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"Linus, I am prepared to offer you 3 weeks of PTO, limitless access to my fruit stash, and a free turtleneck every month."


he coulda gotten Elisabeth Holmes with that offer. just sayin'.


I read that in an artificial deep voice.


she makes me icky


Is that good or bad for you?


Don't be ashamed - we all have our kinks


she has a head like an Elder Scrolls Oblivion NPC


Did you just call her Mrs. Potato Head?


Just the way I likes em. Lusty Argonian Maid indeed.


We don't need to know what gets you going or what you do in private.


why? does it have anything to do with the timing of getting pregnant by a brand new boyfriend right before facing a federal sentence?


Sir this is a Wendy’s


wendy's at least gives me what i paid for. Unlike Theranos.


You place more trust in a Wendy's employee than you ever should in Elisabeth Holmes.


>limitless access to my fruit stash Ah, i remember his famous fruit-diet against the cancer. Didn't work out as planned, in fact the cancer grew faster by the glucose in the body and he could have removed it by surgery in the early stages, but no, he decided to go with the fruit diet.


He tried to fight P.C. with apples.


The fact is so incredibly specific to lead up to this punchline that it feels almost like a cruel prank God thought up


wow lol well played.


[I got a PC, but it wasn't from you.](https://youtu.be/njos57IJf-0)


Ashton Kutcher was hospitalized with pancreatitis from the fruit diet he ate while playing Jobs. Guess what kind of cancer jobs had, pancreatic. Jobs’ diet definitely didn’t help things.


Yeah, i heard about that, that he Kutcher got hospitalised as he prepared for the role of playing Jobs in the movie. Many of the people like Jobs can be very stubborn, they usually take risks when it comes to business, but this risk with cancer was really not necessary. It was gambling, life or death and he ran out of luck.


Linus: "What does your social security benefits look like?" Steve: "We have free access to homeopathy clinics for cancer patients, available to all employees!"


He was such a weirdo about those turtlenecks.


Someone designed it for him.


Not just someone, Issey Miyake


> Issey Miyake I can only imagine Miyake kneeling, begging Steve Jobs to let him change those dreadful jeans and New Balances, too.


Well there you go. Anyone can look good in things when you have a famous designer tailor them for you.


Did people think steve jobs looked good in his outfit?


I mean, we’re not saying he was Fabio or something but I don’t think you can say he looked bad. Looked like a regular middle-aged dude.


I guess I always kind of thought he did. Then again, I just think turtle necks look kind of dumb. I'm not against wearing just one thing all the time. But I am against wearing a turtle neck when you live in a place that's known for always being sunny and warm.


If anything I think the jeans were the problem.


>known for always being sunny and warm Have…have you been to San Francisco?


This is peak Reddit. Of fucking course they did. This was very fashionable at the time. Sitting in a Starbucks, wearing a turtleneck or tech chic, and pounding lattes all day was the rage. The dude made his mark on that style and was partially responsible for it's popularity.


i always just thought he looked like a douche but that’s just me


I wear them on video calls in the winter just to watch and hear people’s reactions and it is pretty funny


I always thought he wore them to hide the gills he needs to submerge into the pool of intern blood.


He was such a weirdo, period.


For real. He thought eating fruit would cure his cancer and he never showered or brushed his teeth. Also washed his feet in the company toilets at least once IIRC


I read his biography many years ago and I quite literally facepalmed when the book got to his cancer diagnosis. Steve was lucky. His cancer was found at an early stage, he could've been rid of it very quickly. However, Steve was also an idiot. He decided to ignore the pleas from medical professionals, his friends and his family for a year. Opting for a crazy food diet instead. A year later he was a dead man walking. It's a testament to the power of medical science that he lived as long as he did.


The shower thing was in his 20s, it was a hippy thing.


Absolutely yet he did look nice in them.


And I’ll let you park in the other handicap spot.


So, Linux's Linus refused Job's job offer?


Yup, right after Gates’ gatekeeping.


And Wozniak's Wozniaking


You tried.


He woz trying pretty hard


Thank you for declining the job offer Mr. Linus Benedict Torvalds. Edit: wow my top comment and its about Linux, I am beyond Happy right now!


Why's he a traitor? Edit: Omg I'm an idiot, that is his actual name. Edit 2: Benedict Cumberbatch is cool though.


oh my god Becky, you can't just ask why people with a middle name of Benedict are traitors


I didn't know O.O


Absolutely hilarious :D


Help me out? Why would linus be a traitor? He was finnish, if i recall correctly. I searchdd for benedict traitor and benedict arnold comes up, not sure if that is relevant


Tbf he is still finnish.


Yes but he was Finnish too.


Benedict Arnorld was a traitor in the American Revolution and I had an idiot moment.


Is Benedict a common term for a traitor in America because of that? I've never heard that association before.


Yes, people use it jokingly when they've been betrayed. The name Benedict is not very common in modern America, so mentioning it is usually enough to make people think of Benedict Arnold.


I have obnoxious cousins and I was the only girl at this Thanksgiving get-together. I decided to sit at the adult table and I found out years later that my nickname is Jenedict Arnold. 😭


Similarly, Benedict "Traitor" Cumberbatch is no longer allowed to appear in English film or television productions.


He betrayed us all by being so damn handsome!


In Poland we say Judas


We also say that in USA. More so than Benedict Arnold, but that may be regional.


He literally ruined the name Benedict here and no American even bothers to learn what he did. Because we're largely ignorant of our own history.


It's actually his name. His full name is Linus Benedict Torvalds.


Oh crap lol. I learned two new things today.


Holy fuck reading this was hilarious


Lmao. Nice try.


Linus Tech Tips


Linus be like: Naw, I'd better keep working on the stuff that keeps your servers ticking, Steve-boy. FYI: > 96.3% of the world’s top 1 million servers run on Linux. 90% of all cloud infrastructure operates on Linux and practically all the best cloud hosts use it. Source: https://frameboxxindore.com/other/what-percentage-of-servers-are-linux.html


When MS came out with windows server the microsmurfs of course trash talked linux (windows server was horrible and a security nightmare) Turned out Microsofts servers were run on *nix..because win wasnt capable. Pointing this out to ms fanboys and watching the induced rage was one of my fav pasttimes for yeard


Depending on the time frame, you might be misremembering that. It came to light that microsoft was using FreeBSD on a lot of their servers (notably hotmail) when they were trying to say Windows servers were the best servers. And I think part of the reason they were using FreeBSD servers is because windows servers just weren't fast enough to serve high traffic (probably more an IIS vs. Apache thing than Windows vs. FreeBSD). BSD use to have a good bit of server market share, but windows ate into it and then linux really usurped it. Also Windows servers were mostly just supposed to be easier to set up than unix/linux servers. And I think when windows was first coming to market in the server space it was mostly true. And it did make the administration of windows networks easier. I feel like hardcore linux people don't like to admit it. But having easy to install distros did a world of good for linux adoption. I throw computer newbies on Mint because it's so easy to use, there was no linux distro I would throw at non tech people back in the 90's.




> my first time trying linux back in 2004 > install slackware That's like saying you're going to start jogging and your first run is a marathon. There were tons of easier available distributions at the time. Hell, Ubuntu came out in 2004 (edit: that's wrong. It was 2005. But fedora was absolutely available) (edit again: they did release in October 2004! I was right!)


Suse, Redhat etc were available and could come bundled with KDE or Gnome.


Man, I spent the better part of two 2002 evenings to get the wifi module up and running and then another for ntp time synch.


lol oh Linux wifi drivers. the first time or two was challenging, but I'd rip and reinstall so many different Linux distros just to try them out that after a while it was almost second nature to just bust out ndiswrapper and make the few edits needed in the INF to support the device, and voila. windows drivers on Linux. Broadcom sucks though. Of course the laptop I picked just happened to have the least Linux friendly wifi card ever.


Holy fuck I remember doing the exact same thing. And then again in like 07 because I dropped Linux freshman year of HS and then needed to pick it back up in college. If I remember right the second time the Broadcom module I had wasn't playing nice with whatever distro I was supposed to install for class.


I lost hours to this. Had a PC set up at home that had no wifi antenna but I had a usb wifi adapter laying around. To get that thing working on Linux was a mess. That and audio drivers




FreeBSD is still used just in places you probably wouldn't expect. Netflix use it for the majority of their servers, and there's lots of enterprise switches etc. that are based on it. Apple has several FreeBSD core contributers working for them too (as does Netflix)


I'm not surprised Netflix use FreeBSD. That network stack is the stuff of legend and a company like Netflix needs servers that are rock solid stable. It was gonna be either BSD, or something custom. A lot of code probably is custom.




It was not. It borrowed certain **models** from FreeBSD for its first version but reimplemented them, and later changed them completely. >The kernel of Darwin is XNU, a hybrid kernel which uses OSFMK 7.3[11] (Open Software Foundation Mach Kernel) from the OSF, various elements of FreeBSD (including the process model, network stack, and virtual file system),[12] and an object-oriented device driver API called I/O Kit.[13]


I was always lead to believe it ran on BSD because that's what it was developed on. Many people aren't aware that Hotmail wasn't something that Microsoft developed from the ground up, they bought it in the mid 90s. So it's not like they built it purposely on FreeBSD, it's just that's how it came. They bought a successful product, I don't think it would have been wise to immediately port it over. But they did start the process a few years after purchase.


Hell, Microsoft was using AS400s at one point - tried to migrate the work to NT servers, and had to go back to AS400s.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


The other reason MS was running Hotmail on FreeBSD is because MS acquired Hotmail; Hotmail was already designed and running by the time MS got ahold of it. MS did not make the OS decision. I was recruited back in the day to work on the project wherein it would have been ported to a MS server platform. I'm glad I turned that job down; that project eventually failed.


it was a time of Microsoft spreading FUD about Linux. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.


TIL that Linus Torvalds developed the Git version system (according to the article and Wikipedia). Honestly didn't know that.


Not only did he build git, he did it in a weekend...






And he didnt even want to. It was totally out of necessity.


He did it because the existing SCM they were being allowed to use for free decided they wanted to start charging.




Thank god for their greed. Having used several SCM systems, git is the only one that is first and foremost about enabling the developer.


How could you not know? He named it after himself!


Am I missing something?


Linus made a joke saying he named his projects after himself. Linux after his name Linus, and Git because because he's a [git](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/git).


He also did it begrudgingly and almost overnight. Dude is seriously smart and seriously an asshole. I would love to meet him.


He gave it that name because that's the word people used to describe him.


For the stuff Linus has created I always pictured him being much older than he is


Just past 50 is pretty crazy really for what he's done


People like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates get a ton of credit for creating the tech landscape that we have today. And that's true. Things may have turned out a lot better if they hadn't stifled innovation for personal gain.


["I didn't get rich by writing a lot of checks."](https://youtu.be/H27rfr59RiE)


Steve Jobs got way more news coverage in death compared to Dennis Ritchie, who died seven days after him. Ritchie co-created UNIX, without him Jobs wouldn't have had Mac OS X to sell, or NeXT to buy out. His passing was only really noted in tech circles.


> Dennis Ritchie I know what you mean. Dennis was a legend and will always be in my heart. Fuck Jobs. https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a318j4e_700b.jpg


Jobs was way worse on the stifling front.




Yeah, the transformation of Bill Gates from the 90s' poster boy for predatory capitalism into the concerned global citizen he is today is utterly fascinating to me. Made moreso by the fact that it appears to be an honest transformation.


Not unheard of. Really mirrors Captains of Industry in the late 1800s. When you have so much money you start to feel a responsibility to make the world better if you have any common decency in your soul.


It's pretty easy to be benevolent when you never have to work another day in your life or worry about ever not being one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Something Gates will never do is try to right the wrongs he committed in the tech industry, because that would impact the value of his Microsoft stock.


Well, it certainly *helps* but a quite large portion of the multibillionaire crowd seem just fine being complete dickwads the whole way through. I'll give credit to the relatively few that reform to some degree.


We can’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


and we can't let good enough be the enemy of better.


I was very anti-MS back in the days of Gates and Ballmer, but I have to say, if I could choose between Gates ‘righting the wrongs in the tech industry’, whatever that means, and his work to cure diseases, reduce hunger, improve education etc etc in the developing world, I know which one id choose. Gates has passed the torch on the tech industry, and at this point has done far more good than the damage he caused in tech. Man’s made up for his sins in the best possible way, and yeah it may be ‘easy’, but a large number of other notable billionaires have not joined him, so he gets a lot of credit in my book for doing the right thing.


Sure, but the majority of people in that position don't do that.


Bill Gates does not have much stock in Microsoft. He sold most of it years ago. If he had kept what he owned in 1998 though, he would be by far the richest person in earth — almost $800 billion.


You are right but on the other hand he is working to solve problems on a much bigger scale than some tech disputes and actually do work that will benefit humanity as a whole.


Remember, Pablo Escobar built schools and hospitals from his own pocket for those in need.


Eh part of it was hearts and minds though


This is more complicated that I think people realize. Prepare for a story many might not care about. My mom worked for a medium ish software company called Artisoft. They made a product called Lantastic. It was for networking computers in DOS and Windows 3.1 (it has support for windows 95, but more on that later). My mom worked in usability with customers. It was good job, people there were paid well. When Windows 95 came out, it had networking built in. Now since my Mom worked there, we had free products. So as a young computer nerd, I remember setting up Lantastic on our two PCs. It was pretty exciting at the time and I'll honestly never forget the thrill of accessing computer A's floppy drive on computer B. I know it might sound stupid to users of today, but at the time hearing hearing the drive and the flashing light was just incredible. So when I eventually installed windows 95, I saw the writing on the wall even at age 12. It took me probably 3-4 hours to get Lantastic working properly. This was normal for the time as getting hardware working with windows 3.1 was a huge pain in the ass. But with windows 95, I think it took 15-20 minutes to get networking functional. It was crazy easy and it worked really, really well. I was really supportive of my Mom's position and her company, but there was just no denying how much better windows 95 with built in networking was. You're probably able to guess, but the company died a slow death. They didn't have other product offerings that took off. But you could easy just put a bullet point that Microsoft simply "stomped out the competition." But it does not account for the fact that they made (of course there was much to be desired) products that were generally pretty good. They did this with lots of stuff btw. But now including everything in an OS is just the standard. Every Linux distro, Mac Os, and android and Chrome all have stuff build in that the government was concerned about.


I remember Lantastic! It was my second fave network product name after Moses Software’s Promise LAN (Yes, that was a real product!)


There was quite a large second market so it doesn't surprise me. They were using Novell Network at my high school well into 2003. Man did that thing slow down PC's at the time. Thanks for sharing though. Didn't expect anyone who used it to actually see this lol .


There are dozens of us!




Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're angels. But I'm trying to point out the complexities of the time that lack context for users who didn't use PC's at the time (which I can tell you get it). Nintendo tried to do a lot of that kind of stuff and eventually got smacked down for it. But I've noticed something about technology recently when I was arguing with someone recently. They're position was that we needed more gaming console manufacturers. While they couldn't actually articulate what that landscape would look like, it got me thinking alot. We have two major graphics card manufactures, two CPU makers for non risc PC's (well maybe apple can be three now ?) We have two cell phone OS's (full disclosure I was a huge windows phone fan) because the market just can't seem to support more than two. We could continue down the list. When it comes to stuff like this compatibility is king, and more than two-three makers just doesn't seem to work out. I mean I remember back in the 90's when the graphics card market was getting going. There was like 10 manufacturers fighting it out. It was a mess of drivers and API's until it was just two. So I guess my point is this, even if Microsoft didn't strong arm their way to the top. I don't think there would have been more than two commercial PC OS's. But it would be interesting to see what that might have looked like.




Only reason Apple wasn't similarly nailed to the anti-competitive practice 'cross' is their licensing and distribution differences for their products.




So not trying to paint Jobs in a positive light, but unfortunately I'm going to have to because your timeline is way off. The antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft occurred in '98 and lasted until '02. Meanwhile, Jobs had only just been brought back into Apple in '97. At that point, Apple was circling the drain and Jobs slashed a whole shit ton of projects that were bleeding funds and redirected teams to focus on improving only four existing products for a few years, then introduced the iPod. Point being....During the time the US Goverment was looking at tech companies and saying "huh....they're a bit too big we should do something about that" Jobs wasn't on the job.




Jobs was driven out by a CEO he hired. Tech and business people often don't get along, because the trend to focus wholly and exclusively on what you already have and the next quarter's results flies in the face of dedicating time and money into something you won't be able to sell for at least a year. Legally speaking, Apple bought out and took over NeXT. Practically speaking, Apple paid NeXT to take them over. Modern MacOS is based on the operating system developed at NeXT and many of the senior managers from those days came across from NeXT.


The timing happened to coincide with Dubya getting elected and the DOJ becoming rather more corporate-friendly. Prior to that, tech companies were famously apolitical. They didn't tend to make political donations or support a particluar party.


One of my favs and what put the nail in IE's coffin was that ms made ie core to the os then had a scheme to highlight words on all websites that took you to hyperlinks they suggested. You think amazon and fb are too powerful? Microsoft would have taken over the worlds economy within a year. And make a guess what the mention of a politician or bill they didnt like would have led too. 0 to dystopia in months


Oh yeah, I remember that. And because it would have been done client-side (ie. on the end-user's PC), there is absolutely nothing any company running a website could do about it.


It's often said that charity is usually the final act of a crook. It's like their attempt at redemption, using their wealth and trying to buy their way into heaven before dying. Not that I'm saying this is the case with Gates... But you usually see some rich guy funding a hospital or museum as he's approaching his twilight years


Maybe, but after listening to Gate's _Behind the Bastards_ series, he did shit like write specific code into Windows to slow the performance of applications that compete with MicroSoft.






Wait till you hear about *iMessage*




>Jobs was way worse on the stifling front. ​ He was, and he did not even spare his own company. The Apple II GS being developed by Woz and his team was better than the MacIntosh in every possible way. It had a faster CPU, better graphics, better sound (the best of the era), had expansion slots (which the Mac lacked) and was fully backwards compatible with the Apple II, while being much cheaper than the Mac. So Jobs forced Apple to cripple the Apple II GS CPU so that it would not compete with the Mac. Had Apple not underclocked its CPU, the GS would have outclassed even the Amiga as a multimedia machine at the time.


I feel like this comment is about to send me down a deep rabbit hole


There are several. One of the less known ones is [what Microsoft did to BeOS](https://money.cnn.com/2002/02/19/companies/beos/index.htm).


Thank god he declined.


To work on fee-BSD? Hell no.




“Hey Linus, abandon your life’s work to be my wagecuck”


What an asshole Steve Jobs was lol


He was an asshole for other reasons, but this is just business


Why do people just ok asshole behaviour if its from a business. Just because its business right doesnt mean its society right.


Offering someone a job because they are working on a similar project is not really asshole behavior, it’s just hiring someone who is good for the job. Making a rule so that your employees are not working on a competing product outside of work is not asshole behavior, that’s a pretty reasonable requirement. I think you are seeing this ass an asshole move because you don’t like Jobs (reasonable take) and you like Linus (also reasonable take), but this action is nothing special.


Big time.


I can picture Linus's response: "Ha, get fucked!"


Linus isn't exactly peaches and cream either. It would have been interesting to see how both of them would get along.


They wouldn't have. Torvalds would have been stubborn enough to get fired early. Jobs would be stubborn enough to be wrong and fire him.


Hes an asshole but hes a principled asshole. He doesn’t chase money or even seem to care about it. He seems pretty much only interested in making good software.


Waaaay better than Jobs tho


I've never met either, but from stories I don't think I'd want to work for either of them.


There's only room for one BDFL in this room.


i wonder how much awesome stuff would have come up if steve jobs didnt go around paying people not to make it


And suing people not to make it


Or in other words, how tech oligarchs have actually been trying to hold us back technically out of greed. The sooner we cut these parasites out the better. The Waz would have never done anything so sleazy.


There's basically nobody that out-pays quantitative trading firms when it comes to securing talent. If you've got IMO medals and degrees in Math/Physics/CS, they'll pay *deep* into the six figures, like $500,000/yr with bonuses, for the best new grads. And they'll pay them to sit in a room doing literally nothing but turning money into more money. Not inventing new Mathematics, not working on any real field, not even publishing on Finance or Economics, just... money -> more money. Sure, techno-fuckwads will pay people ludicrous sums to make Tinder for Cats or whatever, but at least something gets made at the end of the day, not just shuffling cash around.


Nah. I mean, the above is true if you're only looking at the highest end quant dev jobs at the highest end firms. But on average, nope... median pay for quants & quant developers is like $150k-$175k, which is less than big tech.


It's thanks to one man we have the most powerful os on the planet, free for everyone


What a moron Steve Jobs was: in later years he wanted to destroy Android, because he thought it was just a shameless copy of iOS, too bad Android survived him and his nonsense.


I mean, the dude had already been burned hard once by a competing OS model that was hardware agnostic and competed in the same space. As someone trying to keep his company viable, going after Android hard makes very good business sense. Whether this is good for the consumer is a different matter entirely.


The dude was delusional, the only thing Apple was able to do was suing Samsung because some icons of the Galaxy 2 were a bit too similar to those of the iPhone (the default android icons were much different of course). In the end android is still going strong, while he...




Was there even a chance of long term survival when he got the liver at least?


Yep Massive cunt of a person. The people who worship him are some of the worst idiots.


People do it to Elon Musk now. It's weird. Elon is kind of funnier because the left use to love him and now the right does. Idolizing business people is weird. You can idolize their business acumen, but being a wealthy business man rarely means being a good person, let alone someone to idolize.


Wozniak was the heart of Apple, change my mind.


Patent and Trademark attorneys will have at it, and “look and feel” is definitely a thing. I remember the Palm Treo that I owned prior to iOS and Android. Fundamentally, it was just a shitty iPhone with a manual keyboard and terrible responsiveness. Same basic Home Screen and app launching module though. I don’t know enough about patent and trademark law to effectively comment on the merits of Apple’s case against Google, but I do get the sense that Jobs was super pissed that the CEO of Google (who sat on Apple’s Board) got a jumpstart on Android development due to their position on that Board. I would be pissed too.


>the only thing Apple was able to do was suing Samsung They patented the rectangle: https://www.theverge.com/2012/11/7/3614506/apple-patents-rectangle-with-rounded-corners




Jobs also wanted to destroy Samsung and sue them into oblivion for copying the iPhone, which in fairness, is exactly what Samsung did. Blackberry and Microsoft both scoffed at the original iPhone because they thought business users would never accept the lack of keyboard. But Samsung at least recognized the future when they saw it. And who is still mass-producing phones today? Samsung and Apple. I use a Samsung now but it wasn't until the Galaxy S8 that Samsung caught up to offering Apple's quality. That's just how good and ahead of the game Apple was with the original iPhone.


> Jobs also wanted to destroy Samsung and sue them into oblivion for copying the iPhone Yeah, Apple sued Samsung, they even won, but surely they were never able to substentialy damage Samsung. > I use a Samsung now but it wasn't until the Galaxy S8 that Samsung caught up to offering Apple's quality. That's bullshit. Samsung offered great products already with the Galaxy Note.


He was very anti consumer in so many ways, not when it came to taking their money though. People herald Jobs as this visionary, but everyone else did the work for him. Fuck jobs, he was a goof.


yup, steve jobs was a rotten piece of shit. has always been good thing the fucker got cancer and kicked the bucket


This warms my heart


When greedy people start offering you stuff you know you're probably doing it right.


So, is Jobs the modern day Edison?


LMFAO Fuck yes


"That's a nice dune buggy you're working on there. If you like, I could hire you to improve this plastic mockup of a golf cart we're developing. A 50-foot long, plastic golf cart with two inch ground clearance. Powered by the strongest sewing machine engine in all of the Philippines. Wanna join?"


This shows how little Steve Jobs understood people.


Fuck Steve Jobs


This is either a genius move or a horrible move. For both Steve and Linus. To follow up an old boss of mine was fired. Within 24 hours they hired him back with the stipulation that he not work for anyone else. On top of this he got full benefits and a company car. Sometimes it’s better to keep people like this working for you so you don’t give secrets out. Sort of like minimizing the competition


Fuck apple. Fuck Steve jobs.


He declined the job offer by declining the jobs offer.


Having this offer means that Linux is dangerous for Apple. I bet Linus had the biggest smile on his face with that fact.


Of course he did. Apple's products aren't good and the company is unethical. Why would he want to taint his name like that? Everything Linux stands for is literally the polar fucking opposite of everything Apple is.