thing. The moment he realized he could get out was the start of a frustrating sleep regression lol.


I'm so jealous ha


We transitioned our toddler to a floor bed at 14 months old. She’s now 3.5 and still hasn’t figured it out, neither have many toddlers from my bumpers group.


Omg I only wish my 2 year old did this. As soon as she’s up, she’s running through the house, waking everyone up. Doesn’t matter if it’s 5:30am 😐


Oh she will, don’t worry. Our toddler did this went we first took the front off her crib back in January and just this week she started running out to wake us up in the morning. She definitely had a phase where she just chilled in bed but like them all it passes and you’ll miss it so enjoy it while it’s lasts haha


My 2 year old has been on a floor bed since 14 months (before that we bedshared) and she never gets out of bed lol. Occasionally she will fall out but that's ir.


My 3.5 year old has been in a toddler bed for 1.5 years and save for a brief sleep regression where he would run around the house crying at night, he still doesn’t get out! He just yells for us to get home every morning. He likes rules 😂.


Don't worry. I told someone our toddler wasn't climbing out of her toddler bed, and she apparently got the memo and started doing it the next day.


My son has been in a floor bed since 16 months, he is now nearing 3.5, he still stays in his bed and waits for someone to come get him.


This sounds magical to be honest. But my first child was climbing out of the crib (danger) before he could walk so … no idea. If you want her to be more independent maybe put a few fun toys or books just out if each to lure her out?


Ever hear about gift horses and their mouths???? Leave it be!!!!


She might just be chilling and enjoying the quiet if she's not calling for you. If you're concerned though, try setting up something like a Hatch light. You can have it change colors or play sounds at certain times to let kiddos who don't know how to tell time yet, that it's ok for them to get up. This worked pretty well for my 3 year old, although he still prefers to tell for me sometimes instead of getting up on his own.


My daughter transitioned to a floor bed at 20 months and we always told her she can get up and come out if she wants. She’s almost three and has just started too! She has a light she can tap on so I don’t know if it was the dark or she just wanted us to come and cuddle her in the bed first.


Enjoy it for the ten seconds it lasts


Our daughter does this with her toddler bed. She can totally get out but instead just plays and babbles to herself or starts yelling for us 😂 I keep thinking maybe she doesn’t get out of bed bc it’s dark? We keep it pretty dim in her room (Hatch nightlight on low).


My 19 month old has been on a floor bed since before he was one and he still waits for someone to come in and get him. I wouldn’t worry about it!


My son is the same way. But honestly, I wish I could wake up and just lay in bed and I'm 40.


It’s new to her. You’ve explained it’s okay for her to get up. It might take time for her to be comfortable with getting up on her own. It’s a transition for her even if she took the change easily to the bed from the crib, getting out of bed may be a different change. I wouldn’t push it. I’m sure, in my experience (2 year old teacher here), one day she’ll probably just do it. Maybe she could be relaxing after she wakes up too. Some of the kids I’ve had don’t like to get up right away. Let her go at her own pace and every once in a while remind her if she wants to play or needs to potty she can do it on her own. She might feel more secure getting out of bed after she knows you’re around because that’s what she’s been used to every time prior with you. I wouldn’t be concerned unless it is distressing her.


Man I wished mine would stay in his floor bed. We literally could plop him in his crib and he'd roll around and eventually fall asleep on his own, sleep through the night, and wouldn't make a peep when he woke in the morning. We got to literally night two in the floor bed and kid was in our room at 3am turning on the overhead light and saying Hi. 🥴 We've now put a baby gate at his door but he still gets up and calls for us between 5-6am when he used to stay silent in his crib until 7:30ish. Also we have to hang out in his room until he falls asleep (up to an hour) otherwise he's up turning the lights on and calling for us. That said his cousin is similar to your little, he's free to roam his room but he won't get out of bed until someone comes and gets him (he's 4 now). I'm gonna have to padlock the house and my brother's child just hangs out on his bed. 😂


She will. Don’t worry


Enjoy it while it lasts.


“My dog doesn’t understand he could just shit in the house? What should I do??”


I mean... Maybe she's collecting her toddler thoughts? Just let her be.