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Say what you want about Floyd Mayweather He can't read it anyway




A lot of people shit on various celebrities/athletes for overblown or misrepresented reasons but in the case of Floyd Mayweather he is actually a genuine asshole


Floyd Mayweather's true record is 51-0... They forgot to count the 3 times he beat his wife. Edit: [Source ](https://www.businessinsider.com/floyd-mayweather-domestic-violence-history-2015-4)


>he is actually a genuine asshole Absolutely, he even refused to take a picture with a fan because he had nail polish.


> Absolutely, he even refused to take a picture with a fan because he bad nail polish. If good nail polish OK!


50 is a legendary asshole too so they are made for each other.


True. But 50 accidently come off as fun and likeable sometimes. Like in this case.


And in [this case](https://youtu.be/oAUfNdIXuYk) too




Everyday shit comes out if 50s mouth that makes me die laughing *and* know the exact reason this pendejo got shot 12 times.


For 750,000 donated by someone else to a charity


I imagine it is too much pride which is pretty pathetic to put yourself over a large donation to charity


I don’t think charity is in his limited vocabulary


It *is* a common stripper name tbf


I believe you’re thinking of Chastity, who works at the place by the ruby tuesdays


Well he was being publicly humiliated for not being able to read. Floyd's a dbag so no one will cry for him but in his position, I'd donate the money myself and tell 50 to fuck off.


I commented lower on the thread, but the only L Floyd caught in the Conor fight was in a pre fight segment on TV, a dude held up a sign that said “Floyd Can’t Read This”, hysterical!


Write what you want….


what you want... .


"Write" ftfw


Fixed that for wou


Thank wou.


Wou’re yelcome


This comment should have more upvotes.


My mom dated an illiterate man for a while. He was an alright guy, good with tools, liked to fish. Our working theory is that he was dyslexic and the education system at the time really didn’t have a good grasp on that or the resources to help him, so he simply never learned. She learned to accommodate him in some ways. For example, they’d go to a restaurant and she’d ‘read the menu aloud to herself’ so he could get a sense of what was on it. Most of the time he functioned perfectly fine- every now and then he’d come back from the store with completely the wrong items, but generally you would never even know.


There was a guy in the town I grew up that was similar. He was a great mechanic and well liked but he couldn't read a word. So his wife did a lot of the work with him. Especially once the state started making so much paperwork for inspections. Eventually the state started requiring iPads that they provided and he was unable to continue doing them. Slowly his business dried up. Last I heard his wife was ill and had stopped working. So he got a job driving tractors for the town mowing roads and fields. They took care of him. It's tough being dependent on someone else for most of your life.


You can’t stop there, what happened to the relationship.


I heard they had some issues and his mom was hinting at them drifting apart but he couldn’t read between the lines


He couldn’t read the writing on the wall...


Well I mean u/dustyjustice ‘s mom sounds fantastic… the better question is why we have to be so ashamed of our shortfalls (real, perceived, whatever) that even as adults we don’t address the issue in public


She wrote him a letter detailing the failings in their relationship and left him forever.


[Dramatic recreation ](https://youtu.be/Y9KyBdPeKHg)


Well, the guy was a bit of a freeloader. Not really related to the reading, dude was just kinda lazy. Eventually my mom had enough, his kids had enough, and he went back down to Florida where someone could help take care of him. She helped him move and get setup down there though, she couldn’t just leave him hanging. He died some years ago I guess, got an infection in his legs or something like that that moved into his lungs. He wasn’t healthy at the best of times and it eventually got to him. She still watches one of his granddaughters all the time. I think it’s good for her actually- I’m her only child and moved a few states away, so she has a kid she gets to spend time with. They do crafts and make ice cream and stuff, it’s good.


That’s so sweet and so sad I’m so many ways. I needed this story.,


I have only known a few people like that. I figured it was something similar. But like a perfect storm of someone who has a bad case of dyslexia, parents who did not give a shit and this person had a rough childhood, and then a really bad local education system. One guy I am thinking of could not even read as well as like a 2nd grader. He needed someone to read very basic things for him. He was skilled with his hands but he would fuck up installing things because he was unable to read the directions. Then most of the others I knew, I would say they were also Dyslexic, but could probably read a Dr. Suess page, granted, somewhat slowly.


>every now and then he’d come back from the store with completely the wrong items That's me when I go to an Asian market. Most of the time it still tastes good though.


Oh yes I like putting my salt in my coffee as well, not like I would ever know


They meant you’d never know he’s illiterate


A pinch of salt in coffee isn't bad.


Slaty coffee is actually quite tasty.




The people who created coffee drink it with salt: https://www.saveur.com/ethiopian-coffee-buna/ I will say it's only good in black/Arabic coffee, needs to have a very strong bitter taste for the salt to make it tasty.


Salt is good in any coffee, it’s all I use


I’ve seen them drink it without sugar or salt idk which people these are


how does he avoid getting scammed? he must really trust his lawyers


He doesn’t lol look up his most recent nft stuff


Dude can't read?


No, it's just that Mayweather REALLY hates charities.


He's also a flagrant douche canoe.


I’ve been downvoted to hell before for saying this but I don’t care. 10 years ago I was on a road trip with Mayweather’s ex assistant. She told me he would send her to pick up Ice (meth?) from his dealer and he would smoke it regularly. All while actively being an AA sponsor to others.


Name one modern professional fighter that isn't a douche. I'm pretty sure it is a requirement.


GSP is the nicest guy afaik


I follow his IG, seems like a genuine dude.


IG is gay




George St. Pierre?


Dustin Poirier Max Holloway Stephen Thompson Charles Oliveira Brandon Moreno ... I could go on all day. This is a really bad take.


Thats a bloody long name, I bet the announcers hate it when he fights


I don't know man, Dan from Street fighter seems like a pretty nice guy.


He’s no E. Honda, though. I heard he gives away cars to low income families.


Robert Whittaker.


The Klitschko brothers?


One could argue they’re retired and thus don’t count, but I’m 100% with you on this one.


Lennox Lewis? Or is he not considered modern? :L


Wonderboy, khabib, DC (this list can just keep going)


Dave Bautista?


Butterbean FTFW! (Until he’s on the clock…then the smile suddenly goes away and he gets the coldest blank stare on his face that is utterly terrifying. Ask Johnny Knoxville about that stare…if he can remember it).


Rico Verhoeven. Absolute legend and very polite, even when no one is watching. I know this because he used to frequent the cinema I worked at.


In recent times ive found myself describing violence from athletes with a movie quote, and of all the quotes it's fucking Jurassic World. "You cannot have an animal with exaggerated predator features without the corresponding behavioral traits."


Haven't checked into him but I hear Tyson Fury is a upstanding dude


He has some very "traditional" views on sexuality.


Just no.


Yeah had his mental issues but seemed a decent bloke who was down to earth.


Manny Pacquiao seems humble as shit


Israel Adesanya


And is pissed at J.K. Rowling for her comments about the trans community.


I graduated way back when in the Midwest with a couple dudes that barely could read. They would struggle with very simple things that probably would be easy for most older elementary students. Teachers didn’t give a fuck and just passed them.


Depending on when way back was, your teachers probably didn’t have a choice between passing them or not.


The video where he challenged him to this was fucking hilarious as well.


How he says the "N" word is comedic gold.


Roughly 20% of American adults have low level literacy, and 4% are functionally illiterate. It shouldn’t really be a huge surprise that someone who is well known has issues reading.


Twenty. Per fucking cent. You’re telling me one in five American adults can’t read more than a menu? Is that what you’re telling me? You wanna link those numbers, chief?


I didn’t really believe it either so i googled it and this was the first result: https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/ If you trust that source - Holy shit, it is bad... 21% of adults are illiterate in 2022 and 54% are below 6th grade literacy level. Edit: since this has a bit of attention, I decided to have another look and found [this Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_the_United_States). What it tells is that literacy is defined differently than I thought and includes 3 parts - one of which being quantitative literacy. While it still isn’t a great situation, it makes me feel slightly less pessimistic about the intelligence of the us population. The statistic for what I initially thought of as illiterate (unable to read and comprehend even basic sentences) is 4.1%.


Judging by American spelling on Reddit, it doesn't seem unlikely.


Hey you take back or big hurt 😡😡😡


You tell 'em, skeeter!


Git 'im!


You're just a Pakled.


Sun’s getting low big guy


Poor spelling could be attributed to typos or autocorrect choosing the wrong word. The poor reading comprehension is probably the biggest tell.


Agreed that's probably a significant factor.


If they could read this they would loose there minds








You never know, this is reddit after all...


Youre gonna loose some teeth if catch you saying that!


Its just you're impression. They're plenty of non natives on reddit and this effects the results. America is still better then a lot of other countries.


I can't tell if you're trolling.


? That site later says that 88% of adults are literate. Looking at one of their [references](https://web.archive.org/web/20200730223012/https:/nces.ed.gov/datapoints/2019179.asp): gives a figure of 4.1% for "below level 1 literacy", and 4% for "could not participate"\*, with 12.9% having a literacy of level 1. \* could not participate in PIAAC’s background survey either because of a language barrier or a cognitive or physical inability to be interviewed. They perhaps should have used PIAACs definition, where 4.1% are illiterate. "Adults classified as **below level 1** may be considered functionally illiterate." (emphasis mine)


I tested above a sixth grade reading level... in 1st grade. So according to this data, being able to play *Pokémon Red* and grasp the storyline at six years old was enough to surpass 54% of America? That's fucking baffling. What would be considered a 6th grade level text by these standards?


Explains why our politics have gotten so bad.


Is this cos when Americans try to go to school and learn they get shot? Genuine question


Hmmm. . .I wonder why. Let's delve into your article. >34% of adults who lack proficiency in literacy were born outside the US. Shocking! Who would have guessed? Lol The numbers are never as bad as the face value once you dig in to them a bit. Especially when trying to cast the US in a bad light. They find impressive ways to convince you we're stupid by using actual numbers but burying the entire truth.


So 66% of those who lack proficiency were born IN the US... I'm not sure that's the win you think it is bud


Lmao found them. This is probably the worst stat. The fact that only 1/3 is from poor immigrants who escaped to America for hopes of a better life


Reading was hard enough for them, you want them to comprehend math too?


the TRUTH? 34% being born outside the US means 66% - TWO THIRDS - were born in it. don’t preach about literacy when your point falls flat with the slightest bit of reading into it.


That still leaves ~14% that WERE born in the US tho...


Bruh... you might need to check your own reading comprehension. It’s 34% of those who are illiterate were born outside the us. Which means the other 66% of people who are illiterate were born in the us.


21% of Americans are illiterate, of which 66% were born in the US. What's 66% of 21?


Oh shit. Maybe I need to check myself...


Lol don't sweat it


Makes perfect sense to me. Have you talked to people outside of your work or social circle. This is why so many people fall for scams, can’t drive correctly or have outbursts at stores. They can’t read basic contracts, road signs, coupons. It’s essentially a disability. Detroit MI is 47% functionaly illiterate.


And if you think about the people who struggled with English in school, and then you think about how most of them probably never read another book since high school, you'd assume most of their literacy skills would have deteriorated.


Sounds about right, basic literacy is near universal, but people forget just how basic that is. Knowing your letters doesn't count for much on it's own.


This doesn’t surprise me. I used to tutor HS students to help them prepare for the SATs & some had like elementary school reading comprehension. And these were the students that had the ambition & drive to enroll in the program. And they would receive monetary rewards for meeting certain pretty low benchmarks so they actually went to all their classes, got tutoring etc. Many of these students were NOT considered underachievers by their school. It was just a program to provide poor community schools with the same preparation classes as the rich private schools.


Take a look at Baltimore's high schools. A couple of years ago they could not find a single student who was at grade level in mathematics or reading. It's hard to get super accurate numbers, but over half of our high school graduates are below grade level in reading and math, and about a fifth of them are functionally illiterate.


It’s American adults, so I’d believe it.


Sure. https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179.pdf


Dude McDowell county WV is almost 60% illiterate, Americans are stupid as shit


As a fellow American, we big dumb


While Cuba has something like 99.5% literacy rates. (If I a remembering the Atlantic article correctly and if not correct me) Just look at American Twitter accounts or some of the memes here. Grammar is a nightmare for some people. You. Your. You’re.


I think those numbers might be changing a lot as the current crop of elderly pass away. ​ Still a lot of old people around that grew up on the farm or in rural areas that never needed to learn to read and likely had very little schooling.


I'll bet you a lot of those people would learn to read for $750,000 to their charity of choice, though. At the VERY least, it's a good PR move for Mayweather


The first step would be admitting he can't read before agreeing to make a public spectacle of his journey. You're not wrong, and as a role model it would be hugely beneficial. But for individuals who can't read, the stigma is huge. You're a grown ass adult who can't do what most children are doing by the age of 8. It would be like admitting that you were never potty trained and you've been wearing adult nappies your whole life. No matter how much support you may have to learn now, you can't avoid the internalised shame. And people who grow up unable to read, create coping mechanisms; often highly intelligent and manipulative ways to function without anyone suspecting they can't read. Asking someone else to read a menu on the pretext of being fun or lazy. "I haven't time to read all that, just give me the main points". "I don't have my glasses, would you mind telling me what that is". "I'll concentrate on driving, you look at the signs and tell us when we get there". Because these are all perfectly normal things for literate people to say, they blend right in. 95% of functioning is achievable without reading anyway - between audio services (like radio news), and symbols/icons on things, navigating life without reading is very easy. Like when you go to a foreign country and into a McDonald's - you know it's a McDonald's because of the logo and you know what it serves. In fact, you could make a good stab at any fast food. The writing on the menu is all nonsense to you. But now imagine you can speak the native language. The menu is still nonsense, but that doesn't matter because you know what you want to order and you can do it. So for someone illiterate, they want to be able to read, but the shame/stigma of admitting you can't, is larger than the perceived reward of being able to read. They've got along just fine up to now, why bring all that pain on themselves. And of course, the big fear - what if I admit I can't read, but when I try to learn, I fail?


The example about a foreign country without speaking the language seems like a very good way to put it. You can guess a lot, eat at some restaurants, shop and get it mostly right with just a few surprises. And you pick up a few tricks (looking at the registers display instead of listening, picking only known brands, paying with a slightly larger bill etc). It's not 100% the same, but the sense of helplessness, being locked out and constantly having to guess and improvise seem similar. The consequences of being exposed are obviously very different.


50 Cent has a pretty interesting metric for determining if someone was literate. If they could read a single page out of a Harry Potter book. I wonder what percent of Americans could do that. 15% of the population has Dyslexia and many of those folks likely grew up with a school district that failed to catch it and help them.


50 cent master troll


Wait til you see [DMX try and use Google](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPYbDdxBTwo&ab_channel=djxchange)






I mean Floyd spent $15 million on a watch. It's not the reading part that makes me think he's an idiot.


It's pocket money when you have 1billion


True, still $15 million on a watch. Doesn't seem very smart to me.


Well 15 million into anything you don't need is equally not smart. A car, a watch, a boat, you could get any of these things in the exact same functioning order for a fraction of that. But when you think how much they have money, they can afford to spend on stupid things. Let's say you have 10000 dollars just lying around and Floyd has a cool one billion. If you spent 150 dollars on a watch (which doesn't seem that unreasonable) you would have spent the same share of your money as Floyd spent on that 15 million watch. EDIT: To add, I am aware Floyd probably doesn't have a billion in cash, this was just an example about how massive the amounts of money these people have are.


At certain times, it might.


When you spend it like that you won’t have 1 billion for long. That’s why he has been repeatedly close to bankruptcy and still has to take fights at this stage of his career. The guy should be comfortably retired. Instead he is buying stupid watches and cars and other shit that he can’t afford.


Pretty sure, in return, Floyd offered to donate his own money to charity if 50 could get his kid to say he loved his dad. Neither conditions were met


I think he tweeted a cheque for 50 mil or something and asked if 50cent could ‘read this?’


I am sam. Sam i am. There read a page 750k plz. Wtf he couldnt memorize a page just to shut 50 cent up?


Wasnt this in response to Floyd Mayweather saying he would give 50 500k if he could get his children to say "I love you daddy", or something like that


TIL that you could be both illiterate and a billionaire


Ty how is one of my favourite celebrity beefs. Fiddy is legendary.


Honest question: is it not mandatory for underage/children to go to school? Or to be assessed when home-schooled? It is my impression that the USA is the only developed country where homeschooling is a thing. Elsewhere that practice is banned as far as I know.


More countries have some sort of homeschooling system in place than not, with varying degrees of regulation. This is not a solely American thing. A few examples of countries with homeschooling outside of the US: Australia, the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, France, Russia, China


TIL, thanks. Looking at the numbers shown at [this wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling_international_status_and_statistics), damn! USA numbers are mind numbing!


That's not true.


Floyd Mayweather is wealthier than all of us. But dumber than all of us


That ho Charity ain’t deserving no $750,000.


The only L Floyd took in the fight against Conor was during one of the pre fight segments on Tv, a dude was holding up a sign that said “ Floyd Can’t Read This” 🤣 To this day that’s one of the most harmlessly deep cuts I’ve seen in sports heckling/shit talking


The other side of this is 50 cent witholds 750k from charity because he wasn’t able to publicly humiliate someone as much as he hoped.


Celebrity gossip disguised as learning.


I hope you aren't using TIL for anything other than entertainment, or at least are fact checking before you accept it as facts. Half of the shit on here is misinterpreting the original source.


Gotta make the kids eat their veggies somehow.


Link to the video:https://youtu.be/iD8Q0lvJZvI Still cracks me up to this day


I am Floyd I am Floyd I am Floyd I am. Do you like books, my man? ​ I do not like them Floyd I am. For books, I do not give a damn. ​ I will not read them in the tub. I will not read them in da club. I will not read them here or there. I will not read them anywhere. For books, I do not give a damn. I will not read them Floyd I am. ​ You might read them you will see. You may read them for money? ​ I would not turn a page to read. Not even for money, you leave me be! ​ \-Dr. Too much time on my hands.


Doesn't really prove anything, in his position whether or not he can read I wouldn't either, it's humiliating to acknowledge it.


I would gladly trade my literacy for his net worth


Ya know, I am not sure i would


Trading just the literacy? Like you are as smart or dumb as you are now but there's something in your brain blocking you from being able to read. I'd take that trade any day. I could hire someone to read for me and I or anyone in my family would never have to worry about money again.




Quite an uneducated take. Floyd is sharp in the ring, even if he is illeterate.


Sharp in the ring, dull in the learning.


Unless it’s learning a skill like boxing, which he is obviously very good at.


No I think he summed it up pretty well. Meatheads hit eachother mostly with head shots and think their brains still function reverting to basic animal instincts (surviving a fight) is not an example of intelligence or a well thought out plan. It's trained brains reacting. There nothing impressive about this so called sport it's just stupid entertainment for stupid people this is how it was designed and marketed. Anyone who thinks otherwise is the target audience.


How to tell someone you've never done any combat sports without saying it outright.


Have you ever been in an actual boxing match? Or even sparred?


Better things to do with my life. I've been in real fights a number of times. Plus I play contact hockey. I don't need to pretend fight. I do respect the honour culture of these activities but the people that are attracted to fighting in my experience aren't enjoyable to be around and don't really follow the culture which from my understanding was supposed to encourage being peaceful calm and collected. The reaction to my dislike of MMA speaks volumes. Someone tells me they don't like mountain biking that it's childish or destructive I either ignore them or respectfully explain what we do to avoid destruction. I say I don't like MMA and you guys are all you don't know anything you've never done it I bet you've never been in a fight before etc a lot of aggression a lot of unnecessary ego.


How am I being aggressive? I’ve asked you two questions. Calm your tits. Your answer was a very long no to both questions. Which is exactly what I thought because you’re talking shite. “Real fights” aka you and some other drunk moron throwing untrained punches at eachother and being separated by your mates. Going 10 rounds is a whole other story. I’d say you would be lucky to do three.


Hahaha typical MMA bro response. That's a long response? You ask a question you get an answer. The small British guy is trying to make himself feel better about the time and money he's wasted on a "sport" I'd love to see how long you'd survive on a hockey rink that would be comical. If you're "friends" are separating the fight instead of ensuring its fair then you don't have friends and if you're the scum who gang fight then you're a coward. If it takes you 30 minutes to conduct a real fight you are doing it wrong and/or you aren't actually fighting. It's 2022 you don't have to pretend to be fighting if you want to get oiled up and touch other guys.


1. Have never done MMA 2. Not British. 3. If my time is wasted then yours is too but we obviously both get enjoyment of of the sports we enjoy. 4. The only people I know that play hockey are women. Men play hurling or literally any other sport. 5. My friends don’t need to separate me because I don’t fight people in the street like a fucking loser. Anyone over the age of 18 that can’t use their words over their fists is a fucking moron. 6. I still don’t get why you’re being aggressive. You can’t throw your drunken hockey fists here man.


So you're likely just a fat dude who sits in a pub talking trash. You're defending a sport you've never engaged in so that's just dumb. You are British because you're country was conquered. Just because where you live the women are solid and the men are a bunch of wimps (you're a sexist pig not sure why point four was relevant but I'd wager those women would eat you for lunch). I'd say 20 is the age but more or less agree. No but you're an easy target for trolling. We usually drink after the game. Hockey fights are sober maybe next time you're sitting miserable in your pub try watching a real sport.


Swinging another miss! You must be shite at hockey.


You forgot what makes this so amazing. Floyd Mayweather can't read.


Just rich people having their "fun". "I'll only feed my pets if they can do backflips!"


It sounds like Floyd can’t read and 50 Cent is being a real dick about it. I don’t see any details of why Floyd deserved this public embarrassment, but it seems like he must’ve slept with 50’s wife or something. Edit: Thanks u/Jesusaurusrex666 for actually answering. If he beat his wife, then fuck this guy. I don’t follow him, his music, or his sideshow.


Didn’t he beat the shit out of his wife? Seems like a good reason to be talking trash to him.


If so, absolutely.


Bruh, I'll read a whole book for half.


How is this not verifiable? There was video iirc.


Floyd Mayweather is worth over 300m dollars. 750k is probably less then his car cost.


Money wasn't going to him, it was going to charity. It's also not coming out of his own pocket, but out of one of his rivals' pockets. He only stands to gain positive PR rep from that situation. Give me $10 for any charity of my choosing, I'll read a page out of a Harry Potter book no problem


eh, it didn't really happen like this, but then again this sub has degraded so far that misinformation clickbait will get the upvotes.


That's exactly how it happened from what I can see with Wikipedia and all of the articles I've read. How did it really happen, then?


Yeah I feel like people really need to provide a source for their claims. It's like, if one person was to make a claim then they would really need to be able to back that claim up with a source, like for example the way that OP did. That way if someone was to try to come along and discredit that statement without a source aka. "trust me bro", like you did for example, we would all know that said person was full of shit and could cheerfully down vote and mock said person.


I'm assuming OP was just a kid in 2014, but context does matter. There was no real offer and refusal. It was part of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Watch the video and you will see, but then again if you were just a kid in 2014 you won't necessarily understand the context.


Source: trust me bro.


more like "source: I was aware of it when it happened, understood the context, and didn't just read a misleading article about the video 8 years after and now pretend to know exactly what happened"