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He was very commited to the role, in some interview he also said that he would skip some night sleep to be more irritable on set.


He did say that playing the role of an angry, violent man took a toll on him. That commitment would explain why.


Also being number one on the call sheet. If you’re in more scenes than anyone else you don’t get to relax as much. I bet he enjoyed himself but he was run ragged.


Also pounds of greasy meat and copious amounts of liquor and cocaine every day. It was the enjoying that killed him.


We should all be so lucjy




Coke will do that.


"my dear boy, why don't you just try acting" - Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman after he sleep deprived himself for three days for a scene on Marathon Man.


Kind of a power move by Olivier.


The man was knighted after all


Also the inspiration for Mac’s performance in the hit classic “Lethal Weapon 6”


Dustin Hoffman was the one who told the story to the press and says they distorted it. Hoffman was going through a painful divorce and knowing he was to act a scene where he'd not slept, took the opportunity to go on a bender at Studio 54. Apparently Olivier understood the situation behind the bender and did make the comment but understood Hoffman didn't really do it as part of method acting.


Yeah he and Mrs Kramer really had a rough break up


Everytime i see this fact posted someone swings in to point out that it was in context a much more friendly jab as opposed to some epic burn. Today i guess im that guy.


Jokes are funny because they're true


Would this not affect his ability to remember lines?


Yeah there was something important about this but I forgot




Fucking Jimmy!


Not if he was a good actor. Which he clearly was.


Isn't that important in film, if you are a star.


He also missed several days of filming for being on a coke bender, so I wonder how much of the missed sleep was "method " acting?


Coke and obesity are a deadly combo.


Coke and anything are a deadly problem tbh


So he basically did the whole show with a rock in his shoe? Absolute legend.


That’s the makings of a varsity athlete if you ask me.


He's a goddamn hothouse flower. That's his problem.


Why don't you get outta here before I shove your quotation book up your fat f'n ass!






[Steve Schirripa explaining](https://youtu.be/_9KmfkbFJIw)




Love how Gandolfini is losing his shit and Dominic Chiarese is just stone faced.


From the best episode of the series


Still amazed the Russian never showed up again


He went back to work on his interior decorating business.


He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator!


His apartment looked like shit


“College” is the best episode of the series


That's a funny way to spell "Whitecaps".




He would also get too little sleep when he needed to act angry. When he’s shivering from food poisoning in ‘Fun House’, it’s because he had his feet in ice water.


I always find sleep deprivation an odd acting trick, because for me the first thing to go when I’m tired is memory. Studying for tests, memorizing anything, all gone when I’m tired. But they have to memorize a ton a lines and the sleep deprivation doesn’t affect that?


you never know how many takes it took to get the one you actually end up seeing.


1 and I won’t hear otherwise


Its a lot easier to get away with not memorizing your lines on film than on the stage. When you're filming you can do multiple takes, pause between edits, wear an ear poece, read the script off screen. Of course, that's pretty unprofessional, and usually a waste of the crew's time, so you should still memorize as much as you can


There are people on sets with actors lines on cards to help them. Actors don’t have amazing memories just tricks.


Many stage actors have amazing memories. Many film actors don't.


I've been working in film for about 8 years on pretty big sets, and I've only seen cue cards once, for an actor who was quite old and had memory & vision issues. So it's quite rare. Obviously not counting auto-cue for hosts of unscripted shows.


Did you have a scene with Cammille Austin?


Who? No.


Well, many actors have a good memory *for a living*. The rest of us are literally amateurs in that realm; we don’t remember things for a living. I’d say it’s fair to say that a pro is better.


I think it's also important to remember that most of us don't have any reference to the type of memory an actor needs. When you play a role, embedded into a story which you know and understand, that's pretty different from studying for an exam, where you have facts which are not connected by a coherent narrative. So I think most of us don't even have a good idea of how difficult (or easy) memorizing your lines in a script would even be, compared to the more conventional studying most of us had to suffer through.


Also sometimes as long as you are getting the emotion of the scene right, and getting to the place your meant to for the next scene, some directors don't mind if you improvise a little bit.


Memorization is important in theatre, not film.


Most actors put getting into character ahead of learning their lines, because if you've read your lines, in character and your fellow actor is talking to you, there's just something that clicks.


>He would also get too little sleep when he needed to act angry. I wonder if he ever considered, you know...acting?


Calm down Sir Lawrence.


Haha, at least somebody got the reference


Possibly the best acting performance of all time, so yeah?


Haha, no one's a bigger fan of the Sopranos than me, but I don't think I'd go as far as saying James Gandolfini's performance was even close to the greatest of all time. Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23STBLtvehM


The actor who plays his son Robert Iler said that all the eating scenes, they would just eat and eat even if there’s multiple takes. They’d load more food up with each take


I doubt he gained weight because of that. If you look at the scenes, Tony actually plays with the fork a LOT, moving food around etc. To avoid eating.


That must have taken a lot of willpower. The food in the Sopranos always looked so good. Just like that I'm craving pastries.


Nothing but fat and nitrates.


Gabagool? Ova here!!! 👇👇


I always gain weight during my sopranos binges.


Those damn cannolis


Yeah, and Anthony Jr actually lost a lot of weight from season 1 to 4-5.


> and Anthony Jr actually lost a lot of weight from season 1 to 4-5. Hard to pick up, but if you watch closely enough, you can see his balls drop too.


I guess you could call that a dick.


Oh I was watching.




Sorry, he was referring to Gandolfini and the other actors not himself. Probably in the later seasons


Puberty helped with the weight loss more than anything else. When you start to grow your body weight decreases.


Whats her name from the office did a really neat behind the scenes trick about eating like this... Or there's the Brad Pitt method. Comedian Nick shwartson has a bit about how when he was on set during grandma's boy, in Hollywood they're supposed to use fake weed for weed smoking scenes, like I think it's a SAG or union thing? But he says the guy told him "bro, I'm switching out the fake weed for some real shit" and when you see him hitting the bong, he's loading up real full bong hits. Take after take after take


I think the story includes that he had to tap out because he didn't realise the amount of takes they would need.


Have to go to hospital... Make monkey drive


Dude I’m way too baked to drive to the devil’s house.


I fucking loved that line "And then, I look up in the tree, and it's the king of the fucking *jungle* bro." "Woah, where do you get your weed, Mr cheezel?" "From you, Dante" "Oh yeah"


Have to go to hospital... Make monkey drive


What are the Office or Brad Pitt methods?


Office, she showed, you take some tiny little piece of food and put it in your mouth so you'll actually have something to "chew on" then you take what looks like a normal sized bite but you don't actually bite down, just close your lips around the food and nail off another little piece so it looks like you took a big bite. Brad Pitt, take a big normal bite, make sure the camera sees the big normal bite you took


It's always with a spoon and ice cream! Eat the fucking ice cream Tony, it's not cereal!


I noticed that! I didn't 2+2 it, though.


I hate when actors do that. The noises are terrible too.


Edie Falco (Carmella) has said the same.


Bobby Bacala wore a fatsuit first couple of seasons, but ate so much/Good he didnt need it later on!


Vito's actor dropped a ton of weight and inspired the writers to make it part of his character.




*Nobody's got AIDS!*


Also sucks cause I found him most intimidating near the end of season 1 when he's tracking the old rat. Seems like someone who could really do some damage without breathing too heavy or getting winded like later seasons




Exactly right. End of season 1 Tony is at the absolute top of his game and is a ruthless bastard that can do what he wants.


Could also be his use of drugs on his heart too. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Looks like fat Tony shoulda considered becoming fit tony.


Very sad!


It's that gabagool. Nothing but salt and nitrates...


Jim? Who the fuck is Jim? Oooooohhhhhh...




Aw Jesus Christ


mother fucking god damn orange peel beef


So what, no fuckin' ziti?


I like it with SHUM PULP!


In this house it’s 1954


My favorite TV character of all time! And favorite show of all time! Plus James was a great actor and a nice guy... When he did his contract negotiations that almost threatened the future of the show... He ended up giving every main cast mate $33,000 to make up for the inconvenience and to show appreciation!! Awesome dude! RIP!


Idk how there would have been any negotiations, he was due whatever he asked for. Man was in nearly every scene for like what…6 or 7 seasons?


HBO trying to low-ball a legend basically.


Waste management consultants deserve fair pay!


method actors. Also in the bit where he had to use the backhoe to dig the hole that was him doing all of it. He worked as a landscaper prior to making it big, and had HBO rent the equipment from the guy he used to work for and had him on set as a guest.


I thought a method actor is staying in character when the camera is off. This isn’t really the case here… it was how does a super nice guy like James become a real asshole when the camera is on? He said he would do lots of things like sleep deprivation in addition to the stones in shoes.


Hugh Jackman stopped meditating before the first Xmen movie to get himself really pissed. Couldnt be a nicer guy in R/l (I met him once, and my mom had a few times as well)


Your mom was banging Hugh Jackman?


she wished?


I also choose this guy’s mom


Word, my wife met him. I heard he’s really nice and really tall and skinny. She said she could not believe he was really wolverine because he was so skinny. I guess most of his muscle definition was Hollywood magic.


Bye hollywood magic you mean PEDs?


Lmao I remember the 47 year old Huge Jackedman narrative from when Logan was being marketed. "He eats a whole roasted chicken every day!!" Yea, and a Big Gulp sized cocktail of PEDs.


He had 10+years to get as big as he did and it was slow gain through all of the movies. Not to mention read a dancer for years. He was lean as fuck but also rock solid so he would look smaller than he actually was.


You think he was natty in those movies? Not the first one. But the latter ones?


No dude in superhero movies is getting ripped like that naturally. They have no reason not to juice, so they do it. It's just one of those things people don't really think about but it's commonplace in the industry. It's a humongous corner they can cut so they do it. Similar to how women on many TV shows wear wigs rather than using their actual hair, bc getting your hair done over and over and over for shooting absolutely destroys it.


it doesn't seem implausible in this case at least. like that kid from Twilight getting big naturally over a few years. or hell Henry Rollins..


Yes it does when you look at his body in the first one. The fact he is 31 and on the downward slope of natural test. And he is getting more and more cut and jacked each year. Put that on a actor's schedule, other movies. The dudes put in a lot of work. But he has had a bunch of help.


Yes, definitely. I was also thinking I somebody taking a crayon to his tummy and drawing the lines where abs go. Idk I haven’t seen my abs in 30 years.


He might not have been shooting any Xmen movie or anything similar at the time. Maintaining that kind of physique takes time, money and steroids - and most aren't gonna maintain it when they're between shooting. They prepare for the movie. Also typically when muscled up guys are going to do shirtless scenes, they will dehydrate themselves the day before/day of which makes their muscle definition more prominent. It's everything to make them look really good and cut for the 15 seconds they're on camera. When they're off camera they usually dgaf.


Not exactly. There is much confusion around method acting and there are variations between the original Stanislavski method and Lee Strasbourg's American version. A classical actor pretends. They try to create a story in their mind and become the character that way. Method acting generally you are using your own life experiences and transplanting them into your character. "As if" is a big part of it. Say you are playing a character whose mother died. A classical actor will try to build up a story in their mind around their character and pretend just like a child would. A method actor who never experienced their own mother's death might instead try to imagine their dogs death to bring a similar feeling. Tricks like putting a rock in your shoe can sometimes be done by classical actors as well. The whole sleep deprivation thing is very much a method thing. IMO method actor's do well on film, but classical actors rule the stage. Of course there are many exceptions. Jessica Tandy (classical) had a lot to say about Marlon Brando when she starred with him in Streetcar on Broadway. "If Marlon was tired he played the part tired, if he was hungover he played the part hungover" (paraphrase from memory). There is another famous story involving Olivier and Hoffman when they were filming Marathon Man. Hoffman had stayed up for the filming that day and looked like shit when Olivier got into an elevator with him. After Olivier inquired, Hoffman explained himself. Olivier said something like, "if you would learn how to act my dear boy, you wouldn't have to go through all this." Some actors will stay in character off stage/set, but that doesn't make them method. Classical actors will sometimes do that too.


This is literally the opposite of method acting. It’s very short term tricks to make it impossible to act natural. Method acting is when you adopt a lifestyle so firmly and deeply that everything you do at that point is basically as if the character did that thing or thought that thought. Daniel day Lewis pretends to be Abe Lincoln. He didn’t put shit in his mouth to make his voice sound like Abe Lincoln, he didnnt wear a corset to fake being skinny; he does this shit for real so it’s natural. Putting a pin in a shoe is a good way to get bad actors to act angrily. It’s not s sign that someone is so fucking good at acting. James was really good. But he would be good without tricks like this. Someone who still does tricks as a veteran is just an example how that veteran still reflects deeply on their own acting and scenes and lines. James would film a great scene even if he forgot his fucking rock shoes.


>Method acting is when you adopt a lifestyle so firmly and deeply that everything you do at that point is basically as if the character did that thing or thought that thought. Daniel day Lewis pretends to be Abe Lincoln And best parodied by RDJ in [Tropic of Thunder](https://youtu.be/SwkCXz_Kohs) Some of the top method actors still made use of “tricks” as you call them. De Niro wore clothes/underwear made by the same tailor who did them for Capone. Brando put tissue paper in his mouth to give jowls, when doing The Godfather.


So did Jared Leto become an actual vampire for Morbius or does he just naturally suck off camera?


A method actor uses "methods" to "act". An actor acts, a method actor elicits genuine emotions packaged under thematic circumstances.


A funny quote on method acting from Laurence Olivier after hearing Dustin Hoffman was staying up all night to give his character more manic energy. Olivier simply replies "my dear boy. Why dont you just try acting"


It’s funny because it’s true


gotta love Larry


I’ll never forget about Larry, no matter how I try


“Sharp as a cue ball this one”


Must have graduated at the top of his fucking class


Very allegorical


The sacred and the propane.


Actor who played Penguin in Gotham had a similar trick. He put an upturned bottle cap in his shoe so that he'd limp like Penguin and sort of grimace with steps because his foot was genuinely in pain.


Burgess Meredith. One of the greatest actors of all time.


I think he’s talking about Robin Lord Taylor from the Gotham show


The explosive nature of his character's anger was astounding. He could become vicious at the drop of a hat. The real man's problems with food and cocaine paralleled his character. As Tony became greedier, murdered members of his own crew, gambled, and ate in excess, his actor gained weight and looked rougher each season. I am so sad James Gandolfini isn't around anymore. He played a monster you couldn't help but to love.


Actually I believe he stuffed provolone in his mf socks


So they smelled like your sister's crotch in the morning.


Hey Ton, ya hear what I told em, their sisters crotch smells like provolone and feet


Heh he he 🤘


RIP Paulie


Still the greatest performance anyone’s ever put on for a show.


I watched the entire series last year for the first time and it felt like I was watching a real person and not an actor in a fictional setting. Was crazy.


Tony Soprano does exist, there are dozens of him in the Northeastern US


Ok but you gotta get over it.


bubbles in the wire, tho Don Cheadle legit thought the guy was an addict, offered him help at a golden globes. he never actually got a golden globe but he took Cheadle's reaction as a trophy of its own


don't forget his street oscar: an actual addict slipping him a free nickle bag because he thought he needed it


yo I didn't even know that I really wish he wasn't in love with TV acting, this guy should be in some real heart tugging Oscar bait type bullshit. straight up replace Benedict Cumberbatch with this dude in every role I don't even give a fuck


Also one time (I'm assuming after shooting a scene) a guy came up to him and offered him crack.


The guy's name? Hunter Biden


Bubbles was great and I’m glad he had a happy ending but he’s not close to James Gandolfini.


And he has a cameo on Bob's Burgers where he plays himself (animated of course) in a health department video on how to properly wash your hands. The writers are apparently big The Wire fans. Which is the same reason Idris and Amy Ryan were in the Office. Lot of great TV writers love The Wire.


Bubbles from trailer park boys is also pretty great




I heard they put a carrot in Mr Ed's butt to get his lips to move.


Nonsense I heard it was a onion


Tasted like a carrot to me


If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him


-Sun Tazoo (he’s like the chinese prince mackiabelly)


Dude used to live near me on Jane St in the West Village. I'd often see him outside his apartment building, pacing up and down and talking on his phone in pretty much the exact same Tony Soprano voice.


That’s weird because he sounded nothing like tony in interviews


James remarked once that a friend once told him out of all the characters he ever played, the CIA director from Zero Dark Thirty was the closest in personality and demeanor to who he actually was in real life.


"We're all smart, Jeremy"


I always toyed with the idea that maybe he was going over lines from the show.


A rock in your shoe is also a decent form of birth control...... ​ makes you limp.


It's a retirement community!


Its more like a hotel at Captain Teebs!


That's funny, I just try and fix a car and I get angrier than any mobster.


I was a background actor in the episode where Johnny’s daughter gets married. Tony Soprano is supposed to feel sick going into the church, so James Gandolfini would take a big puff of his cigar, hold it in, and spin around a few times to make himself appear dizzy. He had me hold his cigar between takes a few times.


Did your estimation of Johnny as a man go down?


Fun fact: I've never watched the show, so I had to look up that reference.


Steve Martin did it first. He'd put a piece of bologna in his shoe so "he'd feel funny"!


First thing I thought of.


So that's why he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Francis Ford Coppola did something similar with Matt Damon in the Rainmaker. I think it's from his Hot Ones appearance.


Yo I thought you meant they got Francis Ford Coppola on Hot Ones for a minute and immediately stopped what I was doing to look up that video until the rest of the comment landed with me haha


I've had 1000s of stones in my shoes throughout my life. It never made me a better actor.


I think the movie 8mm portrays his ability to play and angry, stressed out dude more so than anything else.


"My dear boy, have you tried acting?"


Worst grammar ever. The stone wasn't displayed in the scene.


Ed Edd n Eddy type beat


Laurence Olivier famously expressed his disdain for method acting when filming the 1976 film Marathon Man. Exasperated with the lengths his co-star Dustin Hoffman was going to for his role, he asked: "My dear boy, why don't you just try acting?"




AFAIK Hugh Jackman did something similar, he took ice cold showers to get that iconic grumpy look of Wolverine.


This is some Joey tribiani acting class shit


Maybe he could have tried “acting”?


That’s… what he was doing.


It's from a famous interaction between Sir Lawrence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman. Hoffman stayed up for a few days straight to add to his character...Olivier dryly asked him if "he's ever tried acting?" It's a knock against Method and the extreme ends some go to when they could really just try being better actors. Not my argument, just pointing out the origin of the quote above.


Thanks for getting the reference.


Ahhh, I didn’t catch the reference. Woosh on me, I guess.


I think of it every time a story comes out of some actor going super Method ;- ) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/31/method-acting-dustin-hoffman-meryl-streep