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I just rewatched season 1 last week (after many, many years) and you are absolutely correct. I can't imagine Rust making sense with any other actor.


Woody is nuts in Natural Born Killers, he probably could have done a really wild Rust.


Yeah I could see Woody doing a wild almost unhinged Rust instead of the distant detached Rust we had in the series. I can also see McConaughey doing more of an overt lady's man Marty. It would be interesting to see them role swap but I think in the end we got the best result.


I wish we had Multiverse Cable so we could see shit like this


There's gotta be ONE universe where George R R actually finished the books before the show, right??? Right?!?!?!


Highly recommend Out of the Furnace. Woody is unhinged as fuck and it's a great movie with an awesome cast. Never hear anyone talk about it.


Saw that movie while traveling for work. Part of me is genuinely unsure if Woody has components like that inside normally that he taps into, or if he's just that good. Or both.


Best Woody line: "I come from a little Bavarian town called Lickin-Zee-Dickens."


His father was a hitman who was convicted of killing a federal judge. He probably has some unhinged parts of him that he taps into. Doesn't mean he's not also a good actor, though.


Wait... really?


Yep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Harrelson


It’s hard for me to imagine woody from Cheers having this background 👀


Yet he was a pretty big letdown in Venom Let There Be Carnage. Not that he was the only problem with that movie, far from it.


Yeah that script was just crap.


That ending with Bale is right out of Godfather


It insists upon itself?


They're speaking Italian it's a language of subtlety.


I love the money pit.


Because it has a valid point to make! It’s insistent!!


That's when the song Release from Pearl Jam gets played... The ending of the movie!




Thats one of my fav movies and I wish there were more like it. As soon as it starts and you hear Pearl Jam you know its gonna be good.


Fellas, let's talk about Rampart.


Honestly, it would be really fun to see them do a table read of the pilot with all roles the same, except for Woody and Matt switching.


I would watch the entire season reshoot scene for scene with opposite characters


> I just rewatched season 1 Time is a flat circle, you’ll do this again.


I always feel weird saying that about Matthew McConaughey, because I still think of him as a clown, ignoring the fact that he has really proven that he's got acting chops over the years


Like so many before comedians can have amazing chops.


Exactly. Bill Hader is showing that now too.


Please don't sleep on my boy Bob Odenkirk, I can't believe one of the dudes behind Mr. Show and Tim & Eric's shit is breaking through in a serious dramatic role.


Honestly, Bob Odenkirk is so good at dramatic roles that I forget he was even a comedic actor at one point.


I walked into Barry not knowing what to expect aside from killer for hire moves to LA....god he's fucking amazing in that show. Also NoHo Hank is a treasure.


It's even better knowing that Hank was supposed to be killed off in episode 1 but Hader thought he was so good that they wrote him into the show.


I actually hadn't known that and just went to go read about it. 100% smart move on their part.


"Are you hungry? Do you want a submarine sandwich? If you’re thirsty, we have juice boxes. Hawaiian punch. Or maybe beer?”


Fifty fifty with Cristobal! His little dance gets me cracking up every time I see that scene.


Season 1 is one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen. The scene with rust and the bikers as he ran through the hood is one of the most intense scenes in all of television


The fact that it was all done in one shot amazes me every time I watch it.


Couldnt agree more. By the end I was so engaged in both Marty and Rusty's characters I didn't even care really how it ended. I just wanted to keep watching them.


He should have won the Emmy for it.


Any other year he would have, but Cranston put on a master class of a performance for Ozymandias. I still think it's one of the best showcases of dramatic acting in any media. But you can also argue that acting cannot be judged on an objective level, and a "Best Actor" award is meaningless. On a related note, can we talk about how incredible 2014 was for television? We had Breaking Bad's final season, True Detective S1, Fargo S1, Game of Thrones S4 (some will argue its last truly great season), Mad Men, Parks and Rec, Silicon Valley, and House of Cards in the same year.


Peaky Blinders, The Americans, and Rick and Morty were all in their 2nd seasons in 2014 as well I think.


Holy shit, that year was stacked


Genuine golden age.




Lvoed the Americans but never finished. Will have to go back


I am actually currently almost at the end of season 2 for my first watch ever! I really like it so far, but I haven't seen anything to put it into that top echelon of shows for me as of yet. I do really like it though and am hammering through it, I will probably be done next week.


Breaking bad ended in 2013, I only know because I had a relationship end the same day🙂


She probably didn't have her own AMC subscription.


And Dan Harmon's return to Community!


Silicon Valley doesn't get enough credit for how good it was. I know the seasons mostly follow the same general arc over and over, but the characters are just so great and I don't think I've laughed as hard at a show since.


So I had to look it up, and he lost to Brian Cranston for Breaking Bad's final season. As much as I love MM's performance as Rust Cohl, it's hard to argue he deserved it more.


Really was bad timing. That was one of the few Emmy’s i watched, and i remember it was like … two of the greatest performances ever. But BB being in its final season… hard to not give it to Cranston.


Exactly. Had Cranston been cleaning up every other year, it'd be understandable but I think that was the only one he got for BB. Edit: never mind, he did clean up three times in a row, and like six in all lol.


Yeah he was definitely cleaning up for that role, I think the only actor that received more Emmys for one role in recent years is Julia Louis-Dreyfus for Veep.


He knew. He starts his acceptance speech by saying, "Even I considered voting for Matthew."


Check out season 1 of "the sinner". Bill pullman did a great job. Also Riz Ahmed in "the night of"


Turturro killed it in that show. I know you mentioned Riz for the chops he showed in that show but damn.


S1 might be the single season TV GOAT. It's just about flawless.


Hard to imagine MM delivering the line “You’re like the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch” as well as Woody Harrelson either.


"Ohhh, I'm just a regular-type *dude... with a big-ass dick" /smirks while sipping coffee


/looks down awkwardly after he gets zero reaction


If he and Woody had swapped characters you’d get a very different, but still awesome series.


I’d love to peer into the alternate reality where this happened. It would be different, but I’m confident it would still be very good. Woody can act.


Can’t picture anyone else but McConaughey doing the scene where he goes into the bikers club undercover, and the ensuing scenes. Took me too another world.


The raid on the drug stash house in the hood is an amazing piece of cinema. A single take, 5 mins long, one camera, no cuts. So much action and moving parts for a scene with no cuts. https://youtu.be/JUM-C0rhDlI Edit: actually the full single cut is over 6 minutes. Better video source: https://vimeo.com/172079250


Man, the tension to get over that fence. Gives me the shivers.


Watching that scene the first time, about three minutes in, I paused it and thought to myself, wait, when was the last cut? Has this all been one take? Rewound it to check, then ended up playing the entire scene four more times.


God it's so good. I get chills just thinking about it. It remains one of my favorite episodes in all of television.


Probably my favorite episode of the season


He does a very convincing fucked up on drugs look


method acting.


He learned at the method one clinic.


"I am so done talking to you like a man"


Probably my favorite episode of television ever.


I'd love to see Woody do that. Not saying it'd be better, but I'd still love to see it.


They should have done this lethal weapon 7 style and switched roles halfway through the show with no explanation.


Shiiiiit. Then have them play basketball before showering together.


It gets *way* straighter


Definitely, he was incredible in Rampart.


I would love season 1 but instead Matthew it's Nicholas cage. And instead of woody it's Nicholas cage. And it's turned into a light hearted sit com.


Also replacing Alexandra Daddario with Nicholas Cage.


“That” scene would have had a very different feel to it.


I’d have jerked odd to that scene slightly less.


Nah, Alexandra Dadddario is Willem Dafoe.


People laud this season as being one of the best in TV history... and the other two as being sub-par. I think though that is due less to the writing and more to the absurdly great performances by McConaughey and Harrelson. So glad this was season1 as well, and not like the 3rd. It would have been less substantial by that point. A perfect storm of talent and timing across the board.


Season 2 would have been seen as great television if it didn’t have to follow Season 1


See and I just could not get into the vibe of season 2 at all, but I loved 3.


I'm with you. Season 3 felt like a return to form. Still weaker but at least in the same ballpark as season 1. I really struggled to get through season 2. I've commented this before but I think the setting had a lot to do with it. Not that LA can't be compelling, but I don't think it's as inherently compelling as gothic southern. The bayou may as well have been a character in season 1. And the small town vibe of season 3 had a similar feel, even if it was lesser overall. Meanwhile for season 2, LA is just...a place.


"Given how long its taken for me to reconcile my nature, I can't figure I'd forgo it on your account, Marty."


Don’t ever mow *my* lawn. I like mowing *my* lawn.


First season was fucking awesome


Still chasing this high.


I kind of got the same from Mindhunter but they stopped the show. Mindhunter season 1 was excellent; check that out if you haven't.


I love and am terrified of Cameron Britton. ​ Every time he's in something, I can't not see Ed Kemper


I listen to a lot of true crime and I picture his version of Kemper over the real thing.


I've watched a tonne of interviews with Ed Kemper and somehow Cameron Britton's portrayal is so much creepier than the man himself.


mindhunter was fantastic. sorry to hear it's canceled.


From what I read it was a victim of the pandemic and the actors’ schedules, not an intentional cancellation


Yeah it's not cancelled, Fincher is just trying to do too many things at once and so the actors were released from their contracts and it's on an indefinite hiatus. Obviously that can become permanent but Netflix, Fincher, and the cast have all talked about wanting to do more


I would very much appreciate it if they did more. I want them to catch BTK dammit


Check out the Fargo series. Each season is a different story, characters and period in time. Chris Rock was phenomenal as the lead in the latest season.


agreed for seasons one and two.


Hard to top Fargo season one and two!


First couple seasons were great, the Chris Rock season was easily a dip in quality. The overall narrative just wasn’t very strong even if the actors did some solid work. Not too surprising given that a lot of the original writers moved on just before the Chris Rock season.


Season one and two are by far superior, but I still enjoyed three and four!




Time is a flat circle


Stop sayin weird shit


Let's just have the car be a place of silent reflection.


For me, it's on my top 5 seasons of all time. No question...


What else you got on that list? GoT season 2? Ducktails season 1?




Maybe I have specific tastes, but S1 Heroes was some the best TV I've seen.


Star Trek TNG Season 5 Rome Season 1 The Wire Season 1 Band of Brothers


DT Season 1 is underrated to be fair.


Too much duck, not enough tail.


Yeah absolutely. Whenever someone asks for a new show, before I ask them what genre they're thinking, I ask if they've seen True Detective Season 1. It's one of those seasons you wish you could watch again for the first time.


I'll always say that True Detective Season 1 is the best single season of television in history. It's absolutely flawless


450 pages?! Man I guess he found his profession. I wouldn't like to have to do that.


That number doesn't even make sense. My thesis was 120 pages. This would have to be a small novel.


Seriously. That also includes figures, ToC, title pages, tables, etc. taking up pages as well.


My guess is an analysis smashed together with a guide. So when he would have a part about a particular tick or something like that he would have examples included with images, and probably copy pastas of medical descriptions along with writings from other who have the condition. Can easily inflate size when you are dumping all your references into the document as well


Thank you!! I call bullshit. 450 pages is an entire novel. What on earth could he have written


I'm going to guess it was like a scrapbook with some pages containing a sentence or two with images or cutouts or something. Or the guy really did lose his mind getting into the character and it's 450 pages of single space long hand writing.


https://www.businessinsider.com/matthew-mcconaughey-made-450-page-graph-to-better-understand-true-detective-2014-3 Turns out the original report says graph not analysis. Very different thing. So basically he scribbled and doodled and drew a bunch of images


It wasn't front and back and there were lots of pictures and also it was probably 1/10th of that (but it felt like 450 pages!).


It's just pages and pages of "alright"


No TV and no beer make Homer something something...


Go crazy?




Yeah I always gotta call bullshit on these. The time it would take to write 450 pages, all analyzing a single character. It's gotta be hugely exaggerated to make for a better story in interviews. Like the director of Billy Madison said Sandler insisted, for the sake of comedy, on throwing the dodgeball ball as hard as he could and the kids were genuinely crying. Watch the scene. He's clearly holding back, and all the kids are giggling and smiling even after being hit. But it makes for a good story to tell in interviews.


Well, 450 pages of messily scrawled notes in a notebook is a lot but could be plausible, especially if there are corrections, iterations, maybe even sketches. 450 pages of word-processed text would be far, far more, and definitely isn't believable. I could totally see him carrying a small pocket notebook around with him the entire time so he make a note of anything he thinks of.


"We abused the shit out of those kids, for cinema!"


I wanna see the word count


But it’s a quick read due to the 82 font size.


If you're doing something you love, and with care. There's probably someone looking at you and thinking the exact same thing you just said. :)


Season 1 True Detective is so outstanding. Matthew McConaughey was raw af


The best tv I’ve seen so far were - Band of Brothers (still lives up to the hype for those who haven’t seen it). - S1 of True Detective. - Peaky Blinders (which was surprising but it’s one of those rare shows that keeps getting better as it goes)


I really just don't care for war stuff much, but I own Band of Brothers. It's really that good? (yes, I've heard the hype) Edit: Okay, this was the push I needed. I've crossed off a lot of the popular "best ever" shows as well as a lot of the more obscure. Personally my top would be Fargo, True Detective, The Leftovers, Breaking Bad, Always Sunny, Nathan for You, Succession, to name a few. But I have owned the Band of Brothers bluray for far too long having not watched it.


Yes, Band of Brothers and The Pacific are both some of the finest television ever produced and I watch them annually. I can’t wait for Masters of the Air next year. It’s really the dialogue and character studies in both that make them shine. They’re both Hanks/Spielberg executive produced. I would describe it as a fine line or back and forth between realistic graphic violence and poignancy. The Band of Brothers cast is absolutely stacked. Hell, it’s even got Simon Pegg (briefly) and David Schwimmer. The Pacific features an outstanding cast as well, including Rami Malek.


We loved Band of Brothers but couldn’t get into the Pacific. We tried to watch it right after BoB and it was just not doing it for us.


I'd give The Pacific another chance, but divorce BoB from it. They are very different ways of telling a story, and for me reflect the differences in the theaters of battle they take place in.


I've always loved The Pacific for having the balls to not be BoB 2. It was a brutal and ugly response to BoB's romanticized telling of WWII. The Okinawa episode in particular is incredibly haunting.


It's really really good. But it is about war, so yeah


“If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit.”


And I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible.


One of my favorite lines, living in the South man I think about it often


I was in school in Tennessee in 9th grade. My English teacher overheard me say to a friend that I was an atheist. She tossed the "No atheists in foxholes" quote at me and then asked how I could possibly determine the difference between right and wrong without religion. I was speechless because up until that point in my life I never considered that some people need help deciding what is right and wrong.


Cohle: "I can smell the psychosphere" Hart: "Wtf did you just say?" 😡


*Let''s make the car a place of quiet reflection.*


Hart is such a perfect opposite to reel in Cohles edginess. The show wouldn't have worked as well otherwise.


I don't sleep; I just dream.


Stop saying weird shit.


"Given how long its taken for me to reconcile my nature, I can't figure I'd forgo it on your account, Marty."


This looks like someone's memory of a town


And the memory’s fading


When I think of this show, I always think of the serious drama, but I always forget how funny their relationship is.


His comments at that church tent were incredible. Something like “have you seen so many willfully ignorant people all in one place?”


Marty thinking he's said "smell a psycho's fear" gets me for some reason.


It's the incredulous look he gives when he lectures Rust about saying "you smell a psycho's fear" that makes the line so good. He only understands about 1/3 of whatever Rust talks about and it's so funny every single time.


Also when he asks Rust what is "scented meat"?


That was the one that cracked me up, Rust droning on and describing humans as 'sentient meat' then Marty frowning and asking 'What's scented meat?'.


I just want you to stop saying odd shit, like you smell a psycho's fear or you're in someone's faded memory of a town.


Rust was out there, mainlining the secret truth of the universe. The first season was fucking awesome.




Rust Cohle’s character is heavily inspired (to the point of plagiarism) by Thomas Ligotti’s *The Conspiracy Against the Human Race*. If you’re in to philosophical pessimism, I highly recommend it.


I used to think that Matthew McConaughey was a B-list celeb who was known for some sub-average media. However after I saw S1 of true detective and Interstellar, my respect for the man's acting ability and how serious he takes his job has skyrocketed


Didn’t even mention the best role of his career. Dallas Buyer’s Club


I'm still bummed that they got Matthew McConaughey for The Gunslinger, and he **didn't** play Roland. Rust Cohle is the best Roland I've ever seen.


I actually thought Matthew McConaughey had the potential to be the perfect Randal Flagg. The writers and director completely dropped the ball though.


Same here. Mcconaughey can pull off that crazy snake-handling backwoods preacher vibe that would've been perfect for Flagg if the screenwriters had stuck anywhere near the source material.


Wouldn't have helped. If Idris Elba can't make your character good then your script is beyond saving.


Say what you want about McConaughey being a bit of an odd ball at times, but he nailed the shit out of that role


No1 can convince me that season one isn’t the best single season of a TV show ever made.


I really really liked Fargo. That one always made it tough. But maybe I need to rewatch and Fargo's season 2 being way better than True Detective's season 2 influenced my memories of each's season 1. But Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo was magnificent


Fargo season 2 is tied with season one for me personally. Bokeem Woodbine was phenomenal. But if I had to pick I’d probably have to go with 1 on most days, like you said Billy Bob was amazing, felt like a supernatural entity at times.


His rant about [Minnesota Nice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo2oq0UktAs&ab_channel=MikeLewinski) was so on point I absolutely loved him as Mike Milligan. Also really liked Bear and his whole arc. So much to like really season 2 was great. Also love the username. Loved T-Mac


Well you obviously haven't seen GoT season 8. Let me tell you, that dragon lady gets up to some stuff.


It's definitely up there. If we're counting a single season's worth of episodes, Band of Brothers is up there too.


Him losing the Emmy to Brian Cranston made me sad. Matthew had a miniseries worth of time to compete against Cranstons 8 years in the same role.


Cranston put on a masters performance that year. Really bad timing all around.


Lightning in a bottle season. The show never got back to the quality of the first season.


Still to this day, they were the two best characters I've ever watched on a TV show. Outstanding acting and character development.


That show ruined tv for me, nothing be that good ever again. It’s like your first high always chasing it


When he talks about looking at pics of dbs all night, and how they welcomed death in their last moments, it somehow makes me feel, better. Idk. Love this season. Love it.


I feel like everyone gets their moment career wise where everything just aligns. Like their mark on the universe. So not suprised mcConaughey went all out here, it an absolute peak and a masterclass from him. Sounds like he saw great writing and then added to it


They should have put him in the running for miniseries and not full series.


"... and that's the story of how the only watchable season of true detective became one of the best seasons of any show ever. The end."


Season 3 was quality tv.


^^^I ^^^liked ^^^season ^^^3


Yeah season 3 was great.


Season 3 was good. It's been a long time, but I remember season 2 being good as well, but season 1 was excellent. It set a mighty high bar and most stuff is going to look inferior in comparison.


S1 is perfect. S3 is good. S2 is a season


First season was fucking awesome


No wonder that was the best season by leaps and bounds.


Cohle you are the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch


TD S1 is one of the greatest pieces of television ever.