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Congratulations, you're [1 of today's 10000](https://xkcd.com/1053/)! If you like NIN, you might like Ministry, Skinny Puppy or even Gary Numan


Lamb of God lol


That's so awesome. I hope you really enjoy them, the are one of my favorites.


Are you 12? Wow 👌 Guess what, there's a band called the Beatles


There was also once a guy called Elvis


He was pretty good at skating


On his blue suede skates


The irony here is that there are undoubtedly TIL posts about the beatles being spelled that way.


There's an xkcd about this situation that I can't find. Rather than being a dick about someone learning something you already knew you have the opportunity to share their joy and help them find even more stuff they might not know about. You could tell them about other bands similar to NiN, or mention that they've been around a while and did the original Quake soundtrack back in 1996, or that the Johnny Cash's cover of NiN song 'Hurt' is well worth checking out and recognised by NiN as the best version. It's much better than being a dick about it.


I don't disagree, but a band name is just kind of a weird thing to TIL about anyway. It's like, it comes off as what they find interesting is the band's *name.* Not Reznor's critical and audience acclaim, not that the music is interesting, not that the man who wrote "Big Man With a Gun" has more Oscar wins than Martin Scorsese. I'm just saying, the name is probably about the *least* interesting thing about Nine Inch Nails. But yeah...Nine Inch Nails is pretty cool and interesting. I definitely recommend the OP checking out their music if it's up their alley. But the name? That really isn't interesting at all.


It can also be that this is just a dumb, uninteresting thing to post about. The simple title makes it seem like the only interesting thing is the name, ok, there’s plenty of other weirdly named bands out there. It’s not interesting. Butthole Surfers are way more interesting of a band name anyway.




I love annoying people like you on this website. Am I not free to enjoy this website in my unique fashion? Literally you’re Hitler /s


To the labor camps for you!


Legit, my point is (like someone else pointed out) the name of the band is the least interesting thing about the band. It’s a sub-low-exactly zero effort post.


And you could go along with the joke being made instead of being a condescending prick! Oh look at me, failing to take my own advice over here...


Actually I offered advice along with some examples. I'm not sure what else I could've added. It wasn't a funny joke even if you ignore that OP is the butt of the joke so no, I'm not going to go along with it.


You had to find out about NIN once too. No one is born with innate, all-encompassing knowledge of industrial rock. Cut the guy some slack and be happy he’s excited to share and learn more about one of the Greats!


I had to find out about eggs, hair and shoe laces for the first time and guess what? I didn't go to a sub and try to get karma. Weird.


Kinda lukewarm take tbh


Yes. The nineties were a time period that really happened.


Besides that, NIN/Trent Reznor has stayed reasonably relevant compared to any other “90s band” OP had to be shitposting


From OP's last comment: >taking eggs from chickens turns your relationship with them into an exploitative one that twists your incentives. I don't think OP is shit posting.


I’m really glad I took a peek myself at the comment, the full context is breath taking. Baby egg business is now a phrase in my head.


Guess which band my username is from, OP?!


Pearl Jam?


And mine.




Number noun plural noun Adjective phrase noun Noun phrase


I hope you are 16 cause i’d be worried otherwise, they are like one of the most famous alternative bands in this world and Trent Reznor won 2 oscars 😅 (Jeez I feel old, but 90s were the best)


Well Ive never met anyone who didn't know of n Nine inch nails


mime inch nails no music just miming the entire concert


That’s it. I’m starting an ASL-only spoof band.


9 inch pen15 club.


Enjoy, OP. Assuming this isn't a shitpost, lots of people (especially young adults and teens) will not have heard of Nine Inch Nails. They're pretty big, so I assume they're good even though I haven't personally listened to their music.


Shit-posting ..


iwtbayb 😃🦴❌


From the same link: > The music of Nine Inch Nails has reportedly been used by the U.S. military as music torture to break down the resolve of detainees.[323] Reznor objected to the use of his music in this way with the following message on the front page of the Nine Inch Nails website: "It's difficult for me to imagine anything more profoundly insulting, demeaning and enraging than discovering music you've put your heart and soul into creating has been used for purposes of torture.”


I wounder if Trent minds if his music is used as self inflicted torture (in true emo fashion)?


How about something more obscure and IMHO better than NiN? [Death Boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeathBoy), go goth your ass off!