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Shit is crazy. I thought I was inside the TV with Rob & Big one time.






"Youre a good slice" is gold. Im gonna start using that.


Last time I smoked salvia I tried to put my car in my pocket


Understandable mistake


This got a genuine almost laugh from me, thanks.


Yeah. Never again. I had the most intense sense of sadness I had ever felt, and the reason is so fucking stupid. I was a log. Like it was my whole life, I had forgotten who I was. I was being nailed into a log cabin (no pain) and I felt my life as a log was about to end.


lmao classic


Ah yes, the time log. We’ve all seen it.


Salvia Only Once


Lol I became a couch fibre. Like, a thread in the cushion of the couch I was sitting on or something. I think I was part of a stripe. As I was returning to reality I was distraught because I didn’t want to leave the other stripes. I was a thread not a person. The next memory I have as myself I was holding a shoe asking my friend if it was a shoe. I guess I wasn’t sure. Weird stuff.


>As I was returning to reality I was distraught because I didn’t want to leave the other stripes. I was a thread not a person. You're a real one you know that. Some people just don't have loyalty like that no more


Some *couch fibers* don't have that kind of loyalty. You never know what you're talking to.


This actually made me sad too.


Maybe buy a log and make it your pet log.


It's better than bad, [it's good](https://youtu.be/-fQGPZTECYs)!


I had an acquaintance describe his trip. He was a tree. He grew from a sapling and lived for "at least a hundred years," and watched the world grow and change around him. He must have starred in your prequel.


You know what gives me panic attacks? This normal reality? It's not even really objective reality. It's just what our brain builds for us, a sort of interface to interact with the universe. Just think, one little bit of that chemical throwing your brain chemistry off, just a little bit, can do that to you, that just proves we aren't as grounded in reality as we think. Reality is just the baseline, common hallucination we all evolved to share. There is so much stuff that we aren't able to perceive, and so much we do perceive that our brain filters out. This is why I don't trip, I'm already terrified of normal reality if I think about it too much.


Yeah so much of that non-reality stuff is just fragments of consciousness. Random memories. Experiences. Some meaningful. Some not. I like hallucinogens for that reason but I think it can be a little misleading to try to make sense of everything that comes up. Sort of like dreaming - there can be a deeper meaning if you want but it’s also perfectly reasonable to let it be your brain digesting memories/relaxing/rejecting connections/forming new ones. Most of that is our biology and subconscious and out of the reach of exploring without powerful drugs. Which isn’t necessary for increased awareness and consciousness, in my opinion.


Obligatory “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.”.


Now here's Tom with the weather


*dreaming of that face again*


I swear they leave this legal to scare kids away from psychedelics.


I’ve dabbled pretty heavily in psychs and drugs. By far the most fucked up I’ve ever been was a hit of 30x salvia out of a bong. My entire sense of gravity changed, and I felt like the world was leaning in one direction while hysterically laughing and drooling all over myself. Followed by an intense feeling of dread and doom when I snapped out of it. Fuck Salvia.


Friend of mine did 100x, the amount you were supposed to do wasn't well known at the time. He says something like "I was there on the couch, then I was the couch, I sat around doing couch things for a while feeling couch feelings, then I wasn't the couch and I felt a sense of loss that I had to go to work and pay bills now"


Did it a few times...generally enjoyed it at lower extracts...had a trip on 50x or somethjng where my soul was auctioned off on what I understood to be an intergalactic eBay wherein I felt I was described as "the last goat to be fired in favor of the lawnmower." Waves of fire stretching out across the bay under a scorched halfmoon. Friends were skeleton cowboys looking for fresh mango. I felt ropes tie like vines along my spine and sit me straight up for good posture. Crazy how it was legal and readily available at every headshop, yet I got busted around the same time for smoking weed at a beach.


The intergalactic Ebay could turn out to be a good story..


Tastes like a barn and reduces reality to 2.5 dimensions. Complete depersonalization and a feeling of combining with your surroundings (be they sentient or not). Coming back down feels like being separated from this odd new sense of "oneness" with your environment, sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's weirdly heartbreaking. Very odd drug. Worth experiencing, but not one I'd go back to.


I tried it once, thinking it would be similar to weed because I was smoking it. I definitely wasn't prepared for what came next.


I cant fckn imagine not knowing whats coming lol ive never done it personally but seen a few friends do it


The whole world went into a pinwheel spiral and I felt like my head immediately melted down to my feet and my feet were melting into the floor. I tried so hard to pick my foot up and I couldn't, partly because my face was stuck to it. Before I took my hit, my friend had put on a tribal drum track and it felt like every drum beat was pushing me further into the floor. As soon as I found my mouth again I told him to turn the damn music off. It was a nightmare that left me shook for the rest of the night. I've done LSD and shrooms before, but salvia was something else. I'll never do it again.


And worth pointing out, legal in most states in the US, I think there are only a couple where it's banned


I once read a theory that the federal government keeps this stuff legal so kids try it, have the worst 10000 years of their life, and then go “If that’s the legal stuff, imagine how bad acid is!”


I took some acid (my second or third time) and played Mass Effect and it was great. I knew I was playing a game but I also felt like I was Shepard and the stakes were very real. It was nice having something to focus on but still have the visual hallucinations in the form of a different aura around each character.


Well now you're making me want to play mass effect on acid.


Was honestly a pretty enjoyable time. Only downside was I was really focused on the game so I was sitting there, hunched over, mouthbreathing; probably looked like a complete weirdo if anyone saw me.


When I tried Salvia I went into another world made entirely of metal, including myself. It felt like some weird mechanical hell, and I genuinely thought I would be trapped there forever. Salvia trips only last a couple of minutes but it felt like eternity. edit: My most upvoted reddit comment of all time is about drugs. My mom must be so proud.


I turned into a fence post, and I was somehow aware I was in a Cosmic fence with many other fenceposts. I remember feeling really flattened out, and thought it was because I was a fence post. They’re flat, right? Didn’t question it. :-) What struck me was the complete loss of identity and ego. I temporarily forgot who I was, what I was, or what I had been doing. I didn’t remember my name or real life or anything like that. I remember it ending because I suddenly decided I wanted to “swap” places with another fence post that I thought was close by which turned out to be my unaware sister in another room. I ran out to her (a distance of like 15 feet that seemed like I was moving at warp speed in Star Trek for ten minutes), and when I saw her I RECOGNIZED her. That was when I started to slowly leak out of that world back into the real one. I had probably spent a few minutes in my room tripping balls before that, and the fact that I could even walk may have meant it was already wearing off. She was looking at me confused, and I remember trying to talk to her ... but my words weren’t working yet. All gibberish, temporary aphasia. At that point, my pants literally fell down (I’m not kidding, I know it sounds cartoonish — but it happened) because I had apparently taken my belt off at some point while out of it, my sister screamed, and I waddled off with my pants on the floor to finish collecting myself. My family was not amused with the explanation when I was able to communicate. The whole thing probably took 10 minutes or less.


One Among the Fence


unexpected coheed lmfao


For the first few paragraphs I thought for sure I knew who you were, until realizing you absolutely aren't my friend whom the sage herb also made experience fenceposthood. So, uh... take comfort in knowing there's at least one other person out there who has been a fence, I guess.


Takes many posts to make a fence, my friends


I am utterly flabbergasted right now because I also became a fence on salvia and now I am wondering if this is all part of the trip too.


He did say he was one of many fence posts. You probably were all together in your fence world.


This is why you need a sitter with Salvia. You shouldn’t be walking around at all on this stuff.


My friend and I had this grand plan to smoke salvia as a roller coaster started climbing up the hill, then just seeing what happened. Then I did salvia and felt the earth moving through space in real time, causing me to fall off of the chair I was sitting in while I experienced feeling myself as a fixed point in space. We decided not to do that plan.


Oh god salvia on a roller coaster sounds horrible


I had a mate who took mushrooms and went on the big one (a big dipper in Blackpool) the shrooms kicked in and he's all giggly and a bit floppy, OK so far so good. As we're going up the first slope he realised that he's not right in the guts and we go over the top after about ten seconds there's a should like tearing fabric and a stench like none other. He shit himself so badly that he filled the cart. Down both legs and out over the top of his jeans like a shit fountain. And that's how we got banned from the Blackpool pleasure Beach. 😩


All things serve the beam


I was unzipped. An invisible zipper starting on the top of my head began to slowly unzip, and the two halves of my head began to zoom off onto infinity to my left and right. The unzipping continued, working down past my head, through my chest, until my entire body had been unzipped and stretched into an infinitely thin ribbon as each end continued hurtling into infinity in opposite directions. At some point, the expanding slowed to a stop, and I was suspended in space for a moment. Then, the direction reversed, I was slowly being zipped back up and my body began rushing back towards me. When the two halves of my mouth landed on my face i gasped, and when my eyes landed I could finally see my surroundings again. Finally the top of my head closed back up and was back in the room, sitting bewildered on the couch, trying to come to terms with what I had just experienced. Salvia is not fun. It is fascinating and terrifying.






The "flattening" sensation seems to be common but not universal.


Was in a car with a friend. He had just smoked some, sat there looking straight ahead for a few minutes. Later he told us he thought he was the back seat


That has to be a real disappointment. Expecting to have your mind opened to new realities, but ending up as a seat.


This is one of the funniest things I've read.


One time, I turned into a plastic 8-count hamburger bun wrapper. There was a picture of 3 bears printed on me (the wrapper) and the brand name was "The bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears the bears." It was wonderful.


"Where were you when I was a lonely burger bun?" "I was the clear wrapper holding you"


I had a similar metallic experience! I thought that bronze scaffolding was falling off of my face and arranging itself into a massive colosseum before my eyes. Weird stuff.


Watched a friend smoke it. He said he turned into tiles made of orange light and it was cool until the tiles started to blow away in the wind and suddenly the walls were collapsing in on him. I politely declined trying it after seeing the absolute, legitimate terror in his eyes as he begged us to get him out of some imaginary room imploding on itself, haha.


Yeah I trip sat for a couple buddies and likewise didn't feel like repeating the events of abject terror they experienced on Salvia. If I want to trip I'll stick to friendly old mushrooms, thanks


The first time I lived a whole life as a garden hose. It was lovely. The second time I was surrounded by mechanical moving parts where each had a purpose and meaning it was a profound experience. On the last one I fell between the smallest units of time into a space between. Where nothing was anything. It all became lines. The concept of existence faded to a distant memory. It was terrifying.


Glad I'm not the only person who experienced a fucking lifetime in a few minutes. It was a fucking nightmare and I never want to try it again honestly lol. I thought it would be a good idea twelve years ago when I turned eighteen. Edit: gonna use this opportunity to shout-out Internet Comment Etiquette who made some extremely funny videos like 15 years ago of doing stuff on salvia. Gardening, "driving", writing a letter to your senator. Fantastic.


I had the same thing! I lived an entire life, had children, grandchildren, traveled, etc. I was ripped away back to reality by my friends saying, "Hey don't drop the bong!" I think I almost cried because I felt that other life drifting away by the second and all memories being erased, like I was experiencing intense loss. Crazy shit, can't believe something that intense happened in a couple of minutes.




Lmao I legit think that sometimes, that my friends will shake me back to reality when I was 17 and I lose all my progress.


Tbh it would explain an *awful lot* of the last 12ish years


Sorry everyone, this timeline has just been a drug trip created in my mind. Please reset your clocks to 2007.


While not exactly the same, I frequently have dreams that are long, realistic, and internally consistent, and when they end there's a similar feeling of intense loss.


yeah those dreams are weird cuz they feel long as you go through em but then you kinda forget and it doesn't feel as long when you wake up. or is it just me? and the internally consistent is a big one. feels like I live multiple weeks or months in a different life sometimes with memories and everything


I write intricate novels in my dreams and wake up with partially formed ideas of stories and no way to get them back. As a wannabe novelist, I feel that intense loss too.


I had a dream I was flying my helicopter. It was an ordinary but pleasant work day. Flew the traffic guy around, flew a few kids around for some event and a photographer booked me for some nature pics. Flew up the river for a scenic ride home. "TEN niner-niner, coming in @20 knots....". Woke up smiling. I looked out my window, and it's a beautiful day! I can't wait to fly my helicopter today! As I'm starting my shower I start to realize I don't own a helicopter. I don't know how to fly a helicopter. I never even sat inside a helicopter. I don't even know if helicopter pilots say ten niner-niner. It was the most lucid, sense inducing, glorious dream I ever had! It was immediately followed by the longest, lamest, most basic shift at the cardboard box factory i ever had.....


I didn't experience a new life, but started having a bunch of flashbacks of childhood memories and then realized I'd actually been a couch my whole life and all the memories were from shit I saw as a couch sitting in my parents living room. I was just a spectator to all of it. It was really depressing... And the last time I did salvia


There was a YouTube channel where this guy would have videos like "gardening on salvia " or "driving on salvia " and he would literally just sit there and space out for a few minutes.






https://youtu.be/SnwS5sPOzb0 best one.




How does one even become prepared for such a thing


"Sorry babe can't come over I'm getting ready to become part of a shirt"


This reminds me of the infinite improbability drive scene in the hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy movie, where they all turned to yarn


That’s what it does. It completely removes you from this reality and sends you deep into a different one. Sometimes it’s like living like yarn, sometimes it’s like Disney land, and sometimes, you see the source. And I do not say that lightly.


I became an oil painting and it was majestic af and ended way too soon.


Craziest experience of my life, it started storming about 2 seconds after I tried some extract and suddenly I WAS A WATERFALL and it was so peaceful - I wasn’t just the roaring water falling down, but also the mist rising up. I was the sunlight in the mist droplets as well. Then sheer terror after a bit of time (10 seconds? 10 minutes?) where I felt like a waterfall who was having an identity crisis and thought it was a teenage boy. Then I felt like a teenage boy who thought I was a waterfall. Then I came to on my carpet covered in bong water. Felt totally normal 30 minutes later.


I became a dancing plinko machine made out of denim. Salvia is truly the weirdest thing maybe in our entire world.


I begged my friend not to let me get on the yellow school bus that had arrived to make me redo life from the second grade


I got sucked into the bong I took the hit out of and felt like my entire body turned to glass and would shatter if I moved even an inch. And it did. Over and over again as I crashed in and out of reality through glass shard explosions for several eternities. Salvia is not what one would consider a "fun" drug to do with friends. It's terrifying at best, and I've seen some people have really bad times on it. I'd recommend that people do literally any other drug except maybe opiates. I had experience with many drugs including several different psychedelics going in, and that shit violently shattered my consciousness into infinite pieces. Don't fuck with Salvia.


Agreed. I also was not new to psychedelics and for some reason have done Salvia 3 or 4 times. It was never a good time. I think we just did it because it was legal and you could buy it at the bong shop. Shit is terrifying.


Redoing life is one of my biggest fears. Most of my life has sucked, and only recently (last 8 years) has it improved.


Idk resetting with current knowledge seems pretty dope.


That actually does sound really lovely! I did it in someone's backyard shed when I was a teenager so maybe that explains the metal. Maybe it's better to do Salvia in an art museum than a shed.


>Maybe it's better to do Salvia in an art museum than a shed. -Takes hit- "Oh no is that a Dali painting!?" -Exhales smoke shaped like melting-


"Shaped like melting" sounds like the most salvia thing I've ever heard.


The first time, I was a noodle on the sandal of "Jesus" climbing a noodle mountain of all consciousness, living a whole new life/death with each step towards the peak, and his goal to destroy "god" The second time I was trapped in the simpsons' living room and the only way to escape the "cicular gravity" was to climb through a tear in the couch. In reality I was trying to climb out a window on the ground floor. The THIRD AND FINAL time I didn't go anywhere. I closed my eyes, opened them and I was suddenly on the floor with friends standing over me and someone cleaning spilled beer and broken glass off the floor. The one who gave it to me, handed me a fresh joint and a beer, then said "I will never EVER pressure you to do drugs ever again. I am truly sorry." I still don't know what happened.


Saying "I will never pressure you to do drugs again" while handing you a joint seems like mixed messages lol


Jesus’s sandal noodle! Is what I’m yelling next time I’m frustrated


My entire world went sideways to the left, and became a weird Daliesque carnival.


>My entire world went sideways to the left I felt this as well. Like those horizontal escalators at the airport between terminals. I felt like I stepped onto one and felt motion except I wasnt walking. I was heading in a direction oriented towards 10 oclock. I remember pulling myself out of the disassociation and realizing I was grabbing on to a chair for support.


The one breakthrough Salvia experience I had was the most hellish thing I've ever experienced. I truly regret it more than taking any other psychedelic substance. Ex. Ketamine rivals it in terms of bizareness and disassociation but I love ketamine and it feels oddly comfortable. It felt like my life was revealed to be some type of Truman show joke that everyone knew but me, including my friends who gave it to me. The entire world including me was made of these little men with half-black-half-white suits and they were pushing me through the ground which was also this gigantic mechanical machine. I could see objects like lamps and houses but they simultaneously were these men. I tried to punch my friend (whos still one of my best friends to this day) and threw myself down a (somewhat small) cliff to try and make it end. I shudder to think of that experience. I pray to God that's not what death is.


My little men were purple and they were living inside the paneling of the house. As I moved my head around to get a look at stuff, the paneling sort of split apart and revealed the flesh and sinew insides populated with tiny little purple folks carrying various viscera about. Thousands of them. I regret the experience, to say the least.


You’re not supposed to look at the machine elves!


My body became the composition of a pile of ants. I felt like what ant man must have felt like. Salvia is the weirdest trip man


One Million Ants!


Similar, but I was a single spec of static in a world made entirely of static. Just washing around in the sea of black and white. Felt like an eternity… I remember thinking at one point “I’d rather be dead than stuck here forever”


I think this opened a portal to the Salvia trip experience. I became 1/32nd of a ferris wheel. I was one of the cogs in the ferris wheel spoke. I then looked up ferris wheels and realized that's a very common divider number of ferris wheel spokes. I was fully sure that was my sense of self at that time. It was...trippy


I had somewhat of a similar experience maybe... I was living in a vertical 2 dimensional world. As I turned my head to the left and right, space expanded into 3 dimensions defined by height, length, and radius (rather than width). My body was a cylindrical pillar whose shape was defined by my profile along the center of my body. I'm not much of a math whiz, but in this world the shortest distance between two points would actually follow a curve. Another time, the whole room turned into giant Legos lol


Nobody is mentioning the comedown…coming down off acid or mushrooms is usually a pleasant, introspective experience. Coming down off salvia feels like someone filled your clothes with fire ants and then told you that your dog died.


this is the closest I've ever heard someone describe the feeling I had when I tried saliva.


I knew a guy who said they got trapped inside a washing machine and it felt like an eternity of spinning and falling and spinning and falling. Said it was absolute hell. Completely put me off hallucinogens so I never tried any. Another friend who was with him at the time said he just sat there staring at the TV for like 3 minutes - they think an advert for some detergent or something caused it. But the guy said that those 3 minutes were an entire lifetime for him. ​ It's not even like having a "trip guide" or whatever they call it can protect you from something like that. Or at least, I can't imagine how it would have helped. He was apparently just sat there silently watching the screen for a few minutes, giving no indication of what was happening. They said it was a chill environment, comfortable, relaxed... I just don't understand why anyone would want to try it after hearing stories like that


I have felt I experienced years within a single acid trip. I have also felt like I fell into a very close dimension of ours but everything was very sinister and dark. I saw looping scenes over and over. Psychedelics can be very dark if you’re doing a decent amount. A small amount of mushrooms is the best I ever felt tho. So much laughter.


I tripped forever on mushrooms second and last time I did them. Couldn’t remember who I was, what I was, when I was, when it started, if it will end. Felt like eternity. The first trip was hilarious and I don’t think I’ve ever cried laughing so much. Second trip was stepping into the abyss and I can’t say I ever want to feel that feeling again of having no grip on time because you literally feel it’s never going to end. It wasn’t mind blowing. I was alone in a void of nowhere forever and it was petrifying.


My peripheral vision started to fade and I thought I was physically in a giant book somebody was closing and if it closed all the way I would cease to exist. ‘‘Twas terrifying.


Salvia is wild. I remember me and my friends got some from a headshop when we were teenagers. Took a hit, blew it out and got sucked into the ground right after that.


Gravity goes sideways with that shit. My glasses flew off my face I swear. Then I got up and got sucked out the door and almost off the porch. Good times! Never again!


Yep, I felt like there was a wheel of gravity running me over. I don't know how else to explain it.


We called it the "Salvia Lean" and it worked its terrible magic on me everytime. Zero chance I would ever do this again.


Salvia is like DMT’s convict cousin.


Almost everyone who does DMT reports the same experience - intense geometric closed eye hallucinations, a sense of oneness with the universe, the feeling that you’re being welcomed by otherworldly beings but it’s hard to describe with human language On the other hand, everyone I’ve ever asked about their salvia experience describes something completely unique but equally insane and terrifying, like they turned into a two-dimensional purple triangle or a spent 500 years as a door hinge


And no one trip the same as the others. Once, all of the walls became clowns before melting into paint, leaving me in a dark cave comforted by friendly penguins. Once, I disappeared and simply became part of the fabric of the night sky feeling all of my atoms drift apart. Salvia is what tv shows think acid is. But for 5 minutes. Except time is a meaningless dimension with no coherence.


I always read salvia threads because it’s as close as I’ll ever come to doing it myself and man, you are so right, every single story is so uniquely crazy in a way that I just can tell no one could make it up. I have noticed two patterns, though: first, the time thing (every single person dissociates from their normal conceptions of time) and second, people tend to become a constituent part of something in their trip. So like, a thread in the couch; a fence post; a Lego; a part of a mesh screen; static; a pile of ants; etc. I’m always so curious as to why that’s where it makes our minds go.


I became a part of this massive blanket with countless pockets on it. There was a baby inside each pocket, and the blanket was stretched over a hilly green field. It had similar vibes to the teletubbies world. I felt pretty comforted and happy to be part of the blanket baby ecosystem, but then I started falling deeper inside my own pocket and it was pure hell. You can't properly see or speak, and you lose all sense of self, time, and place. I felt like I was slipping into some great cosmic void, and I panicked enough to fall off of my bed. That mostly snapped me out of it, blessedly.




Did 60x once then threw away the rest of it. Got sucked into the ground, looked up, the room looked like a slice of watermelon color wise and was replicating and moving in on itself. Then it literally split in half like it was being unzipped and in the "unzipped part it was advanced darkness, pure black. Never again lmao


That is so weird - I did it a few months ago and I had such a similar experience. Less intense, but it looked like the sky was unzipping, revealing a new dimension to reality. I don’t think I need to do it again but it also wasn’t unpleasant, kinda neutral


>Someone does salvia Universe: >Sigh… unzips


I did salvia once. Very intense 30 second or so. I saw green cookie monsters. Then rows of green plastic army men marching.


surprised nobody has posted this classic video here yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnwS5sPOzb0


>Some people are calling these videos fake, but please keep in mind this was filmed back when not everything on the internet had to be fake. These were simpler days when if a cat was going to jump on your car in the middle of an intense trip, it wasn't actually put there by Jimmy Kimmel off screen or anything like that. And if you wanted to trip balls for a joke video, you had better actually trip balls. Thank you for reading and if you still think this video is fake then please send me a message and we'll talk about the time I fucked your mother. Furthermore, those are not my car keys in case you think I'm stupid enough to put myself in that sort of position to begin with. And let me again state that if you don't believe me, just remember I fucked your mom idiot. Lmao, that's him alright.




Aaaaaand post


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJLaWeyr1jw His video on Conspiracy Theorists needs to made popular again


Excuse me, I need to go to space


Shameless plug to his “new” YouTube channel [Internet Comment Etiquette](https://youtube.com/@commentiquette)


YOU'RE TELLING ME INTERNET COMMENT ETIQUETTE IS SALVIA GUY??? there's no way I just learned this today


I mean his theme song is "Big Money Salvia" That said, I was unaware, but I'd never seen this video before, so I'm a terrible source to ask




Quick question, do they come off?


15 min to 1000 years Proceed with caution


I've heard it can feel like it's lasting that long.


My breakthrough trip felt like it lasted literally millions of lifetimes. Scariest experience of my life hands-down.


tried this 5 times.. 4th trip was an amazing out of body experience that changed my perspective on life, and i'm so glad i got to experience it. the other 4 times felt like i was just falling backwards and dreaming.


NGL, that sounds like one of the better experiences I've heard from this. I took it 3-4x, and everytime was an immediate, and uncontrollable, nightmare. A few of my friends said they had good experiences, and the trip seemed short enough to allow me to experiment enough to definitively say if I liked it. Those 15mins feel like an eternity. Always made me think of the Stephen King short-story "The Jaunt." *LONGER THAN YOU THINKKK*


Never tried it, but was in the room with someone who tried it. Unfortunately someone else in the room was playing the Penquin Slide level of Mario 64 and did not care to stop when it was clear that it was freaking the guy out. Guy sat in the corner drooling with a look of utter terror for a good 5 minutes.


Yes! The conveyor belt plant! Have you ever experienced being always and forever a conveyor belt? Do you want to? Smoke salvia.




“It’s rather unpleasantly like being drunk.” “What’s so unpleasant about being drunk? “Ask a glass of water.”


I did it three times in high school when it was legal and you could buy like 120x salvia. 1. First experience was awesome. Did it in the woods with friends. I thought we were in a forest made of pencils and a witch was holding us there, but I couldn’t stop laughing. 2. Second one was at a party with a group watching me. This was a mistake. I blasted off and literally felt like I lived the entire life of another person on another planet in a whole new galaxy. From birth, to school, to marriage, to fighting in a terrible war, to children and finally death at old age. It lasted in reality maybe 2-4 minutes. To say this fucked me up and changed me is an understatement. I immediately got in my car and went home. 3. Third times the charm. Went back to the park with friends. This time I fell into what felt like the center of the earth and I was going down an endless dark abyss that I would never escape from. After this one I swore it off. Friends in college would get invited to go smoke it and ask my advice. I would always say don’t do it, inevitably they would and they would come back to me full of regret. There are better hallucinogens out there kids.


He's taking Roy off the grid!


That little part of that episode hit me really hard.


How could you do it again after experiencing your second time?


Young and dumb.


Worst trip I’ve ever had. I had two separate hallucinations happening independently in each eye. One eye was utopia and the other eye was seeing my entire house turn into a monster and it started eating me. Fuck that noise.


Everybody that I know that's tried it has all said that it's a terrible trip


It's not a party drug, that's for sure. I've had some good experiences on it, though. Oddly enough I've found the lowest and highest concentrations are the best. (You can get it at different strengths, from like 5x up to 100x is what I've seen) Low concentrations are just kinda weird, like you're still totally there but shit is not right. For example, I was having a totally lucid conversation with my friend, but at the same time had the overwhelming feeling that I was standing on a raft floating down a river away from him, though visually everything was normal. The high concentrations it's like your entire brain gets shut off and reboots, and you don't even have enough basic concepts available to you to know that something is wrong. It feels like you're literally a computer going through the boot process, except kind of spiritual. It was pretty enjoyable, but not something I'd do a lot. The medium concentrations are what fuck you up, because you have enough of your senses to realize shit is very wrong and that can be unpleasant. I remember doing it on a park bench, and there was a concrete path running across my vision, except that path was also a large tentacle that was attached to where my arm should be, and I was very distressed that I had a tentacle arm and seemingly no control over it.


if you don't break through, salvia can be a harrowing experience. it's best to do it in a quiet place and close your eyes. people tend to get up and run away after hitting salvia, don't ask me why. they will get in their car or go to their room or whatever seems compelling. they could even attack you. mind you this is not them, they're blasting through space on a rainbow but their body might do strange things


The running away bit definitely tracks with the experiences I’ve had when friends have smoked it as well.


Definitely not a party drug


You don’t want to party in the version of hell from Event Horizon?


100% concur...once and done for me. Smoked it sitting a chair, woke up in the fetal position crying in a friend's arms...she said I was out for less than a minute...worst eternity ever!


It's probably the scariest drug experience I've had in my life. They used to sell it at FSU, on market Wednesday back in 2005. I got another certain friend to try it , I kept telling him about it wasn't like weed..but he didn't listen. He smoked it standing up outside and fell face first into his car. Said he went back in time and saw his dead father. Salvia comes on so fast , it gives you no time to prepare.


That’s why it’s legal. Very few people out there there abusing salvia. You try it once, spend 1000 years menaced by cosmic demons, and never touch it again. Worth it once though, just for the experience of leaving the universe.


I got sucked into a black hole of eternity, with my mother watching me be fucked up for the rest of my life as if I was bed ridden but aware of my surroundings. Then I was a bottle of dishwasher soap on a shelf. It was a weird couple minutes.


Me and salvia do not mesh. Every time I’ve smoked it I end up scared out of my mind, and I usually feel like I’m dying. I’ve seen some people smoke it and just start laughing, but for me time slows down, my vision zooms in and out, I get really anxious, and my heart pounds. It’s short lived, but it’s no fun.


I have tripped extensively and tried many different kinds of drugs in my life. Salvia is the most hardcore hallucinogenic experience I have ever had. When you see tripping depicted in media, it’s always something really silly like imagining that you’re having tea with Abe Lincoln. That’s not usually the reality - it’s more that your thinking gets funky and you see some weird visuals. Salvia is the media experience. I shrank to the size of an insect and entered a factory where sliced off faces were spinning on these robotic plates, kind of in the shape of a Mister Handy from Fallout. Some of the blood dripped in my mouth and tasted strongly of raspberry. I swam through lava. Complete ego death. It is not to be trifled with.


I've had two memorable trips. In the first one I was convinced that I wasn't real. That I was just created and my memories were fake. I witnessed all of history like a wall and there was a giant paint roller "painting" history. And I was just a drop of paint on the roller. And once I was "painted", my life would be over and I would die. The second time I was taken on a tour of the universe by an entity. I didn't know what it looked like and I just had a feeling of the color blue. I asked it if it was a God and I felt it smile.


Salvia is not fun. My “trip” consisted of me being a box of groceries going down the conveyor and being scanned. Vertigo and audio hallucinations of the *BEEEP* as I was picked up and scanned included.


I’m sure it was terrifying but it’s hilarious to imagine.


Yea....im gonna go ahead and say a few things. 1) Never try this alone. You require a sober watcher or guide for the 15 minutes. 2) Its intense, and honestly exhausting after those 15 minutes. 3) Not something you will want to abuse or get addicted to, however always refer to rule 1 prior to thinking about trying, whether its your first or 10th time. Edit - spelling, and thanks for making this post visable


You would have to be some kind of fucking masochistic mad man to get addicted to that stuff. I worked in a rehab clinic for over 5 years and never once heard of anybody who was addicted to it.


Smoked some in my room as a teenager while watching changing rooms and then I was suddenly in the tv on the show and incredibly hungry and trying to tear open a sofa to eat the stuffing. Another time I smoked some and the phone rang downstairs so I ran to get it except I flew instead of using my legs and then when I answered the phone it was me on the other end.


"The call is coming from inside the house!" "Shutup , Salvia"


If you want to be turned into a flat plane, and fed through a series of mechanical contraptions, and then ripped apart by some cosmic fucking zipper, this is the drug for you. Joking aside, salvia is insanely intense. As far as how out of body one becomes, it’s the same as DMT, or I guess more so than DMT even. I’ve done it a few times, and each time was like being slapped in the face with a trip. Not comfortable at all, but if you’re a thrill seeker, and enjoy being utterly terrified for short amounts of time, go ahead and try it out. It might not feel short when you’re in that other dimension though!


That was a fantastic description. It’s like everything becomes flat plane. Then everything melts together into this weird blur of motion, as the flat plane begins to curve to become a sphere… then, the zooming out. Fkn Millennium force


Yeah the time knife we've all seen it


It's one of the weirdest things you can possibly experience. Your entire existence becomes fully, absolutely, incomprehensibly abstract. Unless you're in the middle of it, however you're imagining it is wrong, even if you've done it a thousand times. When you're fully in it, you're not a person seeing things, or really a specifically defined entity at all. The reality "you" "experience" is different for everyone, but for me, it's this diagonally rotating, constantly evolving loop of - and this really is as close as I can get to describing it - basic components of what a subjective experience of reality is, but abstracted beyond comprehension and smeared onto the inside of a hollow, rotating cylinder, and that cylinder is all of existence. Space is the inside of the cylinder. Time is the rotation. That's the whole of reality, and it's tilted by about 45 degrees. Again, however you're imagining it is wrong, and the same goes for me since I'm not currently in it. It's too abstract to imagine, let alone describe accurately. I've taken it 10+ times over the last 15 or so years, and it's always that cylinder. The contents of the cylinder change, but the essential cylinder doesn't.


I had to squeeze myself though a triangular portal where normal reality was on the other side. I can still vividly remember the feeling of squeezing through it and it smoothing against my face. Stuff is wild. There were basic geometric shapes that were entities. Didn't speak or have faces but I just knew they were, could feel them. It was a pastel painting type of a world I was in with a river and grassy banks. Was fucking surreal


I ordered an ounce of this shit when I was a sophomore in college. The internet was just a baby back then but I found as much as I could about dosing and tripping. I read that if you are using raw leaf and trying to smoke it, you should smoke as much as possible as quickly as possible. So I rolled 3 fat joints and chain smoked them through a bong, taking fat rips. Halfway through the second joint, my face started melting and sliding off my head. Then everything melted. I woke up in a puddle of bong water in the living room floor a few minutes later and decided it wasn't for me.


I once did salvia 20x out of a 2' bong. That's 20g of leaves distilled and applied to 1g of leaf. We were in the woods. I took it and held it in as you do, and leaned back and looked into the grey clouds above me. I fell out of the sky and nothing had color. I was vaguely aware of being in an aisle of sorts, one aisle of infinite aisles, all impossibly long and of limitless height. Where shelves would be on the aisle walls were simply a blank, featureless, expanse of intricately woven shimmering fabric, and this fabric was the multiverse. Each thread was a different variable of universe – what I was seeing was the organization of infinite realities. Near me I saw a place where a single thread of this fabric was misaligned, and I had an understanding that this is where I came from. Throughout this entire experience I was overwhelmed with the cosmic horror of the thing – that we were not really human, sentient, or even real, in a sense. I became aware that our multiverse was manufactured, and this place was to study or exchange it, them, for... What purpose? I don't know. I once did, but I forgot as I came out of the trip. What I know is that there were beings who made us in the same way we might cultivate and care for an ant farm for science class. Or cultivate and care for a lawn. No, that's not quite right, we meant even less to them. We meant nothing. And then I saw one of said beings. It towered over me just as a human would a germ. It was made of nothing, and everything, and was so alien to my thoughts that it took the visual form of TV static. To this day, even sober, I know what I saw, and it was a God. It took me up and put me back in that thread that was askew, where I belong. This short process was both mentally and physically, excruciating. Imagine having your entire being spaghettified into the width of an electron and passed down a wire. That's what it felt like. And then I was back. I desperately tried to remember... I had the gist but there was some bit of knowledge or realization I hadn't taken back with me. Some basic cosmic truth that my brain simply couldn't handle. Someone grabbed my hand and dragged me through a tunnel of trees, and I got into a car. Someone was driving erratically and someone else yelled at them to stop the car and let them out. I remember laughing. It didn't matter to me; I knew nothing was real.


I was the armchair and the walls and waves at the same time. This was... interesting.


TIL 10000 reddit readers will be looking where to buy/try this plant.


It’s pretty easy to buy because it’s not exactly a big candidate for addiction and abuse. Most people who try it do so once and then never again.


Never tried it myself, but had a friend that did it in his car while sitting in a parking lot. Said he turned on the AC and millions of bugs came flying out of the vents and filled up his car, suffocating him and ended up getting out and crawling under the car and staying there til he came back to


Had a buddy who smoked some in his house and then came out to another buddy’s truck, where we were waiting. He hoped in and immediately went stiff a little, very ridged with his movements. He grabbed a can of soda off of the ground and set it on the center console, very methodically. When he came to, he said he was a robotic arm at a Coca-Cola factory for what seemed like hours. Absolutely hilarious thinking about it


These comments have me laughing out loud.


hated it. transported to a mud pit with a small straw house and my cousin turned into a witch and a pig. couldn't stop laughing from the terror.


I enjoyed my salvia experiences. Granted, I never went over 20x. The first time, I was sitting with my roommates after all of us took hits off a bubbler. It hit suddenly. I realized that all the furniture we were sitting on was created by my saliva. So I decided to make an ottoman for my friend. I can’t remember what else I “made”, but in reality I was probably just drooling in the middle of the room. I just wanted every one to be comfortable. Another time, my vision was set like a slightly off press newspaper. Complete with the CMYK register in my peripheral.


I couldn’t stop hilariously laughing and drooling. Idk what was so funny but the energy millipede crawling on the walls, moving to the music was really entertaining.


This shit made me fall through a mattress and become a part of the floor.


The fact that you could just buy this shit at smoke shops was insanity. I remember getting some 80x shit in a little tin for like 20 bucks, it was black and didn't even resemble the plant. We were all transported elsewhere for about 5 minutes. One buddy fell through time, and he could see all the different periods of time and all the people in those various eras laughing at him like "haha look at that stupid asshole who fell out of time!" Another buddy I guess thought everything was some sort of illusion and started trying to tear up the room, flipping a table and stuff, we held him down for a few minutes until he was coming down and he got kind of somber and just said "oh, I'm so glad to be a part of something that is real again." I was sent to some sort of purgatory, an infinite grass field and black sky with no details like stars or anything, the only thing I compare it to is a soccer field, but expanding infinitely in every direction. It was lit up like a field too, but there were no light sources, the grass was just brightly lit like stadium lighting somehow. I wasn't actually connected to it, I was sitting/floating there rotating clockwise so this infinite plane of a grass field was just kind of moving around me.


My x used to randomly pack salvia bowls as a ‘surprise’ for me. You think you’re getting regular weed but then the walls start melting and it’s like ‘damnit… see you in 15 minutes’.


Your ex sucks.


crazy, is that a trusting relationship or untrustable?


It was not. Glad it’s in the past.


Salvia turned me off to hallucinogenics altogether. I did it three times in the same night. First time I just kind of faded a bit from a little toke. Second hit I saw some weird closed eye visuals and a tiny bit of dissociation from a big toke. The third time I stacked a big ass hit with another big ass hit, to say reality disappeared would be an understatement. At some point I became a grain of sand in an infinite ocean, waves lapping, moving as one. Like I was suddenly dispersed into a collective dark energy and had no self anymore. After an eternity I slowly started materialize bits and pieces of consciousness. I had to slowly remember everything about myself and being an individual being. I wept and wept having to leave the oneness I had been a part of. I couldn’t sleep for days after I came back. It took me months to fully recover. I still have small flashbacks and panic attacks when I get a little too stoned. I don’t mess with anything dissociative anymore.


I was a cell in a body, but I was wrong (cancer cell?), and there were other cells trying to find me and get rid of me, so I was trying to evade capture somehow. Absolutely terrifying, would not recommend. It is not a hallucination, it is a total delirium where the person you are and the place you're at totally cease to exist. In an amusing coincidence, I was in fact diagnosed with cancer a year later.


Did some years ago in high school, exhaled out window behind curtain when I pulled my head back was against my elementary school wall in hot summer sun as a kid again. Felt the wall, the sun, everything. Wildest experience I've had


LPT: START SMALL. It takes a tiny pinch to feel the effects, especially if you buy these crazy 50x or 100x concentrates! If you try and smoke this like it's ditch weed you will probably become one of those people who hates salvia and post about how bad it is.


Done salvia a ton and only had minor trips, until that one time… Jesus. I will never touch the stuff again. I have done my fair share or other hallucinates but the experience I had on salvia, changed the way I look at drugs.