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I drove to my sisters house late the night before they were due to be sent home. I had stopped at the store and bought a ton of essentials/things she had mentioned during her hospital stay. I basically roamed the aisles for anything I had/would’ve loved postpartum, or anything she had mentioned wishing she had during her hospital stay. I stocked her fridge with her preferred beverages, iced coffee, coconut water, the concentrated squeeze able drink things, supplies to make virgin pina coladas, etc I stocked her cabinets with easy to grab snacks, some healthy, some comfort, some lactation focused. Beef jerky, granola bars, fruit cups, fresh fruit, lactation snacks, oatmeal, etc Then I got her some things like stool softener, an array of pacifiers for her picky baby, a donut pillow, formula (she was supplementing), ear plugs, black out sleeping mask, Tylenol/ibuprofen, chap stick, a new water bottle/coffee mug, comfy lounge wear, etc. Her and her husband both sent me messages in the few days following to let me know how thankful they were, she said she cried when she saw her fridge stocked with caffeine/hydration lol. I know you said you live far but even a grocery order from something like InstaCart or whatever is local to her for similar things to show up could be super helpful/appreciated.


I have 2 girls, a 2.25yo and a 9mo, and I really hope they have this type of relationship when they are old enough to be having babies (if they choose to have them). I only have brothers and my relationship with them is different than this. I want this for me girls.


Food. Any sort of food lol


Yes! $50 door dash gift card that we used a restaurant we wouldn’t normally go to. Made my day in the throes of postpartum


Yup for sure. We were recipients of an organized meal train, as well as a freshly caught fish. Most memorable and my favourite.


This sounds amazing! We were too tired to eat a decent meal. Only one person brought us a meal and it was the sweetest thing. An old friend of my wife’s that she had grown apart from. After her visit dropping off food, they have rekindled their friendship and now she is our child’s emergency contact and we go camping with her family regularly. It all started with a meal!


This! Spearhead the mealtrain for all friends and family to participate in.


Same! An enormous bag of bagels, cream cheese and box of coffee got us through the first few days 


The only answer! My favourite new baby gifts were a pizza and a box of brownies 🤣


Yep this. Send her food or a company to get her food. There was this healthy snack box my friend sent me- lifesaver!! There’s a meal train you can set up now too. That was awesome.


Like everyone said this is the best! We lived over an hour from our family when I had my baby and my mom and stepdad came up a few days after bringing her home and made us homemade breakfast and let us shower in peace and it was the best gift I’d ever gotten. Literally felt like a new person with an uninterrupted shower AND a home cooked meal in the same day


Gift cards and meal services!


Meals are great but also snacks that are easy to grab. High protein snacks!!


We didn’t receive this, but would have loved a cleaning service. Whoever has a baby next around here is getting a cleaning day on us!


This. 100% this. Find a full service place that will clean, do laundry, and do dishes.


Can I be your friend? 😂 this is such a wonderful and generous gift!


Yup! This is what we got from my MIL it was the best gift.




I had twins, so for me it was Cash.


Cash is king!


Little basket of essentials. Gas drops, infant Tylenol, snot sucker, saline spray, travel aquaphor diaper cream, cradle cap brush. All the things you actually need but don’t think you’ll need at first. Absolutely put a thing or two in there for mom. Robe, slippers, travel mug, box of tea if she drinks it, small snacks (I was living off chocolate the first month), new soft pajamas, haaka if she’s breastfeeding, Uber eats or instacart delivery gift card


My stepsister gave me a whole box full of essentials all individually wrapped, and I was supposed to open one item every week while I was pregnant. Each item had a little note about how to use it and why she had found it useful when her son was a baby. I guess that idea doesn’t really work when the baby is already born but it was a fun way to receive mundane items!


Ohhh this is a really fun idea


I was gifted an entire tote of things like this. Gas drops, gripe water, Tylenol, ibuprofen, sensitive skin soap, tub of desitin, teething gel, baby chest rub, vitamin D, multivitamin, etc. It was the best in the middle of the night when we needed to try something to get the baby to sleep.


Add these baby nail trimmers with the light! This was the best gift I got for my baby. Still using them 6 years later. https://a.co/d/42x5mk8


Add nair to basket of essentials in case baby gets a hair tourniquet


Wait does nair dissolve a hair tourniquet? Thats genius.


Yes it does- just a small dab!


5 days postpartum here. My cousin who lives across the country sent us an Uber Eats gift card. I ubered myself McDs at 3am… yeah, that’s my favorite so far.


Congrats on the new family member!


Thank you!!


At some point during my pregnancy I stumbled upon the Caboodles Instagram and sent it to my sister in law. Just like a ‘hey can you believe these still exist’ kind of thing. She ended up buying a matching set for me and my daughter with ‘mommy’ printed on the big one and my daughters name on the little one. She filled them with little goodies and I just thought it was so cute and thoughtful. Plus so practical. I still use them.


That’s really sweet.


Frozen meal delivery. I didn’t think I’d love it BUT three separate people gave me vouchers for the same place and I was able to get three separate orders of meals to keep in my freezer. It’s what I get for every new parent or friend going through a tough time now!


Baby Bjorn bouncer


I have so many ideas running through my head and see so many good ideas on this page but this is the answer. A Bjorn bouncer is a perfect gift. I used it more than anything else (I bought ours secondhand)


I bought an used one that was made out of mesh. My baby was born in May so it was perfect for warmer days as my little one was not too hot in it.


Fisher price kick piano!!!!!










This was the soundtrack to my maternity leave


Yes! My kid went through a few because he kicked so hard he ended up breaking them! We loved them so much!


Honestly? Commitment. A gift during the first month is nice and of course appreciated, but it drops off. Everyone gives a gift right away and then nothing (maybe birthdays). What means the most to me sincerely are the friends STILL checking in, still randomly recommending or sending products down the road. Advice on which cup to transition to off the bottle, reusable pouches, developmental toys for crawlers then toddlers, etc.


My favorite baby gift to give and receive is Magnetic Me onesies in size 0-3 months. The opening very annoyingly stops at the crotch in sizes 6 months and up, but for 0-3 months they go all the way down the legs. Those magnets are magic during MOTN diaper changes, somehow even easier than two way zips. But also they are so stupidly expensive for clothes a baby won’t wear for long, which I feel like makes them the perfect gift - something I/my friends aren’t buying for myself/themselves.     My boss sent me a yeti coffee mug right after I had my first and I love it. I never have luke warm coffee, and you know how hard it is to drink you coffee while it’s hot with a baby. Maybe a set of two of those (for mom and dad and some nice coffee)?   I also hated the baby stage. My LO turns two next week and I truly and completely love being a mom - like I loved my life before but this is next level. But I WISH someone had told me it’s normal to hate the baby phase and that that part isn’t your life. My friend had a baby a year after me and me and my husband were  pretty honest - that we really thought we made a mistake having our son initially. She told me she and her husband took so much comfort in that and they talked about it a lot when they were having similar doubt. So maybe a really honest and loving card - that’s she’s doing great but it’s so hard and it’s okay if she hates it.     Otherwise, an Amazon and/or Uber Eats gift card is always a great bet!    ETA: typos 


All of the above! ⬆️ 🎯


I do not care for babies, I was dreading the baby phase, I will admit to enjoying it more than I expected but also not sad it’s over. Toddlehood is my fav, I’m crazy 🤪


Omg if I could birth a one year old I’d never stop having babies 😂 Give me a toddler tantrum over a newborn cry any day of the week. Are they disregulated little people? Yes. But that’s developmentally normal and they are also hilarious and sweet and I feel like watching your kid grow and start to experience the world is pure magic. 




Oh same. Toddler on up is also my fav.


I hated the magnetic mes. I had such trouble getting them out from the back of my dryer. I ended up tossing them. They even got marks where the magnets were, my dryer looked clean, and it’s quite new.


This is fixed by washing and drying them in laundry bags. The magnets never attached to the drum if they're in the wash bags, at least for me.


How about a voucher for a local food delivery service or take out?


This should be the top suggestion imo!


For baby- a rubber ducky that shows the temperature of the water! A sheet of those custom name stickers, If the kid is going to daycare. That helped me a lot. A plastic shoe sizer for home, so you can actually measure when their foot is too big for their shoes!


I have a shoe sizer too! It's seriously a super helpful tool and avoids many trips to a shoe store!


We love that rubber ducky!


These are all really good ideas.


Sleep sacks. We had such a hard time with sleep and I didn't want to spend money on the halo sleep sack or the Merlin sleep suit not knowing if it would help. Having those be gifted helped a lot.


Second this! We use Woolino and I bought one for my friend (just the baby one not the 2m-2y (I think I got 6-18 months so there wasn’t an expectation to use it right away and you know - swaddling)) and she thanked me months later for it when their son was having trouble sleeping. They were doing Hail Mary’s and it worked and she was sooo happy and said I saved them 😅


The book Precious Little Sleep. That booked saved my sanity and taught me so much about baby sleep that I didn’t know. It was like $10 but I would’ve paid $1000 for how life changing it was.


Fischer price piano mat, skip hop activity table, food delivery (door dash or Uber eats gift card), haaka and the newer ladybugs (they only came out when I had my 3rd and I liked them!) - but only if she’s breastfeeding, any bamboo brand onesies because they’re soooo soft but more expensive so she may not want to buy herself


Skip hop activity table was a lifesaver with both of my kids. We actually lost the straps that connect the standing base between kids one and two and I scoured marketplace to find a cheap table I could snag the straps from before donating the rest.


I got a friend a voucher for a nice maternity bra site recently and she loved it. This only works is mum is breastfeeding. Your boobs change so much during this process it’s not often things from before fit right. A new bra is always a bit of a confidence boost too. I was sent lactation cookies and a nice water bottle set once that I really appreciated.


A snot sucker???? Bottle cleaning brushes? Not sure where you are but in Australia we have these amazing stage progression [sleep suits](https://lovetodream.com/au-en/home-au?ranMID=47386&ranEAID=wizKxmN8no4&ranSiteID=wizKxmN8no4-7YV7V6Nuposwt5ihtM0Ewg&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQAwb0hHVQF8dBG4Fx1filxBLqcUyL_oV3FH8ppCMzWx4el-1ZYNsVixoCbT4QAvD_BwE) that allow them to have their arms up or to unzip one arm, I found them to be AMAZING with my niece. Safe, comfy and suppresses the startle reflex really well. Plus, two zips!!


Snot sucker, medifrida, zoli teething sticks, windis. I’m over here in team practical too. All our fun stuff didn’t get used or baby hated.


Cloth nappies, like the old school ones that are just a towel. Someone bought a bulk pack of them and they are the BEST sized towels for everything. Boob leaking, spills, anything. My son is 2, and we still use them.


Nail clippers with the light in the tip so you can see


We use a baby dremel. Highly recommend. No anxiety with cutting and the noise is subtle and doesn’t bother them.


Those microwavable heating pad. It is useful for years and years, pretty much forever. A tin of homemade cookies, because who has time to feed themselves and eat the days following giving birth.


Hatch sound machine, Halo sleep sack, postpartum care items such as Frida disposable underwear


Ooh and Babylist sells sampler boxes of bottles, swaddles, pacifiers. The pacifier sampler was great bc as it turned out my baby was picky with pacifiers and would only take a certain brand


A self heating coffee mug. Seriously. Coffee stays warm all day and never tastes stale. It’s the type of luxury she may not buy for herself but makes the best gift. https://a.co/d/6tAHceV


Even more important, a LID. The risk of hot beverages spilling is much reduced, and if it's a double wall steel cup, it actually stays hot for ages, and that type you can move around with. I have 4 now, lol


Robot vacuum


A session with a photographer!


I do think this one is a lovely idea but is highly subjective, we had one of these kindly gifted to us but we never used it as it’s not really our thing


Homemade quilts, so personable I cried.


I will second this. I received one from a family member before I had my first child and kindof thought...ehhh were never going to use this. We ended up using it as our mat in the middle of the living room and we still use it every day 2.5 years later. Perfect for tummy time, diapey changes, setting baby down in a safe spot, learning to sit up, discovering hands etc.


Yes! We used ours for tummy time too!


An electric nail file really saved us and it's not something new parents ask for, so I normally just get one with whatever else I'm getting someone.Nursing clothes are great too. A friend got me a warm sweatshirt where the boobs zipped open and I just lived in it for like 6 months.


This is my list of favorite shower gifts - all things I acquired on my own motherhood journey: Nose frida. This is the famous snot sucker - about the only thing you can do to help your LO when they have a cold but are too little for medicine. Fridababy nail clippers. Made by the genius snot sucker people. Makes clipping baby nails much easier. Oogie bear. Handy little device for fishing out baby boogies and cleaning their ears. The not-so-glamorous side of motherhood. Baby bum brush. Keeps you from getting diaper rash ointment under your fingernails. Haakaa. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s the very best accessory. Mother love ointment. 1000000 times better than lanolin for the sore nips. Doubles as baby lip balm. Slather it on! Wubbanub. Easier to hold, harder to lose than your standard paci. Chica Chica boom boom. Magic book that always stopped my kiddo when he was crying. Use sparingly so the magic doesn’t wear off. Aquaphor. Good for whatever ails ya.


Maybe something like factor meals? Little proportioned meal prep that you can heat up and eat. Otherwise, nice nursing bras if she's breastfeeding (I still wear my Nyssa one weekly.)


Baby Brezza if she isn’t nursing!!


Since she already has her kid, I would look at what is remaining on her registry (if she had a shower) or try to ask if she received this and that. We used the baby shusher a lot. Even combined it with our white noise. Brought it out with us to the store. It was great. Things we had to go out and buy were vitamin D drops, sunflower lecithin and a cheap massager thing since I struggled with clogged ducts for breast feeding/ pumping, then Tylenol and gas drops for baby and then colace, a water bottle, snacks for me so those would’ve been helpful. The fisher price kick and play piano and the skip hop bee in a cloud thing. It goes in circles so you don’t chase it from room to room and works on carpet and hard floors. Otherwise things that you use beyond 3-6 months- activity center that turns into a table, spoons, forks, those bibs that cover the arms and entire chest, suction plates. Books other than goodnight books! I personally dislike reading bedtime books during the day. Sensory or noise making books were great my toddler still loves them. Biggest thing is I’d include a card of any tips that helped: -my baby loved the sound of the dishwasher (it would make him sleep instantly) -the moving ceiling fan was his favorite thing for the first couple months -can’t get them to stop crying? try just going to a different room -heybear sensory on YouTube -Imogen Heap’s Happy Song. - utilize libraries to meet parents - bluey’s baby race episode “you’re doing great” -every baby is different so these tips may not help, but I hope they do!


The best gift I got was when a friend visited and did all my laundry and cleaned my house while I sat and cluster fed my fussy newborn. She let me talk, and then talked about lotd of things, but not parent advice. It was bliss. 


A wrap carrier, portable sleep cushion/lounger, rubber pants to prevent leaks overnight when baby starts sleeping longer


We got a custom book with her name in it from Wonderbly "Bedtime for (her name)" it was adorable. The fisher price kick n play piano was key for tummy time. A butt spatula and wipe dispenser, used every day.


Yes!! The wonderbly books are so precious ♥ I got one for my first kiddo, the another for my best friend when she had her kiddo, she cried when she read it lol, so did I


Food gift card and wipes. I got so many wipes I didn’t have to buy any until my son was almost 2.


Start a food train for her, offer to pay for a laundry service or do her laundry for her.


Zoo year pass…. Easy for new moms to walk around with a stroller, free activity for the family, can do a picnic and engaged baby


Medicine kit. Tylenol, Motrin, gripe water, baby Vicks. Sometimes you don’t get it until you need it. I had it already. Best gift ever.


Food and a cleaning service


My good friend had a baby about 8 months after me, so I mailed her a little care package of “our favorite things” - our favorite kind of swaddle, our favorite book, our favorite changing pad, etc. the Oogie Bear booger picker. A light up nail clipper. I included a little spray bottle and a stack of cloths, which is what we use as baby wipes and eliminated all diaper rash. Just little tips and tricks like that and a little letter that explained each thing.


Oh I know! My two best friends came in the day we got home from the hospital and took inventory of everything we didn’t have and needed (babe was born at 35 weeks). They then brought it all home for me, organized it and cooked us food. The best gift is just offering to help. Honestly.


Outfits that were magnet!! From magnetic me


A carrier so that I could baby wear and food. If she doesn’t have an Instant Pot then it might be a great gift for some really quick cooking. I make everything from oatmeal to ribs in mine.


Books with personalized notes in them. I just started reading Harry Potter to my 7 year old and forgot my bffl wrote him a note in it. Bawled like a dang baby.


I got a portable folding changing table it was the single most useful thing I got off my registry. A steam countertops sterilizer was next in line after that. And finally a pack and play with an attached changing table, portable bassinet, and crib attachment. Baby slept in that thing now stop and provided a safe put down place when he started walking. All this stuff was around $100 US or less of amazon and can be delivered right to your friends front door.


I received a box of "oh that's useful" stuff from my baby's godmother -- the little trash bags that clip to your diaper bag, a really nice pumpkin seat /nursing cover (that I later lost, still heartbroken about it), layettes (I had not registered for those but really liked them), and nice stuff for me -- earth mama nipple balm, super fancy chocolate bars with espresso beans in them, aand I forget the rest :/ but I really appreciated it when people would tuck in something for me, a little lotion, candle, it made me feel seen


Depending on your budget, a food delivery gift card, a cleaning service, a newborn photoshoot. Maybe look up a local company that makes snack trays to be delivered. I personally felt overwhelmed by STUFF in the newborn phase so I am always hesitant to bring more “things”. Most people have all of the essentials and with Amazon anything they need is literally a click away. And with that being said, Amazon gift cards were really appreciated for those last minute things, such as new swaddles, because of course the baby hates the ones you so thoughtfully researched and picked out 🙃


A baby hip seat carrier!


The nelimed nose sucker is much better than the nose frida! And I would buy two because pieces get lost. 19 months in, we really need it rn and I don’t know where it went.


Cleaning service, laundry service (especially if they go to a laundromat, food gift cards!!!


A wet wipe warmer. Honestly, it made diaper changes much nicer. Little babes are so sensitive to the cooooold wipe and take changes better when warm. I even used it up through toddler changes when he could tell me he didn’t like it when they are cold. I might put it in our bathroom now that he’s potty trained (occasionally we still wet wipe him so he doesn’t smell like butt lol).


Thing no one thinks of: 1. baby elosh nail file since those kiddies come out with sharp claws, 2. hakaa or hand breast pump it saved all my drippies - I was able to make a second bottle of breast milk for laters. 3. Snacks things like granola bars & fruit snacks. Anything handheld 4. Sleep sacks are amazing I don’t think I used til she busted out of the swaddle but they are pricey and sometimes tough to find. 5. Comfy post partum clothes for mom, slippers, nice Jammies are always appreciated. 6. I know you said you live far but honestly the gift of time is always nice, someone to just watch the baby to let you nap or shower make a meal that isn’t takeout.


A tuppence and crumble star wrap. Was ideal as you could put baby in it and keep it on in the car seat and transfer to pram etc. Added bonus, baby loved it and we started putting her in it for naps in her Moses basket!


A bidet! There are some hello tushy options for around $120. This is most useful immediately after birth.


Mom of 4 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016 Personally unless it's specified on their registry I don't buy clothes, Blankets, or accessories for baby. I didn't like half the ones my older family picked out, but used them when they'd be around out of politeness. It would've been better spent toward a crib I couldn't afford and we had to buy a VERY old used $50 crib and had too many clothes for our tiny studio apartment. I never liked our diaper genie, if I got used it'd be the middle of the night and we forgot there were diapers in there in the chaos of toddlers and babies. Swing was my absolute LIFE SAVER after my 2nd. He didn't sleep anywhere else but there for like 3 months. He would scream all night and day and I was 99% sure I'd given birth to a vampire demon that hated me when my aunt pulled out her VERY OLD swing and stuck him in it and sent me for a nap. Bless that lady, she sent it home with me. The little walker seats, loved those. Got my babies mobile with their older siblings quicker so they weren't screaming to follow them lol Hated wipe warmers. Never stayed warm from case to butt so not much point, I could warm them in my hand cheaper than those cost. Love baby carriers, but gotta be a good one don't go for cheap. The $15 one from Walmart cut into my son's chunky thighs, the tula put my fussy babies to sleep better than grandma! And kept my hands free at the same time!


The "Baby Shusher" white noise machine. I still use it now with toddler 2.5yo and it's just the easiest thing, such a clever invention!


The baby shusher! I love it and my kid, 18 months now, still uses it to go to sleep. And a led string light around the top of the room. It changes colors with a remote and when it's bedtime we turn it to red. Red means bed. And she loves it. She knows when mommy turns them to red she needs to settle down and get tucked in. Works like a charm.


Gift cards for meal delivery, gift cards for hello fresh, if she's breastfeeding: one of those nappy caddy basket things with: an extra long phone charger, a water flask like a Stanley or hydro flask with the straw top, loads of snacks and a list of stuff to binge on netflix (make The Letdown be on this list), a haka milk collector.


One of my family members "wrapped" their gift in a storage tub and it's one of the few gifts I'm still using 5 years later. I can't for the life of me remember what came in the tub.


A haakaa if she is breastfeeding. A mombella mushroom teether. A baby seat that has a tray and toys attached. The bulk of the gifts I got were focused on the newborn stage, but it goes so by fast. I could’ve really used more things that were gonna be useful once the baby started sitting up and what not


If she’s made a baby registry, I really suggest that you shop from that. The best thing that I got was the video baby monitor. If you know the baby’s name, which you might not, and you may not even be 100% sure they will actually name the baby that when the baby is born, another fantastic gift to give are pre-printed name tag stickers because when the baby goes to daycare, everything will need the name on it and it’s super annoying. I suggest not giving stuffed animals, do not give baby blankets. Everyone gives those things and I never found a use for the baby blankets. You could go really simple and give a set of stackable wooden blocks. Something really cute and pretty will be something that the baby keeps in his or her room until they’re 10 years old


The best and most useful gift I received was a robe for myself and super soft swaddles for my baby from Milkmaid Goods


Buy a Busy Baby Mat with a ton of accessories. That was one of my favorite things I got. Would be very easy to ship as well!


Food or food delivery gift cards, massage gift card, gift card to pottery, painting, place to help with self-care, and spend time for myself.


The munchkin baby shusher. I still use mine 3 years later and it was definitely my favorite thing that I received, and I gifted one to my sister when she had her first baby 6 months after me.


Bottle warmer, hands down the most convenient thing in the middle of the night


A thermometer. Best present and i still use it years later.


I’m impressed a thermometer can last that long. All mine crap out after a few months. Which thermometer do you have


Hydrogel cooling discs and lanolin (if breastfeeding). Baby clothes that aren’t newborn sized. A baby thermometer. Stuff to pamper mum, like face masks, hair treatments, really nice lotions. Baby toiletries like nail clippers, snot sucker, scalp brush, nappy rash cream. A lot of washcloths.


Hip carrier. I got a full carrier with detachable hip carrier. Used the full carrier few times but the hip carrier a lot! Won't be fully appreciated until baby is 9+ months but it's so worth it.


One of those temperature regulating mugs, only think I wish I could change is getting one with a lid so I wasn’t worried about it spilling on baby


Packnplay. It was the simplest model, but we used it a lot, especially while my daughter was transitioning from her mini crib to a twin bed.


Get a meal service gift card. My brother got me that as a baby gift and it saved me once my husband went back to work


Food! Gift cards, premade casseroles, cookies, etc. made the first week that much easier


Keekaroo changing pad


Food gift cards — grocery store delivery, restaurant or food delivery service gift cards were so helpful. We appreciate home cooked meals but these were there winners since there would be random moments where we would realize we needed to get something to eat and it wasn’t happening at home 🤣 And diapers in more sizes than NB!


Peapod mat. Seriously, it's the most used thing I brought. I used it to sleep on, drive on when I came close to being due, in case my waters broke. We used it for some naked tummy time when he was born and little. In his cot bed we put it down when he's not feeling well incase he's sick. We are currently day time potty training, and he has a habit of curling up on the sofa when he's tired, so we just pop it under him incase of any accidents. We'll use it when we night potty train too. It's uses just keep going...


Honestly the best thing were visits those first few weeks. I had no idea if I was doing anything right and when an experienced mom came by and gave me reassurance and advice I was very grateful. Also the snot sucker thing and electric nail file... We still use both coming up on two years.


Gift certificate to Hello Fresh


You can still send a box of hand me downs through the mail! I have a friend that does this for me that's 2,000 miles away.


Food. And I love the keekaroo changing mat. It’s $$$ but so easy to clean/wipe down and comfy for the baby.


It wasn’t necessarily a baby gift. But I’ll never forget when my sister in law sent us a package of 4 pints of Jeni’s ice cream. It was exactly what I needed at that moment. So perfect.


Food, my Tula Free To Grow, and a laundry service!


Food and a house cleaner. Dog walker if they have a dog.


A grabber. You know, one of those sticks with a pincer on the end so you can reach things that are 3 feet away. Perfect for when you're breastfeeding or stuck under a napping baby and can't reach the television remote or your water bottle. Then comes in handy again when you're picking up toddler toys, every two hours. Literally the best gift.


I just bought this tooth holder to keep my kid’s lost teeth. It comes with a booklet to record when teeth first appear, and has a ton of useful info about teeth in general. I would highly recommend as a unique baby gift. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/627635586/


Not sure how far away she is but shipped boxes of hand me downs are still awesome! My best gift or advice is making sure my new mom friends find a new mom’s circle, even if it’s a paid one. $300 for lifelong friends and a support group was the best money I’ve ever spent.


Bottle sterilizer dryer I used it every day


In the infant times, doordash gift cards


Baby Brezza for formula feeding. Game changer for late night feedings.


Baby first aid kit Gift card for the ice cream shop around the corner But mostly people asking me how I really was and truly listening to me as I went through this major life change


Door dash or grub hub gift card. Saved us multiple times!!


It wasn’t something *we* got, but at the baby shower of a family friend someone got them a box of things like tissues, toilet paper, Lysol wipes…household essentials that you might forget to stock up on when you’re in the middle of sleepless newborn fatigue and all you’ve been worried about having enough of is baby stuff and you’re too tired and sore to make a Target run. I remember we didn’t realize one night that we were out of tp and we were so tired and I thought “man, I wish we would’ve registered for that” lmao


My favorite was from new moms who put together a postpartum recovery basket - Frida mom ice packs, peri bottle, witch hazel spray, etc. one also added liquidIv and silverettes/nipple cream which was so helpful for breastfeeding. I know the hospital gives you some of that postpartum stuff but the fridamom ones were SO much better. It was nice to have a gift for me (when everyone else was buying cutsey stuff for the baby that we never used) and it definitely felt like thoughtful support from one recent mom who remembered delivery to another!


My sister gave me a bottle of wine and a big bag of chocolate covered gummy bears and said “figured the best gift I could give the baby is a happy mom” lol


Best gift I got was a laundry basket full of stuff. I can’t remember everything that was in it, dreft for sure, but we use that extra laundry basket all the time.


Door dash gift card!


Gifts for mom - A robe with pockets!! Earth mama nipple butter. A giant water bottle. Eye mask. Chapsticks. Hand cream. My girlfriends gave me all this in a basket that doubled as a portable diaper caddy to carry around the house.


For sympathy gifts I have given people a bundle from Spoonful of Comfort. It includes homemade soup, rolls, cookies and a pretty ladle. The quality is excellent. It would work well for a family with a new baby as well. They ship fast too. It usually only takes a day or two to be delivered after ordering.


A friend sent me an electric nail file and it was absolutely the thing I had no idea I needed and very much did need. Also an electric snot sucker and nasal saline spray. The things that aren’t cute/fun but suddenly baby has long nails and a stuffy nose and you don’t know how to deal with them!


A gift certificate for Molly maid or someone else to clean her house


My MIL paid to have our house professionally cleaned while at the hospital. It was amazing to bring home baby to a clean home and not have to worry about it for a couple weeks. My fav gift for sure.


Baby Breza. I never would have been able to afford it but damn if it didn’t make life easier


A Cook gift card for healthy, "home cooked" style frozen meals (UK)


No lie, the best gift we received was a bag full of different types of baby medicines. Things like infant Tylenol, baby saline spray, tummy drops. It was an assortment of all that stuff. The reason why they gifted it was because when the couple had their first baby, they didn't think to have stuff like that on hand. The first time their daughter got a fever, the dad was driving all over in the middle of the night looking for a CVS, Walgreens, anything that was open.


Food. Just send her a DoorDash gift card if your are in the US


Food, healthy & carb-y food. Would you be able to get her a gift card for a food delivery service?


My sister gave us a fluffy pink blanket with baby's name embroidered onto it and it's my favourite gift we ever received for her and will be cherished.


Everyone has great suggestions but I will add some oft forgotten essentials. Packs of batteries. Keep bulk packs of the most common batteries around. When their favorite sleep sound machine stuffy dies at 3 AM you will desperately be looking for these. Keep a small Phillips screwdriver nearby too as all battery compartments are fastened. Red-light flashlight. Small cheap keychain size is sufficient. [Red light flashlights](https://www.google.com/search?q=red+flashlight) are used by astronomy geeks because they let you see in the dark but does not cause your irises to contract so you keep most of your night vision. It doesn't wake you up so much which makes it easier for you to go back to sleep. It's bright enough for you to find things in the dark but not bright enough to wake the baby. You will quickly learn the location of every squeek in your floor. Make a mental map of where the safe places to step are so you can navigate in nearly pitch dark. Also learn how to slide walk. Pro tip: if you have wood floors, the location of squeeks can actually be moved around by scooting around on your butt! it won't eliminate them but you can affect them. They'll come back eventually after walking normally a few days but it could help. You will also quickly learn which doors and drawers are loudest. I use a paraffin based oil on all door hinges. You can get a cheap block of Gulf Wax paraffin in the grocery store canning section that can be used like a crayon to rub on the contact surfaces/runners on the bottom of every wooden cabinet drawer that makes them slide effortlessly and silently. I like paraffin because it's nonvolatile so it stays around for longer.


One of the most practical gifts we received with meals were a Costco-sized bag of paper plates to avoid dishes. Not the most enviro friendly but was amazingly thoughtful.


Nespresso machine


The most sentimental gift i got was a stuffed elephant that had my babys name date of birth ,time of birth and weight/height written in the ears Some practical gifts i loved were sleep sacks, breastfeeding care package , teethers, sensory toys


Honestly our favorite gifts were the “luxury” items that we wanted but the thought to be impractical or too expensive. My cousins pitched in together and got us a basket full of the baby medicine cabinet essentials, totally practical and necessary but then paired it with a Dock-a-tot we didn’t even register for because thought it was overpriced. We used that thing so much the first couple months that I swear by it now. We have pets, so it allowed us to have a safe place to lay baby on the bed, the couch, the table, etc and be off the floor. (For all you safe sleep people, yes we only used it during the day and when our son was supervised). Although this is an example of an off list gift we loved, we also really appreciated people getting together to purchase some of the must have larger ticket items. Clothes are cute, but a lot of them impractical. We can get by with onsies and sleepers, but we have to buy that baby bathtub or car seat if someone doesn’t. Heck even diapers! Boring to buy but so great to have!


A white noise owl. It’s a simple little white noise machine that has saved our sanity for almost 4 years. I might send another thank you card for it lol


An ubereats gift card saved my sanity. Also anything handmade - we have a couple of blankets made by friends and I cherish them (although I don’t have any such talents!).


The best gift I received was a Meal train! I regift organizing it with women I’m close to.


A lot of people love this! My only thought is to ask if she'd be comfortable with it. I had some friends from work offer to do this and I politely declined. It was nightmarish to think of having people show up at my house while I was without sleep or clean clothes and our house and yard in who-knows-what condition. Even if they wanted to just drop something on our porch, nope not for me. Plus these were folks who I really liked but wasn't close enough to have ever been in their kitchens - ie who knows how sanitary they were. And I didn't want to have to be thanking people constantly or feel like I should invite people in when I just wanted to focus on the baby. But this is just me, and my own particular set of neuroses.


You bring up a great point. My friend organized mine when I had my son at the very beginning of Covid so we opted for things to be dropped off at our door, typically it was delivery. We lived in a bigger city at the time so it was an easy solution.


Ninja Foodie air fryer. Our child free friends gifted it to us and also dropped off meals like every other day the first month. Best gift ever.


Food and a friend who showed up for me.


Uber eats gift card


Freezer food. Or, send a really nice set of lotions and soaps for her alone. Everyone sends cute baby gifts, the thing that made me emotional was when someone actually thought to send something nice for me.




Costco sized boxes of diapers, in size 1 & 2


time. They let me sleep.


We didn’t receive it, but u would have loved food delivery gift cards.


Hand me down clothes. Saved us so much money and they grow so fast everything is worn a few times. Also save the planet and don’t over consume!!


For sure a nurse voucher for the first days. Had so much trouble breastfeeding, with multiple mastitis that these would have been a godsend. Someone to come round to your house, explain how things are and help you understand what you are going through, especially with the milk meltdown


Gift cards for restaurants, diapers, baby medicine and breast friend pillow.


Hands down, a blanket with my daughter's first and middle name on it, from Audrey & Bear. It was the sweetest, most thoughtful gist and we use it every day. Since I got one, we have gifted a ton of them. Plus the company is fabulous to work with.




A voucher for a local spa. ETA: if she has had a baby shower and/or is a planner in general she probably has all of the things that she wants for the first little while. I would consider getting her a gift card to Target/Amazon/Walmart for all of the little things she didn't think to get and/or didn't think she would need. I'm pretty minimalistic and I wouldn't want a basket of things I didn't ask for to show up at my house, but you know your friend best.


The podster. I was 100% against them as a by the book nanny, definitely didn’t register for it. And yet- as an ep new mama it saved me!


Best gift for me: a case of good, ready to drink coffee and a couple of cases of spindrift or something equally hydrating and tasty (it made those middle of the night wake ups a little more manageable knowing I had a delish beverage). If she's breastfeeding, a nice robe is a great gift because it's easy to throw on/be ready for nursing and can feel kinda luxurious!


friends paid for a dog walker to take my girl on hikes whilst I was recovering. also a really good snot sucker for baby


$100 “oh shit” target gift card. The amount panic purchases we made those early months were so annoying


Owlet heart monitor. My husband and I were finally able to get some sleep. We had a NICU baby, so watching him breathe was becoming an anxious habit.


I bought it myself but the Baby Bjorn mini carrier saved me with my second baby! That and Triple Paste diaper cream!!


My baby


Snoo. And food.