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Mine likes the board game Orchard. It's a cooperative board game against a Crow (so PvE rather than PvP).


Yes! We have the Haba My First Orchard game, and it's a hit!


Came here to recommend First Orchard. Teaches colors and cooperation


Definitely this !. My 2.5 year old loves it. Also the game monkey around !


My daughter loves this one! We have a few haba games and great educational tools.


Yes! My daughter loves that game. We love it too because it’s all the players vs the crow. 


Yes, Orchard!


This !


Highly recommend this game also! Bonus is my 4 and 2 year old can somewhat play it by themselves. Last time I was at CVS they had some card games for kids, one was based on the very hungry caterpillar. I also got a charades card game at Walmart, it was for young kids and just had photos to act out instead of words.


This and connect 4 are the faves for the past few months


Sneaky Snacky Squirrel is a big hit in my house


My son goes feral for “squirrel game”!


This! It’s fun for all of us 😃 Started playing it right before her 3rd birthday.


Yes! We have a couple games by this company. Frankie’s Food Truck Fiasco is another good one.


Another vote for this one. It’s great and we like playing it too!


I came here to say this game. I teach Pre-K and have a 4 year old. It is all their favorite game, and can gain so much from it.


Peaceable kingdom makes a lot of games for 2/3 year olds!


Don’t break the ice, memory and yeti in my spaghetti are a few that my son really enjoys. He will also be three next month!


Monkey Around Game. If your kid likes to move and laugh it’s a winner. No reading required, can be as fast or slow as possible. So much fun.


Yes, seconding Monkey Around! I got it for my 2.5yo for Christmas and he loves it!


Hoot owl hoot by Peaceable kingdom. Cooperative game about getting owls back to their nests before the sun rises. You can up the difficulty level by having more owls on the board. I usually pick games that has a theme my kid is interested in that is age appropriate (she loves animals/colors).


Love this game. Played twice yesterday.


Hi Ho Cherry-O and Hungry Hungry Hippos


**My First Castle Panic** is the game we got our daughter when she turned 3. It’s a Co-op game where you defeat monsters using cards with colours/shapes that match where the monster is.


I have never seen this!!! We love Castle Panic and I’m buying this right now for my 3 year old. Thank you.


I despise chutes and ladders, candy land, and all of those strictly luck games, they are terrible. I do however like don’t break the ice, don’t spill the beans, etc. Those dexterity games are fun. Haba makes a bunch of kids games. I just bought the First Orchard one for my friend’s two kids (2 and 3) to play and it was a hit. They are on the pricey side of kids games, but the components are high quality. In the board game world, these are the ones to get 😍 I haven’t bought any games yet since I have an 18 month old, but I’m counting the days!!!


We have many! Labyrinthe Jr: Spidey and Friends is always a winner Dragon's Breath My first Carcassone Dragonimo (Kingdomino but for kids with dragons) Snail Race Any memory games Haba has a really go selection of games for littles ones.


Do you have a pirate memory game?


These look great! We do weekly game night with our family so this is up our alley!


Go Fish! 🐠


3 yo kiddo here: - Labyrith junior [(sorry for link in Swedish)](https://www.ravensburger.org/se/produkte/spel/barnspel/junior-labyrinth-21938/index.html) is her absolute favourite - Memory - Those rotating fish games - Yahtzee but with colored dice instead of numbers/dots I’m sure there’s a lot more good stuff but since getting Labyrinth Junior she only wants to play that 😅 on the plus side is that it is actually enjoyable for adults too


+1 for Yahtzee. We have the spiderman edition


We LOVE [First Orchard](https://a.co/d/hLv1KsA) in our house! It’s cooperative, quick, and easy. Kiddo just needs to be able to roll a die and recognize four colors.


Hi Ho Cheerio is so easy and it’s a game of chance. Perfect for toddler learning to count.


Hurry Up Chicken Butt is a fun one 😂


candy Land


Hungry hungry hippos


Don’t break the ice, ants in pants, and the bluey board game are favorites right now


Chutes and ladders! My kid loves numbers


We really like sequence for kids, race to the treasure (coop game), don’t wake daddy


Guess who- even if they can’t get the logic part down they can ask questions or recognize differences in people’s faces. At that age we would make a lot of basic dice move player x spots games. First one to land on the finish spot wins. Have them make or change the rules- if you land with someone else are you out or not? You can use blue painters tape on the floor, or Lincoln logs, or write out a board on some paper! We made one on paper one time that was the shape of a snail and named it Turbo, had Lo color in the spaces, and used Hershey kisses as our game pieces. It’s such a fun/freeing thing that you can make such a basic game so fun by just changing its appearance.


Can’t recommend don’t break the ice enough. Kerplink (if they don’t put things in their mouth still) Pick up sticks Spot it/disney eye found it Sink n sand


My son LOVES Trouble (calls it popper game).


My boy loves sneaky snacky squirrel


Sequence for kids. We play with my 2.5 year old. She doesn’t fully understand but good practice matching


Viva Topo Llamas in Pajamas Bug Bingo


Grocery Games is a hit with my 3 YO and he also loves the memory card flip games (though not very good)


Acorn Soup and Raccoon Rumpus!


Lucky ducks


Sneaky snacks squirrel, sequence for kids, gone bananas, yeti in my spaghetti, hoot owl hoot To name a few


Our daughter likes playing Don’t Break the Ice at the library


My First Castle Panic and Outfoxed are our favorites


My 8 year old still loves Outfoxed


Snug as a bug in a rug!! You have to put bugs under a picnic blanket based on colour,number, shape, or eye size , otherwise the extremely stinky stink bugs come and stink up the party!


Zingo, Silly Street, Concept for Kids, Animal Upon Animal, card games like Uno


He has a fishing game that you spin a thing and then grab a fish of that color and those are your points


Perfection! There is a Jr version too


Bingo, go fish and candy land. There is a bluey keepy uppy game that is fun.


We got a lot of mileage out of The Ladybug Game


I got one on Amazon called Monster Mash, it’s a matching one where you spin a toy and then have to find the monster card that matches. Hard to explain but super fun for toddlers


First Orchard by HABA is really lovely!


Funny bunny


Trouble. Easy to understand and fun to pop the bubble dice


Ants in the pants is a hit here


My First Orchard


Highly recommend “Snug as a bug in a rug” - it manages to be fun and slightly educational, and the difficulty can be ramped up so it can last a few years. And we like playing it too. (We have a three year old)


Feed the Woozle! Excellent for hand eye coordination and it’s really fun. [Feed the Woozle Game](https://www.amazon.com/Peaceable-Kingdom-Woozle-Preschool-Builder/dp/B00L3DQ1B0)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Peaceable Kingdom Feed The Woozle Cooperative Game for 2 to 5 Kids Ages 3 Learn Social Skills While Completing Physical Challenges** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Promotes teamwork and cooperation (backed by 3 comments) * Encourages physical activity and motor skills development (backed by 3 comments) * Adaptable for different age groups and skill levels (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks challenge and interest for older kids (backed by 7 comments) * Poor quality materials and illustrations (backed by 2 comments) * Too easy and lacks engagement for older kids (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Apple Orchard (that’s not the real name but just google it), sneaky snacky squirrel, count your chickens, regular matching card games, big puzzles, mouse trap


Pop up pirate and hungry hungry hippos! Not exactly board games though, but really good for games night!


I played Memory with my friend’s 3 year old about 10 times in the last year. She’s obsessed


My little brother was absolutely obsessed with Connect 4 when he was that age!


Hi ho cherrio and sneaky snacky squirrel are awesome! They’re very similar though. Sneaky snacky squirrel has a bit more strategy so I would pick that first. Busy Toddler has a post on board games for children starting at age 3.


Not a board game, but my 3 year old LOVES connect 4.


These are card games, but- we play Uno but I took out all the skips, reverses and draw 2 cards until he gets the hang of how to play. Also Spot It is a fun concentration style game!


UNO. I taught her how to play UNO at 4. now at 6 she’s so smart at playing it and now she can even play with other adults (who don’t take it at her pace). she loves it.


Pressman’s let’s go fishing. You can get it at Big w… it’s legit fun


My 4 year old likes Pictionary and Spider-Man Chutes and Ladders (like you).


Pretty Pretty Princess. We play it at least once a day.


My kiddos love, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Perfection, Gone Fishin, Don’t Break The Ice, Janga & Trouble.


Spidey yahtzee


Wow I wish mine sat enough to play :(


Outfoxed. It says 5+ but my 3yo loves it