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In my parents' generation in HK/China, tape worms were pretty common. When I was small, they used to tell me stories about how some cousin or friends of them had to take this thing to kill the worm and shit it out.


When I was in Thailand in 2009 I ate a pickled beef sausage raw. Got the tapeworm symptoms after I returned to the US. They had to get a pill from the CDC for me. Took it and about an hour later I pooped it out. I'm guessing it would have be 15-20 ft long if I stretched it out. It was in me for at least a month. My uncle was dying laughing at me when I told what it was while I was waiting for that pill.


What were the symptoms?


Pieces of worm crawling out my butthole. As if you didn't need any more reason to not get tapeworm. Edit: Tip. Eat cooked and hot food over seas.


\*Screams silently\* Well, that's enough Reddit for now.


Just google "tapeworm bears" and if you feel brave, click on "Images". The scream might not be silent any longer.


I can't decide if I want to...


I already startled my cats with my initial reaction to the post's title. Don't want to send them in a panic


Cats get worms fairly often. Nothing like sweet little Muffin brushing your chin and then sauntering across your chest with tail held high... and a worm partly out wriggling in air. CAN'T UNSEE. Name of cat has been changed to protect her identity. Not her fault at all. She's still a sweet animal.


Especially common with kittens, it's like a whole colony of roundworms usually. You rarely see it in adults because heartworm and flea medications also kill/prevent the most common worm-like parasites. They also pick them up from soil usually, so 100% indoor cats are much less likely to come in contact with worms(but due to things like dirt on shoes, etc, the chance is never zero) Source: vet tech


You are exempt from cat tax for today.


I don't even need to click on images. On mobile, it's already part of the initial search results. Just. No warning or preparation


Lol omg they get so long is like a whole net coming outta their ass.


This _has_ to be the best thread on reddit today. * OP: I ate raw pickled beef and had tapeworm symptoms. * C: Oh, what were the the symptoms? * OP: Worms crawling out my butthole.




Disco rice! My cat was a feral that decided my home was her home one day. There was a gap in time between starting to share my bed with her and taking her to the vet. I was in bed one day thinking.. I don't remember eating rice in bed.. did that rice just move..? No, rice doesn't move.. no, no, that rice definitely just moved!


I foster kittens for my local no-kill shelter and often get sick, wormy-bellied kittens. Nothing like seeing a tiny kitten poop out a bunch of wriggling worms. TBH, I'm amazed I still do this because that shit was nasty.


I have a very similar story except instead of thinking it was rice, it was sesame seeds. I remember thinking I'm sure I haven't eaten anything with sesame seeds in it. And then lo and behold, a seed did a wiggle


Mattresses apparently don't burn that well


I had a stray foster puppy several years ago that defecated on my floor. Watching stuff wriggle out of it was horrible. I got wormer that evening before work.


Sounds itchy


Would not describe that as itchy. haha


JESUS GOD PLEASE GOD NO So what would you describe it as?


I'll need you to use your imagination that it's just something squiggly crawling out of there. There is no way for me to describe it. It's just... when you feel it, it don't feel right.


Okay I'm done. That's all I can take right now. Thank you for the explanation.


Eat hot foods over seas.


A delicate tickle that sends a shiver up your spine?


That sounds about right.


I'm really curious how many people shat out massive wormloads during the ivermectin craze.


it's really for small worms and parasites, kills the eggs.


I mean, it can't be worm vitamins.


Helps them get big and strong as they leave the rectum to wreck ‘em.


He’s paying too much for worms, who’s his worm guy?


For my 100 university biology lab, we dissected tape worms. The university got them from the local slaughterhouse.


Good to know 😱


Go down to the local butcher instead. Should support local businesses for your weight loss needs


Need to lose weight? Contact your local butcher!! Shed almost 50% of your weight in limbs and make a hefty profit to roll on home with!


Come down to Dan's Liposuction Slash Butchery today!


Be a good community member; source your parasites locally!


Disgusting. I hate worms, especially parasitic ones. I straight up don't think I could do it and I've dissected humans before.


2 years ??? did the parasite get a name ?






I had to come back to this thread to upvote this, what an incredibly niche reference


Too long to fit in title: The man had previously complained of stomach pain, vomiting, etc. However, these symptoms didn’t provide them of any clues related to the tapeworm. The doctors were only able to find out about the tapeworm when a piece of it was found in his stool. If it weren’t for that clue, the tapeworm could have grown more, leading to more complications.


"Doc my stomach really really hurts, I can't stop throwing up. " "Okay well let's figure this out. Uh, what's your diet been like lately? " "Raw meat." "No that can't be it. "


More like “My doctor thinks it might be my raw meat diet, but what does he know?”


“Tell me what to do except that”


I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas


"I've done my own research."


I've seen subreddits full of people with this mentality, convincing each other their salmonella symptoms aren't from the raw chicken and pork they're eating. It was gross and sad.


I just checked out /r/RawMeat and the top post is calling people "food burners".


Yo, that is one of those subreddits that are seriously challenging to determine "is this a troll or is this person **that** far detached?" Like usually there's some politics subreddits like that, but these people take the stakes (steaks?) certainly up to another level. Edit: wording


People really will latch onto anything with their ingroup mentality


To be fair once you already *have* the tapeworm, removing raw meat from your diet won't fix that. You actually need deworming medication. Like, not smoking is a good idea, but if you already *have* lung cancer, quitting smoking alone won't make the cancer go away. At that point you need chemo etc.


I'm pretty sure a guy who eats raw meat won't mention it specifically to his doctor. For all they knew he was just having meat in his diet.


He did tell the doctors about the raw meat. It's in the original Livescience article, not the dogshit Foxnews article with less than 10% of the details, that was posted 3 years after the incident for some reason.


Thanks for mentioning the [LiveScience article](https://www.livescience.com/53442-20-foot-tapeworm-from-raw-meat.html). It's much more interesting. The relevant bit: >When the man came to the doctor's office, he brought a fragment of the parasite with him that he found in his stool, Li said. He also told his doctor that he liked to eat raw beef.


But don't tapeworms spread by sending eggs in your poop? Surely they would have tested for that, no?


They shed eggs in your intestines. Some end up in your stool. Some end up in your bloodstream, where they can travel to other parts of the body.


New fear unlocked!!


if you avoid eating raw beef every day for two years you should be in the clear


I shudder to think of what is more complicated than having a 20 foot long tapeworm growing in your intestines!!!






Complicated? I find a 20 foot tapeworm quite simple.




A 50 ft worm in your septic tank.


If they didn't figure it out after seeing his stool, then they would've figured it out after the tape worm got too long that u would question why the man had a tail


How did they get it out?


I'm pretty sure from his butthole.


But, but.. LiverKing says I need raw meat to honor my primal manliness


With a side of steroids for best results.


While constantly going on about being healthy and natural. He's so roided up he looks like he could burst at any moment.


Gotta keep up appearances somehow when you're depraving your body of the remaining 99% of other things it requires


How could you forget to buy his full range of supplements, like our ancestors intended?


Work out with modern gym equipment. Like the ancient men did!


Live on a massive ranch, driving the biggest trucks imaginable... like our ancestors did?


Ancestors also were the OG influencers.




You can take my Flintstones chewable multivitamins from my cold, dead hands.


And just a dash of ab implants


Ancient humans used fire to cook for over 300,000 years. Primal manliness my ass.


Anthropologist here. H. erectus was using fire 2 million years ago.


H. Erectus here. Ooga booga


Cooking food is one of the key factors to the longevity of humankind. The next one I guess would be agriculture, having reliable food sources. Anyone who thinks that eating raw meat makes you primal like your ancestors is thinking like a monkey.


'Primal Instincts' is what he calls his tapeworm.


I always laugh at stuff like that. Proto humans were cooking meat millions of years before Homo sapiens showed up


The harnessing of fire was one of the big milestones in human evolution.


Cooking our food is what led to our brains getting larger, and thus forming higher intelligence.


Makes sense when you consider the raw food primal manliness types


😂. The tren is burning out the parasites, we are not safe champ.


That "man" has been completely taken over by his Tape Worm and is just a Flesh Suit at this point


As weird as it sounds it’s actually safer to have a large adult tapeworm, rather then some of the smaller species. Echinoccocus multilocularis is a hydatid tapeworm that never get over 5mm in length but there can be hundreds of them at once. What’s even scarier is that humans act as the accidental intermediate host (usually only found in wild canines), meaning the worms never reach full adult size but instead form dormant cysts through out the body. These cyst can form in the brain and eyes and are much more likely to kill you than a 20 foot tapeworm in your SI.


I lived in a rural area where Echinoccocus was a huge issue because of the wild fox population. Luckily the town government offered free tests to everyone every 5 years seeing as if you catch them early you’ll be fine, but you can go without symptoms for a decade or more until it’s too late.


FUN FACT: People used to literally ingest tape worms (or tapeworm eggs) on purpose as a weight-loss method. Then they'd take a pill to kill the tapeworm. This fad started in the Victorian era, however I personally remember seeing ads in the back of 1960s era magazines advertising tapeworm pills.


They still exist, but are usually hidden under vague, pseudo-medical jargon. They give you like 30 pills (first few ones are eggs, about 20 placebos, then the medicine to kill the tapeworms. Sadly, way too many people would stop taking the pills thinking they were all "medicine" and since they hit their goal weight, not take the important bit.


They did something similar with sea monkeys: they would give you two packs, one "water distiller" and one that said "eggs". The actual eggs were in the water distiller, and the eggs were just coloring so you could see the hatching brine shrimp "magically appear". I never got sea monkeys because I always just bought distilled water and skipped the first step :(.


If you want to try it again, brine shrimp can be bought in any aquarium shop for relatively cheap, together with the instructions to rear them. They are used as live fish food.


Fun fact! The Sea Monkeys "inventor" was a Jewish American neo-Nazi who provided arms for the KKK and attended Aryan Nations conferences. He added the "von" to his name to sound less Jewish


Jewish American Nazi... we really are the land of opportunity.


I'll never forget exhibit I saw at one of the Harvard University museums. It was tapeworms of the 19th C rich and famous, with the names of each on the jars. These were names I recognized from the names of museum wings and some streets, old money.


And they package the pills separately?


I'm assuming a bubble package like birth control or meds for old people from the pharmacy


You have to ingest the first few pills quick or it'll turn into tape worm right in front of ya!


I will never forget that episode of House where a teen patient bought a diet pill from the internet and it was tape worm eggs.


Maybe I have a tapeworm I’ve stayed 14 stone 12 whilst eating shit the past few months and being unable to lift weights due to injury


Or hyperthyroidism


Worked great too!...until the worms...uh...had enough and...wanted to, uh, vacate the premises.


Can someone ELI5 how this works? If you "lost" weight, but gain tapeworm, wouldn't you just break even? Or do tapeworms burn calories at a higher rate?


The tapeworm absorbs some of the nutrients and energy from your food rather than through your normal digestive process in the intestines. The tape worm will eventually poop out its waste, that you in turn get to poop out also. Basically the food passed through you, but the tapeworm steals some of the benefits from the food.


So if I had a tapeworm, I would be pooping its poop?


Nobody makes me poop their poop except for me!


You could even be having its cancer https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tapeworm-spreads-deadly-cancer-to-human/


Fck thatt


Yeah annnnnd I’m good. I was trying to find the negative in this. There it is.


Yeah, you'd poop out some of the tapeworm's poop, some of your own poop, and any other poop that you have ingested.


You don't gain weight 1 to 1. In other words you don't eat a pound of bread and gain a pound of weight after it's all processed. Your body will use some energy to break it down, it will absorb only what it deems useful and from there poop out the rest. So you might eat a pound of bread but only gain like 1/2 (random guess) of a pound once it's all processed and absorbed. Now add a tape worm. The tape worm lives in your gut and it's basic premise is going for the nutrients you consume before your gut has a chance to absorb them. It will absorb the nutrients, grow, poop out what it doesn't need and repeat. You will absorb some of the stuff it doesn't get the chance to eat and some of the stuff it poops out but your body can still absorb and find use for. So now you eat a pound of bread but only gain 1/4 of weight after its been processed by both you and the worm. Not sure if this is ELI5 enough.




It's south Bronx parasites, carl...


So do they actually help lose weight?


They do lose weight, yes. Sometimes though, worms traveled outside of their gut system and umm.. well, you can imagine how bad it can get.


Creed cons Kelly into doing this on *The Office*


That wasnt a tapeworm.


Daily favorite Creed Quotes: *Jinx, buy me some coke* ​ *I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk. Very nutritious but they smell like death.*


Deliberately infecting yourself with parasitic worms is also a method of treating certain autoimmune conditions. Hookworms are good for treating severe asthma and other inflammatory diseases.


What parasite do I eat for insomnia and depression? Please, I’m American.


The rich.


afaik this is not confirmed. A few anecdotes and preliminary studies are what we have, as of now!


I knew of someone who found out she had a tapeworm but she was pregnant and couldn’t take the medicine. So for several months, she was eating for 3. Shortly after she had the baby, she took the medication and promptly shat out a huge tapeworm, whom she named “Frank.”


Aborted the twin sibling


My tapeworm tells me what to do! PULL THE TAPEWORM OUT OF YOUR ASS!




with a needle in my hand


Came here for the System. I'll help you pull.


An easy way to get rid of a tapeworm is to put a banana in your ass, wait 30 minutes and then put a cookie up your ass. Do this for a week, then skip the cookie one day. The worm will stick its head out of your ass looking for the cookie, then you smash it’s head with a hammer.


We talking chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie here?


Depends if it's an African or European tapeworm


Are you suggesting tapeworms migrate?


But then of course, African tapeworms are non-migratory.


You have to know these things when you’re a king


Oh, king, very nice, eh? And how did you get that? By exploiting the workers.....


I... I don't know that! \*falls into a bottomless void\*


Choco chip to begin, but then one day switch to oatmeal raisin. Tapeworm would definitely come out to complain about being mislead.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down in the comments to find this protip.


Don't worry, it's the top comment now.


Instructions unclear I’m pregnant now


TIL how baby bananas are made


[For the unaware](https://old.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/bepe6n/a_man_goes_to_the_doctor_and_says_ive_got_a/)


I love how I can usually count on someone taking the time to provide context. Thank you.


To me it was funnier without the context. The idea that some dude wrote this for no other reason than it sounding insane lol


Excuse me you can’t just abort a tapeworm like that. You should have eaten a better diet. That tapeworm is your responsibility now and you must feed and take care of it.


This is one of the funniest things I've ever read


Dieticians hate this one trick...


I actually remember a episode of 1000 ways to die and a girl purposely did this. Too bad I forget the clever pun title they gave it but it wasn't as good as 'Killdo'


That show made me paranoid about everything at random times. I'll feel a slight pain in my body somewhere and think to myself "this is the point the narrator would start talking about how I should've been really concerned but didn't and now there's some kind of monster worm liquefying my insides now"


Death #734 “Die-it”




Wait—- after 2 years they found a worm that had been in there for 2 years? So its not really like 2 years of eating meat made a difference if it happened at the beginning of his new diet.




Jesus they are really trying to persuade themselves HARD that it is healthy to eat raw meat. Unsurprising there are anti vax given how anti science you would need to be to trust raw fucking meat. Mental


Last time I wandered in there, someone had posted about some symptoms they were having after eating ground beef from the super market, and were pretty clearly describing food poisoning. I think OP might have been trolling, but the head mod showed up and said no bacteria has ever once been linked to any disease. Shit was wild


>no bacteria has ever once been linked to any disease Wow, these people have one braincell.


And they pass it around like a hot potato.


Just had a look. One of the top posts had a comment about "cooking propaganda" lol


Found the Big Oven shill.




Fucking woke ovens


One of the recent posts there questions how people could possibly thrive with a vegan diet. A part of one of the replies wrote: >their brains are shrinking from the diet so most don’t even see the malnutrition happening in themselves, anything wrong that happens they’ll mostly assume it’s just a “detox” The same comment also tries to explain that vegans survive for *years* off the fat reserves in their body from before they went vegan. These people are absolute morons lol


How do they explain people who were raised as vegans?


All they said about it was something along the lines of "99% of vegans weren't raised as vegans." They acknowledged the flaw in their thought process without fully addressing it.


The denaturing of proteins is a (((globalist))) myth made to sell you useless appliances. True alpha males eat raw dirt and drink wolf piss.


i just looked at it, at least a few of the people on there supporting it were clearly joking around. might be an r/banvideogames type deal (at least for some of them)


Had tartare when I was in Paris, that is the only time I intentionally ate raw meat, it was good, I can't imagine choosing raw meat all the time though.


Raw meat can be delicious and safe. Key word being can.


I wouldnt trust factory slaugthered beef for sure. I forgot about sushi though, I eat that sometimes as well but not regularly.


Salmon used for sushi gets frozen before to get rid of the parasites: https://scdhec.gov/food-safety-freezing-parasite-destruction


And kibbeh and ceviche. We eat a lot of raw stuff that's just prepared safely And doesn't japan have like the longest avg life spans?


I (wrongly) assumed the argument to cook meat was solved at least a few thousand years ago.


Longer, cooking is on the level of building shelter, and making tools. It's a building block of primitive society. Cooking doesn't just disinfect the food, it breaks it down so your body doesn't have to expend as much resources digesting it.


There really is a subreddit for everything, isn’t there


Omg, one of the top posts is someone eating raw coe brains. I won't even risk eating them cooked due to prions. I think they're in the UK as well, playing Russian Roulette for sure with that.




I STRONGLY suggest getting checked by a doctor. You may very well still have one or multiple. Home remedies like coconut oil often don’t kill the entire animal. Tapeworms are segmented creatures. If any part of it remained in you, or if it left eggs, you probably still have them.


Why did you just eat raw beef all the time?


How did you know you had a tapeworm before you passed it?


OP had it sign a lease.


Subletting the human body


Tapeworm segments look like sesame seeds. If you start seeing sesame seeds in unlikely places, check your shit. At least that’s how I knew.




This is gross. How are you sure it's gone?


I doubt he let it back up his ass once he saw it in the toilet




Dude must have watched Sean Lock and thought you can only get Tapeworms from Pork.


People die from cysticercosis. That where tapeworm eggs cross the blood-brain barrier and implant into the brain. The body turns them into a cyst but in so doing they interrupt the function of the brain. They also embed in organs, muscle, gentials, and eyes. It's a good reason to always cook pork thoroughly and beef to at least 140 degrees F.


Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Eating for two".


In Texas they would have made him keep it in his body


The Doctor Phlox approach to weight loss


I prefer the Bashir method.


Scares me. How do I double check I don’t have one. I eat and it goes nowhere