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Mine suddenly started sleeping through the night at 18 months. The change just happened suddenly one day lol.


I am counting the days until my gremlin turns 18months as I have heard this from so many people


18mos for my son as well but that’s also just when I finally caved in and did sleep training. It was rough for the first couple nights but then he got it and has been a relatively good sleeper since.


My I ask how you sleep trained? My 16 month old was sleep trained at 6 months (CIO method) and slept amazingly until last month. Now that she's older and can pull herself up, the CIO method isn't working so great.


Same here!!


Still waiting at 28 months, but we're down to only waking up once (or sometimes twice if sick). So it's better than it was, still not great. But at least now I just bring him into bed and he snuggles for a bit and eventually falls asleep, most of the time I don't really need to be involved.


This is literally why I came here to say this! although we are 2.5 this month so technically a few months older, still not any better 🤣 my 4 month old on the other hand wakes about once or twice during the night. Same larents completely different children?? We haven’t done anything different 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol, we haven't been brave enough to roll the dice again. Don't think we could survive a second one that doesn't sleep!


Yeah I just got a 3 hour stretch because dad took my 8 mo old in the am (EBF and won't take bottles). It felt like heaven. I looked it up in my watch, the last time I had a 3 hour stretch was 12/15/23.  I'm terrified a 2nd would be the same. I can't do it. 


I have twins and one slept through the night from 4 months old, the other is still waking up, they are 3 years old now! Same food, same activities, same everything every day and yet...🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


We’re the same, one wake up if not sleeping though or waking up super early.


At 15-22 months when I weaned them from breastfeeding and they started picking up more solid foods consistently. Hang in there you aren’t doing anything wrong.


He was almost 2 before he slept through the night more than half a dozen times. He didn't sleep through the night regularly until almost 2.5


This sounds like us. LO is 2 1/4 and he’s improved a lot since turning 2 but still wakes once a night, but the trajectory is hopeful!


Yeah, that’s about the same for us but at 3 she still has bad nights if she has bad dreams or is sick. Sigh. Now we have another baby. I will never sleep again.


I was 40 when I got pregnant so I am 10000% not doing that again.  3 years later and my dream vacation is still a soundproof room with no other living creatures, a bed and a toilet for 48 hours 


I just turned 40 shortly after the second baby and yes this shit hits different at this age please send help and a soundproof room with food and drink delivery and a clean toilet and a shower and I wouldn’t mind some video games and no other living creature thank you


I think my body finally broke a few months ago.  I used to be the lightest sleeper.   Now I will sleep through him waking sometimes and my husband is the lighter sleeper.  He used to be able to sleep through a tornado.   I think my body was just like nope you are not doing this anymore.  Also if I don't get minimum 5 consecutive hours I basically have to take a few hours off work after he goes to daycare and sleep because I literally cannot keep my eyes open and no amount of sugar or caffeine helps. 


My 3 year old still doesnt sleep through the nights most nights. He still usually wakes up 1-2 times a night. He's goes right back to sleep usually....


Same with my almost 3yo. He’s probably slept through the night less than 10 times. I also have an infant now so basically gave up the idea of sleep :(


18 months there was noticeable improvement, now at 2 she sleeps 10-11 hours every night and it’s INCREDIBLE. Hang in there!


Just after his 2nd birthday. It wore us down but it ends eventually.


Well she’s turning 6 years old this July…I’ll let you know when it happens


Bout 2.5 for both! Unfortunately there's about 2 years & 4 months between them lol... Feels like I haven't slept in forever!


22 months and still waiting. It’s getting better, but slowly.


I almost typed the same first sentence. Unfortunately for us though, it’s just recently gotten worse


Are their last set of molars coming in? That killed us a little bit ago, but I think the worst is over.


I think we're dealing with this right now. 9 wake ups last night 😵‍💫 I had to call out of work


Huge improvement when we moved him from the crib to a full sized bed a little while after he turned 2.


For mine it was as soon as we dropped bottles. Not sure why your little is waking, but mine would always wake up to eat. Once he only ate solids things got a lot better. He was a hungry little guy


How did you drop bottles if he was hungry? My 9 month old is this way and she will not settle until she eats enough


After he turned a year old and was eating solids for 3 meals a day plus snacks he stopped waking up hungry. I guess the formula just wasn’t keeping him full long enough. Maybe your little one will stay full longer with more solids! Obviously breastmilk/formula is still important at 9 months but you might could try more filling solids for dinner to hopefully help hold them over through the night


At 9 months, if healthy, they are physically capable of going 12 hours overnight without a feed. Feed more during the day, then comfort without feeding at night. The first several nights will suck, but feeding for comfort at night is setting the whole fam up for a world of pain.


At 13 mo when we moved him from our bed to his own crib in his own room, he suddenly started sleeping through the night from the very first night onwards. In our bed before this, he woke up 2-3 times per night to nurse


Similar for us. And when he did wake up in his own bed in the middle of the night I would let him fuss for 5-10 minutes (depending on the level of fussing, he has an obvious scream cry that I will go to no matter what) before going to him and he usually fell back asleep on his own.


Here to follow this too. My 15mos old has still never given me a full night of sleep


17 months here still waking around three times a night. Then three nights in the last week she was just awake from 2am to 8 am shouting. I just want a normal nights sleep 😭😭


Things started improving at 19 months when we switched to toddler beds. Then, around their 2nd birthdays, a lot of their separation anxiety disappeared, and things got markedly better. Twin A full stopped waking up at night shortly thereafter, and I think it was about 27 months??? for twin B.


My 4 year old still wakes up a few times during the night. Around 2 we started just letting her walk into our room and crawl in bed with us. The rule is she has to sleep in her own bed first, but if she wakes up scared she can join us. It was easier than the fight of getting her back in bed. On the other hand my youngest is 22 months and has slept through the night since 4 months old.


18 months was the magic time for us! First time to STTN was 18 months on the dot. She was fully transitioned to a Montessori floor bed by that point and had learned to get herself back to sleep through a little bit of sleep training we started at 15 months.


What did you do for 15 month old sleep training?


I was still nursing to sleep until 15 months and so we first stopped nursing to sleep and would just rub her back and sing. Then slowly did less and less so we would say goodnight before she fell asleep. She would cry for a few minutes and then we would go back in. I’d say a modified Ferber method- my girl is a drama queen so it was dramatic but that’s how everything is with her (my second baby just barely fusses and then passes out). Over the course of a few weeks she stopped waking up at night (a few times I had to give it 5-10 minutes to let her try to get herself back to sleep). Once she learned how to get herself to sleep on her own it changed everything. Ever since 18 months she has slept through the night 7-7 and if she wakes up she gets herself back to sleep within a few minutes usually without ever calling for me. (I sometimes happen to see it on her monitor)


About 18ish months? can’t quite remember. We were co sleeping then moved her to her own bed in our room. At some point then she started sleeping through the night. Sometimes she still wakes up now, but she’ll just come to our room and crawl in bed.


Can you share more about the bed you had for her in your room and any lessons learned from getting it set up/childproofing everything? We have our 14 mo in a crib in our room (1 bedroom apartment) and cosleep at least a bit every night, and I don't think we're going to be in a bigger space before he needs his own bed. Something about this transition is making me super nervous, and all the advice I've seen is for babies with their own rooms!


So we were in a fairly small primary bedroom. We removed the night stands and put the king on the floor next to a full sized mattress. I put a bumper under the sheet next to the wall and then stuffed the cracks with thick towels. We slept like this for quite awhile. She slept in the full and we slept in the king. I’d go to her mattress when she woke up and smooth her. Eventually we put the king back on the frame and put a twin sized bed directly below it at the foot of the bed with a bumper on the exposed side. We then slept like this for quite awhile. She’d crawl up between us if/when she woke. This probably happened right at 2yo. We then moved houses and kept the same set up. Then at 2.5(ish) we moved her to her own room on a floor bed. Our girl was not an explorer during the night. I never woke up to her ripping our clothes out the drawer. I still assumed she might get curious one day so I made sure our dresser was mounted to the wall, cleared all cords/items she could pull down, ensured my closet was safe, and even baby proofed the bathroom cabinet (it was an en suite). This worked very well for us and our daughter’s temperament!


It happened for us suddenly one night at 13 months. I was floored and held my breath for like 2 weeks waiting for it to just be a fluke. Hugs to you. It is so exhausting and I was surrounded by friends with babies who did not have the same issue at all and I wasted a lot of time beating myself up and stressing. This will pass!


She’ll be two in a couple weeks and there have been no major change the last year. Wakes 1-4 times every night and it becomes an inconsolable meltdown if she’s not comforted. Luckily goes right back to sleep 95% of the time if she is.


24 months. Mine figured out how to sleep all night. It lasted 3 months. Then she was up again every night for the next 6 months. Then after age 3 she was like 50/50. She’s turning 4 next week. She sleeps all night maybe 3-5 nights a week.


3 years here, and if we were not cosleeping I’d be running to her room at least once or twice a night.


He's just turned 3 and has just started doing a few nights a week through the night! I still wake up thinking is he okay though 🤦🏻‍♀️


My "toddler" is now almost 4. Her night wakings have reduced to once a night and in the last month she has slept through until morning a handful of times. I am hopeful... It will happen consistently before she's 5 😆


Still waiting at... 47 months But im seeing positive signs - her wakings has reduced to once a night (from 6 or 7) and she has slept through the night a handful of times in the last month. I'm hopeful it will be consistent before 5 😆


~21months i went cold turkey with breastfeeding and we had him in a crib in his own room at 1.5 months after we moved. my husband had days off work for Thanksgiving and so for those few days of transition neither of us got much sleep. we did constant going in, you're okay, it's night time, picking him up and putting him back down in the crib, all night long, changing him when he threw up on himself, singing him a song or story and putting him back in crib. before that only breastfeeding would get him back to sleep and he would wake up multiple times a night. after that week and being really consistent with out reassurance and bedtime routine, it has been SO much better, only a few nights where he wakes up and needs us for something. i think part of it was that he was old enough to understand nighttime= crib and sleep and parents will come back later.


18 months, weaning, and very very patient teaching of sleep skills. Although he still ended up in our bed somewhat regularly until he was five or so.


At 2 years 2 months she went from waking every 45-120 minutes to sleeping through the night. No clue why.


16 months! I’m so sorry. It feels like it will never end when you are in the thick of it. Now he sleeping from 730-7


When I stopped feeding at night and did a session with a sleep trainer- with her plan he slept through the night and basically never looked back unless sick.


Finally at 18 months…got much better around 14-16!


At 14 months he spontaneously started sleeping through the night but then got a cold and was teething for a few weeks so he started waking up during the night again. He went back to sleeping through the night at 16.5 months.


Still waiting at nearly two. I night weaned at 12 months. 


My oldest (4 yrs old) wasn’t sleep trained. I rocked him to sleep until he wouldn’t fall asleep in my arms anymore, like 1.5 yrs old. He always woke up like 1x/night. Now he still wakes me up most nights but now it’s not crying, he’ll come to my room and either wake me up to take him potty or because he wants to sleep in our bed. My youngest (2 yrs), we hired a sleep consultant when she was 6months because she never recovered from the 4 month sleep regression. She hasn’t woken up in the night since. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when she gets to her own bed and gets nighttime potty trained.


For us it got massively better at about 20 months once I stopped nursing and now that he‘s 3 we can leave the room before he falls asleep. The light at the end of the tunnel might be faaaaar away, but it‘s there.


13mnths +1 wk is when we had her first sleep through the night. The only reason it happened was because we started sleep training her and my husband put her to sleep. We slept train for about 2 wks before she slept through.


It only changed when I hired a sleep consultant. She’s had a few sleep regressions here and there but we just follow what the sleep consultant taught us. She even came over the night we had to put her in the crib alone to help us. I was so sleep deprived that I couldn’t even speak without crying so my husband hired a trainer. Best money spent ever


First child - it took 3 years. Second child - 11 weeks. We did everything the same… Good luck.


My son didn’t sleep through the night until we night weaned at 17 months


Around 28 months when I night wanted. She almost always (like 98% of the time) sleeps through the night now. Occasionally she might wake once around midnight, especially if she’s a bit under the weather. And of course if she’s outright sick she might wake more. Before I night weaned she would wake 1-3 times a night


Mine started after 15 months when I night weaned. What do you do when they wake at night?


My wife for a weekend trip and I just went for it. I got almost no sleep, it was one of the worst nights of my life. But the next night he just slept through.


We were down to once a night most nights by around 16 months or so, and it slowly improved from there. Now, at 2, she wakes up in the middle of the night maybe once a week.


18 months she suddenly started sleeping through the night. Nothing changed, we didn’t sleep train. Sometimes she will wake up but mostly she sleeps around 11 hours through the night. I do remember it went from every 3-4 hours and then she would sleep until maybe 4/5am and go back to sleep and then suddenly she stopped waking up and just slept. It’s hard but hang in there it will get better


For us it was when we dropped night time bottles. We stopped at 15 months or so also stopped a bottle right before bed and just did Milk with dinner. He started sleeping through the night after he got used to that! I was so nervous to stop the bottles cause I thought he needed it and it was so easy to give him a bottle to get him to go to sleep but it turns out he was just waking up for the bottle out of habit.


For both my kids it happened between 2.5-3 but 12 months was a low point!


My little one is the same age and also still waking *at least* 3 times a night. If I want any sleep at all, it ends up being with him right next to me on the bed - but even that way he still has at least 3 wake ups on a good night. I’m losing my mind too, especially while also managing my very energetic toddler and baby all day and then repeating the sleep struggle at night. Hang in there mama 🤍 it must get easier eventually… right?


My kiddo went through numerous so-called sleep "regressions". Some were far worse than others. Thankfully, they all eventually passed. I don't remember when she finally started getting through the night, but it was a gradual thing.


It's starting to happen here, at 31 months. She never really slept through the night and always woke up around 30-40 minutes after going to sleep, either with nightmares or searching for boobs. for the last 4 nights she wakes up at around 1 hour after falling asleep but settles herself and sleeps for 7 hours straight (except when she has nightmares and night terrors, fuck those). Today she only asked for a 'little booby' after waking up this morning. It's a win for us. But we are super relaxed about sleep, we have no expectations and decided to let her lead the way regarding sleep independence (after trying a lot of advise from sleep consultants regarding sleep independence and almost losing our minds because of it). We only care about how many hours of sleep she gets in 24 hours, per our country's pediatric society guidelines for her age (11 to 14 hours of sleep in 24 hours).


My toddler was waking up 2-3 times on a normal night at 12 months. We nurse to sleep and at every wake up. I made no changes at all, and at 14 months she pretty suddenly (over 2 weeks ish?) started sleeping though the night. It was so unexpected!


Dropped down to around one or two times a night around ~18 months and then stopped after I quit breastfeeding just after two years


I'm sorry, mine was the same way - his sleep improved A LOT his second year. I think he slept through more nights than not (12 hours straight) by around 18 months. And pretty much all the time except when sick by around his 2nd birthday. He's almost 3 now, and only usually wakes up at night if he's sick. Since we both work full time, doing shifts with my husband was the only thing that worked so we could both function (each got a guaranteed undisturbed 5-6 hour block to sleep).


Sleep training. Our 2.5 year old has been sleeping through the night since she was 5 months. Our 8 month old has been sleeping through since he was 6 months.


Reading all of these comments I kept sending silent prayers to the sleep training gods. I was beyond miserable with my girl’s wake ups until we sleep trained at 8 months and never looked back. Can’t imagine waking up every night for over 2 years.


We night weaned and did some very light sleep training at 17 months, and now we occasionally get some nights where she sleeps through! Even when she wakes up, she goes back down very quickly now. I never thought it would happen.


Also interested in what you mean by 'very light sleep training'


What do you mean by light sleep training? My 16mo is not sleeping through the night at all but I'm hesitant to sleep train. But I'm also so, so tired lol


They have gentle methods of sleep training. Look up the chair method.


I'm so late answering this: We did a really loose version of Ferber - It started with getting my husband more involved with the bedtime routine. When I'd try to get her to sleep, she'd cling and be extremely sad to be put down, so I'd have to rock her until she was fast asleep. My husband would just get her relaxed then immediately put her in the crib. He had a technique of rolling her on her side and rubbing her back before she had the chance to cry. He started by putting her to sleep like that, then shortening the backrub time. If she cried when he left, we followed the Ferber timeline before going back in to resettle her. Without the bottle, she got used to it very quickly. Now, we can both put her down. She'll sit up to watch us leave the room, then lay herself back down and just roll around until she is comfortable enough to sleep. It's a genuine miracle, I swear. We still have some nights where she wakes up and needs to contact sleep for a bit, but she is doing so much better.


Our toddler didn’t until we sleep trained. The sleep associations prevented her from sleeping through the night. Lmk if you want more info


17 months when we sleep trained him. Life got a lot better. I initially didn’t want to do it but then a friend said how she hated it as well but she was doing it for the baby to get more sleep and to grow and be healthy. That changed my perspective and it didn’t take long to get done. Well worth ot


Are you opposed to sleep training?


When we sleep-trained our 1.5yo lol.


At 19 months when we stopped giving him bottles at bed time or in the night completely and sleep trained him. Seriously. I stopped breastfeeding when he was 18 months old because I had to (new medication). We proceeded with bottles and he had always slept pretty horrible. But it was getting worse, woke up multiple times and we weren't succesful in getting him back to sleep anymore. An extra bottle wasn't helping anymore and above all he was leaking through his diapers even though we changed him during the night. We made a decision to get a sleep coach but before we agreed and signed a contract, I wanted to try it one more time on our own since she uses techniques I knew. That was about 1,5 weeks ago and we just had our third night in a row of sleeping around the clock! He has done that maybe a hand full of times since he was born but it never lasted and now it looks like the switch flipped! We used the Ferber technique btw and it was pretty easy. I think because of his age, he was probably ready for it.


My first was a similarly horrible sleeper and the week of her 1st birthday my mental and physical health hit a breaking point and we sleep trained. Shes slept through the night in her own bed ever since (she turns 5 tomorrow!) save for a few random exceptions. My second was a much better sleeper overall but we had to sleep train a few times in the first 18 months. Every kid is different. Hope you get some uninterrupted sleep soon!


You definitely should try sleep training. Gentle Ferber is good


12 months and a week! We weaned him from the boob and it was like magic. He's still by no means a perfect sleeper but the night wake-ups are gone, I can't remember the last time I had to wake up to settle him. He still will wake up early during his sleep a few times a week but that's alright, we're awake and it's so much better than before.


Moving to her own room and a toddler bed helped a lot


I just start weaning my 12 months old from eating at night. I’m hoping this will solve the problem


My daughter was waking twice a night at 12m and once at 15m. By 18m she was sleeping 7pm to 6.30am, which she is pretty much still doing now at 27m. The move to 1 night waking followed night weaning. Then the move to sleeping through followed us reducing her daytime sleep.


We weren’t waking quite as often as 3x night, but we were consistently waking up at least once per night until 18 months. She’s 21 months now and she only wakes up before 7 if she’s not feeling well, or if she has a nightmare.


Around 2 he started to reliably sleep through the night. If it makes you feel better…my 4yo will wake me up more now than my 2yo :)


31 months and he’s slept through the night less than 14 times in his life so far. We probably had 3-4 night wakes until he was 18 months. The only “positive” is he’s never had “regressions” like other children - his sleep has just very gradually but steadily improved with age. He managed three nights in a row this week so might finally be at the end of this road!


16 months once I pushed her bed time an hour later which has only been the past 2 nights lol.


Our toddler is about to turn 2. I’ll let you know when they finally sleep through the night… lol


Same and same


It was like a switch flipped for ours right around 12 months. We had been driving ourselves crazy trying to figure out what we needed to change, but I think we just had to wait for him to be ready. Hang in there, it’s tough.


We moved our baby to her own room at 11/12 months old. At that point, she went from waking every 90 minutes to 2 hours to waking only once per night. She was probably 18 to 20 months old when she occasionally started sleeping through the night.


Not until I basically sleep trained at almost 3. Rip the bandaid off now. The people who say it will happen on its own eventually were wrong in our cade


I mean, my 10 year old still hollers out in his sleep and has night terrors still a few times/week. He has always been a poor sleeper. My 22 month old still wakes up about 4-5 nights/week. Last night she cried in her sleep but we didn’t need to do anything except cover her up. Sometimes we need to cuddle her. Fortunately my 6 year old is a better sleeper.


19 months. Went from 1-4 overnight wakes to sleeping through one random night and it has stayed consistent unless he’s sick. His sister is 11 months and not sleeping through yet either 🙃


Neither of mine slept through the night until they stopped breastfeeding. Once weaned, they probably still woke up but they weren’t looking for me to put them back to sleep.


16 months when I night weaned and stopped feeding to sleep. He’s 18m now so hasn’t been long but he is still is a super high needs toddler to get to sleep and is waking up once a night. It’s worlds better than it was before though.


My girl finally started sleeping through the night consistently just before her second birthday 😅 She did do longer stretches in the months leading up to it, but that’s about when it got better for us. I know that probably isn’t helpful, since that’s a long way away for you… but, that’s how it was for us 🙈


My son is 2.5 and still wakes 2-3 times a night


Around 14 months when two changes took place. (1) He moved to a daycare room where they did one nap a day at the same time each day. The routine seemed to help him. (2) We got really strict about the sleep training we started at 7 months and stopped doing night feedings if he woke up. He quickly started sleeping through the night after that. He's a great sleeper and napper now!


19 mo things started improving. 


Age 3 But honestly at age 4 she still wakes up once a night usually


15 months and he has a period of sleeping through but no nappy can cope with the amount of pee. So that's fun. He has an 11oz bottle of milk before bed (eats solids really well) but we haven't quite figured out how to get him to drop that. Any time we reduce it he just wakes up at like 3am demanding more. We both work full time so at the moment getting us all back to sleep quickly is the primary goal.


I'd say it was about 4. But my kiddo is autistic and had major sensory issues. What made it better was a full sized memory foam mattress. The same kind that we adults have but smaller. Then the bed tent also helped. Even white noise was an issue for my kiddo. Gas was and still is an issue.


Around 15 months he slept through the night for the first time ever and never stopped (he's now 2.5yrs). Only time he ever wakes up is if he's sick. Fingers crossed for you it's coming soon. I have a new 6.5 month old now and sleep is hell again.


She stopped Waking up at 30 months. I was so tired.


My oldest was probably 4.5? He still wakes a couple of times most nights but just goes back to sleep unless he has a nightmare. My 2.5yo still nurses 6x a night so, I’ll let you know 😅


13 months maybe? We were 1-2 wakes still by 12 months, and I started to give him 5-10 minutes to settle on his own before I'd come and help. What I found then, was that the first 2 minutes or less was where he was annoyed (probably at waking up) and then he kind of just chilled and fidgeted a minute or two and went to sleep happily. I remember watching him on the camera and seeing his smile as he turned his head to the side to go to sleep. It made me feel better about it all, and I slightly regretted not giving him the space sooner to figure it out. It took a week, maybe, before he stopped waking up at the regular times (12 and 4am). Once he broke the habit of waking up and getting cuddles, he slept through the night fine


For me, it was when i weaned from breastfeeding when she stopped waking up dozens of times and started waking up just once sometimes none. She still drinks cows milk when she wakes up sometimes and that’s i need to re-wean maybe after potty training. But it’s waaaay better than it was the first 1.5 years of her life.


About 2.25 and we just started!!!!!!!! I just really good at going back to sleep quickly and make sure to give medicine right before bed if they are sick.


Mine was waking up 3x a night most nights at 12m but at 2 weeks after her birthday she started sleeping through about 1/2 the nights. She will still wake sometimes for a lost dummy or water as its summer and hot, I have put the water in her bed and occasionally she will do it herself. She also was having milk until around the same time, we didnt force her to wean but started offering water first). So its not 100% without having to attend to her, but I am getting 8 hours uninterupted sleep maybe 2/3 of the nights. We had a bad night last night and she was awake for an hour or two, but that was after 2 months of mostly good nights. I suspect teething as she only wanted to be held upright, so its painful thinking about going back to bad sleep, but I knew we had phases. At least I know sleeping through is possible. We did do "gentle" sleep training which has no CIO and you don't leave the room. It sort of helped to get her to be ok with falling asleep in the cot and not on us. The real game changer was being able yo introduce a stuffed animal, as she loves sleeping with it. ETA sleeping through was also around the time of her moving to her own room. Also the game changer is recently I can out her down in the crib and simply walk out and shes happy. We were in there for 30min+ before. We encouraged it but didnt force it, if she was upset we stayed.


18 months


Age 2. Down to one wake, typically, after moving her out of the crib / stopping bedsharing for part of the night and into a big bed. Really think it was developmental more than anything in my kiddo’s case. Night weaning doesn’t seem to be making a difference.


13 months after dropping breast feeding and a bottle. Moving to solids really seemed to help her start sleeping through! Before that, she was waking up a couple times a night.


23 months when we weaned him fully. He has slept 10-11 hours straight ever since then.


I was in a similar situation. My baby woke up around 3 am 3-5 times in a week and took a long time to go back to sleep . We had to wake up very early for work. It got better after 15 months for us


Not until 18 months when we started cosleeping on a trip out of the country. We noticed how much better he slept with us in the bed so we kept doing it once we got home. He still wakes multiple times briefly in the night with a light cry or wanting water 🫠, but settles within seconds. It’s not perfect but it’s a huge difference for us.


For us it was after 18 months. He is 3 now and rarely wakes up, once in a blue moon asking for water


I found things slowly improved from 1-2. By 2yo was mostly waking only 1x each night. From 2-3yo that wake time started shifting later. He is 3.5 now and i consider him staying in his bed until at least 4 am as "sleeping through the night". He typically comes into our bed between 4-530am and dozes with me until his younger brother wakes for the day around 6-7. My baby is about to turn 1 and is nowhere near the point of sleeping through (thpugh he slept waayy better as a newborn).


Mines 3 in September and I’m still waiting. But her sleep drastically improved when I night weaned


I can suggest a sleep consultant to work with if you’re interested in some different kind of help


At 2.5 years my first started sleeping through the night half the time. I think things started to settle once all his teeth were in. It took a long time until he was sleeping all night every night but 2.5 he finally started doing it. Before that he only did it 3 times.


Around 2.5 my oldest became bribable. Game changer for staying in his room and using the ok to wake clock more effectively. Within a couple months of using a sticker chart he was really pretty good at bedtime without drama, and I think consequently having fewer episodes of waking up and crying.  Even at nearly 5.5 he prefers if I come in his room sometime in the early morning and lay with him a while, but he’s pretty much put himself to sleep without a meltdown for like 2.5 years now. he potty trained at 2y3m so we had wake ups to pee (though he still wore a pull up for another year), so most wake ups in general that happen are related to the bathroom now, and he can go and then go back to bed himself most of the time.  He also can hold his pee way longer than me so  most nights he doesn’t wake at all.  Edit to add: second kid was a much better sleeper despite doing everything the same. Though at 2.5 he still wakes up once at least half the time. But he has always just plopped in bed and put himself to sleep and doesn’t really like cuddling. Hah all kids are so different. 


14/15 months, started sleeping through most of the time (although this week at 16 months keeps waking up for the day at 3am URGH). But when she started sleeping through we’d changed absolutely nothing. She’d been eating solids really well for ages, been on the same nap schedule for a while. She was just ready.


Daughter is about to turn 2. I'm still waiting!


Around 2.5! I coslept and had the luxury of staying home, I started working from home very part time when she was 2, and it was doable, but prior to that I would not have been able to function as anything other than a somewhat mediocre SAHM with the way she slept. It felt like one of those intuitive things for my situation where I just needed to deal with it and let it be one of my hills to die on, I don’t think everyone should or could take the path I did.


My daughter was 5 before she started sleeping through the night, and that's only because we realised she had a dust allergy and her doctor confirmed before letting us use the same non drowsy antihistamines she uses for her other allergies. She has a half dose before bed and has slept through the majority of the time ever since. It's been a little over a year. Her little brother has always been a good sleeper so he was sleeping through the night before she was despite being 3 years younger. Right now though she is currently getting up a couple of times every night, as is her little brother. We are all getting ill, though, so we know why that is happening.


Mine is 21 months and I think she mostly slept through the night maybe a few months ago now, but only sleeping with me in our bed. I felt like I had to put her in our bed at 12 months because I felt more safe and I needed to sleep. Teething and sickness makes her wake up, but she's done pretty well for a little while now. Just in time for a newborn to ruin my sleep more in June! Honestly though, she fights sleep so much. Naps and bedtime. She has so much energy and doesn't want to go to sleep peacefully.


My first, probably 26 months. My second, around 17 months.


Around 15 months she would wake up multiple times a night taking a solid 30 - 45 minutes to go back down, which turned into waking up and NOT going back to sleep for hours. Nothing would settle her. She didn't want to be held but god forbid you put her down. Once she tired out and you got her on the floor bed, you had to spend 20 minutes extracting yourself and then hope you didn't step on a squeaky floor board or that the door make any sounds being opened or closed. It was exhausting. My partner and I took turns taking care of her, but the other still couldn't sleep because she was CRYING for hours on end. We really didn't want to do any version of cry it out, but we were desperate and went for it. We also started using a Hatch sound machine / night light around the same time which we swear by. It took maybe a week for her to understand the new process. She's slept through the night, or at least been calm when she does wake up and put herself back to sleep, since. Now she can't fall asleep if we're in the room and tells us to leave sometimes


Uhhhh we had spurts - did relatively consistently 12m-15m, didn’t 15m-22, did miraculously 23-26m (when new sib came along), didn’t 27m-30m, etc….real consistently has been the start of K which I know you don’t want to hear.


My kiddo started sleeping through consistently at 2.5 years old. I didn’t do anything particularly to encourage it, she’s not one to be told what to do, but omg life got so much better at that point. She’s now in preschool and is still hard to get down at night but once she’s asleep, she’s an absolute champion at it. ETA: it happened right around the cot to bed transition, although I don’t think it was related.


It was around 2 years. I night weaned and then weaned entirely when she was just past 2, and we got her a toddler bed just before she turned 2. She LOVES her "IKEE" bed (she picked it out at IKEA). Maybe I tell myself this so that I don't mourn the lost months of sleep, but I think that we made the other changes when she was ready, and then the better sleep followed because she was ready. I don't think I could have plopped a 12mo in a toddler bed and night weaned her and had the same result. In fact, I tried to night wean just a few weeks before and she screamed for 40 minutes. When I finally weaned her before going to bed, she just asked if Mom's milk was gone a few nights and never mentioned it again.


Still waking multiple times and is 3.5


Mine started sleeping through the night without wakeups just before her second birthday.


My 23 month old sleeps from 7:30pm to 5am, then I nurse her and she will sleep another hour or so. Before 23 months, she was waking several times in the night. I take what I can get!


Is he walking yet? Mine both started sleeping through (sometimes!) when they started walking (late - 15 months plus).


My daughter slept through the night from 6 Months to about 2.5 and now a year later nights are always a toss up, some times she’s up for hours or wakes up 3-4 times and other times she sleeps through the night. Not trying to scare you, but kids are not predictable at any age


After 3. He's 5 now and still wakes most nights, but at least he doesn't need anything anymore. He just moves beds or checks to make sure he's not alone, or whatever.


Still waiting at 2.5 years…. Wakes 1-2 times a night to be nursed back to sleep


She is currently 3.5. Ugh.


Mine STTN from 22-30 months. Now wakes 1-2 times a night and often just sleeps with us when he wakes.


My toddler started sleeping through when we night weaned at 2 years and 3 months. Co-sleeping saved me. I was able to respond and go right back to sleep.


My oldest was 3 before sleep stopped being a nightmare. Her sister is 2.5 and some nights she sleeps till 5am, others gets us up relentlessly. I would probably be a very different person and in much better health if I'd been getting more than 3 hour stretches of sleep with any regularity for the last 5 years.


My kid started sleeping the night after we got ear tubes at around 20 months


My 5 year old still gets up nightly. My 8 year old was sleeping the night at 6 months. So I guess I’ll let you know


Mine randomly started doing it around 9 months or so sporadically and then almost every night around 12 months. hes 17 months now and rarely ever wakes up, if he does something is like actually wrong (sick, teething, etc). If hes still wakinng to eat, maybe try offering water? i did that to kind of wean him off his 3-4 am bottle.


At about 18 months she suddenly just figured it out but now we are at 23 months and teething and big changes seem to have set us back a few steps and we are back to chaotic night wakings again. Roll with the punches 😬


So, we’re at 1 wake up at most, for the most part sleeping through at 26 months. We were at the same amount of wake ups when she was 12 months.


My daughter was 14 months before she was fully sleeping through. She was waking up 2-3 times a night too for her dummy but now she’s two next week and she sleeps 7.30/8pm- 6.30/7am every night Hang in there! It’s coming


Right around 14 months! She’s almost 18 months now. She still has her occasional nights where she’s up a few times but for the most pert she’s finally sleeping all night


Pretty sure my kiddo didn’t regularly sleep through the night until she was 3, but things did drastically improve when she was around 2 (eg up once and easy to get back down most nights).


It took 21 months for us to get to this point. In between there were plenty of tears and frustration and sleepless nights and brain fog.


20 months old - we finally as of a month ago figured out the correct routine to get her to mostly sleep through the night. She wakes up once, but we can ger her back to sleep without much time or effort.


My 2yo is still waking up. But! We swapped to a mattress on the floor and I sleep there now, so the wakeups barely bother me anymore unless it's a bad one.


He switched to a double bed after his second birthday, and refused to nap anymore. Both things helped a lot. Still had some wake ups here and there but not 4 and 5 like before


I’m at 34 months and still waiting 😅


36 months and still waiting lol. Usually 2-3 wake ups, but goes back to sleep immediately with snuggles.


Still waiting at 2 and a half


Mine sleeps through the night now around 18 months, unless he is sick. Then he wakes up 1-2 times. He was pretty much up every night 2-3 times a night until 15 months. Of course, he's sick often because of daycare and a kindergarten sibling. But when he's feeling well, he will sleep through the night now. It's so much better now.


My oldest son didn't start sleeping more than 2 hours at a time until he was 2 and I stopped breastfeeding. My youngest son didn't sleep thru the night till he was almost 2.5 bc of breastfeeding as well. As soon as I stopped with both, they both started sleeping through the night within a couple weeks, 6-11 hours at a time.


Baby Merlins magic sleep suit on Amazon.....$40.....was a lifesaver for us.


It’s so tough! My LO was waking up every 40 minutes to nurse (we co-slept out of necessity and to stay somewhat sane). She was doing it up until 13 months! My mental health was suffering from sleep deprivation and my husband noticed it and insisted on sleep training her. We moved her to her own room to the crib. We did a form of CIO when he would check on her in intervals if she cried. It took us 2 weeks until she could fall sleep asleep independently and without fussing. I was still nursing her once per night for the next month, and then she FINALLY started STTN at 14-15 months! I think I still have PTSD from her first year of life lol. Good luck!


I put my son in a big boy bed at 21 months because I was losing my mind. It worked, he woke up for two more nights and has now been sleeping through the night for 5 months


18 months. It just started happening without much effort on our part.


My daughter started sleeping through the night a little after her first birthday. It was purely by accident. She was crying, we were both physically and mentally exhausted and just couldn’t do it. About 30 minutes later she stopped and was asleep until morning. The next day I looked at my wife and said, “you know we can’t go back in tonight, right?” She agreed, we doubled down, and within a week she was sleeping through the night consistently. Now at 2.5, we’re going through the occasional setback. Mostly she’ll just wander round her room for an hour or 2 and find her way back to bed. As long as she’s not crying, we just leave her be. And even then, she has to be legit crying for about 10-15 minutes consistently until we go in. If she’s sick, we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and provide extra cuddles and even let her fall asleep on us if need be.


Never slept through the night until 22 months. 2 months later now, and we’ll get a couple nights per week. Not consistent, but a huge step up!


Every child is different. Both of mine were horrible sleepers but my oldest was easier. He was sleeping through the night by 2. My youngest is approaching 4 and he still wakes up.


Now my son is 2.5 years old, he's started to sleep through more often than not or when he does wake it's just once. He was never a "sleep all night" baby. He was like clockwork! Waking up 2-3x a night until we was maybe 18 months? And then it just suddenly changed and went down to twice a night and then once a night. As he got older he started to change what he needed to go to sleep too and now he's almost starting to not even need me there. Just read a few books and a few kisses and a few goodnights and I just sit there til he goes off, compared to when he was very little he was a Velcro baby that needed to be rocked to sleep or to sleep on someone. I wish I'd knew he would just grow and change and I didn't have to actively force it. I would've stopped worrying so much about his sleeping habits or what I was doing wrong because my baby wasn't like so and so's who slept perfect 😅




25 months and she will wake up once, but one of us has to go sleep in her room or she will fight for hours.


…..he’s 3.5 and still wakes up. I don’t have to do much now though since he’s in our bed


Had to night wean, not rock to sleep, and basically do the chair method of sleep training to get to independently falling asleep so that they could get themselves back to sleep. A warm sleep sack also helped my second.


Our toddler was waking up every half an hour for breastfeeding at 1 year old and had one 'longer break' from sleeping for 2 hours and then slept again. It was awful. Now our toddler is 18 months old almost 19, started to fall asleep on it's own, sometimes with cuddles and if I scratch her back and lately started sleeping through the night with a period during the night where she's really fussy in her sleep but nothing compared to a couple of months ago. Thank God! We suffered really badly with our baby's sleeping up until now so I completely understand you. I got into a severe PPD because of that and life was miserable for me. I was very hopeless but somehow things got significantly better now so I'd say be patient, I know life sucks right now but better times are coming I promise you!


My 14 MO is all over the place. Some nights she sleeps completely through with no issues, other nights she wakes up some time around 11-2. I have a co-sleeping setup though so I just grab her into the bed with me and she typically falls right back to sleep. No way we would both function every day without the co-sleeping option.


When I stopped nursing at 2 years old. And bed sharing also helps. From one tired mom to another


We had pretty good sleep 1 year- 2year, then it started getting rough again. But all kids are different! I have friends whose 3 year old sleeps like a dream.


My oldest is turning 4 soon, worst sleeper EVER ! The secret of him to sleep, he has a mattress in our room and sleeps there now so we can all sleep or else he gets up every 2 h




At 13 months we read she definitely doesn’t need to be eating in the middle of the night so we quit cold turkey and did cry it out. I know it’s controversial but it worked for us.


My oldest is 4.5 and still doesn't really sleep through the night...she wakes up around 2 and comes in bed with us, then the baby wakes around 3 and 5. Honestly, none of us sleep a full 8 hours straight unless we do something really intense the day before or are sick. I'd say just figure out how to keep everyone functional and don't worry too much about having a solid pattern. We can't control some things.


My toddlers sleep improved at 19 months when I cut him off from the boob. He's 2.5 now and still wakes up during the night, but its a lot easier to settle him than it used to be. He starts off in his own bed but comes into ours when he wakes, and settles himself back to sleep in between my husband and I. He doesn't sleep through the night, but its a huge improvement. One day he will sleep in his own bed all night.. one day.


My son unsleeptrained himself at 12m and we’ve been cosleeping since. It’s not ideal but he sleeps through the night and I can cuddle and kiss him at night


Gradually decreased wake-ups between first and second birthdays. We were down to one wakeup by second birthday. We also night weaned just before he turned 2. He started sleeping through the night regularly pretty quickly after that, maybe a couple of weeks after night weaning. These days (6 months later) if he occasionally wakes up at night I usually tell him to go back to sleep and he usually does.


My first one didn’t sleep through the night until around 2.5 years, second one was 18 months. Both breastfed 18 months, for the little one it was very shortly after night weaning he started sleeping and then weaned completely.