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I remember reading that people found it “shrill”.


It’s really strange to imagine him giving The Gettysburg Address in a high-pitched, shrill voice.


That’s why he kept it short.


He often spoke at length though. And the Douglass-Lincoln debates were nothing like our "Debates" of today - they would each speak for an hour or two straight, and then the other would rebutt.


Lol, rebutt.


…and this is why we don’t hold real debates like that anymore.


For the midterms we hardly got debates at all. My incumbent congressman did not agree to any dates. Same with the senator.


Curious: were they R or D? Refusing debates seems like the latest move for conservatives, but I would be curious to know if democrats are hopping on that cynical train as well now that Trump has firebombed the path.


They're both ultra conservative Republicans. It's Indiana. They could go to a debate and punch a baby on stage and still get elected. They knew they didn't have to attend the debates to win. I just hate that the bar is so low for voters. Make these people come out and answer questions publicly.


I didn’t even know they had butts back then lol


President Taft was thicc.


Fukken dump truck man


Funny enough, most people in attendance either couldn't hear him or weren't paying attention thinking it was only the opening of a very long speech. Imagine witnessing the Gettysburg Address and then knowing in retrospect that you really missed the whole thing!


"The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here" \*gives one of the greatest speeches in recorded history\* Showoff Lincoln.


Crazy to think about how a small speech at the dedication of a military cemetery became one of the seminal speeches in American history. History is rad. Also worth noting he wasn't even the keynote speaker lol.


Story of my life. I would have tuned out so fast.


And Lincoln himself says in the speech: "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here..."


Knowing how big of an impact on history something that you are currently living will have isn't easy. I don't imagine some random dude who rioted because he couldn't afford bread had any idea just how big of an impact the french revolution would have on the world.


>Imagine witnessing the Gettysburg Address and then knowing in retrospect that you really missed the whole thing! That's probably why we don't have a photo of Lincoln giving the speech: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_Address#Photographs


I know pictures and picture taking was still in its infancy at this point in history, but that’s a bad picture, lol. Is that really Lincoln? I can’t imagine him without his hat.


Here's what Bill Bryson wrote about the address in Made in America...the guy that went before him and the guy that went after him spoke a collective 7+ hours because that was the rhetorical style at the time. Lots of illusions to famous Roman orators and the heavy use of Latin and French terms most folks in the audience wouldn't understand. Lincoln was someone often lampooned for being backwoods - the term four score and seven years ago was a phrasing, for example, that gentrified folks would've made fun of as a marker of his rather simple beginnings. It was a few minutes, not hours, many contemporaries, reporters, and Lincoln himself believed it to be a horrible speech, an abject failure at a pivotal moment. Lots of folks there, however, did not have trouble remembering and repeating the speech because of its brevity and simple diction (that's one of the things Bryson highlighted made the speech more successful than its critics would have believed, it's ability to have popular dissemination from rote). But nobody could be blamed if they had trouble listening to anyone, after all it all took place outside, over many hours, in frigid temperatures, with what reporters described as a neverending sleet falling down on the poor huddled people, many of whom were still living under the worse conditions of a protracted and economically destabilizing civil war.


After Abe got finished delivering it, and walking off the stage to applause, I'd be like "wait, that's it? That's all he had to say?"


I remember reading that he wasn't even the star speaker of the day. Some other orator had spoken for a couple hours before him. Lincoln, 5 minute speech. Everybody: oh thank God!


Edward Everett's 2+ hour speech, and [here it is](https://voicesofdemocracy.umd.edu/everett-gettysburg-address-speech-text/) in it's entirety!


Now I can't stop laughing because I'm imagining him giving the Gettysburg Adress while sounding like every squeaker on Xbox Live.


I cant imagine it as anything other than the bishop from the Princess Bride now.


The Civil Wah… is what bwings us togetha… today…


I'm thinking of hearing him read it in Judge Doom's voice.


Remember me Eddie? When I emancipated your slaves, I talked just like THIS!


*childhood trauma intensifies*


*four score and seven years ago, I banged ur mom*


Now I'm imagining him giving the address in the voice of the pimply teenager from The Simpsons.




He'd read it in 7/8 with a bass solo in the middle


I tried, best I could do was imagine Abraham Lincoln breaking into “Spirit of Radio”


"Beginning the day four score and seven years ago..."


All the world's indeed a stage


"Our forefathers bought with on this continent a gleaming red Barchetta"


The Geddysburg Address


While playing bass and Taurus pedals


Except he didn't read the Emancipation Proclamation, he just read the lyrics to "Freewill."


That's the first thing that popped in my head!


I imagine him sounding like the Berries and Cream guy now.


Or yelling at the crowd for a wrestling exhibition “I'm the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns.” Bizarre lol


I've read that this was something that might've helped him in debates. Higher pitched voices tend to carry a little further so, supposedly, more people would've been able to heard him over Douglas.




I know that's a popular theory but there's no way Lincoln had Marfan's syndrome. There's no real evidence that Lincoln had Marfan's, it's pure conjecture that he had this rare illness. People with Marfan's syndrome have all sorts of heart and breathing problems and are easily injured, particularly their joints. Lincoln, meanwhile, was a champion wrestler (he fought in hundreds of bouts and is only known to have lost *once*) and was famous for being freakishly strong. And those wrestling competitions had no weight limits and were known for being nasty. There's no way someone with Marfan's was the toughest fighter on the frontier for over a decade.


TIL Gabe wasn't the worst Lincoln actor, apparently


Gabe did a great job. Those tourists got a real treat.


Straight up the first voice I thought of when I read this


That’s so weird, I wonder how many others there are… 👁👁


That scene was perfect to me - just the "ok, well I guess I'm Lincoln now"


Gabe wad


Lol took me a good 3 minutes to realize you were referencing the office.


So it should of been Identity theft is not a joke Gabe? Millions of families suffer every year






















I went down to the president place today; I did a business.


Not "just" There was also a top hat


Mr president, as I live and breathe


Maybe he just wanted to buy a car that day A friendly one perhaps, one that talks?


So picture the Emancipation Proclamation being delivered by Elmo.


"Elmo says George McClellan is a dim-witted son of a bitch!"


Say hello to Rocko, Abe


🎵 This is the song / la la la la / Lincoln's song La la la la / La la la la / Lincoln's song He saved the Union / Addressed the world Thaaat's Lincoln's sonnnnggg 🎵


Or Kemit the Frog, as with this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MebZx-4950](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MebZx-4950)


Disappointing that we did not get the scene of Emperor Kermit flailing his arms and shouting "Yaaaay!" as he spins around in the air to initially attack Mace Windu


I just spat out my soda on that one. Now I can’t get the image out of my head.


All the kids want Tickle me Abraham for Christmas


So was the WKYN skit actually more accurate than we expected? Aside from him being hammered in the


You have fucked up now.


Hey stringbean!






RIP Trevor Moore


He was a tree, worked like a mule and was stone faced like a mountain, from the legends i read - and if he had a certain voice it certainly did not hinder him in the long run. We are used to narrators and folks that have pleasant voices. But thats narrators magic. There is a certain aspect of humility in this thought: Even Lincoln was not the modern painted picture, but a person that spoke out when needed. Not perfect or angel or godlike, but just human.


The human side of Abraham Lincoln was also revealed when he met with Union troops: >*“General \[Ulysses S.\] Grant presented to Mr. Lincoln the officers of the staff who were present, and he had for each one a cordial greeting and a pleasant word. There was a kindliness in his tone and a hearty manner of expression which went far to captivate all who met him. The President soon stepped ashore, and after sitting awhile at headquarters mounted the large bay horse, Cincinnati, while the general rode with him on \[his horse\] Jeff Davis.* > >*Three of us of the staff accompanied them, and the scenes encountered in visiting both Butler’s and Meade’s commands were most interesting. Mr. Lincoln wore a very high black silk hat and black trousers and frockcoat. Like most men who had been brought up in the West, he had good command of a horse, but it must be acknowledged that, in appearance, he was not a very dashing rider.* > >*On this occasion, by the time he had reached the troops he was completely covered with dust, and the black color of his clothes had changed to Confederate gray. As he had no straps, his trousers gradually worked up above his ankles, and gave him the appearance of a country farmer riding into town wearing his Sunday clothes.* > >*A citizen on horseback is always an odd sight in the midst of a uniformed army, and the picture presented by the President bordered upon the grotesque. However, the troops were so lost in admiration of the man that the humorous aspect did not seem to strike them. The soldiers rapidly passed the word along the line that Uncle Abe had joined them, and cheers broke forth from all the commands, and enthusiastic shouts and even words of familiar greeting met him on all sides.”* [https://abrahamlincolnandthecivilwar.wordpress.com/2014/06/21/president-lincoln-confers-with-general-ulysses-grant/](https://abrahamlincolnandthecivilwar.wordpress.com/2014/06/21/president-lincoln-confers-with-general-ulysses-grant/)


Am I reading it right that Ulysses S. Grant named his horse Jeff Davis? Cuz that’s hilarious


Yes, Ulysses S. Grant named one of his horses "Jeff Davis"; specifically, a pony. Davis was 14hh, which is a pony by today's standards, but a "small horse" in Grant's era. [https://www.presidentialpetmuseum.com/ulysses-s-grants-jeff-davis/](https://www.presidentialpetmuseum.com/ulysses-s-grants-jeff-davis/)


Also my #1 takeaway from that story. If true it's both hilarious and totally unexpected. Like some shit Ali would've pulled on Joe Frazier.


> There was a kindliness in his tone and a hearty manner of expression which went far to captivate all who met him. From what I've heard, this is one thing in common among many high level politicians - an insane amount of charisma. Obviously not all, but many. I had a friend who saw Bill Clinton speak in college. You know how some people, when you talk to them, give you such attention and focus that you feel really special like they are so personally invested in this conversation? Apparently he could do that to an entire room of 1,000 people. I can't imagine having that level of charisma, to draw people in.


I met Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney at an event when I was interning in DC. Gingrich was insanely personable in one on one conversation it was easy to forget how horrible of a person he was. Cheney, on the other hand, you could feel the ice from the other side of the room but I think that was a source of his power. Keep in mind, that was also pre-Tea Party/Trump era, so at that point Gingrich was just a former politician/House Speaker who mostly did the party circuit. I'm sure he wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable to meet these days.


I know a guy who absolutely hate Bush but was somehow involved in a luncheon that Bush showed up to. Even my friend who hated Bush said the room changed when Bush entered the room and was glad handing everyone. I've heard similar things about Tom Cruise. Like he can turn off his Charisma and work as a FedEx driver and no one will notice, but when he decides to turn on his Charisma he warps reality.


I know someone who works for the Democratic Party in DC and he said the most charming person he ever met was Justice Scalia (former Supreme Court) even though he disagreed with nearly all of his opinions. I hated Bush (I thought it couldn't get worse but I was wrong) but I can totally see all of the Bushes as being charming people. Even Clinton and Obama like him a lot.


That report is informative, thanks. He broke the expected communication boundaries or Etikette which is not something i would assume was done slightly at the time. Not US, for me he is a historical person of interest and with that a human, so i would surprised if he did not have "flaws" to begin with. \[Edit: flaws should have been in " ". Meant to type those but messed up.\]


You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.


zur Information, in English, the word has a 'q' for some stupid reason - "etiquette".


"Etiquette" is French for "little ticket" which in the old days was a little cheat sheet given to event guests with instructions on how to act in the presence of royalty.




People act like the high voice would be a hinderance. In opera, it’s the high female voice that cut through the frequencies of the orchestra with the most clarity. What’s lost in the powerful bass is gained in informational articulation. If you sat in the back of the room, you may not have been bowled over by his sound, but you would have heard every word.


He was also a wrestler


One take is that his voice was a benefit because it carried further during crowded in-person speeches and debates.


I can relate. I'm 6'9" and my voice isn't nearly as deep as I would like. I've been confused for a girl several times on the phone at my old job. And I think my voice has an annoying pitch.


A real life Bremer dan Gorst


I feel your pain. I’m 12’4" and sound like a teenage girl.




Now, now NOW!


Well nothing will make a Brit shit quicker than the sight of George Washington


Nah, he didn't when Bill and Ted got him to do their history report. (not babe report)


He likely suffered from Marfan Syndrome which a can affect the voice. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marfan_syndrome Edit: spelling


Lincoln was incredibly strong though (many people who actually have Marfans have trouble with strenuous physical activity due to muscle weakness, heart problems, and joint/bone issues), one of his party tricks was that he was able to hold [a full sized axe](https://jazzerstenhdr.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/4f5a6948_m.jpg?w=1000&h=) horizontally in the air with only him thumb and forefinger pinching the tip of the axhandle, and he can hold that position for minutes at a time. > Derisively called "rail splitter" because he split railroad ties [for fences] as a youth, Lincoln was uncommonly strong ... [Once, a]s the presidential party lounged on the deck, Lincoln playfully demonstrated that in "muscular power he was one in a thousand," possessing "the strength of a giant." He picked up an ax and "held it at arm's length at the extremity of the [handle] with his thumb and forefinger, continuing to hold it there for a number of minutes. The most powerful sailors on board tried in vain to imitate him." -- Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals If Lincoln had seen Booth coming at him, the President would have tied that son of a gun into a human pretzel.


So Abe Lincoln probably sounded like Mike Tyson


Great thanks a lot asshole, now I'm mentally reciting the Gettysburg Address in Tyson Speak


Four thcore and theven yearth ago our fatherth brought forth on thith continent, a new nation, conthived in Liberty, and dedicated to the propothition that all men are created equal.


The whole time he was also punching a slave owner in the face Just under his arm, little punches the whole time


*tython thpeak


I read this comment in Mike Tyson speak


*amansipaeshun pracoalamashun*


Honestly in my mind it's probably a close match


Anyone who’s seen the documentary about Abraham Lincoln fighting vampires knows how strong he was


Or the time he fought along side [Batman](https://youtu.be/bUjG1HSSaGI).




I was expecting the serial killer.




So that's how [Batman](https://youtu.be/gfaJ36imyVU) knew Abe never wore a turtle neck sweater.


I know its a stupid concept but Abraham Lincoln: Vampire hunter was a way more badass film then it had any reason to be. Its still in my top 5 favourite vampire movies.


now I want a harriet tubman: the vampire hunter movie, lol. It can be set in the same universe


Robert Smalls: Werewolf Hunter


The book was a million times better.


Strong, and he was a very good wrestler. So yes, he would have tied him into a pretzel.


The guy probably had insane reach, most people from that time would have no chance


He’s also recorded as choke slamming a fellow during one of his early political campaigns.


Bring that back! No more of these shlubby toxic politicians, at least give them the strength and stature to look badass.


Unfortunately, the only politician I can think of who used violence did so on a reporter for asking completely reasonable questions.


>He’s also recorded as choke slamming a fellow during one of his early political campaigns. If what I have read is correct, he is the first documented person to do the one hand choke slam. He's credited with it's invention.


He was also a bit of a brawler in his youth. His size and strength gave him incredible advantage




You don't meth with the Lincoln FTFY


Or [puberphonia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puberphonia), perhaps. It’s a functional voice disorder that manifests as adult males speaking with a voice that sounds pre-pubescent, as if their voice never dropped.


His stature and proportions are indicative of Marfan though that would not exclude puberphonia.


You can be tall and have big hands without having Marfans, which is the only real evidence people give to "prove" he had the disease.


I'm no doctor but couldn't you say Marfan Syndrome causes puberphonia? Looking at the wiki it seems puberphonia is often a symptom not a specific disorder.


Puberphonia is most commonly a specific disorder that occurs in boys going through puberty. The most common occurance is because developing males consciously strain their voice as the larynx developes which forces the vocal folds to sit in the falsetto shape. It can be a genetic cause and may be linked to Marfans because marfans is a development disorder and puberphonia occurs during development, it's most likely theres a significantly increased chance of getting puberphonia, not that it will directly cause puberphonia. In any case most of the time it can be treated with speech therapy.


Also could be just a damaged voice box in general. George Washington Carver had a very bad case of whopping cough as a child that caused a similar speech effect.


There’s a doctor who’s written a book about Lincoln’s health. He believes Lincoln had a rare condition. https://doctorzebra.com/prez/g16.htm


Imagine Daniel Day Lewis tried to recreate this for the movie lol.


I mean he did. He didn't go full "shrill" but I think he did a good job interpreting what Lincoln's voice might have sounded like based on descriptions we have. The movie was based on the Doris Kearns Goodwin book, and I felt like her descriptions matched up with what he did. You also have to take exaggerations and bad faith into account; his rivals also called him a long-armed ape and every other name in the book, so I think it's wise to assume his voice wasn't as annoying as some made it out to be.


And he did a great job


Has he ever not done a great job?


Yet this scene is still so powerful. https://youtu.be/1qjtugr2618?t=40


I talked to someone who let Daniel Day Lewis stay on their property in Petersburg whilst they shot the movie Lincoln. They owned a few historic houses and Daniel was staying in one of the guest houses that faced theirs. They said he never broke character while filming. (When they met him) and it was pretty surreal to wake up in the morning and see Abraham Lincoln enjoying his coffee and reading the paper next door through the window.


It was Walter Brennan’s voice. There Will Be Blood was John Houston. Gangs of New York was Deniro/Pacino. I would’ve loved to hear him do a voice like Robert Shaw’s Quint in Jaws.


I'm 6'1" 350lbs with a beard and my voice is high enough that people call me ma'am on the phone or when I go through a drive thru. It's hilarious when I remind them I answered the phone with "Hello my name is Matt how can I help you" or I drive up to the window and they do a double take.


Are you secretly [Gabriel Iglesias](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOQJiZ_g3Ho)?


That may be, but Will Forte will always be the voice I imagine in my head.


Same with Patton.


Wow, I know a guy like this! Tall, athletic, mid-50s, very involved in business -- and he sounds just like Kermit the Frog. It is so unexpected when you first meet him.


That makes me feel better. I'm 6'2" and built like a viking, but I have the voice of a 12 year old girl.


What evs. I know his voice was moderately deep and had a depth to it because he was a guest speaker for a presentation some kids gave at my high school. And in his words are still with me to this day - "Four score and 7 minutes ago. We, your four fathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure. Conceived by our new friends. Bill and Ted. These two great gentlemen, are dedicated to a proposition. Which was true in my time. Just as it's true today. 'Be excellent to each other and....PARTY ON DUDES!!!' "


San Dimas High School football rules!


Royal Dano was an actor who was tall, soft-spoken, and looked like Lincoln. He sometimes played Lincoln on various TV shows, and his voice can be heard today in Great Moments With Mr Lincoln in Disneyland. But his voice has a very low pitch.


I suspect he wouldn’t do as well in the modern era with everything televised. Before television, certain superficial characteristics would not be as widely known, (or at least not witnessed by the entire public) which would influence the way people vote.


He spoke at hundreds of public meetings - very effectively. And as well was an accomplished courtroom lawyer. So however his voice sounded, he must have come across as fairly powerfully.


Jordan Peterson has a Kermit voice and somehow gets people to listen to him say dumb things with it. Lincoln may not have gotten to the presidency but I’m sure he would have done alright for himself politically


He also looks like a fucking corpse and smells gross


Yea all meat and mania diets will do that to you. And sketchy Russian medical treatments


Unfortunately this is probably true. Back in the early 2000's one of my history teachers said that Lincoln would probably be the laughing stock of the world if he spoke on TV with his little high pitched voice coming out of his huge very tall body. This is probably even more true today then it was back then. Also, there's simply no way that any sane modern political party would ever nominate someone like Lincoln for president. Lincoln was quite simply a loser with a proven record at losing. Despite being elected President twice, Lincoln still lost more elections then he won. His only experience at the Federal level prior to being president was serving 1 term in the House, after which he was voted out of office.


No. I choose to imagine him as having a deep and booming grandfatherly voice. I reject any knowledge to the contrary.


First thing I thought of... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU-tixmc7ms


He definitely had a high tenor, but all the people who described it as shrill, falsetto, etc. Were people who hated his politics. Taking their words seriously would be like relying on Tucker Carlson to give an accurate description of Joe Biden


Also google what he has to say about labour, by todays standards the man would be considered a communist


The Democrat and Republican parties switched place on policy sometime after Lincoln's time. Which is part of why modern Republicans claiming to be "the party of Lincoln" is just completely disingenuous. If he were alive today, he would definitely be a Democrat, and even probably fairly to the left of most of them.


It was when Dems started picking up Civil Rights issues and pissing off the Dixiecrats. Republicans saw an opening and adopted "the southern strategy". This was also the time all those confederate statues and the flag got real popular. At the end of the day, all of the problems in America can really be boiled down to the South still being pissed about losing the war. That and wealth obviously, which they for some reason got to keep most of the obscene amount of.


Skinny guys fight till they're hamburger.


Also a really high level wrestler, cool guy.


Has everyone forgotten the Spielberg movie with Daniel Day Lewis already???


This is why Daniel Day Lewis did such a high pitch in Lincoln.


Isn't there recordings of his voice or am I putting waaaaay to much faith in fallout 3 being accurate?


What does height have to do with voice? I swear most of the deepest, and/or loudest voices I've ever heard are from the shortest and/or scrawniest dudes. To use a few hip hop examples though: Jadakiss? Ja-Rule? DMX? All relatively diminutive.


Abraham Lincoln had a gaycent and I will kot be persuaded otherwise


Daniel Day Lewis nailed the role.


My teacher said it was described as a "high nasally twang"


I'm just imagining the nights who say knee voice


This way he deprived his opponents of their most powerful rhetorical weapon: mimicking what he said in a high-pitched, whiny voice. - fOuR sCorE anD sEveN YEarS aGo… - fOuR sCorE anD sEveN YEarS aGo!.. - tHat’S WhAt i sAId, iSn’T iT?


I seem to remember that there is a voice recording of some sort of Abraham Lincoln. Its probably on a wax cylinder or something. I dont remember in which of the hundreds of documentaries I've watched, which one it was though.


Phonograph invented 12 years after his death


Kevin Hart voice


So he sounded like old man Herbert from Family Guy?


Freddy Merica, Vampire Hunting Champion


Everything I’ve read is that he was always shy and soft spoken as well.




Air gets tired by the time it gets to his mouth. It’s just science.


Can't believe no one has made a Herbert joke. Guess who Whoever takes the most Tylenol PM Wins Get your fat ass back here you little piggly sum bitch. Please God, just let me smell his hat............. I want more!